Schedule Policy

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Auxiliary Copy Schedule Policy

Data Protection Schedule Policy

SRM Data Collection Schedule Policy

Backup Copy Schedule Policy

SRM Reports Schedule Policy

Audit Trail


If you have a large number of items in your CommCell that require the same schedule, you can create a schedule policy to handle the scheduling needs for these items. Schedule policies allow you to associate a schedule or groups of schedules to any number of supported items within your CommCell. You can create schedule policies for the following:

There are several types of schedule policies including Auxiliary Copy, Data Protection, SRM Data Collection, and SRM Reports. Data Protection and SRM Data Collection schedule policies can be agent-specific or applicable for all types of agents.

Auxiliary Copy Schedule Policy

An Auxiliary Copy schedule policy allows you to create an Auxiliary Copy schedule and associate it with any number of storage policies or storage policy copies. When the Auxiliary Copy schedule policy is run, an Auxiliary Copy operation will be performed on all associated storage policies and/or copies.

If storage policy level association is given to an Auxiliary Copy schedule policy, then all future additions of copies for the selected storage policies will be included in the Auxiliary Copy schedule.

Auxiliary Copy Schedule Policy Operations

The following operations can be performed on an Auxiliary Copy schedule policy:

Create an Auxiliary Copy Schedule Policy

You can create an Auxiliary Copy schedule policy from the New Schedule Policy dialog box.

For example, an Auxiliary Copy schedule of a weekly Auxiliary Copy operation is created to copy data to the selective copies of all the storage policies within a CommCell. In the sample image that follows, a schedule policy named Selective_AuxCopy is created from the New Schedule Policy dialog box.

Add Schedules

In order to add schedules to this schedule policy:

Once the Auxiliary Copy schedule is defined, the schedule can be viewed from the Aux Copy Schedule pane of the New Schedule Policy dialog box.

Give the Schedule Policy CommCell Object Association

In order to include the storage policy copies in the Auxiliary Copy operation, you must give the schedule policy an association for those storage policy copies.

In the sample image that follows, schedule policy Selective_AuxCopy was given association to all the selective copies within the CommCell.

Assign an Alert to the Schedule Policy

You can assign an alert to a schedule policy so that the operations of the schedule policy will receive the configured alert.

View the Schedule Policy

Once schedule policy Selective_AuxCopy is created, it can be viewed from the right-hand side of the CommCell Browser from the Schedule Policies node. If an alert is configured for the schedule policy, the alert name can be viewed in the Alert column.

The schedules of this schedule policy can also be viewed from the Scheduled Jobs window. The jobs related to this schedule policy are identified with a schedule policy icon.


Once created, the options of an Auxiliary Copy schedule policy can be changed by using the Edit option that is available from an existing schedule policy from the right pane of the CommCell Browser under the Schedule Policies level.

Schedules policies cannot be edited by multiple users simultaneously. If a user attempts to edit a schedule policy that is currently being viewed by another user, a warning message will display indicating that the property sheet is currently being edited, and therefore, locked. Users will only have the option to view the schedule policy without making any changes to it.


A schedule policy can be deleted by using the Delete option available from the right pane of the CommCell Browser under the Schedule Policies level. Subsequently, all of the schedules of the schedule policy will be deleted and will not run at their scheduled time.

Disable/Enable an Auxiliary Copy Schedule Policy

Disabling a schedule policy allows you to disable all the schedules that were part of the schedule policy. Once a schedule policy is disabled, all jobs of all associated schedules will not run until the schedule policy is enabled again.

A schedule policy can be disabled or enabled by right-clicking an Auxiliary Copy schedule policy from the Schedule Policies node of the CommCell Browser.

Clone a Schedule Policy

Cloning a schedule policy allows you to duplicate an existing schedule policy without the need for creating a new one. Once a schedule policy is cloned, the new schedule policy will have the same associations and schedules as the original schedule policy. However, the status of the newly created schedule policy will be disabled.

A schedule policy can be cloned from the Schedule Policies node of the CommCell Browser. See Cloning for an overview.

When cloning a Schedule Policy that has a configured alert, the new schedule policy will not have the configured alert. You must configure the alert manually.

Run Schedules

The schedules of a schedule policy can be run immediately using the Run option available from the right pane of the CommCell Browser under the Schedule Policies level.

Decouple a Schedule From an Auxiliary Copy Schedule Policy

Decoupling a schedule from an Auxiliary Copy schedule policy removes its association from the schedule policy. Once a schedule policy is decoupled, it is treated as a normal schedule without any schedule policy association. A schedule can be decoupled from a Schedule Policy from the Scheduled Jobs window.

