Running RMAN Scripts using the Command Line Interface

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Backup Considerations

Restore Considerations


Moving an Oracle Instance


RMAN backup and restore scripts for the Oracle iDataAgent can be submitted from the Command Line Interface using the Qoperation backup and Qoperation restore commands. This feature allows custom RMAN scripts to be submitted to the system through argument files in order to take advantage of the CommServe's job management and reporting capabilities as well as media reservation, multi-streaming and storage policies.

Submitting RMAN scripts through the Command Line Interface offers the following distinct advantages over submitting them from RMAN:

Backup Considerations

Consider the following when submitting an RMAN backup script to run through the Command Line Interface:

On Demand Instance

Before setting up the RMAN backup script to run through the Command Line Interface, you must first create an On Demand Instance in the CommCell Console on the Oracle iDataAgent for which you intend to run scripts. See Create an On Demand Instance for step-by-step instructions.

When an On Demand Data Protection operation for multiple instances is in progress, the specific instance name on which the operation is currently run will be displayed in the Job Controller window.

Command Line

To run an RMAN backup script using the Command Line Interface, run the Qoperation backup command on the client and provide the path to the custom RMAN script(s) in the command line parameter (-af) argument file. The CommServe will then run the job as a regular Oracle iDataAgent backup, using the custom RMAN scripts instead of the subclient properties to generate an RMAN script for the backup operation. You can also view the RMAN log output for the running qoperation command from the Job Details dialog in the Job Controller window. For step-by-step instructions on viewing the RMAN Log for running Oracle jobs, see View the RMAN Log of an Active Job.

Required Script Parameters

We recommend that separate scripts be provided for data and logs because only one data type can be passed through the argument file (i.e., data or log). The data type is used by the system to mark the archive files created by the backup as "DATA" or "LOG" in the CommServe Database. Therefore, archive files will be marked as either DATA or LOG even though scripts containing both data and logs may be included in the job. Although you can combine data and logs scripts in the same job, however, it is a best practice to run data and logs scripts in separate jobs. This design also allows the drive reservation and re-try mechanism to function more efficiently.

One or more of the following script parameter options must be contained in the argument file for the backup job:

Optional Parameters

The following parameter options can be included in the argument file:

The drivepool and scratchpool parameters are applicable only if a tape library is used for the RMAN backup. The drivepool and scratchpool names can be given along with the library name followed by a backslash (/) or itself alone.