Enterprise Records Management (ERM) - How To

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Create/Modify an ERM Connector from the CommCell Console

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To create/modify an ERM Connector from the CommCell Console:

  1. To create an ERM Connector, from the CommCell Explorer window, right click ERM Connectors under Content Directornode, and select Add.

    To modify an ERM Connector, from the CommCell Explorer window, click ERM Connectors under Content Directornode, right-click the ERM Connector that needs to be modified and select Edit.

  2. From the ERM Connector dialog box, select an ERM server from the Select ERM Server drop-down box.

    To select a new ERM server, select <Create New> and type a name in the Name text box.

  3. Enter a ERM server URL in the Url text box and click Configure Password.
  4. From the Enter user Name and Password dialog, type the user name and password authentication to access the ERM server url and click OK.

    To test the connection to the ERM server url, click Test.

  5. Type the description for the ERM server and click Next.
  6. Enter the ERM Connector name in the Connector Name text box.
  7. Select a routing rule from the Select Routing Rule drop-down box. To reload the routing rules from the ERM server, click Refresh.
  8. Enter the values for the routing rule criteria and click Finish.
  9. You can also select the type of content that can be added to the ERM Connector from the following Ten types by selecting the radio button/check box/drop down list:

Create an ERM Connector from the Search Console

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To create an ERM Connector from the Search Console:

  1. Access the Search Console.
  2. From the Search Console, select a review set.
  3. From the review set, select the items to be submitted using the new or modified ERM Connector, choose Submit to ERM from the Actions menu and click Submit Action.
  4. From the Submit To ERM dialog box, click Create New ERM Connector.
  5. From the Register New ERM dialog box, click Start New ERM server to associate a new ERM server for the ERM Connector and enter the ERM server Name, ERM server URL, and Routing location details.

    To use an existing ERM server, click Use Existing ERM server and specify the Routing location details.

  6. Enter a new ERM Connector name in the ERM Connector Name text box.
  7. Click Finish.

Create/Modify a Automated Content Classification Policy

ERM operations can be automated and schedules from the CommCell Console using the Automated Content Classification Policy.

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To create/modify a Automated Content Classification Policy:

  1. To create a Automated Content Classification Policy, from the CommCell Explorer window, right click Automated Content Classification Policy under Content Director node, and select Add.

    To modify a Automated Content Classification Policy, from the CommCell Explorer window, click Automated Content Classification Policy under Content Director node, right-click the Automated Content Classification Policy that needs to be modified and select Edit.

  2. In the Define Workflow step of the Automated Content Classification Workflow dialog, enter a name for the policy.
  3. Type the text string or wildcard pattern that you are searching for in the Search For entry space under Search Criteria in the left pane. Note that the asterisk ( * ) and question mark ( ? ) characters are treated as valid wildcards unless surrounded by double-quotes.

    You can further refine your search by entering the desired criteria under the option groups for Emails, Files and Advanced Options, as appropriate for your search.

  4. Select the operations to be included in the policy and click Next.
  5. Based on the operations selected, follow the appropriate steps below:
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Options step of the Automated Content Classification Workflow dialog, from the Staging Client drop-down box, select the client to which the discovered items will be retrieved and the selected operations will be performed. This option is applicable only for ERM connector and Legal Hold operations.
  8. Enter the path to which the discovered items will be restored in the client, in the Restore Destination Path text box. This option is applicable only for ERM connector operations.
  9. From the On behalf of user drop-down box, select the user name for which the selected operations are being performed.
  10. Process Data archived/protected since displays the date only after the policy has been executed at least once.  The date displayed is the one selected by the user at the time of creating the policy.
  11. Select Process Data archived/protected on or after and specify the date from which the archived/backup data will be considered for the search.
  12. Click Finish.
  13. If creating a new Automated Content Classification Policy, from the Schedule Details (Schedule Details) dialog box, enter the Schedule name and select the appropriate schedule options.
  14. From the Schedule Details (Job Retry), enter the appropriate job retry options for the specific schedule.
  15. From the Schedule Details (Alerts) tab, configure the alerts for the specific schedule.
  16. Click OK.

Submit Documents from the Search Console

The Search Console enabled you to submit documents to an ERM server interactively, using the ERM Connector.

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To submit documents from the Search Console:

  1. From the Search Console, search for the required data using the Search text box. You can also refine the search using the Advanced Search options.
  2. Select the search result items that you would like to tag and add them to a Review Set by selecting the appropriate review set from the Add Selected Items To... drop-down list at the top of the Search Console. You can also move the result items to a new review set using the New Review Set... option.
  3. From the review set, select the items to be submitted, choose Submit to ERM from the Actions menu and click Submit Action.
  4. Select the ERM Connector name from the drop-down box and click Finish.

    To submit the documents to a new ERM Connector, see Create an ERM Connector from the Search Console.

Delete an ERM Connector

You can delete an ERM Connector from the CommCell Console.

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To delete an ERM Connector:

  1. From the CommCell Explorer window, click ERM Connector under Automated Content Classification node.
  2. Right-click the ERM Connector that needs to be deleted and select Delete.
  3. The Confirm dialog is displayed to confirm the deletion operation. Click Yes.
  4. From the Delete Unused ERM servers, select the unused ERM servers that can be deleted if required.
  5. Click OK.

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