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The Comment Editor Window

Adding Comments to a Specific Entity

Adding Comments to Summaries


The software provides several facilities to create or edit comments for many CommNet entities. These comments can include a description of the entity itself, special notes for users of the entity, or any other details about the entity that may be of use.

Comments will be automatically pushed to the selected entity once they are saved provided no changes were made to the comment by the entity's user since the last cell synchronization. If an entity's comment was changed after the last cell synchronization, the CommNet user will receive a pop-up message stating that the original comment had been modified. Once the next cell synchronization is complete, the CommNet user may then proceed to make the desired changes to the comment. (See Synchronize Cells for step-by-step instructions on manually synchronizing a cell.)

Note that when a comment is edited for a specific entity, the existing comment is automatically overwritten once the comment is saved. As such, it is recommended that any new comments added be appended to the existing comments. Doing so preserves the history of the comments created throughout the entity's use for future reference.

The following sections describe the areas in which comments can be created or edited.

The Comment Editor Window

The Comment Editor window provides the facility to view and edit comments for a CommCell's CommServe, client computers, and storage resources. Comments can be edited by any user with access to the entity selected.

See Add or Edit Comments using the Comment Editor Window for step-by-step instructions.

Adding Comments to a Specific Entity

In addition to the Comment Editor, comments can also be added or edited by right-clicking on the chosen entity and selecting Add Comment. As with the Comment Editor, the Add Comment dialog box displays the original comment, if one exists, and provides space to type a new comment.

See Add or Edit Comments for a Specific Entity for step-by-step instructions.

Adding Comments to Summaries

Comments can be added or edited for select summaries. The following summaries provide the facility to add or edit comments:

Each summary provides a comment editor field in the General section. In addition to providing space to add or edit a comment, an option to Include Comment in Save/Print/Export/Email is provided.

See Add or Edit Comments in Summaries for step-by-step instructions.

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