Enterprise Records Management (ERM)

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How to Use ERM Connectors


Other Considerations


Record Management is the process of identifying, collecting, preserving, and destroying records. A record is an electronic data that serves as an evidence of some activity or transaction within the organization and requires to be retained for a longer period. The Enterprise Records Management (ERM) connectors enable you to submit discovered documents and files as records to an ERM server in an Enterprise Records Management system. The ERM Connectors are used by compliance users to classify the records and submit them to an ERM server by selecting the appropriate routing rules and specifying the required properties for each record.

Planning a Record Management System

The first step to manage records is to plan and design a Record Management site within the organization. Currently, the software supports submission of records to a Microsoft SharePoint Record Center. You need to create specific record center sites within the SharePoint Server and create routing rules for each record center site. For detailed information on planning a record management system in SharePoint, see the Microsoft documentation.

Pre-Requisites for ERM

The following section explains the pre-requisites for implementing the ERM feature:

  1. Ensure that a record management system is implemented within the organization.
  2. Activate the ERM Connector and Automated Content Classification licenses. See Activate Licenses for step-by-step instructions on activating a license.

How to Use ERM Connectors

ERM Connector enable compliance users to submit discovered documents to an ERM Server. The ERM Connector comprises of two entities: the ERM server and the routing rules defined in the ERM server along with specific values.

An ERM server is a logical mapping of the CommCell to a specific ERM server URL in the record management site.  You can map a ERM server with only one ERM server URL. Similarly, an ERM server URL cannot be associated with multiple ERM servers. This mean, if you have created an ERM server that maps to a specific ERM server url, you cannot create another ERM server that maps to the same URL.

Once you have selected an ERM server, you can associate routing rules to the ERM server. Routing rules are the meta data information for each record type in the ERM server. Routing rules are generally defined from the ERM site. You can map the routing rules to an ERM server using the ERM Connector.

Compliance users can create/modify ERM connectors from the CommCell Console. You can also create a new ERM Connector from the Search Console. For step-by-step instructions, see Create/Modify an ERM Connector from the CommCell Console and Create an ERM Connector from the Search Console.

You can delete an ERM connector from the CommCell Console. For step-by-step instructions, see Delete an ERM Connector.

Security Considerations

Users must have specific permissions to execute ERM operations. Refer to the following:

For more information on setting user permissions, see User Administration and Security.

Submitting Documents using the Search Console

You can select specific documents or files in a review set and submit them to an ERM server interactively, through the ERM Connector, using the Submit to ERM option in the review set page. When submitting the documents, the ERM Connector dialog also allows you to create a new ERM Connector as well as associate an existing or new ERM server to an ERM connecter. In addition, you can also map a routing rule to the ERM server and specify values to the routing rule properties. For more information on using the ERM Connector dialog in the Search Console, see Data Discovery and Search. For step-by-step instructions on submitting the documents from the search console, see Submit Documents from the Search Console.

Submitting Documents using the CommCell Console

The CommCell Console allows you to automate the ERM operations as part of the Automated Content Classification Policy schedules. The search results that match the search criteria specified in the Automated Content Classification Policy will be submitted to the ERM server that is associated with the ERM Connector. For step-by-step instructions on scheduling the ERM operations, see Create/Modify a Automated Content Classification Policy.


Audit Trail

Operations performed with this feature are recorded in the Audit Trail. See Audit Trail for more information.

License Requirements

For information on License requirements for ERM operations, see License Requirements.

Related Reports

Job Summary Report

A new option is added to the Job Summary Report to report all information management jobs.

CommCell Configuration Report

The CommCell Configuration Report now includes information on the ERM Connectors created on the CommServe.

Other Considerations

Consider the following when performing an ERM operation:

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