Upgrading Workstation Backup to Laptop Backup - Administrative Setup

Administrator User

Perform the following steps before upgrading Workstation Backup Agent:

  1. Ensure that all the prerequisites are available.
  2. Create a Storage Policy.
  3. Configure a Subclient to Backup Up the Common Base Folder
  4. Perform a Backup
  5. Create a Client Group.
  6. Create a Schedule Policy.
  7. Create a Subclient Policy.
  8. Create a Custom Package


Create a Storage Policy

Skip this step if you already have Storage Policy created. Click Configure a Subclient to Backup Up the Common Base Folder to continue.

  • From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies.
  • Right-click the Storage Policies node and click New Storage Policy.
2. Click Next.
3. Click Next.
4. Click Next.
  • Specify the name of the Storage Policy in the Storage Policy Name box.
  • Click Next.
  Note down the Storage Policy name.

This is needed later to assign storage policy to a subclient during Create a Subclient Policy and to configure a subclient to backup up the common base folder.

  • Specify the name of the Primary Copy in the Primary Copy box.
  • Click Next.
  • In the Library list, select the default library to which the Primary Copy should be associated.
  • Click Next.
  • In the MediaAgent list, select a MediaAgent.
  • Click Next.
9. Click Next.
10. Click Next.
  Make Sure that the Enable Client Side Deduplication check box is selected.
  • Verify Name and MediaAgent Name.
  • Click Browse to specify location for Deduplication Store.
  • Click Next.
12. Review the details and click Finish to create the Storage Policy.
12a. You can view the storage policy in the Storage Policies node.

Configure a Subclient to backup up the common base folder

The Common Base Folder on the destination computer contains the data from all the source clients. Follow the steps given below to configure a subclient to backup up the common base folder:

1. Ensure that the Windows File System iDataAgent is installed on the destination computer.

Otherwise, follow the steps given in the Getting Started - Windows File System Deployment.

  • From the CommCell Browser, navigate to the Policies | Replication Policies.
  • Right-click the <Replication Policy for WBA> and select Properties.
  • Note down the path in the Common Base Folder box. This is needed later to specify the content of the subclient.
  • From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <Client> | File System | defaultBackupSet.
  • Right-click the default subclient and then click Properties.
  • Click the Storage Devices tab.
  • In the Storage Policy list, select the storage policy created in step 5 during Create a Storage Policy.
  Note down the Storage Policy name.

This is needed later to assign storage policy to a subclient during Create a Subclient Policy.

  • Click Content tab.
  • Clear the Backup System State check box.
  • Click Browse and select the Common Base Folder. You can find the location of the folder from the Replication Policy Properties dialog box.
  • Click OK.

Perform a Backup

Follow the steps given below to perform a backup of the subclient configured for the the common base folder:

  • From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <Destination Computer> | File System | Backup Set.
  • Right-click the default subclient from the right-pane and select Backup.
  • Click Full as backup type and then click Immediate.
  • Click OK.
You can track the progress of the job from the Job Controller window of the CommCell console.

Create A Client Group

1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click Client Computer Groups node, and click New Group.
  • Specify the name for the Laptop Backup in the Group Name box.
  • Click OK.

Create a Schedule Policy

  • From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies.
  • Right-click Schedule Policies node and click Add
2. In the Name
3. Click Add
  • In the Schedule Name box, enter a name of the schedule pattern.
  • Select Automatic and Click OK
  • Click Associations tab.
  • Select the Laptop Backup group.
  • Click OK.

Create a Subclient Policy

  • From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies
  • Right-click Subclient Policies node and click New Subclient Policy
  • In the Name box, enter the name of subclient policy.
  • In the iDataAgent list, select Windows File System
  Note down the Subclient Policy Name.

This is needed later during Custom Package creation.

3. The display pane will display default subclient.
4. Assign a Storage Policy, that you created in step 5 during Create a Storage Policy.

This must be the storage policy that is assigned to the subclient configured to backup the common base folder.

5. Select the subclient and click Edit
  • Clear the Backup System State check box.
  • Click Content Tab.
  • Click Browse and expand the CommServe node.
  • Select the required backup content location, e.g. Documents and click Add.
  • Click Close
8. Click OK
9. Click OK

Create a Custom Package

The following section describes the steps to create a custom install package. The custom install package is used to install the backup client on a laptop.

1. Run Setup.exe from the Software Installation Disc.
2. Select the required language.

Click Next.

3. Click Advanced options.
4. Click Create a custom install package.
5. Select the CPU type corresponding to the binaries that you wish to create the custom package.

Click Next.


  • Select Win32 for a 32-bit package and WinX64 for a 64 bit package.
6. Verify the default location for creating the custom package.

Click Browse to change the default location.

Click Next.


  • Note down the Custom Package location.

    This location will be required later to provide the custom package to user in  Step 20.

  • Do not use the following characters when specifying the destination path:

     / : * ? " < > |

    It is recommended that you use alphanumeric characters only.

7. Select Create a new instance option, to install the Agents on separate instance.

Click Next.

8. Expand Client Modules | Backup & Recovery | File System and select Windows File System iDataAgent.

Click Next.

9. Select Include service pack box.

Click Next.

10. Select the Configure Firewall Services option.

Select CommServe is reachable only through a proxy option and click Next.

11. Enter the name of the computer in CommServe client name field.

Click Next.

12. Provide the following information:
  • In the Proxy HTTP/HTTPS tunnel port number field, provide the tunnel port on which the proxy is expecting connections to the CommServe. If the proxy is behind a port-forwarding gateway, then provide the port number of the port-forwarding gateway to reach the CommServe.
  • In the Proxy hostname or IP address field, specify the hostname of the proxy through which the CommServe can be reached. If the proxy is behind a port-forwarding gateway, then provide the host name or the IP address of the port-forwarding gateway.
  • In the Proxy client name field, specify the client name of Calypso proxy.

Click Next.

13. Click Next.
14. Specify the port numbers to be used by the Bull Calypso Communications Service (CVD) and Bull Calypso Client Event Manager (EvMgrc) Services.

Click Next to continue.


  • Valid range for the port number is between 1024 and 65000.
  • Ensure that the port numbers specified here are within the valid range and are not used by any other services.
15. If the CommCell is in the Lockdown mode, specify the path to the folder in which the CommCell HTTPS certificates are available.


Click Next to continue installation.

16. Click Browse to provide the location.

Click Next.


  • Do not install the software to a mapped network drive.
  • Do not use the following characters when specifying the destination path:

     / : * ? " < > | #

    It is recommended that you use alphanumeric characters only.

17. Select the Laptop Backup group.

Click Next.

18. Click Next.
19. Select Configure for Laptop or Desktop Backup.

Select a Subclient policy created in step 2 during Create Subclient Policy.

Click Next.

20. Click Next.
21. Verify the default location for Self Extracting executable package.

Click Browse to change the default location.

Click Next.

22. Custom Install Package is now created.

Click OK.

23. The CustomInstallPackageName.exe is created in the folder which you provided in step 6.

You can now provide this package to Work Station Agent Users.