CommNet Browser

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CommNet Browser Components

Running the CommNet Browser as a Stand-Alone Application

Running the CommNet Browser as a Remote Web-Based Application

CommNet Browser Options

CommNet Browser CommCell Status Icons

User Preferences

Additional CommNet Browser Features


The CommNet Browser is the graphical user interface that allows you to administer and generate summaries and reports on the CommNet domain. The CommNet Browser provides the capability to quickly identify, isolate, and drill-down to the root cause of problems without having to generate multiple reports.

The CommNet Browser can be run in two ways:

Automatic Updates

When you login to the CommNet Browser, the CommNet Server verifies whether the CommNet Browser is up-to-date. If there has been an update to the Browser interface since the last login session, you will be notified by a prompt indicating that an update is available and ready for install. If you opt to install the update immediately, you will be required to restart the CommNet Browser. Additionally, CommNet Browser updates can be retrieved manually by selecting the Check for Updates option in the browser's Setup menu. This is useful if you do not log out of your CommNet Browser for a long period of time. If updates are available, you will be notified by a prompt indicating that an update is available and ready for install; updates are applied automatically upon exiting the CommNet Browser, and visible upon the next login.

CommNet Browser Components

The CommNet Browser contains several components:

CommNet Tree

The CommNet Tree, located in the left pane of the CommNet Browser, presents the CommNet domain's components, as well as the administrative and operational tasks associated with them, in a hierarchical tree structure.

If a particular component is not reachable or not operational, this is indicated by the addition of a red circle with an "x" in the component's icon. If an object has been uninstalled, the icon is dimmed.

CommNet Dashboard

The CommNet Dashboard window, which is accessible by clicking the CommCell node in the CommNet Tree, can be customized to display select reports by default. These settings can be made using the Customize Dashboard tab in the Browser Options dialog box. (See Customize the CommNet Dashboard for step-by-step instructions.)

Main Window

The main window, located in the right pane of the CommNet Browser, presents information about the component selected in the CommNet Tree.

When the main window is maximized in the CommNet Browser, any additional windows opened are displayed on top of the existing window. Conversely, if the window is not maximized, then any additional windows are cascaded or tiled. The Previous/Next buttons can be used to navigate between all open windows.

When you click a different node in the CommNet Tree, any open window from the previous node are closed unless you click the Keep Visible button for that window.

Menu Bar

Displays menu choices appropriate to the currently selected node in the CommNet Tree. Not every task can be accessed from the Menu Bar; some are accessible only by right-clicking a particular item in the CommNet Tree.

Standard Tool Bar

Provides an alternate means of accessing certain functionalities available from the Menu Bar. This bar can be toggled on/off from View | Toolbars in the Menu Bar.

Status Bar

Located at the bottom of the CommNet Browser, this displays the current status of the connection to the CommNet Server (connected or disconnected, the login, and the language in use. This can be toggled on/off from View in the Menu Bar. Current connection status is indicated as:

The CommNet Browser tries to re-establish lost connections with the CommNet Server using the same user name and password provided during login.


Tasks associated with a selected node are available in three ways; as a right-click option on the node itself, which often contains the most items; in the Tasks window displayed at the lower right hand corner of the Browser; from Tasks in the Menu Bar. This window can be expanded or collapsed.

User Buttons

Several common user buttons in the CommNet Browser are outlined in the following table:
Browser Toggle Switches the display of the CommNet Tree and Users Task pane on or off. Part of the Standard Tool Bar, which can be toggled on or off from View in the Menu Bar.
Previous/Next Pages the display through multiple open windows, such as reports.
Update Updates the currently displayed summary. This only appears when updates have been received from a CommCell.
Keep Visible Prevents a window from being closed when you select a different node.
Save If available, saves the currently active Browser window, report content, or summary as a PDF file.
Print If available, prints the currently active Browser window, report, or summary.
Export Exports the currently active Browser window, report, or summary in Microsoft Excel format.
Email If available, packages the currently active Browser window in .pdf or .xls format and attaches the report to a new email message.
Schedule Opens New Schedule wizard to create a schedule based on the current report or summary. See Create a Schedule.
Pause Pauses updates to the current window.
Play Resumes updates to the current window.

