CommNet Browser - How To

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Running the CommNet Browser

Run the CommNet Browser from a Remote Computer - Windows

Run the CommNet Browser from a Remote Computer - Linux

Run the CommNet Browser as a Stand-Alone Application - Windows

Run the CommNet Browser as a Stand-Alone Application - Macintosh

Configuring the CommNet Browser

Customize the CommNet Dashboard

Change the URL Used for Launching the CommNet Browser as a Remote Web-Based Application

Configure the Maximum Number of CommNet Browsers that can be Opened

Modify the CommNet Browser Timeout Interval

Change the URL for launching the CommCell Console/QSM Console for remote administration

Email Configuration

Define the Mail Server

Defining the Sender's Address

Define the Port for the SMTP Server

CommNet Browser Operations

Email CommNet Browser Components

View Troubleshooting Article(s) Available from the Customer Support Website

Run the CommNet Browser as a Remote Web-Based Application - Windows

Before you Begin

To access the CommNet Browser as a remote web-based application, you need the following:

To run the CommNet Browser as a remote web-based application:

  1. Open a Java-enabled Web browser from any computer with which the CommNet Server is accessible.
  2. If you are running the CommNet Browser as a remote web-based application for the first time, type the URL of the CommNet Server into the browser. By default, the URL is:


    If you are using the IIS of an alternate computer, the default URL is:

    http://<name of computer with IIS installed>/<web_alias>.

  3. The first time you attempt to access the CommNet Server remotely, the system will check to see whether the Java Web Start plug-in is installed. If it is not, you will be given the option to download and install it.
  4. In the Login dialog box, type the username, password, and CommNet Server name.

    In a few moments, the CommNet Browser will be displayed.

  5. If you chose to create Desktop and Start menu icons for the CommNet Browser in Step 3, then you can subsequently access the CommNet Browser by double-clicking the CommNet Browser icon and entering the credentials described in Step 4.

Run the CommNet Browser as a Remote Web-Based Application - Linux

Before you Begin

To access the CommNet Browser from a remote Linux computer, you need the following:

To run the CommNet Browser from a remote Linux computer:

  1. Create a symlink in the Java plug-in directory of the supported web browser you plan to use.
  2. From any computer on the network, open the Java-enabled web browser. 
  3. Type the URL of the CommNet Server in the browser.

    By default, the URL is:


  4. The first time you attempt to access the CommServe remotely, the software will check to see whether the Java plug-in is installed. If it is not, you will be given the option to download and install it. 
  5. When prompted by the Java plug-in installation window, select the desired location and then follow instructions to download and install it. 
  6. If prompted to use the Java plug-in as your default JRE version, click Yes.
  7. n the Login dialog box, type the username, password, and CommNet Server name.

    In a few moments, the CommNet Browser will be displayed.

Run the CommNet Browser as a Stand-Alone Application - Windows

Before you Begin

To run the CommNet Browser as a stand-alone application:

  1. Launch the CommNet Browser from the Start | Programs menu, or by clicking the CommNet Browser icon on your desktop.
  2. Enter the User Name, Password, and and the name of the CommNet Server you wish to connect to.

    Click OK to continue.

  3. If you have not activated the license yet, you will receive a reminder prompt to do so.

    Click OK to continue.

In a few moments, the CommNet Browser will open.

Run the CommNet Browser as a Stand-Alone Application - Macintosh

Before you Begin

To run the CommNet Browser as a stand-alone application on a Macintosh computer:

  1. Log on as a root user to the Macintosh computer that has the CommCell Console (stand-alone version) installed.
  2. From a Terminal window, enter the commnet command and press Return. The Login window is displayed.
  3. From the Login window, type a valid user name and password for the CommCell in the User Name and Password fields. Then type the name of the CommCell in the CommNet Server field. If you had previously logged on to the CommNet Browser and are logging back in, select the CommNet Server name from the appropriate list.

    Click OK to log in.

In a few moments, the CommNet Browser will open.

Customize the CommNet Dashboard

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To customize the CommNet Dashboard:

  1. From the Settings menu, click Browser Options. The Browser Options dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the Customize Dashboard tab.
  3. Arrange the available reports to display in the dashboard by dragging each report into the appropriate space or right-click on a report space to Add and/or Change a report from the popup menu. Available reports include:
  4. Right-click on a space to remove a report from the dashboard.
  5. If desired, select options to include chart options or a chart table.
  6. Click OK.

