Advanced Restore - Oracle RAC iDataAgent

Table of Contents

Related Topics

Restoring and Recovering an Entire Database

To the Same Host

To a New Host with the Same Directory Structure

To a New Host with a Different Directory Structure

To a Previous Point-in-Time

Using a Tag

Restoring Individual Datafiles/Tablespaces

Redirecting to a New Location

Using a Tag

Restoring Archive Logs

All Logs

To a Specific Log Time

To a Specific Log Serial Number

Using a Tag

Restoring Control File/SP File

From the Latest Backup

From a Specific Backup

From a Copy of the Control File

To a Point-in-Time

To a New Location

Recovering a Database

To the Current Time

To a Point-in-Time

To a Specific System Change Number

Creating a Duplicate Database

On a Different Host with the Instance Configured

On the Same Host with the Instance Configured

Excluding Read-only Tablespaces During Restore

Opening the Database in Restricted Mode after Restore

Excluding Tablespaces from a Restore

Creating Online Redo Log Files after a Restore

Setting up the Redo Log Files

Disabling File Name Validation during a Restore

Creating a Standby Database

On a Different Host with the Instance Configured

Restoring Database Tables

To the Source Database

To a Different Database on the Same Host

To a Different Host

Using a User-defined Auxiliary Instance

Disabling Clean-up of Auxiliary Instance after Restore

Exporting Table Objects

Selecting/De-Selecting Dependent/Referenced Tables

Including all Dependencies to the Dependent/Referenced Tables

Deleting Existing Tables during a Restore

Command Line Restores

Using the Same Block Size Value

Viewing RMAN Scripts from the CommCell Console

Customizing RMAN Scripts from the CommCell Console

Running RMAN Scripts from the RMAN Interface

Restoring Multi Streamed Backups

Running RMAN Scripts for Multiple Streams

Restoring from a Secondary Copy using RMAN Interface

Setting the Restore Order for Streams

Automatically Switching the Database Mode before a Restore

Opening the Database after a Restore

Setting the Log State after a Restore

Setting the Database Incarnation

Resetting the Database after a Restore

Disabling Failovers during Restores

Validating Restores

Setting the Database Identifier (DBID)

Setting Up Online Redo Log Files

Enhancing Restore Performance

Scheduling a Restore

Managing Restore Jobs

Restarting Jobs

Controlling Jobs

Resubmitting Jobs

Additional Restore Options


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Restoring and Recovering an Entire Database

When the RAC database is corrupted or lost, you can restore and recover it from the latest offline or online full backup (depending on how the subclient was configured for backups). Make sure to bring all the RAC instances offline except on the client configured in CommCell when you restore an entire database.

To the Same Host

By default, the database is restored to the same location from where it was backed up. Once the database is restored, it is recovered to the current time.

Use the following steps to restore and recover a database to the same host:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  1. Verify that the Restore Data and Recover options are selected.
  2. Select the Restore Control File check box.
  3. Click OK.

To a New Host with the same Directory Structure

If the shared computer on which you hosted a RAC database is damaged or destroyed, you can restore and recover the lost database with the same directory structure on to a new host.

By default, the database is restored in the ARCHIVELOG mode, You can also choose to restore the db in NOARCHIVELOG mode.

Use the following steps to restore and recover a database to a new host with the same directory structure:


1. Verify the following in both the source and destination computers:
  • The connection specifications (host, service name, port) in the tnsnames.ora file on both the source and destination computers should be different.
  • The <username> you use for the destination computer is different than the username for the source computer.
  • Sufficient disk space is available on the destination computer to accommodate the restored database.
  • Both the source and destination computers should have the following similar features:
    • Operating systems
    • Oracle version
    • init <SID>.ora file
    • Processor (32-bit or 64-bit)
    • Datafile directory structures

Setting up the Source and Destination Hostss

  1. Create a new user account with recovery catalog owner permission within the Recovery Catalog for the destination computer. Use a different <username>


SQL>create user <username> identified by <password>

2>temporary tablespace <temp_tablespace_name>

3>default tablespace <default_tablespace_name>

4>quota unlimited on <default_tablespace_name>;

Statement processed.

SQL>grant connect, resource, recovery_catalog_owner to <username>;

Statement processed.

