Support services

List of available support services provided by Bull.


List of available support services provided by Bull.
Title Description Modification Date
B-Multilingual document OneBSM OneBSM is a tool designed for managing and monitoring systems. 2024/10/25 10:56:57 GMT+2
B-Multilingual document bullion & BullSequana Servers BullSequana Edge , BullSequana SH, BullSequana S, bullion S, bullion 32 DIMM, bullion 64 DIMM 2024/10/25 10:56:18 GMT+2
Folder Downloads Downloads 2024/10/25 10:56:57 GMT+2
Folder Publish Product Notes Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights. 2024/10/25 10:54:09 GMT+2
Folder Publish user documentation Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights. 2024/10/25 10:54:10 GMT+2
Folder Publish Packages Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights. 2024/10/25 10:54:33 GMT+2
Collection Tools 2024/10/21 17:12:38 GMT+2
Folder High Availability High Availability Products for AIX: HACMP, ARF 2024/10/21 16:22:26 GMT+2
Collection Tool BullSequana SH Tools 2024/10/21 16:19:21 GMT+2
Link OneBSM packages Here, you can download the latest released executable files for Windows and Linux to manage your systems. 2024/10/21 15:22:39 GMT+2
Assistance request
Create and track
Bull Search