Archive Management for Unix-Based Domino Servers

This use case describes the steps involved in archiving and recalling Domino Server mailbox messages from Unix-based Domino Servers.


This feature/product/platform requires a special software installation package. Contact your software provider to obtain this package.

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For Domino Servers running Windows platforms, mailbox data can be archived directly from the Domino Server from which the mailboxes originated.

For Domino Servers running Unix platforms, mailboxes must first be replicated from the original Unix-based Domino Server to a Windows-based Domino Server prior to being archived. The mailboxes are then archived from the Windows-based Domino Server to secondary storage in the same manner as any other archive operation. Once the archive operation has completed, the archived mailboxes must be replicated back to the original Unix-based Domino Server, after which users may recall messages directly from their Lotus Notes clients.

The following sections describe the requirements, steps, and considerations for archiving and recovering Unix-based Domino Server mailboxes.


To archive and recall Domino Server mailbox data from a Unix platform, the following requirements must be met:

Before You Begin

How to Archive and Recall Unix-Based Domino Mailbox Messages

The following procedure describes the steps in archiving

Install the Required Software

Review Installation Considerations prior to performing these steps.
1. Install the File Archiver for Unix Agent on the Unix-based Domino Server.

See Install the File Archiver for Unix Agent for step-by-step instructions.

2. Install the Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent on the Unix-based Domino Server.

See Install the Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent - Unix for step-by-step instructions.

3. Install the Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent on the Windows-based Domino Server.

See Install the Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent - Windows for step-by-step instructions.

Configure the Software - Windows-based Domino Server

Review Considerations for Configuring Subclient Content prior to performing this step.
4. From the CommCell Console, create a subclient for the Windows-based Domino Server which will contain the mailbox data to be archived. This content should include all mailbox data that will be replicated from the Unix-based Domino Server.

See the following for step-by-step instructions:

Replicate the Mailbox Data to the Windows-based Domino Server

5. Replicate the Domino mailbox messages to be archived from the Unix-based Domino Server to the Windows-based Domino Server.

Refer to the Domino Server's replication documentation for step-by-step instructions.

Archive the Mailbox Data

6. Archive the Domino mailbox messages from the Windows-based Domino Server to the desired secondary storage using all the appropriate archive rules.

See Start a Migration Archiving Operation for step-by-step instructions.

Replicate the Archived Mailbox Data Back to the Unix-based Domino Server

7. Replicate the archived mailbox data back to the Unix-based Domino Server. Once replicated, stubs for the archived messages will become available to users in their Lotus Notes client applications.

Refer to the Domino Server's replication documentation for step-by-step instructions.

Recall Messages As Desired

8. Once the Domino mailbox data has been archived, messages can be recalled back to the Lotus Notes client mailboxes by clicking the message's stub.

See Recover a Message from a Lotus Notes Client for step-by-step instructions.

Important Considerations

Consider the following when archiving and recovering mailbox messages from a Unix-based Domino Server:

General Considerations

Installation Considerations

Considerations for Configuring Subclient Content

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