  1. Manually transfer the Oracle password file orapw<Oracle SID name> from the source computer to the destination computer. Usually, this file resides in ORACLE_HOME/dbs.
  1. Export the recovery catalog data for the catalog user.

    For example, if the user ID for the recovery catalog owner is user1, you need to export the database backup information for user1.

  1. Import the recovery catalog data to the new user account for the destination computer.
Example using IMPORT CATALOG Command::

RMAN>IMPORT CATALOG user1/user1@src;

  1. Copy the recovery catalog’s connect string entry in the tnsnames.ora file from the source host to the destination host.

<;service_name> =


(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = <protocol>)(HOST = <host>) (PORT = <##>))

(CONNECT_DATA = (SID = <Recovery Catalog database>)))

  1. Make sure that the ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME are appropriately configured on the destination computer.


For Unix:

#export ORACLE_SID= <target database SID>

#export ORACLE_HOME= <Oracle home directory>


For Windows:

C:\set ORACLE_SID= <target database SID>

C:\set ORACLE_HOME= <Oracle home directory>

  1. Create the Oracle RAC client and configure it as a client in the same CommServe in which the source machine resides.
  1. Create and configure a new Oracle instance in the RAC Client on the destination computer, similar to the one existing in the source computer. Ensure that this instance is in NOMOUNT mode.

Restoring the Database

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance> point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Select the name of the client computer from the Destination Client list.
  4. Verify that the Restore Data and Recover options are selected.
  5. Select Restore Control File check box.
  6. Click Advanced.
  1. Click the Options tab.
  2. If the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode, then select No Redo Logs.
  3. Click OK.

To a New Host with a different Directory Structure

If the shared computer on which you hosted a RAC database is damaged or destroyed, you can restore and recover the lost database on a new standalone host computer with a different directory structure. You can restore a database either in ARCHIVELOG or NOARCHIVELOG mode on a new host.

By default, the database is restored in the ARCHIVELOG mode, You can also choose to restore the db in NOARCHIVELOG mode.

Use the following steps to restore and recover a database to a new host with a different directory structure:


1. Verify the following in both the source and destination computers:
  • The connection specifications (host, service name, port) in the tnsnames.ora file on both the source and destination computers should be different.
  • The <username> you use for the destination computer is different than the username for the source computer.
  • Sufficient disk space is available on the destination computer to accommodate the restored database.
  • Both the source and destination computers should have the following similar features:
    • Operating systems
    • Oracle version
    • init <SID>.ora file
    • Processor (32-bit or 64-bit)
    • Datafile directory structures

Configuring the Init <SID>.ora File

  1. Copy the init<SID>.ora from the old host to the new host.
  2. Edit the init<SID>.ora file on the new host to reflect all the directory structure changes (i.e., change the path for control files, archivelog destination and *dump destinations).
  3. Create the directory structures as defined in init<SID>.ora file for all paths.

Setting up the Source and Destination Hosts

  1. Create a new user account with recovery catalog owner permission within the Recovery Catalog for the destination computer. Use a different <username>


SQL>create user <username> identified by <password>

2>temporary tablespace <temp_tablespace_name>

3>default tablespace <default_tablespace_name>

4>quota unlimited on <default_tablespace_name>;

Statement processed.

SQL>grant connect, resource, recovery_catalog_owner to <username>;

Statement processed.

  1. Manually transfer the Oracle password file orapw<Oracle SID name> from the source computer to the destination computer. Usually, this file resides in ORACLE_HOME/dbs.
  1. Export the recovery catalog data for the catalog user.

    For example, if the user ID for the recovery catalog owner is user1, you need to export the database backup information for user1.

  1. Import the recovery catalog data to the new user account for the destination computer.
Example using IMPORT CATALOG Command:

RMAN>IMPORT CATALOG user1/user1@src;

  1. Copy the recovery catalog’s connect string entry in the tnsnames.ora file from the source host to the destination host.

<service_name> =


(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = <protocol>)(HOST = <host>) (PORT = <##>))

(CONNECT_DATA = (SID = <Recovery Catalog database>)))

  1. Make sure that the ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME are appropriately configured on the destination computer.


For Unix:

#export ORACLE_SID= <target database SID>

#export ORACLE_HOME= <Oracle home directory>


For Windows:

C:\set ORACLE_SID= <target database SID>

C:\set ORACLE_HOME= <Oracle home directory>

  1. Create the Oracle RAC client and configure it as a client in the same CommServe in which the source machine resides.
  1. Create and configure a new Oracle instance in the RAC Client on the destination computer, similar to the one existing in the source computer. Ensure that this instance is in NOMOUNT mode.

