Data Aging - Troubleshoot

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Data Aging Operations Not Aging Data

Data Retention Forecast and Compliance Report Error Codes

Data Aging Operations Not Aging Data


When a storage policy changes its subclient association without converting the next backup operation to a full backup, data aging operations will not age the data after the last full backup until a new full backup operation is run on the subclient for which the storage policy changed and it has met its retention criteria.


Run a full backup operation on the subclient for which the storage policy changed. Once the retention criteria is met, the data will be aged.

Data Retention Forecast and Compliance Report Error Codes

The following table contains the error codes that may be displayed in the Reason for Not Aging field found in the Data Retention Forecast and Compliance Report. This field is populated with one of these codes when data is not aged. Code descriptions are provided to assist users with troubleshooting.

Reason for Not Aging Error Code Description
JOBRUNNING Job is running.
PRUNABLE Job is prunable.
Managed Disk Space Managed Disk Space option is enabled. Data has met retention and will be available until the disk space is required for new backup operations.
INFINITE Storage Policy Copy is configured for infinite retention.
BASIC_CYCLES Job did not meet its retention cycle requirements. More full backup operations are required to meet retention rules.
BASIC_DAYS Job did not meet its retention days requirements.
REQ_BY_JOB Data not prunable by BASIC_DAYS requires this job in order to be restorable.
NOT_COPIED Job must be copied prior to aging.
NOT_MOVEDTOMEDIA Snap job was not copied to primary copy.
RETAINED_JOB Manual Retention is set for this job and has not yet expired.
POLICY_PENDING Job is still pending for the Automated Content Classification policy and may be retained until the policy job is completed.
EXT_ALLFULL Job has been selected for extended retention, which has not yet expired. It has been set to retain all full jobs.
EXT_FIRSTOFWEEK Job has been selected for extended retention, which has not yet expired. It has been set to retain the first full of each week.
EXT_FIRSTOFMONTH Job has been selected for extended retention, which has not yet expired. It has been set to retain the first full of each month.
EXT_FIRSTOFQUARTER Job has been selected for extended retention, which has not yet expired. It has been set to retain the first full of each quarter.
EXT_FIRSTOFHALFYEAR Job has been selected for extended retention, which has not yet expired. It has been set to retain the first full of each half year.
EXT_FIRSTOFYEAR Job has been selected for extended retention, which has not yet expired. It has been set to retain the first full of each year.
EXT_LASTOFWEEK Job has been selected for extended retention, which has not yet expired. It has been set to retain the last full of each week.
EXT_LASTOFMONTH Job has been selected for extended retention, which has not yet expired. It has been set to retain the last full of each month.
EXT_LASTOFQUARTER Job has been selected for extended retention, which has not yet expired. It has been set to retain the last full of each quarter.
EXT_LASTOFHALFYEAR Job has been selected for extended retention, which has not yet expired. It has been set to retain the last full of each half year.
EXT_LASTOFYEAR Job has been selected for extended retention, which has not yet expired. It has been set to retain the last full of each year.
DIFF_POLICY Job is not prunable as the storage policy was changed and the days retention*, which is applicable in this case, has not yet expired.
REQ_BY_DATA Job is required by a not yet prunable full backup.
LOG_RULE Log backup is newer than a data backup for the same instance, which has not yet met basic retention.
DEL_SUBCLIENT Job is not prunable as the subclient was changed and the days retention*, which is applicable in this case, has not yet expired.
SPCHANGE_KEEPLASTFULL Change in Storage Policy subclient association. Retain the last full backup.
SUBCLIENT_UNINSTALLED Job is not prunable as the subclient was uninstalled and the days retention*, which is applicable in this case, has not yet expired.
Data Aging Disabled Data Aging feature disabled.
ASR CYCLES Data will be retained past its retention period until another ASR backup is run.
SQL_CHAIN Jobs are required by log backups, which have not yet met basic retention days (BASIC_DAYS). Older data may be retained due to a restore and subsequent transaction logs that were run and now require this data in order to be restorable.
  • Jobs are required by log backups, which have not yet met basic retention days (BASIC_DAYS). Older data may be retained due to a restore and subsequent transaction logs that were run and now require this data to be restorable.
  • Log backups are required by other jobs. This may be because the cycles have not been met for the corresponding last full backup for one or more of the databases backed up in this transaction log backup.
IDA_NOT_SUPPORTED Data Aging does not support specific iDataAgent.
* For these backup operations, restorability is ensured for the copy's retention days. If retention days is set at 0 or this is a spool copy, then these backup operations are kept, by default, for 30 days. This is configurable via the control panel's Media Management Configuration (Service Configuration).

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