Erase Archived Data - File Archiver for Windows

Table of contents

Related Topics



Configuring Erase Data

Assign a Filter Storage Policy

Enable Erase Data in Storage Policy

Running an Erase Data Job

Erasing Stubs

Configuring Erase Stubs

Running an Erase Stub Job

Viewing Erased Stubs

Job Management

Using Find to Erase Data

Viewing Erased Data

Admin Job History

View Erased Data in a Log File

View Erased Data in an Erased Data Job Summary Report

Viewing Job History


The list of Agents that support erasing data.

How Do I

The most common procedures for erasing data.


The Erase Data feature allows you to permanently erase any data that was archived. This is useful if you want to erase data so that it cannot be recovered again. For example, you may want to erase archived data for legal purposes or compliance regulations. 

Keep in mind that  the erase data operation only erases the archived data - the source data will remain on the local hard drive. Therefore, it is recommended to delete the data from the source first so that it will not be archived again.

The Erase Data operation makes the data inaccessible for browsing and recovery - the data will remain on the media and take up space until it is aged off according to the retention rules set for the data. Data will not be recoverable using any data recovery methods. If the archive job is already content indexed, the data being erased will be removed from the index.

Using Erase Data, you can erase data such as  file system, system state, and office communications server (OCS) data.


The Erase Data feature requires:

configuring erase data

To erase data, you need to first configure the following:

Assign a Filter Storage Policy

To erase data, a filter storage policy needs to be associated with the Agent. Ensure that the filter storage policy that you associate with the agent has retention criteria that is greater than or equal to the retention criteria of the storage policy for the data to be erased.

1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the appropriate agent icon and then click Properties.


  • Your screen may look different from the example shown.
2. From the Storage Device tab of the agent Properties dialog box, select a filter storage policy from the Filter Storage Policy list.
3. Click OK.  

enable erase data in storage policy

To erase data, the storage policy assigned to the subclient where data will be erased needs permission to allow the erasing of data.  Ensure that the retention criteria of the storage policy for the data to be erased is equal or greater to the filter storage policy that is associated with the agent.
1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the storage policy you want to allow for the erasing of data, then click Properties.
2. From the General tab of the Storage Policy Properties dialog box, select the Allow Erase Data check box.
3. Click OK.  

Running an Erase Data Job

After the configuration has been completed, you can now browse and erase data.

run or schedule erase data job

1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the agent or instance that contains the data which you want to erase, select All Tasks and then click Erase Data By Browsing.


  • Your screen may look different from the example shown.
2. You are warned that the data will be permanently removed. Click Yes to continue.
3. From the Erase Data by Browsing dialog box, click Browse.
When a path is selected and a browse time is specified, all data that matches the path will be erased even if the data was not backed up in the specified time range.


4. In the Browse Options dialog box, select a browse time range and any advanced browse options, and click OK.
5. From the browse selection window, select the data objects that you want to erase, and click OK.
If you need to erase data from a specific folder that is not visible in the current browse selection, you need to browse to a point in time to a backup that included the folder. Then, you can select the data under that folder to be erased.
6. Optionally, you can click Advanced to configure an alert for this job.  
7. Click Job Initiation if you would like to run this job immediately or schedule it.
  • Click Immediate and then OK to run the job now. When the job is done, Job Controller displays Completed.
  • If Schedule is selected, click Configure to create a schedule for this operation. Your Erase Data by Browsing operation will execute according to the specified schedule. See Create a Job Schedule for more information.

Erasing Stubs

Stubs contain information abut the archived data to facilitate end-users with non-browse recovery operations (i.e., stub recalls) from third-party applications.

Keep in mind that  the erase stubs operation only erases the archived stubs - the source stubs will remain on the local hard drive. Therefore, it is recommended to permanently delete the stubs from the source first so that it will not be archived again.

The Erase Stubs operation makes the archived data inaccessible for recalling - the stubs will remain on the media and take up space until they are aged off according to the retention rules set for them. Stubs will not be recoverable using using any data recovery methods. If the archive job is already content indexed, the stubs being erased will be removed from the index.

After erasing stubs, it may take up to one hour for the erase data cache to be erased. Therefore, a recall operation may succeed during that time. Once the erase data cache is refreshed on the CommServe, stub recalls will be blocked for the data that has been erased.

configuring erase stubs

To erase stubs, you need to first configure the following:

Associate a Subclient to a Storage Policy

To erase data, a storage policy needs to be associated with the subclient that contains the stubs you want to delete.

1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the subclient whose associated storage policy you want to change and then click Properties.


  • Your screen may look different from the example shown.
2. Click the Storage Device tab of the Subclient Properties dialog box.
3. From the Storage Policy list of the Data Storage Policy tab, select a data storage policy to associate with this subclient.

If necessary, click the Create Storage Policy button to create a new storage policy to which the subclient can then be associated.