Restoring the Database

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance> point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Select the name of the client computer from the Destination Client list.
  4. Select Restore Control File check box.
  5. Click Advanced.
  1. Click the Options tab.
  2. If the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode, then select No Redo Logs.
  3. Click OK.

To a Previous Point-in-Time

The point-in-time restore is useful in the following scenarios:

When you restore and recover an entire database to a previous point-in-time from an online backup or offline backup (depending on how the subclient was configured for backups) to the original host, it is recommended to use the control files.

When you perform a point-in-time restore for a database, the next scheduled backup for that database will automatically convert to a full backup.

Use the following steps to restore and recover a database to a previous point-in-time:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  1. Select Restore Control File check box, if you want to restore the control file(s).
  2. Click Advanced.
  1. Click the Restore tab.
  2. Click To Point-In-Time  and select the data and time.
  1. Click the Recover tab.
  2. Click the Point-In-Time  and select the data and time.
  1. Click Ctrl&SP Files Tab, if you have selected to restore the control file(s).
  2. Click the Point-In-Time  and select the data and time.

    You must restore the control files to a point-in-time later than or equal to the point-in-time set in the Restore tab.

  3. Click OK.

Using a Tag

If you have assigned unique identification tags for the data, you can restore and recover an entire database from a specific backup using the tags.

Use the following steps to restore the database with specific identification tags:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <Client> | Oracle.
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  1. Select Restore Control File check box.
  2. Click Advanced.
  1. Click the Restore tab.
  2. Click By Tag  and type the Tag name that is assigned for a specific data backup that you want to restore.
  3. Click OK.

Restoring Individual Datafiles/Tablespaces

In addition to restoring a RAC database, you can also restore specific tablespaces or datafiles that were lost due to an error or corruption. By default, the selected tablespaces/datafiles are restored to the original location from the latest online backup.

Use the following steps to restore the datafile(s) or tablespace(s):

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Browse Backup Data.
  3. Click OK.
  1. In the right pane of the Browse window, select the datafiles or tablespaces you want to restore and click Recover All Selected.
  1. Click OK.

Redirecting to a New Location

By default, the control file will be automatically updated with the new location when you redirect tablespaces/datafiles to a new location. Use the following steps to redirect the tablespaces/datafiles to a new location without updating the control file:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the <CommServe> and then click Properties.
  2. Click the Registry Key Settings tab.
  3. Click Add.
  4. In the Name field, type sORADISABLE_SWITCH_DATAFILE.
  5. In the Location list, select CommServe from the list.
  6. In the Type list, select String.
  7. In the Value field, type Y.
  8. Click OK.
  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <Client> | Oracle.
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Clear the Recover check box.
  4. Click Advanced.
  1. Click the Redirect tab.
  2. Select the Redirect check box.
  3. Select each object and type the new path in New Path box or click Browse to locate the new path.
  4. Click Apply to confirm the new path.
  5. Select the Redirect All Table Spaces to redirect all the objects displayed in the object column to a new location.
  6. Click OK.

Using a Tag

If you have assigned unique identification tags during backups, you can restore from a specific backup using the tag. Use the following steps to restore the datafile(s) or tablespace(s) using a specific tag:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Browse Backup Data.
  3. Click OK.
  1. In the right pane of the Browse window, select the datafiles or tablespaces you want to restore and click Recover All Selected.
  1. Click Advanced.
  1. Click the Restore tab.
  2. Select the Tag check box and type the Oracle Tag name that is assigned for a specific backup that you want to restore.
  3. Click OK.

Restoring Archive Logs

Archive logs can be restored separately or along with the database. Archive Log restores are useful in the following scenarios:

While restoring archive logs, ensure that the archive logs are shareable (i.e., accessible from each node). Perform either of the following to enable sharing:

If the archive logs are located only on the local disk, the archive logs will be accessible only from the corresponding node. The log file restores initiated by any other node will fail.

All Logs

Use the following steps to restore all the archived logs (note that this is the default option):

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  1. Select the Restore Archive Log check box.
  2. Click Advanced.
  1. Click the Restore tab.
  2. In the Target Directory box, type the path or click Browse to specify the path to restore all the logs.
  3. Click OK.