Saving, Printing, and Emailing CommNet Browser Components

Most CommNet Browser components can be saved to a local or network disk, printed to a file or printer, and emailed to one or more email recipients. These capabilities are useful if you wish to share reports, alerts, summaries, details, and other informational entities about the CommNet.

If a particular browser component does not support a save, print, or email operation, the corresponding icon for that operation will be disabled.

Saving Browser Components

CommNet Browser components can be saved to a local disk or network share in .pdf format. Below are some of the most commonly saved components:

See Save Options.

Printing Browser Components

CommNet Browser components can be printed to a file or printer. Below are some of the most commonly printed components:

See Print Options.
Save and Print options are not available on CommNet Browsers running on Macintosh computers.

Emailing Browser Components

CommNet Browser components can also be emailed to one or more recipients.

When clicked, the email icon will launch the Email Report dialog box, which provides the facility to create a new email message and select a file format in which the Browser component will be attached (.pdf or .xls).

Note that you must configure the sender address and mail server settings prior to using the email function. This can be done using the Configuration tab in the CommNet Server's Properties dialog box.

See the following for step-by-step instructions:

Running the CommNet Browser as a Stand-Alone Application

The stand-alone version of the CommNet Browser can be run either locally from the CommNet Server computer, or remotely on a client. The CommNet Browser is automatically installed during the CommNet Server installation.

Note that the following features are not available when using the CommNet Browser on a Macintosh:

For step-by-step instructions on running the CommNet Browser as a stand-alone application, see:

Running the CommNet Browser as a Remote Web-Based Application

Once the CommNet Browser software is installed on the CommNet Server computer, you can access the CommNet Browser remotely from any computer using Java Web Start. Thus, the CommNet Browser stand-alone application does not need to be installed on a remote computer that has a Java enabled Web browser. The web-based version of the CommNet Browser has the same appearance and functionality as the installable CommNet Browser stand-alone application.

When accessing the CommNet Browser remotely for the first time, Java Web Start provides you with the option of creating Desktop and Start menu icons for the CommNet Browser. If you choose to create these icons, you will be able to remotely access the CommNet Browser directly from the Desktop or Start menu without having to enter the CommNet Server name and alias in the Web browser each time. You also retain the option of continuing to remotely access the CommNet Browser via a Web browser if desired.

If you choose not to create these shortcuts, you must launch a Web browser and enter the CommNet Server name and alias each time you wish to remotely access the CommNet Browser.

Note that the IIS Server must be configured for accessing the CommNet Browser using Java Web Start. See Setting Up the IIS Server for Web Administration for more information.

For step-by-step instructions on running the CommNet Browser from a remote computer, see:

CommNet Browser Options

The Browser Options dialog box allows users to:

To set or modify the Browser Options, select Setup | Browser Preferences from the CommNet Browser's file menu.

See Browser Options for more information.

CommNet Browser CommCell Status Icons

The CommNet Tree icons representing a CommCell signify the current status of the CommCell. For more information, see following table.

