Support services

List of available support services provided by Bull.


List of available support services provided by Bull.
Title Description Modification Date
Collection Product Notes 2024/11/28 11:05:42 GMT+1
Collection Packages List of available packages. 2024/11/21 11:24:19 GMT+1
File Vulnerability in AMD - GPU Kernel - PSIRT-1018 - TLP:CLEAR - Version: 0.8 - CVE-2023-4969 CVE-2023-51042 CVE-2024-21969 Researchers from Trail of Bits reported a potential vulnerability, titled “LeftoverLocals.” According to their research, a compromised GPU kernel could pote... 2024/11/21 11:13:09 GMT+1
Collection Technical State DVD packages List of available packages. 2024/11/20 08:05:20 GMT+1
File Installer_v1.0.1_Redhat_9 2024/11/14 13:40:16 GMT+1
File Installer_v1.0.1_debian_Ubuntu_v22 2024/11/14 13:40:16 GMT+1
File Installer_v1.0.1_windows 2024/11/14 13:40:16 GMT+1
File Installer_v1.0.1_Redhat_8 2024/11/14 13:40:16 GMT+1
File Installer_v1.0.1_debian_Ubuntu_v20 2024/11/14 13:40:15 GMT+1
File Side channels attacks on CPUs - PSIRT-1133 - TLP:CLEAR - Version: 2.8 - CVE-2021-26341, CVE-2021-26401, CVE-2021-46744, CVE-2021-46778, CVE-2022-0001, CVE-2022-0002, CVE-2022-23816, CVE-2022-23823, CVE-2022-23825, CVE-2022-24436, CVE-2022-28693, CVE-2022-29900, CVE-2022-29901, Regularly, new side-channel vulnerabilities are published affecting CPUs from Intel or AMD, some of which being used in Eviden products. This bulletin updates a... 2024/11/14 11:13:47 GMT+1
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