Uninstalling Components - Troubleshoot

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Uninstall fails with Setup failed to retrieve registry info error

Unable to browse Report virtual directory after uninstalling SRM server on cluster

Uninstall fails with Setup failed to retrieve registry info error

Cause: An environment variable has an empty value or the user performing the uninstall operation has insufficient rights to some of the folders in the computer.


  1. Check the system environment variables to see if any of them do not have a value assigned to them. (Or it evaluates to an empty value.)

    To display and check the current settings of the environment variables; open a command prompt and type set, and press <Enter>.

    If an environment variable is not set to a significant value, you must either remove it or ensure that it has a significant value.

    You can manage environment variable settings from the Windows Control Panel.

  2. Make sure that you have sufficient permissions for one or more of the following folders on the computer:

Unable to browse Reports Virtual Directory after uninstalling SRM server on cluster

Cause: SRM uninstall does not rollback secure https setting on Reports Virtual Directory but removes the certificate causing an error when trying to connect.


  1. After uninstalling the SRM server, backup RSReportserver.config (\Program Files\Microsfot SQL Server\MSSQL.2\Reporting Services\Report Server) to a secure location and, rename oldest RSReportServer.config_SRMXXXX (if more than one) to RSReportServer.config.
  2. Backup RSWebApplicaton.config (\Program Files\Microsfot SQL Server\MSSQL.2\Reporting Services\Report Manager) to a secure location and rename the RSWebApplication.config_XXXX to RSWebapplication.config.
  3. Restart the HTTP SSL and WWW Services from Microsoft Service console.