4. Click OK.  

enable erase data in storage policy

To erase data, the storage policy assigned to the subclient where data will be erased needs permission to allow the erasing of data. 
1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the storage policy you want to allow for the erasing of data, then click Properties.
2. From the General tab of the Storage Policy Properties dialog box, select the Allow Erase Data check box.
3. Click OK.  

Specify Location for Deleted Stubs

In this step, you will specify a location (e.g., drive, folder, path, UNC path) where the system will be monitoring for hard-deleted stubs. For example, you may want to specify the C:\ drive as the location for monitoring the stubs. Stubs could be dragged and dropped from the D:\ drive to the C:\ drive and hard-deleted from there.

Once a stub is hard-deleted from this location, it is added to a collect file. When a Erase Data Job is run, the archived data that is associated with the deleted stub will be erased.

1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the appropriate agent icon and then click Properties.


  • Your screen may look different from the example shown.
2. From the General tab of the Agent Properties dialog box, select the Erase archive data when stub is deleted option.
3. In the text box, specify the location where if stubs are deleted from there, they will be collected in a file. This could be the entire computer (indicated by a \), a particular drive (C:\), a particular folder (C:\deleted_data), or a UNC path (\\filer\directory).  Multiple locations could also be specified, separated by the ; delimeter. 
  • The path that is configured here will be applicable for all instances of the File Archiver for Windows Agent and is only used when an Erase Data job is run.
  • If you delete stubs within the path that is specified and the subclient that includes the path is deleted, the data will not be erased.
  • Specifying the deletion folder varies according to instance type. See Instance Types  below for more information.
4. Click OK.  
5. Recycle the services by restarting the DataArchiver Services from Service Control Manager. For step-by-step instructions, see Start Services on Windows.  

Instance Types

Instance Type Consideration
Local File System A  folder can be created to contain the stubs to be hard-deleted (SHIFT_DELETE). This folder would then be part of the path that is specified (e.g., (C:\deleted_data).This would alleviate specifying entire volumes. From the volumes, you can then move the stubs (cut+paste) to the specified deletion folder. To move stubs across volumes, you must use the GXHSMUtility tool.
Celerra The list that records the deleted stubs is not populated immediately after the stub is deleted. This can be modified by configuring the Proxy Prune Interval in the Celerra instance. See Configure Celerra Proxy Settings for details.

A folder cannot be created to contain the stubs that are deleted. You can instead restrict the deletion to certain folders by specifying a subclient path or a path that is a parent to the subclient path.

Network File Share Erasing stubs is not supported.
FPolicy A folder cannot be created to contain the stubs that are deleted. You can instead restrict the deletion to certain folders by specifying a subclient path or a path that is a parent to the subclient path.

Stubs can be erased only on NetApp File Servers with ONTAP versions 7.2 or higher.

Stubs must be deleted on computers other than the computer in which the File Archiver for Windows Agent is installed. You can specify "\" or a specific deletion folder path (see footnote below).

Celerra and FPolicy:

If the intended deletion folder path is:


the deletion folder specification needs to be:

\\<fully_qualified_filer_name>\ONTAP_ADMIN$\vol\<volume_name>\<folder_name>;\\<short_filer_ name>\ONTAP_ADMIN$\vol\<volume_name>\<folder_name>

Otherwise, the data will not be erased.

Running an Erase Stub Job

After the configuration has been completed, you can now erase stubs.

run or schedule erase data job

1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click  a subclient of an appropriate Agent, click All Tasks and then click Erase Data.


  • Your screen may look different from the example shown.
2. The Erase Data selected for deletion (Job Initiation) dialog will appear allowing you to Schedule the job or run it Immediately.
3. If you select Immediate, the Erase Data job will begin when you click OK, and you can track the progress in Job Controller.

If you select Schedule and then click Configure, the Schedule Details dialog box will open. This allows you to create a new schedule for this operation. After you are finished click OK to continue. Your Erase Data operation will execute according to the specified schedule. See Create a Job Schedule for more information.

4. Optionally, you can click Advanced to configure an alert for this job or the number of job retries.  
5. Click OK.  

viewing erased stubs

These features are available to view the data erased.

Admin Job History

You can view detailed, historical information about the Erase Data jobs in the Admin Job History Filter dialog box. 

To view admin job history:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe, click View, and then click Admin Job History.
  2. From the Admin Job History Filter dialog box, select the filter options that you want to apply and click OK.
  3. The Admin Job History dialog box displays with the specified filter options.
  4. Click Close.

view erased data in a Log File

The files have been erased can be viewed in the SelDelete.log file. For example, TempFil_00008.txt is a file that had been erased:

4836 17a4 10/15 14:37:10 1106 ::main() - 1: '/ext3/fsdm/HW_1/erasedata/TempFil_00008.txt'

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To view the log files of a CommServe, MediaAgent, or client computer.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click a CommServe, MediaAgent, or client computer, click View, and then click Log Files. The Select the Log File to Open window displays.
  2. To see a specific log file, either select the log file name from the list or type the name of the log file in the field provided. (In the Files of type field, Log Files (*.log) is displayed by default.) Click Open. The contents of the log file are displayed.

view erased data in an Erased data job summary Report

An Administrative Job Summary Report provides details of all the Erase Data jobs.

