Comments - How To

Topics | How To

Add or Edit Comments using the Comment Editor Window

Add or Edit Comments for a Specific Entity

Add or Edit Comments in Summaries

Add or Edit Comments using the Comment Editor Window

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

Before you Begin:

To add or edit comments using the Comment Editor window:

  1. From the CommCells node in the CommNet tree, select the CommCell for which you wish to add or edit a comment.
  2. From the CommCell Tasks pane of the selected entity, select Comment Editor.
  3. From the Select Entity section, select the entity for which you wish to add or edit a comment from the expandable tree of available entities.

    The Old Comment field in the Description section will display the current comment for the selected entity.

  4. Type the new or revised comment in the New Comment field and click Save Comment.

The new or revised comment will be immediately sent to the selected entity.

Add or Edit Comments for a Specific Entity

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

Before you Begin:

To add or edit comments for a specific entity:

  1. From the CommCells node in the CommNet tree, right-click the CommCell, client computer, or storage resource for which you wish to add or edit a comment.
  2. Select Add Comment from the right-click menu to launch the Add Comment dialog box.

    The current comment for the selected entity is displayed in the Old Comment field of the Add Comment dialog box.

  3. Type the new or revised comment in the New Comment field of the Add Comment dialog box and select Save Comment.

The new or revised comment will be immediately sent to the selected entity.

Add or Edit Comments in Summaries

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

Before you Begin:

To add or edit comments in summaries using the Comment field of the desired summary:

  1. From the CommCells node in CommNet Tree, select the desired entity and select Summary from the entity's Task pane.

    See Adding Comments to Summaries for a list of summaries that support the comment feature.

  2. From the General section of the entity's summary, expand the Comment field.
  3. Type the new or revised comment in the text editing field.

    If desired, select the Include Comment in Save/Print/Export/Email option.

  4. Click the Save Comment button in the upper right-hand corner of the text editing field.

The new or revised comment will be immediately sent to the selected entity.

To add or edit comments in summaries using the Comment Details dialog box of the desired summary:

  1. From the CommCells node in CommNet Tree, select the desired entity and select Summary from the entity's Task pane.

    See Adding Comments to Summaries for a list of summaries that support the comment feature.

  2. From the General section of the entity's summary, expand the Comment field.
  3. To view any existing comments for the selected summary, click the Comment Details button in the upper right-hand corner of the text editing field.

    The Comment Detail dialog box appears.

  4. Click the Edit Comment button. The Add Comment dialog box will appear.
  5. Type the new or revised comment in the New Comment section and then click Save.
  6. Click Close on the Comment Detail dialog box.

The new or revised comment will be immediately sent to the selected entity.

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