Users and User Groups - Data Classification Enabler - How To

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Use Account for Data Classification (Windows)

Configure Archiving Rules - File Archiver Agents

Use Account for Data Classification (Windows)

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To use/change a user account to authenticate against the Active Directory domain controller to look up group membership:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the tree if necessary to view the desired enabler-level icon.
  2. Right-click the agent icon and then click Properties from the short-cut menu.
  3. From the General tab in the agent dialog box, click Authenticate Active Directory Domain Controller.
  4. Type the domain name, user name, and password in the appropriate spaces.
  5. Make any other desired changes and then click OK.

To use/change a user account to authenticate against the Active Directory domain controller to look up a user or (if the authentication is not already saved) to look up group membership:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, if you are creating a new DataClassSet (subclient), expand the tree if necessary to view the appropriate DataClassSet backupset-level icon. Then right-click the backup set, click All Tasks, click Create DataClassSet, and start to create the DataClassSet. If you are using an existing DataClassSet, right-click the appropriate DataClassSet subclient and then click Properties.
  2. From the Rules tab of the DataClass Property dialog box, click Folders\Files Owned By.
  3. In the Folders\Files Owned By tab, to include files owned by a specific user in the migration, click Include Users and then do one of the following:

    Then type the appropriate domain name, user name, and password in the Authenticate Active Directory Domain Controller dialog box and click OK.

  4. Click the appropriate user groups/users and then click Add.
  5. Repeat the preceding two steps as necessary.
  6. In the Folders\Files Owned By tab, to exclude files owned by a specific user in the migration, click Exclude Users and then do one of the following:

    Then type the appropriate domain name, user name, and password in the Authenticate Active Directory Domain Controller dialog box and click OK.

  7. Click the appropriate user groups/users and then click Add.
  8. Repeat the preceding two steps as necessary.
  9. Make any other desired changes and then click OK.

Configure Archiving Rules - File Archiver Agents

Required Capability: Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To configure archiving rules for the File Archiver Agents:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the subclient whose archiving rules you want to configure, then click Properties from the shortcut menu.
  2. Click the Rules tab of the Subclient Properties.
  3. Click the File Rule tab (if not already selected).
    1. Enable the Archiving Rules.
    2. Configure the Archiving Rules.
  4. Click the Stub Rule tab and configure the Archiving Rules. 
  5. If you are using the Data Classification Enabler:
    1. Click the Folders\Files Owned By tab.
    2. Configure Archiving Rules to include or exclude files that belong to specific users or user groups. Once added, files can be removed.
      Follow the steps to look up a user in Use Account for Data Classification.
    3. Click the File Paths tab.
    4. Configure Archiving Rules to include or exclude specific folders/files. Once added, files can be removed. As appropriate, use wildcards as discussed in the Note for File Paths.
    5. Click the Advanced tab.
    6. Configure Archiving Rules to configure an advanced query string as a rule. Accept the SQL query string displayed on the tab or use the space to edit the string. Optionally, the query can be saved to a file
  6. Click OK to save your changes.

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