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Data Protection Schedule Policy

There are two types of data protection schedule policies: an agent-specific data protection schedule policy and an all agent types data protection schedule policy.

Agent-Specific Data Protection Schedule Policy

A Data Protection schedule policy allows you to define a maximum of six schedules, and associate them to any number of client computer groups, client computers, backup sets, and subclients for a particular agent. If the association is at the client computer group, client, or backup set, all items under the one chosen will be associated with this schedule policy.

You can define which type of data protection operation you want to schedule, as well as configure Advanced Backup Options and assign an object association in the CommCell Browser.

All Agent Types Data Protection Schedule Policy

An All Agent Types schedule policy is a generic data protection schedule policy that has most of the same options as a regular Data Protection schedule policy, and is supported by all agents that support scheduling. Like a regular Data Protection schedule policy, this schedule policy allows you to define a maximum of six schedules, and associate them to any number of client computers, backup sets, and subclients for a particular agent. If the association is at the client computer group, client or backup set, all items under the one chosen will be associated with this schedule policy.

You can define which type of data protection operation you want to schedule (either full or incremental), as well as configure Advanced Backup/Migrate/Archive Options and assign object association in the CommCell Browser.

Upon installation of the software, the All Agent Types (System Created) schedule policy is automatically created. You can also create additional All Agent Types schedule policies manually.

Due to the generic nature of schedule policies, certain agent-specific options such as the Oracle or Oracle RAC iDataAgent's Backup Level and Cumulative options are unavailable in the Schedule Details (Job Options) dialog. As a result, when a data protection schedule policy is used for Oracle or Oracle RAC iDataAgents, only a default incremental backup (Level 1, non-cumulative) can be scheduled. However, you can specify advanced backup options, such as Backup Archive Logs, Delete Archive Logs, Oracle Options and Data for the Oracle or Oracle RAC iDataAgent when creating a schedule policy.

However, these advanced backup options will not work for a Release 6.1.0 or earlier client even though the options will be displayed.

The Create New Index option is available from the Advanced Backup/Archive Options (Data) tab while you are configuring the schedule policy, and this option is set by default if you are running a full backup or archive job. If you leave this option set in such a case, this will override another index-related option based on your agent. For more information, see Advanced Backup/Archive Options - Support and Advanced Backup/Archive Options: Create New Index.

Data Protection Schedule Policy Operations

The following operations can be performed on a data protection schedule policy:

Create a Data Protection Schedule Policy

You can create a Data Protection schedule policy from the New Schedule Policy dialog box.

For example, three schedules of a daily incremental backup, weekly differential backup, and a monthly full backup are needed to back up the subclients of multiple clients within a CommCell. In the sample image that follows, a schedule policy named Tech_Subclients is created from the New Schedule Policy dialog box.

In the sample image that follows, schedule policy Selective_AuxCopy was given association to all the selective copies within the CommCell.

Add Schedules

In order to add schedules to this schedule policy:

  • A schedule for a daily incremental backup is first added from the Schedule Details tab of the Schedule Details dialog box.
  • The type of Data Protection operation is selected from the Backup Options tab.
  • Once the schedules for a weekly incremental backup and a monthly full backup are defined, they can be viewed from the Data Protection Schedules pane of the New Schedule Policy dialog box.

Give the Schedule Policy CommCell Object Association

In order for Backup:Differential, Backup:Incremental, and Backup:Full to back up data for the necessary subclients, you must give the schedule policy an association for those subclients.

When selecting SQL Server (File / File Group Subclients) as the iDataAgent on the General tab, user-defined databases and user-defined subclients will appear in the Associations tab; system databases will not display. When selecting the box at database level, only the user-defined subclients are backed up; default subclient are not backed up.

In the sample image that follows, schedule policy Tech_Subclients was given association at the Tech_Data, Tech_Support, Tech_Integrate, and Tech_Test subclients from the Associations tab of the New Schedule Policy dialog box.

In the sample image that follows, schedule policy Selective_AuxCopy was given association to all the selective copies within the CommCell.

Assign an Alert to the Schedule Policy

You can assign an alert to a schedule policy, so that the operations of the schedule policy will receive the configured alert.

View the Schedule Policy

Once schedule policy Tech_Subclients was created, it can be viewed from the right-hand side of the CommCell Browser from the Schedule Policies level. If an alert is configured for the schedule policy, the alert name can be viewed in the Alert column.

The schedules of this schedule policy can also be viewed from the Scheduled Jobs window. The jobs related to this schedule policy are identified with a schedule policy icon.