To a Specific Log Time

When you browse between a specific point of time range, the logs pertaining to all the cycles within the specified time range will be listed.When restoring the archive logs based on the log time, if the data is also included in the restore, ensure that the point-in-time range for the restore is the same for both the data and logs.

If you are including the database in the restore, see point-in-time restore to restore the database to a specific point-in-time. Use the following steps to restore the logs to a specific log time:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  1. Select the Restore Archive Log check box.
  2. Click Advanced.
  1. Click the Restore tab.
  2. Click By Log Time  and specify the point-in-time (date and time) restore of archived log files.
  3. In the Target Directory box, type the path or click Browse to specify the path to restore all the logs.
  4. Click OK.

To a Specific Log Serial Number

Note the following when you restore the logs based on the log serial number:

Use the following steps to restore the log identified by a serial number:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  1. Select Restore Archive Log check box.
  2. Click Advanced.
  1. Click the Restore tab.
  2. Click By Log Serial Number and type or select the Start and End log serial numbers.
  3. In the Target Directory box, type the path or click Browse to specify the path to restore all the logs.
  4. Click OK.

Using a Tag

If you have assigned unique identification tags during log backups, you can restore the logs using the tags.

Use the following steps to restore the logs with specific identification tags:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  1. Select Restore Archive Log check box.
  2. Click Advanced.
  1. Click the Restore tab.
  2. Click By Tag  and type the Tag name that is assigned for a specific log backup that you want to restore.
  3. In the Target Directory box, type the path or click Browse to specify the path to restore all the logs.
  4. Click OK.

Restoring Control File/SP File

Control and SP files are required to recover a database to the current state. Restoring a control/sp file is useful in the following scenarios:

Ensure that the database is in NOMOUNT mode when you restore the control/sp files. Ensure that you have previously configured auto backup of control files to restore the control file from auto backup. Restoring a control file will destroy all the previous backups. Hence, you need to perform a full backup after you restore a control file.

The database will be in MOUNT mode after you restore the control/SP file.

When you restore control files, be sure to select only one node for the restore. During control file restores, Oracle puts the database in a state where other processes may not be able to access the database. Therefore, if you select more than one node, the job may fail if the database is inaccessible by all the nodes. Make sure to bring all the RAC instances offline except on the client configured in CommCell when you restore a Control/SP file.

from the Latest Backup

By default, the Control/SP files are restored from the latest backup. Use the following steps to restore a Control/SP file from a latest backup:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  1. Select Restore Control File and Restore SP File check boxes.
  2. Click OK.

From a Specific Backup

If the control file and recovery catalog are lost, you can restore the control file from a specific backup piece using a backup piece number. (Backup piece references the backup of one or several database files)

You can obtain the backup piece value from the RMAN logs of the backup job. Use the following steps to restore a control/sp file from a specific backup:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  1. Select the Restore Control File and Restore SP File check boxes.
  2. Click Advanced.
  1. Click the Ctrl&SP Files tab.
  2. Under the Restore Control File, select Restore From check box.
  3. Click From Backup Piece box and type the Backup Piece value.
  4. Under the Restore SP File, select Restore From check box.
  5. Click From Backup Piece box and type the Backup Piece value.
  6. Click OK.

From a Copy of the Control File

If your database consists of multiple copies of control files, you can replace a corrupted control file by manually copying from an existing control file and restoring it.

Follow the steps given below to restore a control file from an existing control files:

  1. Shutdown the database.

    SQL> shutdown

  2. Manually copy one of the existing control files to the missing control file location.
  3. Assign the same owner, group and file permissions to the new control file as that of the original missing control file.
  4. Startup the database.

    SQL> startup nomount;

To a Point-in-Time

If you are certain that the control file was corrupted, lost at or after a specific time, you can restore the control file to such a point-in-time.

Follow the steps given below to restore a control/sp file to a point-in-time:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  1. Select the Restore Control File and Restore SP File check boxes.
  2. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Ctrl&SP Files tab.
  2. Under the Restore Control File, select the To Point-In-Time check box and select the start and end time.
  3. Under the Restore SP File, select the To Point-In-Time check box and select the start and end time.
  4. Click OK.