Change the URL used for launching the CommNet Browser as a Remote Web-Based Application

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To change the URL:

  1. From the CommNet tree, right-click the CommNet Server node, and then click Properties.
  2. From the CommNet Properties dialog box, enter the new URL in the URL box.
  3. Click OK.

Configure the Maximum Number of CommNet Browsers that can be Opened

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To change the URL:

  1. From the CommNet tree, right-click the CommNet Server node, and then click Properties.
  2. From the CommNet Properties dialog box, enter the number in the Number of simultaneous GUI connections allowed box.
  3. Click OK. The information is saved, and will take effect upon the next login to the CommNet Server.
Use this parameter to increase or decrease the number of open CommNet Browsers, depending on the hardware available in the computer in which the CommNet Server is installed.

Modify the CommNet Browser Timeout Interval

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To modify the CommNet Browser Timeout Interval:

The CommNet Browser session is disconnected after being idle for a specified period (the system default is 2 hours). The following procedure can be used to modify the timeout interval.

  1. On the Setup menu, click Browser Options.
  2. From the Browser Options dialog box, verify that the Timeout Enabled box is selected.
  3. Choose the hours and minutes, and then click OK.

Change the URL for Launching the CommCell Console/QSM Console for Remote Administration

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To change the URL:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Configuration.
  2. From the Cell Configuration (General) dialog box, type the new URL in the URL box.
  3. Click OK. The new URL is saved.
  • You can edit the URL to use another IIS server which points to the CommServe/QSM Server computer. Once saved, the CommNet Browser will subsequently use the URL to launch the appropriate Console, when you choose the Remote Administration option from the appropriate Cell.
  • If the correct version of the CommCell Console is installed locally on the computer in which the CommNet Browser is launched, then the CommCell Console will be launched as an application instead of as a remote web-based application. This option is not available for QSMCells and is supported on Macintosh.

Define the Mail Server

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To define the Mail Server that is used to send alerts and scheduled tasks:

  1. From the CommNet tree, right-click the CommNet Server node, and then click Properties.
  2. From the CommNet Properties dialog box, enter the new mail server in the Mail Server box.
  3. Click OK.
If the Mail Server is not configured properly, alerts and scheduled tasks will not be sent to their intended recipients. If these are not sent properly, this information will be collected in the CommNet Server database and will not be sent until the Mail Server is configured properly. After this information has been accumulated for 24 hours, the CommNet Server will start pruning this information.

Define the Sender's Address

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To define the Sender's Address of all mail messages sent from the CommNet Server:

  1. From the CommNet tree, right-click the CommNet Server node, and then click Properties.
  2. From the CommNet Properties dialog box, enter the new sender's address in the Sender's Address box.
  3. Click OK.
If the Sender's Address is not configured properly, alerts and scheduled tasks will not be sent to their intended recipients. If these are not sent properly, this information will be collected in the CommNet Server database and will not be sent until the Sender's Address is configured properly. After this information has been accumulated for 24 hours, the CommNet Server will start pruning this information.

Define the Port for the SMTP Server

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To define the port at which the alert subsystem connects to the SMTP server:

  1. From the CommNet tree, right-click the CommNet Server node, and then click Properties.
  2. From the CommNet Properties dialog box, select an SMTP port from the SMTP Port box.
  3. Click OK.
If the SMTP Port is not configured properly, alerts and scheduled tasks will not be sent to their intended recipients. If these are not sent properly, this information will be collected in the CommNet Server database and will not be sent until the SMTP Port is configured properly. After this information has been accumulated for 24 hours, the CommNet Server will start pruning this information.

Email CommNet Browser Components

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

Before you Begin:

To email CommNet Browser components:

  1. From the Standard Tool Bar, click the Email icon.
  2. Enter the appropriate e-mail addresses in the To: and From: fields. Click the To: icon to launch the Select Recipients dialog box.
  3. Select a file type (.pdf or .xls) into which the CommNet Browser component will be converted.
  4. If desired, create a message in the Message field.
  5. Click Send.

The email and attached CommNet Browser component is sent.

View Troubleshooting Article(s) Available from the Customer Support Website

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To view the troubleshooting article(s) available from the customer support website:

  1. Generate the appropriate report as described in Reports.
  2. Once the report has been generated, navigate to and double-click the failed job. The Job Details dialog box will appear.
  3. If an error code is available for that particular job, it will be displayed in the Failure Reason field in the General tab of the Job Details dialog box.
  4. Click the error code hyperlink. This will launch the customer support website and display the related troubleshooting article(s).
The Error Code field will only contain a code if a job has not completed successfully.