Once created, the options of a schedule policy can changed by using the Edit option that is available from an existing schedule policy from the right pane of the CommCell Browser, under the Schedule Policies level.

Schedules policies cannot be edited by multiple users simultaneously. If a user attempts to edit a schedule policy that is currently being viewed by another user, a warning message will display indicating that the property sheet is currently being edited, and therefore, locked. Users will only have the option to view the schedule policy without making any changes to it.


A schedule policy can be deleted by using the Delete option available from the right pane of the CommCell Browser, under the Schedule Policies level. All of the schedules of the schedule policy will be deleted, and, subsequently, the scheduled jobs will not run at their scheduled time.

Disable or Enable

Disabling a schedule policy allows you to disable, at one time, all the schedules that were part of a schedule policy. Once a schedule policy is disabled, all jobs of all associated schedules will not run until the schedule policy is enabled again.

A schedule policy or multiple schedule policies can be disabled or enabled from the Enable or Disable option that is available from the right pane under the Schedule Policies level of the CommCell Browser.


Cloning a schedule policy allows you to duplicate an existing schedule policy without the need for creating a new one. Once a schedule policy is cloned, the new schedule policy will have the same associations and schedules as the original schedule policy. However, the status of the newly created schedule policy will be disabled.

A schedule policy can be cloned from the Schedule Policies level of the CommCell Browser. See Cloning for an overview.

When cloning a Schedule Policy that has a configured alert, the new schedule policy will not have the configured alert. You must configure the alert manually.

Run Schedules

The schedules of a schedule policy can be run immediately using the Run option available from the right pane of the CommCell Browser, under the Schedule Policies level.

Decouple a Schedule From a Data Protection Schedule Policy

Decoupling a scheduled job from a Data Protection schedule policy removes its association from the schedule policy. This causes all associated schedules to be decoupled. Once a schedule is decoupled, all schedules associated with it are now treated as normal schedules without any schedule policy association. Note that you cannot decouple a schedule from an All Agent Types Data Protection schedule policy.

SRM Data Collection Schedule Policy

There are two types of SRM Data Collection Schedule schedule policies: Agent Specific SRM Data Collection schedule policies and All Agent Types SRM Data Collection schedule policies.

note.gif (292 bytes) A discovery level data collection job can be associated with the Client or the Agent along with the default Subclient while creating the schedule policy.

Agent-Specific SRM Data Collection Schedule Policy

An Agent-Specific SRM Data Collection schedule policy allows you to associate a Data Collection schedule to any number of client computer groups, client computers, and subclients for a particular SRM agent. If the association is at the client computer group, client, all items under the one chosen will be associated with this schedule policy.

You can define which type of Data Collection you want to schedule. You can also configure additional Data Collection options and assign an object association in the CommCell Browser.

All Agent Types SRM Data Collection Schedule Policy

An All Agent Types SRM Data Collection schedule policy has most of the same options as a regular Data Collection schedule policy, and it is supported by all SRM agents that support scheduling. This schedule policy allows you to associate a Data Collection schedule to any number of client computer groups, client computers, and subclients for one or more selected agents. If the association is at the client computer group or client, all items under the one chosen will be associated with this schedule policy.

You can define which type of Data Collection you want to schedule. You can also configure additional Data Collection options and assign an object association in the CommCell Browser.

SRM Data Collection Schedule Policy Operations

The following operations can be performed on an SRM Data Collection schedule policy:

Create an SRM Data Collection Schedule Policy

You can create an SRM Data Collection schedule policy from the New Schedule Policy dialog box. For example, a schedule specifying a weekly Discovery-level Data Collection for several SRM agents on multiple clients within a CommCell may be required. Since multiple agents are involved, an All Agent Types SRM Data Collection schedule policy should be created.

The sample image shows that such a schedule policy named Discover_DC is being created from the New Schedule Policy dialog box.

Add Schedule

In order add a schedule to this schedule policy:

Once the schedule for a weekly Discovery-level Data Collection is defined, it can be viewed from the Schedule Policies Schedules pane of the New Schedule Policy dialog box.

Give the Schedule Policy CommCell Object Association

As a result of selecting "All Agent Types" from the General tab in the New Schedule Policy dialog box, the Associations tab will show all the clients where all the SRM agents are installed. The affected client groups are also shown. You can now associate the schedule policy to the objects that you want.

Here, the sample image shows that schedule policy Discover_DC has been given association to two different default subclients. Obviously, each default subclient belongs to a different agent; also, each agent is installed on a different client.