Icon Description Where Applicable
Reachable CommCell has been recently synchronized, and is currently available.
  • CommCell nodes on the CommNet Browser CommNet Tree
  • CommCell Summary for CommCell nodes and Cell-Client Group nodes in the CommNet Browser CommNet Tree
Reachable CommCell has been recently synchronized, and is not currently available.
  • CommCell nodes on the CommNet Browser CommNet Tree
  • CommCell Summary for CommCell nodes and Cell-Client Group nodes in the CommNet Browser CommNet Tree
CommCell Not Reachable CommCell has not been synchronized since registration, and is currently available.
  • CommCell nodes on the CommNet Browser CommNet Tree
  • CommCell Summary for CommCell nodes and Cell-Client Group nodes in the CommNet Browser CommNet Tree
CommCell Not Reachable CommCell has not been synchronized since registration, and is not currently available.
  • CommCell nodes on the CommNet Browser CommNet Tree
  • CommCell Summary for CommCell nodes and Cell-Client Group nodes in the CommNet Browser CommNet Tree
Reachable CommCell has not been synchronized for more than a week, and is currently available. (Only applicable to CommCells with the current version of the CommServe software.)
  • CommCell nodes on the CommNet Browser CommNet Tree
  • CommCell Summary for CommCell nodes and Cell-Client Group nodes in the CommNet Browser CommNet Tree
CommCell Not Reachable CommCell has not been synchronized for more than a week, and is not currently available. (Only applicable to CommCells with the current version of the CommServe software.)
  • CommCell nodes on the CommNet Browser CommNet Tree
  • CommCell Summary for CommCell nodes and Cell-Client Group nodes in the CommNet Browser CommNet Tree

Temporarily Not Reachable

One or more CommCell(s) is not reachable or has never been synchronized. CommNet node in the CommNet Browser CommNet Tree

User Preferences

Each user can establish several CommNet Browser preferences which are applied at each login. These preferences, which are explained below, are established when disconnecting from the CommNet Browser using File | Disconnect and selecting to save User Preferences in the displayed prompt.

Login Preferences

The following options can be set in the Login dialog box, accessed from File | Login:

Session Preferences

The User Preferences dialog box displays the preferences established during the previous login session, including:

Report Preferences

If you chose to save your user preferences at the end of your last login session, the CommNet Browser retains the report filter options that were selected during that session. This allows you to quickly generate routinely used reports during each login without the need to re-enter the filter criteria. You can choose whether or not to use these preferences when prompted during login.

Window Styles

The CommNet Browser has been designed to integrate as smoothly as possible with your work environment. To change the style of the CommNet Browser, from the Menu Bar, select View, then Style, then select one of the following styles:

Cell Synchronization

The CommNet server retains the last synchronized cell information as part of user preferences, which is useful for those who regularly synchronize cells. For more information, see Synchronize Cells.

Additional CommNet Browser Features

The CommNet Browser provides several additional features useful in administering the CommNet domain:

Tool Tips

Relevant additional information is provided as tool tips in all charts and tables.


The Job and Resource Views also provide a Flags column, which is located on the left-hand side of the window. The Flags column displays a icon for any running jobs that encounter one of the following scenarios:

If neither of the above scenarios are present, the Flags column will remain empty.


Failures, such as CommCells that are not reachable or storage resources that are not operational, are displayed with a hyperlink to more detailed information about the particular failure.

Obtaining Information About Job Errors

If a job in the CommCell has not completed successfully, the Job Details dialog box for that job will provide a hyperlinked Error Code which links to available troubleshooting and knowledgebase article(s) relevant to that error from the customer support website. These articles may include special considerations for the type(s) of job(s) you are running, suggested workarounds for issues, and common causes for that particular error.

If an error code pertains to more than one issue, the customer support website will display links to all articles for which the code is relevant. Conversely, if an error code does not have any articles associated with it, the customer support website will display a message indicating that no articles exist for that code.

Note the following when obtaining troubleshooting articles using error codes:

See View Troubleshooting Article(s) Available from the Customer Support Website for step-by-step instructions.


When an update is received from a CommCell, the CommNet Browser changes the following to inform you that an update has arrived:

Register/Unregister messages

As CommCells and QSMCells are registered/unregistered, a pop-up message will be displayed.


Select About... from the Help menu to display the version number and update information of the software installed on the computer.

CommNet Browser and Firewalls

See Firewall Requirements.

CommNet Browser and Copy Chart

When viewing a report in the CommNet Browser, you can copy any chart to the clipboard in .bmp format by right-clicking the chart and selecting Copy Chart. This allows you to easily copy a chart into other applications. Note that the Copy Charts function is not compatible with Microsoft WordPad.

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