Third-Party Command Line Operations

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Important Considerations

Miscellaneous Issues


Besides running data protection and data recovery operations from the CommCell Console, you can use the third-party command line to run such operations for the following Agents:

Moreover, such operations for the SAP for Oracle and SAP for MAXDB iDataAgents can currently be run only from the third-party command line.

Be sure to consult the documentation for your product for information on running third-party command line operations.

Generally, the various CommServe job-reporting windows and job reports (including, e.g., Job Manager, Job Controller, Backup Job History report) provide details for third-party command line operations that are similar to those details provided for such operations run from the CommCell Console. The following section provides some exceptions in this regard.

Important Considerations

Consider the following while executing third party commands:


You can perform backup and restore jobs from DB2 command line. For detailed information, see:


For DB2 DPF, the following options are available:

Restoring Database to Individual Nodes

You can restore DB2 DPF database individually to each node using the corresponding backup images.

1. From the DB2 command line prompt, run the restore command for each individual node. For example, if there are 4 DB2 DPF nodes, run the command as follows:
  • Export DB2NODE=0

    db2 terminate

    db2 restore db sample load '/opt/simpana/Base64/SBT' taken at <Node 0 backup image>

  • Export DB2NODE=1

    db2 terminate

    db2 restore db sample load '/opt/simpana/Base64/SBT' taken at <Node 1 backup image>

  • Export DB2NODE=2

    db2 terminate

    db2 restore db sample load '/opt/simpana/Base64/SBT' taken at <Node 2 backup image>

  • Export DB2NODE=3

    db2 terminate

    db2 restore db sample load '/opt/simpana/Base64/SBT' taken at <Node 3 backup image>

2. Roll forward the database at the catalog node (node 0). For example,

Export DB2NODE=0

db2 terminate

db2 rollforward db sample to end of logs and stop


Performing a Cross Platform/Cross Server Restore

You can perform a cross platform/ cross server restores using onbar. However, the source and destination Informix servers must have the same db spaces name and paths. Ensure that the source and destination Informix servers are configured within the same CommServe.

Follow the steps given below to perform a cross platform/cross server restore:

1. On the source computer, as an Informix user, type the command at the Command Prompt to note the Informix Dbspaces name and Dbspaces pathname. onstat –d
2. On the destination computer, as an Informix user, type the command at the Command Prompt to note the Informix Dbspaces name and Dbspaces pathname. onstat –d
3. On the destination computer, if the Informix Server is not installed, install the Informix server, but do not configure the Informix instance.  
4. Create a simple instance on the destination host  
5. On the destination host, start up the instance and then type the command at the Command Prompt to shut down the instance. onmode –yuk
6. Make sure to include the following information in the source Informix user profile:
  •  CvInstanceName=<Instance Name>
  •  CvClientName=< Source Computer Name>

Instance001 test01

7. Make sure to include the following information in the destination Informix user profile:
  • CvInstanceName=<Instance Name>
  • CvClientName=<Destination Computer Name>
  • INFORMIXSERVER=< Destination Informix Server Name>

Instance002 test02 INFSERVER02

8. Perform a full backup of source Informix server including emergency boot file (ixbar) file and ONCONFIG file  
9. Copy the emergency boot file (ixbar) and ONCONFIG file manually from source Informix server machine to destination Informix server in INFORMIXDIR/etc directory. cp ixbar.$servernum to ixbar.$ onconfig.$servername to onconfig.$ oncfg_$servername.$servernum to oncfg_$servername.$servernum .org
10. In the destination Informix server, rename the emergency boot file (ixbar) with the destination database server number. You can check parameter (SERVERNUM) in destination Informix server ONCONFIG file. For Example:

Rename from ixbar.0 to ixbar.1 (if Destination Informix Server number is 1)

11. In the destination Informix server, update the DBSERVERNAME and SERVERNUM parameters with the Destination Informix Server name and number in ONCONFIG file  
12. Use the command to stop the destination Informix server onmode –yuk
13. Type the following command to restore the Informix server on the destination computer. onbar –r
14. After a successful Cross Informix Server Restore, delete emergency boot file (ixbar) in Destination Informix server.  
15. Perform a full backup of destination Informix server either using a CommCell Browser or onbar command line utility.  

Renaming Database Spaces

Perform the following validations to rename the db spaces during a cold restore using ON–Bar command line utility:

If either of the above steps fail, the renaming process stops and ON–Bar writes an error message to the ON–Bar activity log. Provide the old dbspace location and the new db space location either at the command line or in a file to rename a db space. The following table lists example values for two db spaces:

Element Value for First db space Value for second db space
Old Path /dbspace1_Old /dbspace2_Old
Old offset 0 10000
new path /dbspace1_New /dbspace2_New
new offset 20000  

Renaming Database Spaces with Command Line Options

1. At the Command Prompt, type the following command to rename the chunks. onbar -r -rename -p /dbspace1_Old -o 0 -n /dbspace1_New -o 20000 onbar -r -rename -p /dbspace2_Old -o 0 -n /dbspace2_New -o 20000
2. After a renaming and restoring operation, perform a level-0 backup.  

Renaming Database Spaces with a File

1. At the Command Prompt, type the following command to rename the db spaces by supplying a file named listfile.

ListFile contains the following information: /dbspace1_Old 0 /dbspace1_New 20000 /dbspace2_Old 10000 /dbspace2_New 0

onbar -r -rename -f listfile
2. After a renaming and restoring operation, perform a level-0 backup.  

Renaming Chunks While Specifying Other Options

1. At the Command Prompt, type the following command to rename the db spaces while performing a physical restore on dbspace1 and dbspace2, where rootdbs is the name of the rootdbs.

Alternatively, type the following command to rename the db spaces using file while performing a physical restore on dbspace1 and dbspace2.

onbar -r -rename -p /chunk1 -o 0 -n /chunk1N -o 20000 -p rootdbs dbspace1 dbspace2

onbar -r -rename -f listfile -p rootdbs dbspace1 dbspace2

2. After a renaming and restoring operation, perform a level-0 backup.  


You can perform backup and restore operations from RMAN command line.

Oracle RAC

You can also perform backup and restore operations for Oracle RAC iDataAgent from the RMAN command line.

Miscellaneous Issues

Third-party command line operations can produce unique output based on the associated Agent. Relevant issues are summarized in the following table.

iDataAgent(s) Issue

SAP for Oracle


Job Details may display the name defaultDummyInstanceFor<agent_name> as the SID when a restore is run from the command line.
Informix Whenever you run incremental backups from the third-party command line, the backups are reported as full backups in the Job Controller, Event Details dialog, and Backup Job History window and report. This is only a display issue; the backup jobs still run as incremental backups.
Informix Whenever you run backups from the third-party command line, the Job Manager starts one job for the data backup and another job for the log backup and then displays these jobs in the Job Controller. However, for backups that are run from the CommCell Console, the Job Manager correctly starts just one job for both the data phase and log phase and displays this job in the Job Controller.