Assign an Alert to the Schedule Policy

You can assign an alert to a schedule policy so that the operations of the schedule policy will receive the configured alert.

View the Schedule Policy

Once schedule policy Discover_DC is created, it can be viewed from the right-hand side of the CommCell Browser from the Schedule Policies level. If an alert is configured for the schedule policy, the alert name can be viewed in the Alert column.

The schedules of this schedule policy can also be viewed from the Scheduled Jobs window. The jobs related to this schedule policy are identified with a schedule policy icon.


Once created, the options of a schedule policy can be changed by using the Edit option that is available from an existing schedule policy in the right pane of the CommCell Browser under the Schedule Policies level.

Schedules policies cannot be edited by multiple users simultaneously. If a user attempts to edit a schedule policy that is currently being viewed by another user, a warning message will display indicating that the property sheet is currently being edited, and therefore, locked. Users will only have the option to view the schedule policy without making any changes to it.


A schedule policy can be deleted by using the Delete option available from the right pane of the CommCell Browser under the Schedule Policies level. All of the schedules of the schedule policy will be deleted, and, subsequently, the scheduled jobs will not run at their scheduled time.

Disable or Enable

Disabling a schedule policy allows you to disable, at one time, all the schedules that were part of a schedule policy. Once a schedule policy is disabled, all jobs of all associated schedules will not run until the schedule policy is enabled again.

A schedule policy or multiple schedule policies can be disabled or enabled from the Enable or Disable option that is available from the right pane under the Schedule Policies level of the CommCell Browser.


Cloning a schedule policy allows you to duplicate an existing schedule policy without the need for creating a new one. Once a schedule policy is cloned, the new schedule policy will have the same associations and schedules as the original schedule policy. However, the status of the newly created schedule policy will be disabled.

A schedule policy can be cloned from the Schedule Policies level of the CommCell Browser. See Cloning for an overview.

When cloning a Schedule Policy that has a configured alert, the new schedule policy will not have the configured alert. You must configure the alert manually.

Run Schedules

The schedules of a schedule policy can be run immediately using the Run option available from the right pane of the CommCell Browser, under the Schedule Policies level.

SRM Reports Schedule Policy

An SRM Reports Schedule Policy allows you to associate the schedule policy to any number of SRM report groups. If the association is at the agent, all reports under the agent chosen will be associated with this schedule policy. Besides establishing time parameters for your schedule policy, you can select options to export the affected report to a specific file type and to enable Predictive Trending.

Predictive trending is applicable only to the report charts that support trending.

Create an SRM Reports Schedule Policy

You can create an SRM Reports schedule policy from the New Schedule Policy dialog box. For example, a schedule specifying a monthly generation of all the reports for several SRM agents within a CommCell may be required.

The sample image shows that such a schedule policy named Reports_1 is being created from the New Schedule Policy dialog box.

Add Schedule

In order to add a schedule to this schedule policy:

Once the schedule for a monthly report generation is defined with these options, the schedule can be viewed from the Schedule Policies Schedules pane of the New Schedule Policy dialog box.

Give the Schedule Policy CommCell Object Association

The Associations tab will show all the reports per SRM Report Group. You can now associate the schedule policy to the objects that you want.

Here, the sample image shows that schedule policy Report_1 has been given association to two different agents. As a result, all the report types per these agents will be associated to the schedule policy.

Assign an Alert to the Schedule Policy

You can assign an alert to a schedule policy so that the operations of the schedule policy will receive the configured alert.

View the Schedule Policy

Once schedule policy Report_1 was created, it could be viewed from the right-hand side of the CommCell Browser from the Schedule Policies level. If an alert is configured for the schedule policy, the alert name can be viewed in the Alert column.

The schedules of this schedule policy can also be viewed from the Scheduled Jobs window. The jobs related to this schedule policy are identified with a schedule policy icon.


Once created, the options of a schedule policy can changed by using the Properties option that is available from the schedule policy window from the right pane of the CommCell Browser as a right click option for the desired schedule policy. You can edit the name, description, schedule details, associations and alert for a schedule policy.

Schedules policies cannot be edited by multiple users simultaneously. If a user attempts to edit a schedule policy that is currently being viewed by another user, a warning message will display indicating that the property sheet is currently being edited, and therefore, locked. Users will only have the option to view the schedule policy without making any changes to it.


A schedule policy can be deleted by using the Delete option available from the right pane of the CommCell Browser under the Schedule Policies level. All of the schedules of the schedule policy will be deleted, and, subsequently, the scheduled jobs will not run at their scheduled time.