To create an Erase Data Job Summary report:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the Reports icon.
  2. Select Job Summary from the Reports pane of the Report Selection dialog box.
  3. From the General tab, select Administrative Jobs and then select Erase Backup/Archived Data.
  4. Select the filter criteria to include in the Erase Backup/Archived Data Job Summary Report from the various tabs (e.g., Computers, Selection, Options, Time Range).
  5. From the Output tab, select the output format and/or save options for the report.
  6. Click one of the following: Run to generate the report immediately, Schedule to schedule the reports for specific times, Save Template to save the report filter options into the My Reports node, or Close to exit the window.

See Erase Backup/Archived Data Job Summary Report for details.

Job Management

When erasing stubs, you can click Advanced in the Erase Stubs selected for deletion dialog box to access the Job Retry tab where you can set a number for Job Retries and the total Job Running Time options.

For more information, see:

using find to erase data

The Find feature allows you to search and locate data such as files, directories, and messages in a backup. Once located, this data can be erased. After erasing the data, it can no longer be browsed or restored. However, the data will remain on the media and take up space until it is aged off according to the retention rules set for the data.

Keep in mind that  the erase data operation only erases the backup data - the source data will remain on the local hard drive. Therefore, it is recommended to delete the data from the source first so that it will not be backed up again.
1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers |<Client>| <Agent>.

Right-click Backup Set or Subclient, click All Tasks | Find.

2. Enter search criteria. For example, you can type a file name in Name/Pattern to narrow the search. You can search for partial words without the need for wildcard characters at the beginning and/or end of the search string.

These wildcards, or a combination of these wildcards, are supported:

  • * for any number of characters e.g., Accounting*.
  • ? for any one character e.g., user_group?.
  • [] for a range of characters e.g., [a-k]Lee.
  • [!] for a negation of a range of characters e.g., [!a-k] Lee.

Click Search. The data that matches the criteria are displayed in Search Results.

3. Select one or more items.

Right-click the items and select Erase Selected Item(s).

You can also erase data when it has been moved to Selected Items.  
4. Click Yes.
5. Optionally, modify what will be erased by selecting either Browse, Add, or Delete.

Confirm the data to be erased and click OK.

viewing erased Data

These features are available to view the data erased.

Admin Job History

You can view detailed, historical information about the Erase Data jobs in the Admin Job History Filter dialog box. 

To view admin job history:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe, click View, and then click Admin Job History.
  2. From the Admin Job History Filter dialog box, select the filter options that you want to apply and click OK.
  3. The Admin Job History dialog box displays with the specified filter options.
  4. Click Close.

view erased data in a Log File

The files have been erased can be viewed in the SelDelete.log file. For example, TempFil_00008.txt is a file that had been erased:

4836 17a4 10/15 14:37:10 1106 ::main() - 1: '/ext3/fsdm/HW_1/erasedata/TempFil_00008.txt'

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To view the log files of a CommServe, MediaAgent, or client computer.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click a CommServe, MediaAgent, or client computer, click View, and then click Log Files. The Select the Log File to Open window displays.
  2. To see a specific log file, either select the log file name from the list or type the name of the log file in the field provided. (In the Files of type field, Log Files (*.log) is displayed by default.) Click Open. The contents of the log file are displayed.

view erased data in an Erased data job summary Report

An Administrative Job Summary Report provides details of all the Erase Data jobs.

To create an Erase Data Job Summary report:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the Reports icon.
  2. Select Job Summary from the Reports pane of the Report Selection dialog box.
  3. From the General tab, select Administrative Jobs and then select Erase Backup/Archived Data.
  4. Select the filter criteria to include in the Erase Backup/Archived Data Job Summary Report from the various tabs (e.g., Computers, Selection, Options, Time Range).
  5. From the Output tab, select the output format and/or save options for the report.
  6. Click one of the following: Run to generate the report immediately, Schedule to schedule the reports for specific times, Save Template to save the report filter options into the My Reports node, or Close to exit the window.

See Erase Backup/Archived Data Job Summary Report for details.

Viewing Job History

Once an erase data job has completed, it may be useful to view specific historical information about the job, such as the following:

This information can be viewed in the Job History window. The history provided depends on the entity from which the job history is viewed. For example, viewing job history from the subclient level will yield information for the jobs performed for that subclient. Conversely, viewing job history from the instance level will yield information for jobs run from all subclients within that instance.

To view the backup job history:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the entity (client computer, iDataAgent, instance, or subclient) whose backup history you want to view, click View, and then click View Job History.
  2. From the Job History filter window select the filter options, if any, that you want to apply, and then click OK. The system displays the Job History window.
  3. Once you have chosen your filter options, they are displayed in the Job History window.

    To view the additional options discussed above, right-click the desired job choose the appropriate option.

  4. Click OK.

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