To a New Location

By default, the Control file/SP File is restored to the original location. Use the following steps to restore the control files to a new location:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  1. Select the Restore Control File and Restore SP File check boxes.
  2. Click Advanced.
  1. Click the Ctrl&SP Files tab.
  2. Select the Restore Control File As check box.
  3. Type the path or click Browse to specify the new location to restore the control file.
  4. Select the Restore SP File As check box.
  5. Type the path or click Browse to specify the new location to restore the SP file.
  6. Click OK.

Recovering a Database

By default, the database is recovered along with the restore. However, you can also restore the data and then recover the database at a later point-in-time.

Recovering a Database to the Current Time

You can recover a database to the current time either to the original host or to a different host. Use the following steps to recover a database to the current time:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  1. Clear the Restore Data check box.
  2. Click Advanced.
  1. Click the Options tab.
  2. In the Reset Logs box, select Yes.
  3. Click OK.

Recovering a Database to a Point-in-Time

You can apply archived logs and recover a database to a previous point-in-time where it is consistent and stable. Use the following steps to recover a database to a point-in-time:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  1. Clear the Restore Data check box.
  2. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Recover tab.
  2. Click Point-In-Time and select the date and time.
  1. Click the Options tab.
  2. In the Reset Logs box, select Yes.
  3. Click OK.

Recovering a Database using the System Change Number

The System Change Number (SCN) keeps track of the timing of transactions in the oracle database. The SCN's are stored in the control files and the datafile headers. You can recover the database to the last existing SCN number in the control file. (The last SCN number denotes the last consistent state of the database.)

Use the following steps to recover a database using SCN:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  1. Clear the Restore Data check box.
  2. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Recover tab.
  2. Click SCN and type the System Change Number.
  1. Click the Options tab.
  2. In the Reset Logs box, select Yes.
  3. Click OK.

Creating a Duplicate Database

A duplicate (auxiliary) database is a copy or subset of the target database and has a unique DBID. It is independent of the primary database and can be registered in the same recovery catalog as the primary database. The duplicate database will be useful for testing and demo purposes.

If the duplicate (auxiliary) database already exists in the destination computer, it will be overwritten. Duplicate database is created from the full backup of the database with the logs. If you want the latest data in the duplicate database, make sure to perform a full backup with the log files before creating the duplicate database.

On a Different Host with the Instance Configured

Use the following steps to create a duplicate database on a different host with the configured instance. Make sure that the instance is configured on a different host in the CommCell Console.

  1. Perform a full backup along with the log files on the original database.
  1. On the destination host, make sure to remove the temp.dbf file from the existing database instance.
  1. Manually, copy the init<SID>.ora file from the source computer to the destination computer.
On Unix:


On Windows:


  1. Update the database name, dump files, archive logs and the control file locations in the init<SID>.ora file for the duplicate database instance.
  1. Add the DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT and LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT parameters in the init<SID>.ora file. These parameters will redirect the datafiles, temp files, and log files to the auxiliary instance.

    Make sure that all the other parameters in the init<SID>.ora file are same as that in the original database.

On Unix:




On Windows:




(When using these parameters on a Windows computer, the file paths should be entered in uppercase.)

  1. On Windows clients, restart Oracle services.

    Skip this step, if you are using an Unix client.

  1. Add the duplicate database instance name in the Listener.ora file on the destination host and add TNS entry on Tnsnames.ora files on the source and destination hosts.
  1. Add the source database name in the Tnsnames.ora file on the destination host.



ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = powerpc02)(PORT = 1521))



(SERVICE_NAME = dupdb)



  1. Restart the Listener.
$ lsnrctl reload
  1. Provide a valid connect string for the auxiliary channel.

sys/sys@<SID name>

  1. Startup the duplicate database instance in NOMOUNT mode.
  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Select Duplicate DB check box.
  4. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Duplicate tab.
  2. Click Duplicate To.
  3. Type the name of duplicate database in Database Name box.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select the name of the client computer from the Destination Client list.
  6. Click Advanced.
  7. Type the name of startup Parameter file in Pfile box or click Browse to locate it.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Under The latest Database View box, click Refresh to verify that the status of the duplicate database is STARTED.
  10. Click OK.

