Remote Upgrade - Unix Agents

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The remote upgrade feature allows you to install or upgrade the Base software, File System iDataAgent, and non-clustered MediaAgent in one procedure to multiple Unix-based or Mac OS X-based hosts from a single Unix-based (or Mac OS X-based) host in one iteration. The single host from which the install originates can be any of the Unix (or Mac OS X) operating systems supported by the system (e.g., AIX, HP-UX, etc.). Once you provide all of the required information, the remote install can run unattended.

Some of the messages and commands displayed may contain the term install(s) instead of the term upgrade(s). This occurs because the procedure for upgrade is based on the equivalent install procedure.

This procedure describes the steps involved in using a remote upgrade to upgrade the following iDataAgents:

  • AIX
  • FreeBSD
  • HP-UX
  • IRIX
  • Linux
  • Macintosh
  • Solaris
  • Tru64

For Unix, the single host from which the upgrade originates can be any of the Unix operating systems supported by the system (e.g., AIX, HP-UX, etc.). For Macintosh, the single host can be any of the supported Mac OS X operating systems.

Once you provide all of the required information, the remote upgrade can run unattended. During a remote upgrade, entries for any directives regarding the following items are ignored because these entries are accessed from a system directory: client name, client host name, server host name, installation directory, log directory, job results directory, storage policy name, number of streams (for Solaris and Macintosh only), and root profile. Nevertheless, performing a subsequent remote upgrade using the step-by-step remote install directives will display these directives. Therefore, to run a remote upgrade, it is recommended that you do either of the following:

  • Use the express configuration file that was created during a remote install as discussed in Remote Installs - Unix Agents.
  • Create an express configuration file by following the steps for the remote upgrade and then use this file to perform the actual remote upgrade.

If you opt to do the latter, you should also create and use a file containing the names of the hosts targeted for the upgrades with or without the corresponding password for each host even before you start following the indicated steps.

If you want this file to include just host names, be sure to enter these names in a single column within the file. For example:



Using a file that just contains host names requires that there be a common root password for all of the hosts. You will be prompted for this password during the install.

If you want the file to include both the host names and the password for each host, be sure to enter these items in two separate columns within the file. For example: opener keystart


....... voila

In either case, comments and empty lines are not allowed.

Do not use the configuration file for silent installs to run a remote install. The remote install will not work if you use this configuration file.

Verify that each computer in which you wish to install the software satisfies the minimum requirements specified in System Requirements - MediaAgent and System Requirements - Unix File System iDataAgent or System Requirements - Macintosh File System iDataAgent.

Supported Upgrade Paths

The following table provides a list of supported upgrade paths for the current software version. If the version currently installed on your computer is not listed here, contact your software provider for more information.

Installed Version

Upgrade to Version 8.0.0


6.1.0 Supported Perform a direct upgrade to Version 8.0.0.
7.0.0 Supported Perform a direct upgrade to Version 8.0.0.

Upgrade Requirements

Review the following before upgrading the software:


  • Review the Upgrade Strategy before upgrading the software.
  • Verify that no jobs are in progress or scheduled to occur while the software is being upgraded on the client. If jobs are scheduled, either perform the upgrade at another time or disable all jobs in the client using the Activity Control tab from the Client Computer Properties dialog box in the CommCell Console.

    Once the upgrade is completed, you can enable the jobs from this dialog box.

  • Verify that the CommServe computer is accessible and all services on the CommServe and the MediaAgent in which you wish to perform the upgrade are running.
  • Verify that the SQL Server instance used by the CommServe is running on the CommServe computer.
  • Verify that all applications (CommCell Console, Service Control Manager) are closed.
  • Close all applications and disable any programs that run automatically, including antivirus, screen savers and system utilities. Some programs, including antivirus software, may be running as a service. Stop and disable all non-essential services before you begin. You can re-enable them after the upgrade.
  • The files and folders associated with CommCell components should not be opened by other applications (for example, Windows Explorer, FTP, etc.) on this computer or from other computers during the upgrade.
  • Verify that you have the software installation disc that is appropriate to the destination computer’s operating system.

    Make sure that you have the latest software installation disc before you start to install the software. If you are not sure, contact your software provider.

  • The CommServe must be upgraded before performing remote upgrades on any of the clients in the CommCell.
  • If the CommServe, MediaAgent, and/or clients are communicating across one or more firewalls, ensure that ports 8400 through 8403 are allowed connections through the firewall for these computers.
  • Ensure that every remote host to be installed or upgraded is running either the execd service (which is managed by the inetd daemon) or the ssh service. To run execd, the appropriate system administrator must access the /etc/inetd.conf file and "uncomment" the execd line within the file and then restart the inetd daemon. Also, for some systems, the administrator may have to issue the kill -1 <inetd_pid> command to restart services.


  • For Macintosh, before installing/upgrading the product, log on to the client as a valid user. In the terminal window, issue the su - root command to substitute your user identity with that for the root user. Then enter the valid root user password.
  • For Macintosh, create user groups with permissions to help with the install/upgrade as follows:
    1. From the Finder, go to the NetInfo Manager utility by selecting Applications > Utilities > NetInfo Manager .
    2. Select Security > Authenticate.
    3. In the pop-up screen, enter a user name and password with administration privileges.
    4. Highlight Groups.
    5. Select Directory > New Subdirectory > Get “New_Directory”.
    6. Change “New_Directory” to a user-defined directory name.
    7. Select Directory > New Properties.
    8. Assign the property name GID and property value 777.
    9. Save the changes and update the copy.
  • For Macintosh File System, ensure that the hashed form of the login password (for example, AK4yMgoTZCWYQ) will be used.  To this purpose, follow these steps:
  1. From the client computer, enter a command that allows you to check if the root password is in hashed form (alternatively, you can use the Mac NetInfo GUI utility). For example:

root# nireport / /users name passwd | grep root

If the password is not in hashed form, go to the next step.

  1. Get the hashed password.  For example:

root# openssl passwd -crypt -salt value cv_slam

where value can be any alphanumeric value (e.g. yz)

  1. Replace the root password with the hashed form of this password (e.g., yzijgGETFnb/E) in the NetInfo database (alternatively, you can use the Mac NetInfo GUI utility). For example:

root# niutil -createprop / /users/root passwd yzijgGETFnb/E

  • For Macintosh File System, enable the rexec protocol before starting the remote install. For systems running on Mac OSX 10.4.x version, you need to create a file called "exec" under /etc/xinetd.d with the following content:

service exec


disable = no

socket_type = stream

wait = no

user = root

server = /usr/libexec/rexecd

groups = yes

flags = REUSE

log_type = SYSLOG daemon debug


Remote Install using rexec protocol will not work without this file being present. Once this file is created, xinetd may automatically start up on the system. If this does not happen, either start the xinetd service manually or, if necessary, reboot the machine.

  • For Macintosh File System, if the CommCell Console is already installed along with the iDataAgent on the "remote" client being upgraded, the upgrade will fail with a message similar to the following:

    "Unable to upgrade Calypso on remote host There are some Calypso SubSystems installed there which cannot be upgraded via push (or silent) install (CVGxGUI)"

    As a workaround, do the following:

    1. Uninstall the CommCell Console.
    2. Perform the upgrade.
    3. Reinstall the CommCell Console.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure that you are logged on as root.

Upgrade Procedure

1. Place the software installation disc for the Unix platform into the disc drive.
You can also install the product using a disc drive mounted on another computer on the network.
  • On Solaris, double-click the cvpkgpush program from the File Manager window.
  • On other Unix platforms, open the Terminal window, navigate to the installation disc and then enter cvpkgpush.


  • If you are installing on Solaris 2.6, an Action Run window is displayed.
    Click OK to close the window and continue the install process.
2. The product banner and other information is displayed.

Press Enter to continue.

3. Read the license agreement. Type y and press Enter to continue. Do you accept the terms of this license agreement? y
4. Enter the username and password information for an external domain user account or a CommCell user account. This authorizes the installation of an agent on the CommCell.


  • This is only displayed when the Authentication for Agent feature is enabled in the CommCell Properties. Users must belong to a User Group with Agent Management capabilities to enable this feature. For more information, see Authentication for Agent Installs.

Click Enter to continue.

Enter your CommCell user name and password:

User Name :

Password :

Press <ENTER> to continue ...

5. The system prompts you either to import a cvpkgpush express configuration file (if you have previously created one) or to start an interactive setup to perform the upgrade. You are informed that the interactive setup option will allow you to create a cvpkgpush file for future upgrades.
  • To import a previously-created cvpkgpush express configuration file, type 1, press Enter, and go to the next Step.
  • To start the interactive setup, type 2, press Enter, and go to Step 8.
If you already have a cvpkgpush express configuration file for the installation that you would like to perform, we can import it now. This will allow you to skip all configuration questions and save time.

If you do not have such a file, enter 2 below. We will collect all the required information from you and will offer you a chance to create this file later.

1) Import a cvpkgpush express configuration file

2) Proceed with interactive setup

Your selection: [1]

6. Type the path of the cvpkgpush express configuration file and press Enter. Please enter the name of the cvpkgpush express configuration file below:

Config file name: /tmp/expconfig

7. If you had encrypted any passwords in the express configuration file, type the secret phrase that you had created to decrypt the passwords and press Enter.

If you did not encrypt any passwords in the express configuration file, you will not see this prompt.

Go to Step 23.

Some passwords in the express configuration file are encrypted. Please provide a secret phrase to decrypt them.



Successfully read configuration for 1 host(s).

Press <ENTER> to continue ...

8. Select the desired protocol for remote operations.
  • To select the rexec protocol, accept or type 1 and then press Enter.
  • To select the ssh protocol, type 2 and then press Enter.
  • To exit the upgrade, type 3 and press Enter.
We begin by choosing a method for remote file copy and remote command execution. Currently Calypso supports two protocols: rexec and ssh. The advantage of the "rexec" protocol is that you can find it pre-configured on many platforms such as HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, etc. The advantage of the "ssh" is that it's much more secure, and we are seeing more and more Linux and Apple installations with "ssh" support being the only one available out of the box.

If you decide to follow the "rexec" path, you'll need to enter root password for every remote host. For "ssh" method, depending on how ssh access is configured, you'll need to enter either the remote root password or the passphrase to unlock the local private RSA/DSA keyring.

1) Use "rexec" method (remote root password required)

2) Use "ssh" method (remote root password or keyring passphrase needed)

3) Exit

Transport: [1]

9. Accept or type 1 to upgrade the software and then press Enter. Please specify whether you want to upgrade existing installations of Bull Calypso FileSystem iDataAgent and/or MediaAgents, or you would like to install Calypso on a new computer.

1) Upgrade Calypso on one or more computers

2) Install Calypso on one or more computers

Upgrade or Install: [2]

10. In addition to the options presented, if all of the hosts have the same root password, another option is to include just the host names in the file. In such a case, the system will eventually prompt you for the hosts’ common root password.
  • If you want to enter this information, at the prompt type 1, press Enter, and go to the next Step.
  • If you want to include at least the host names in a text file, type 2, press Enter, and go to Step 13.
Let's compose the list of hosts where Calypso should be upgraded.

We are going to need the list of target hosts and passwords for root accounts on those hosts. If the number of hosts is not too large, it's easier to enter this information directly in this terminal. Otherwise you can prepare a text file with the list that we will read in the next step.

If you're using ssh transport with RSA/DSA authentication, you'll need to supply a passphrase to unlock the private ssh keyring.

1) Enter host names in this terminal

2) Read host names and passwords from a file

Selection [1]

11. Type all of the host names as specified and press Enter. Please provide the names of the target hosts on which you would like to upgrade Calypso. Enter the names in one line, use space character as a separator. Hit <ENTER> at the end. Note that the host names here should be as complete as possible (including domain suffix, if any).

If you want to install the target host as a virtual node in a cluster, you can input the virtual host name after its physical hostname followed by a comma as in the form of physical_hostname,virtual_hostname. Note that no space is allowed before or after the comma. All entered physical hostnames must be unique.

To return to the previous menu just hit <ENTER>.

Host list: lunchbox 

12. Enter the password for the root account on each remote host, press Enter; do this twice for each host. Go to Step 17. Please enter password for root account on host XXXXX.

If you configured ssh to use RSA/DSA authentication, we will need the private keyring passphrase here instead of the remote root password.



13. If you opted to have the system read at least the host names from a file, indicate how you want to provide the password(s) for each host.
  • If each host has a unique password, you must include the password for each host into the file as indicated; in such a case, type 1, press Enter, and go to the next Step.
  • If each host shares the same root password, it makes more sense just to enter this password at the prompt; in such a case, type 2, press Enter, and go to Step 15.
You have chosen to import the list of Calypso hosts from an ASCII file.

Are you willing to provide root passwords as the second column in this file, or do all hosts have the same root password (in which case you’ll be able to enter it in the command line)?

1) Passwords from the second column in the ASCII file

2) All hosts share root password, and I will enter it here

Selection [1]

14. Enter the name of the file containing both the names of the hosts targeted for the remote upgrades and the corresponding password for each host, in the format shown in the example. Type the file path, press Enter, and go to Step 17. Please enter the name of the file with the list of hosts and passwords. The file should contain two columns as in the following example. Comments and empty lines are not allowed. password1 password2

... passwordX

File name: /tmp/list

Successfully read 1 hosts.

Press <ENTER> to continue ...

15. Enter the name of the file containing the names of the hosts targeted for the remote upgrades, in the format shown in the example.

Type the file path and press Enter.

Please enter the name of the file with the list of hosts below. The host names should be arranged in a single column like shown below. Comments and empty lines are not allowed.


File name: /tmp/list

Successfully read 1 hosts.

Press <ENTER> to continue ...