Disable or Enable

Disabling a schedule policy allows you to disable, at one time, all the schedules that were part of a schedule policy. Once a schedule policy is disabled, all jobs of all associated schedules will not run until the schedule policy is enabled again.

A schedule policy or multiple schedule policies can be disabled or enabled from the Enable or Disable option that is available from the right pane under the Schedule Policies level of the CommCell Browser.


Cloning a schedule policy allows you to duplicate an existing schedule policy without the need for creating a new one. Once a schedule policy is cloned, the new schedule policy will have the same associations and schedules as the original schedule policy. However, the status of the newly created schedule policy will be disabled.

A schedule policy can be cloned from the Schedule Policies level of the CommCell Browser. See Cloning for an overview.

When cloning a Schedule Policy that has a configured alert, the new schedule policy will not have the configured alert. You must configure the alert manually.

Run Schedules

The schedules of a schedule policy can be run immediately using the Run option available from the right pane of the CommCell Browser under the Schedule Policies level.

Backup Copy Schedule Policy

A backup copy schedule policy allows you to create a backup copy schedule and associate it with any number of storage policies or storage policy copies. When the backup copy schedule policy is run, a snap to tape operation will be performed on all associated storage policies and/or copies.

If storage policy level association is given to a backup copy schedule policy, then all future additions of copies for the selected storage policies will be included in the backup copy schedule.

The following operations can be performed on a backup copy schedule policy:

Create a Backup Copy Schedule Policy

You can create a Backup Copy schedule policy from the New Schedule Policy dialog box.

For example, a backup copy schedule of a weekly snap to tape copy operation is created to copy data to the snapshot copies of all the storage policies within a CommCell. In the sample image that follows, a schedule policy named BackupCopy_Policy is created from the New Schedule Policy dialog box.

Add Schedules

In order to add schedules to this schedule policy:

Once the backup copy schedule is defined, the schedule can be viewed from the Backup Copy Schedule pane of the New Schedule Policy dialog box.

Give the Schedule Policy CommCell Object Association

In order to include the storage policy copies in the snapshot copy operation, you must give the schedule policy an association for those storage policy copies.

In the sample image that follows, schedule policy BackupCopy_Policy was given association to all the storage policies within the CommCell.

View the Schedule Policy

Once schedule policy BackupCopy_Policy was created, it could be viewed from the right-hand side of the CommCell Browser from the Schedule Policies node. If an alert is configured for the schedule policy, the alert name can be viewed in the Alert column.

The schedules of this schedule policy can also be viewed from the Scheduled Jobs window. The jobs related to this schedule policy are identified with a schedule policy icon.


Once created, the options of a Backup Copy schedule policy can be changed by using the Edit option that is available from an existing schedule policy from the right pane of the CommCell Browser, under the Schedule Policies level.

Schedules policies cannot be edited by multiple users simultaneously. If a user attempts to edit a schedule policy that is currently being viewed by another user, a warning message will display indicating that the property sheet is currently being edited, and therefore, locked. Users will only have the option to view the schedule policy without making any changes to it.


A schedule policy can be deleted by using the Delete option available from the right pane of the CommCell Browser under the Schedule Policies level. Subsequently, all of the schedules of the schedule policy will be deleted and will not run at their scheduled time.

Disable/Enable a Backup Copy Schedule Policy

Disabling a schedule policy allows you to disable all the schedules that were part of the schedule policy. Once a schedule policy is disabled, all jobs of all associated schedules will not run until the schedule policy is enabled again.

A schedule policy can be disabled or enabled by right-clicking a backup copy schedule policy from the Schedule Policies node of the CommCell Browser.

Clone a Schedule Policy

Cloning a schedule policy allows you to duplicate an existing schedule policy without the need for creating a new one. Once a schedule policy is cloned, the new schedule policy will have the same associations and schedules as the original schedule policy. However, the status of the newly created schedule policy will be disabled.

A schedule policy can be cloned from the Schedule Policies node of the CommCell Browser. See Cloning for an overview.

Run Schedules

The schedules of a schedule policy can be run immediately using the Run option available from the right pane of the CommCell Browser under the Schedule Policies level.

Decouple a Schedule From a Backup Copy Schedule Policy

Decoupling a schedule from a backup copy schedule policy removes its association from the schedule policy. Once a schedule policy is decoupled, it is treated as a normal schedule without any schedule policy association. A schedule can be decoupled from a Schedule Policy from the Scheduled Jobs window.

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Audit Trail

The following operations are recorded in the Audit Trail, if Audit Trail is enabled:

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