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ChangeNetworkPwd Tool


The NetworkTestTool is a TCP/IP based tool to verify the network connectivity between the various CommCell components. It also enables you to troubleshoot network connectivity and data transmission between any two CommCell computers. It provides a single point interface to all basic network tests.

The NetworkTestTool can be used in the following modes:

If you are using a MAC computer, run the following command before running the NetworkTestTool:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/<software installation path>/Base

Utility Mode

Utility mode provides options to ping, verify and troubleshoot network connectivity. In this mode the tool supports several options like lookup, cvping and service check. The following sections explain the various options:


Lookup option enables you to run a command to perform a turnaround name lookup of the specified host using a specified IP version. It performs a DNS (Domain Name Server) lookup for the host name in the network before trying to establish a TCP/IP connection.

To perform lookup:

  1. From the command prompt, give the path i.e.<software installation path>\Base> folder and run the command using the syntax below:

    CvNetworkTestTool -Utility –lookup –Log <location> -HostName <name> -UseIPv4/UseIPv6/UseIPAny


    For example:

    CVNetworkTestTool -Utility -lookup –Log C:\lookup.log -HostName <name> -UseIPv4

  2. The name of the specified host is displayed.


CVPing option enables you to troubleshoot and test the network connectivity between two clients. You can test the network connectivity between various resources of a network by establishing TCP/IP connection to the destination computer. The CVPing performs a name lookup check and pings the IP address of the destination computer to check the network connectivity.

To check network connectivity:

  1. From the command prompt, give the path i.e.<software installation path>\Base> folder and run the command using the syntax below:

    CvNetworkTestTool -Utility –cvping –Log <location> -HostName <name> -UseIPv4/UseIPv6/UseIPAny -Port <port number>


    For example:

    CVNetworkTestTool -Utility -CVPing –Log C:\CVPing.log -HostName <name> -UseIPv4 -Port 8400

  2. The network connectivity is verified, and the result is displayed.

Service Check

Service check utility enables you to gather basic network information regarding application specific services. If you have more than one instance then you will have to specify the instance name you wish to verify. Also, ensure that the destination computer is registered with the CommServe where you are running the tool from.

To check network connectivity:

  1. From the command prompt, give the path i.e. <software installation path>\Base folder and run the command using the syntax below:

    CvNetworkTestTool -Utility –servicecheck –Log <location> [-HostName <name> | -HostIP <IPAddr>] -Instance <InstanceName> - UseIPv4/UseIPv6/UseIPAny -Port <port number>


    For example:

    CVNetworkTestTool -Utility -servicecheck –Log C:\service.log –HostName <name> -Instance  <instance name> –Platform CS

  2. The specific services status of the application are verified and the result is displayed.

Server Mode

When executed in the server mode the server listens to an incoming client connection. You can specify the port for listening and the TCP/IP protocol version to be used. Once the connection is established with the client, the connectivity is verified. The following section explains the various options and their usage.

To check network connectivity using NetworkTestTool from Server computer:

  1. From the command prompt, navigate to the <software installation path\Base> folder and run the command using the syntax below:

    CvNetworkTestTool –Server –Log <location> -SrvPort <port number> -UseIPv4/UseIPv6/UseIPAny -BindIP <IP Address> -Instance <Instance Name>


    For example:

    CVNetworkTestTool -Server –Log C:\server.log –SrvPort <Port Num> -UseIPv4 -BindIP -Instance Instance001

  2. Displays whether a data transfer has taken place between the server and client or vice-versa with given buffer size.

Client Mode

When executed in the client mode, the client attempts to connect to the server. Once the connection is established, after the initial handshake the client sends buffer(s) to the server to verify the data transmission. You can specify parameters like the port and the TCP/IP protocol to be used for the connection. You can also specify parameters for the data transmission such as the buffer count and the delay between transmitting the buffers. The following section provides the various options and their usage.

The server and client modes work in conjunction.

To check network connectivity using NetworkTestTool from Client computer:

  1. From the command prompt, navigate to the <software installation path\Base> folder and run the command using the syntax below:

    CvNetworkTestTool –Client –Log <location> [-SrvHostName <HostName> | - SrvHostIP <IPAddr>] -SrvPort <port number>  -UseIPv4/UseIPv6/UseIPAny -BindIP <IP Address> -Instance <Instance Name> -FirstBufferDelay <Delay> -InterBufferDelay <Delay> -BuffsizeClientToServer <BufSize> -BuffsizeServerToClient <BufSize> -BufferCount <count> -PortServer <PortNum> -PortClient <PortNum>


    For example:

    CVNetworkTestTool -Client –Log C:\client.log –SrvHostName <Name> –SrvPort <Port Num> -UseIPv4 -FirstBufferDelay <Delay> -InterBufferDelay <Delay> -BuffSizeClientToServer <Num> -BuffSizeServerToClient <Num> -BufferCount <count> -PortServer <PortNum> -PortClient <PortNum>

  2. Displays whether a data transfer has taken place between the client and server or vice-versa with given buffer size.

ChangeNetworkPwd Tool

The ChangeNetworkPwd tool allows you to change the network password of one ore more clients with a stronger password in order to increase the security of your network.

Follow the steps below to update the network password:

  1. On the CommServe computer, open the command line window and provide the path to the <software installation path>\Base> folder.
  2. Execute the following command using the syntax below:

    ChangeNetworkPwd [-listAllWeak | -updateAllWeak | <clientName>] -vm <InstanceName>


    For example, the following command will update the password for client1.

    ChangeNetworkPwd client1 -vm instance002

  3. The password is updated for the client(s). To verify the success of this command, navigate to the <software installation path>\Log Files folder and review the ChangeNetworkPwd.log file.

You can also change the network password from the CommCell console. See Change the CommCell Network Password for step-by-step instructions.

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