Recovery Point Creation History - How To

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View Job History Details

View the Items That Failed For a Data Protection Operation

View the Events of a Job History

View the Log Files of a Job History

View Job History Details

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To view the details of a job history:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the entity (e.g., subclient, client computer, etc.) whose job history you want to view, click View, and then click job history.
  2. From the Job History Filter dialog box, select the filter options that you want to apply and click OK.
  3. From the Data Management Job History window, right-click the job whose job details you want to view, and then click View Job Details.
  4. The Job Details dialog box appears, displaying detailed job history in General, Details, Phase Details and Attempts tabs for the selected job.
  5. Click OK.
note.gif (292 bytes) If viewing the details of a job with a pending or failed status, the Reason for Job Delay field will contain an Error Code, which, if clicked, will launch the customer support website displaying troubleshooting article(s) related to the specific issue.

View the Items That Failed For a Data Protection Operation

note.gif (292 bytes) A listing of files and folders that failed is not available for the Quick Recovery Agent, nor the Image Level and Image Level ProxyHost iDataAgents. These agents do not perform a file level backup/copy.

To view the list of items that failed for a data protection operation:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the entity whose history of data protection operations you want to view, click View, and then click to view a job history.
  2. From the Job History Filter dialog box, select the filter options, if any, that you want to apply, and then click OK.
  3. From the Job History window, right-click the operation whose list of failed items you want to view, and then select View Failed Items. The Unsuccessful Backup Files window (for DataArchiver Agents, Items On Which Archive Failed) displays those items that failed. If no items failed, a message to that effect is displayed.
  4. Click Close.

View the Events of a Job History

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To view the events associated with a job:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the entity (e.g., subclient, client computer, etc.) whose job history you want to view, click View, and then click Job History.
  2. From the Job History Filter dialog box, select the filter options that you want to apply and click OK.
  3. From the Data Management Job History window, right-click the job whose job details you want to view, and then click View Events.
  4. The All Found Events window gets displayed. If no events where found for the back up, a message is displayed to that effect.
  5. Click Close.

View the Log Files of a Job History

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To view the log files of a Job History:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the entity whose job history you want to view, and then click to view a job history.
  2. From the job history filter window select the filter options, if any, that you want to apply, and then click OK.
  3. From the job history window, right-click the job whose log files you want to view, and then click View Logs.
  4. The contents of the log file related to the selected job history are displayed in the Log File for Job n window.

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