bullx B505
The bullx B505 accelerator blade was designed with HPC in mind. The use of accelerators such as GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) offers breakthrough performance plus outstanding space and energy efficiency. Derived from technologies initially developed for game machines, GPUs are highly parallel processors designed to seamlessly boost High Performance Computing applications without impacting power or cooling infrastructures.
bullx B505 Accelerator Blades
The bullx blade chassis can host indifferently 18 single-width compute blades (B500 model) each containing two CPUs or 9 double-width accelerator blades (B505 model) containing two CPUs and two GPUs - or any combination of those two types of blades.
The bullx B505 accelerator blades are the only blades on the market designed for full bandwidth between each GPU and host CPU, and for double interconnect bandwidth between blades.
GPUs can accelerate processing by a factor of 1 to 100.
Each blade contains: