Agents - SRM Exchange Agent

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Configurable Properties


Configurable Properties

The following configurable properties can be set for the SRM Exchange Agent at the agent level:


The Version tab displays the software version and post-release service packs and updates installed for the component. See Version for an overview.

Activity Control

You can enable or disable SRM Data Collection operations for this Agent. For more information, see Activity Control.

User Security

You can perform the following functions:

For more information, see User Administration and Security.


The following operations can be performed. These operations are available as a right-click option at the agent level.

Configuring Mailbox Affinity

You can configure the auto-discovery assignment method for the SRM Exchange Agent to specify the way in which newly discovered mailboxes will be assigned to the contents of specified subclients.

Over time, new mailboxes are created to accommodate new Exchange accounts. For the SRM Exchange Agent, the system performs an auto-discovery process at the beginning of each data collection operation. The auto-discovery process detects any new mailboxes and automatically assigns them to the default subclient (unless otherwise configured). This feature ensures that all the new mailboxes will be automatically be included in subclient content for data collection purposes.

The SRM Exchange Agent allows you to specify the assignment method that will be used to collect data from newly discovered mailboxes for all subclients of a particular agent. Auto-discovered mailboxes for user-defined subclients can be assigned on the basis of Ad Hoc (manual selection), Mailbox (wildcard pattern or mailbox name), or Active Directory User Group affinity.  For this agent, you must first specify the assignment method in order to auto-discover and assign new mailboxes. For step-by-step instructions, see Configure Affinity.


You can configure Microsoft Exchange Server Credentials at the agent level. For step by-step instructions, see Edit Credentials.

Data Collection

Data Collection is useful for the purpose of generating summaries and reports with current statistics from the client. For more information, see Data Collection.

You can start a Data Collection job at this level. For step-by-step instructions, see Run/Schedule a Data Collection Job for an SRM Instance, Agent or Subclient.

Job History

Job History allows you to view more detailed information about a job once it is completed. For more information see Job History.

You can view the Job History at the agent and subclient level. For step-by-step instructions, see View Job History Details.


Deconfiguring a component releases the license associated with it, but the files and registry entries relevant to the component are not removed from its host computer. For more information, see Deconfiguring Agents.

For step-by-step instructions, see Deconfigure a Client, MediaAgent, or Agent.

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