16. Type the common root password for all of the specified hosts, press Enter, then repeat this sequence as indicated.

However, if you realize that the root account password is not the same on all of the hosts, press Enter twice to provide the appropriate password selection method. If you do this, go back to Step 12 and continue.  Otherwise, go to the next Step.

Please enter password for root accounts on the specified hosts. If root account password is not the same on all of the hosts, hit <ENTER> two times, and use a different host selection method.



17. The system prompts you to make the software distribution available on each remote host by using one of two methods.
  • If you want to NFS-mount the software installation disk under the same directory on each host, type 1, press Enter, and go to the next Step.
  • If you want to copy the iDataAgent/MediaAgent to each remote host, type 2, press Enter, and go to Step 19.
We need to make Calypso distribution available on each of the upgrade hosts. The recommended way to do it is to NFS-mount this CD under the same directory on every host.

We can also copy the distribution to each of the target hosts: a completely automatic, but time consuming approach.

Please specify what you would like us to do:

1) Access Calypso CD using an NFS-mounted partition (YOU need to mount it)

2) Copy Calypso distribution to each of the machines

What would you like us to do? [1]

18. Type the directory path of the distribution on each remote machine, press Enter, and go to Step 21. Please enter the directory name where Calypso distribution can be found on each of the target machines. We assume that you have either NFS-mounted the Calypso CD under this directory, or made a copy of it there.

Distribution Directory Name: [/cdrom] 

19. Ensure that each remote host has enough disk space. Type the directory path where the distribution is to be copied and press Enter. Do you want us to remove the copied binaries after successful installation?

Remove? [yes]

20. If you would like the binary files removed after a successful installation, accept the yes default; if not, type no.

Press Enter.

Please enter the directory name where Calypso distribution can be found on each of the target machines. We assume that you have either NFS-mounted the Calypso CD under this directory, or made a copy of it there.

Distribution Directory Name: [/cdrom] 

21. Indicate whether you would like to launch processes with inherent database access rights.

Press Enter to assign a new group, or
Type No and then press Enter to continue.

Most of Calypso processes run with root privileges, but some are launched by databases and inherit database access rights. To make sure that registry and log files can be written to by both kinds of processes we can either make such files world-writeable or we can grant write access only to processes belonging to a particular group, e.g. a "calypso" or a "dba" group.

We highly recommend now that you create a new user group on each of the remote machines and enter its name in the next setup screen. If you choose not to assign a dedicated group to Calypso processes, all temporary and configuration files will be created with -rw-rw-rw permissions.

If you're planning to backup Oracle DB you should use "dba" group.

Would you like to assign a specific group to Calypso? [yes]

22. If you indicated Yes in the previous step, you will be prompted for the group name that must be used to launch processes.

Enter the group name and then press Enter to continue.

Press Enter again to continue.

Please enter the name of the group which will be assigned to all Calypso files and on behalf of which all Calypso processes will run.

In most of the cases it's a good idea to create a dedicated "calypso" group. However, if you're planning to use Oracle iDataAgent or SAP Agent, you should enter Oracle's "dba" group here.

Group name: dba


If you are planning to install Calypso Informix, DB2, Sybase or Lotus Notes iDataAgent, please make sure to include Informix, DB2, etc. users into group "dba".
Press <ENTER> to continue ...

23. Enter the appropriate number of streams, and then press Enter to continue, or
Press Enter to accept the default number of streams and continue.


This prompt is relevant only when you install/upgrade on a Macintosh or Solaris computer as appropriate.

(However, this prompt will not appear for Macintosh remote upgrades.)

Please enter the total number of streams that you plan to run at the same time. We need to make sure that you have enough semaphores and shared memory segments configured in /etc/system.

Number of streams: [10]

24. To start the unattended upgrades to the specified remote hosts, press Enter. The install program now starts copying the software to the computer. The progress of the operation is displayed. We are now ready to upgrade Calypso on the specified hosts. The installation can proceed unattended from this point.

Press <ENTER> to continue ...

25. The upgrade is now complete. Retrieving the list of remotely installed subsystems ... done.

Calypso Push Install


Upgrading Calypso on host ...

Verifying /CD... done.

Preparing config file for silent install ... done.

Performing silent install on the remote host ... done.

Press <ENTER> to continue...


Thank you for choosing Bull Calypso.

Post-Upgrade Considerations

All Agents

  • Review the Post-Upgrade Considerations specific to the components that were upgraded using this procedure. (See Upgrades for a list of all Upgrade procedures.)


  • Install post-release updates or Service Packs that may have been released after the release of the software. If you are installing a Service Pack, verify and ensure that it is the same version as the one installed in the CommServe Server. Alternatively, you can enable Automatic Updates for quick and easy installation of updates in the CommCell component.