On the Same Host with the Instance Configured

Use the following steps to create a duplicate database on the same host with the configured instance:

  1. Perform a full backup along with the log files on the original database.
  1. Create a duplicate database instance on the destination host. If the database already exists on the destination host, make sure to remove the temp.dbf file before performing a restore operation.
  1. Manually, copy the init<SID>.ora file from the source computer to the destination computer.
On Unix:


On Windows:


  1. Update the database name, dump files, archive logs and the control file locations in the init<SID>.ora file for the duplicate database instance.
  1. Add the DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT and LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT parameters in the init<SID>.ora file. These parameters will redirect the datafiles, temp files, and log files to the auxiliary instance.

    Make sure that all the other parameters in the init<SID>.ora file are same as that in the original database.

On Unix:




On Windows:




(When using these parameters on a Windows computer, the file paths should be entered in uppercase.)

  1. On Windows clients, restart Oracle services.

    Skip this step, if you are using an Unix client.

  1. Add the duplicate database instance name in the Listener.ora file and Tnsnames.ora files.
  1. Add the source database name in the Tnsnames.ora file on the destination host.

    Make sure to use the password change_on_install when you create the password file for auxiliary database.



ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = powerpc02)(PORT = 1521))



(SERVICE_NAME = dupdb)



  1. Restart the Listener.
  1. Provide a valid connect string for the auxiliary channel.

sys/sys@<SID name>

  1. Startup the duplicate database instance in NOMOUNT mode.
  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Select Duplicate DB check box.
  4. Under The latest Database View box, click Refresh to verify that the status of the duplicate database is STARTED.
  5. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Duplicate tab.
  2. Click Duplicate To.
  3. Type the name of duplicate database in Database Name box.
  4. Type the name of startup Parameter file in Pfile box or click Browse to locate it.
  5. Click OK.

Excluding Read-only Tablespaces During Restore

By default, the read only tablespaces are not verified for consistency and are restored from the backup. You can skip the consistent tablespaces and restore the tablespaces that are not consistent or missing. This will save the time taken for the restore.

Use the following steps to exclude read only table spaces during restore:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Select the name of the client computer from the Destination Client list.
  4. Select Duplicate DB check box.
  5. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Duplicate tab.
  2. Click Duplicate To.
  3. Type the name of duplicate database in Database Name box.
  4. Type the name of startup Parameter file in Pfile box or click Browse to locate it.
  5. Select Duplicate To Skip Read Only check box.
  6. Click OK.

Opening the Database in Restricted Mode after a Restore

By default, a duplicated database is opened without any restricted access. If necessary, you can open the db in restricted mode for administrative tasks. This will restrict access to other users.

Use the following steps to open the duplicate database in restricted mode:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Select the name of the client computer from the Destination Client list.
  4. Select Duplicate DB check box.
  5. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Duplicate tab.
  2. Click Duplicate To.
  3. Type the name of duplicate database in Database Name box.
  4. Type the name of startup Parameter file in Pfile box or click Browse to locate it.
  5. Select Duplicate To Open Restricted check box.
  6. Click OK.

Excluding Tablespaces from a Restore

While creating a duplicate database, you can exclude some tablespaces from the duplicate database. Use the following steps to exclude the tablespaces from the duplicate database:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Select the name of the client computer from the Destination Client list.
  4. Select Duplicate DB check box.
  5. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Duplicate tab.
  2. Click Duplicate To.
  3. Type the name of duplicate database in Database Name box.
  4. Type the name of startup Parameter file in Pfile box or click Browse to locate it.
  5. Select the Duplicate To Skip TableSpaces check box.
  6. Click Add
  7. Select the tablespaces that appear in the TableSpaces box to exclude from the duplicate database.
  8. Click OK.

Setting up the Redo Log Files

You can create online redo logs for duplicate database and apply them to restore the database in case of corruption. Use the following steps to create an online redo log file:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Select the name of the client computer from the Destination Client list.
  4. Select Duplicate DB check box.
  5. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Duplicate tab.
  2. Click Duplicate To.
  3. Type the name of duplicate database in Database Name box.
  4. Type the name of startup Parameter file in Pfile box or click Browse to locate it.
  5. Select Duplicate To Log File check box.
  6. Click File to select a file containing the online redo log.
  7. Click Add to include the specifications for an online redo log file.
  8. In the Spec Dialog for Oracle Redo Log File box, type the name or click Browse to select the redo log file.
  9. Type the Size of the online redo log file.
  10. Select the Size Specifications of the file from SizeSpec list.
  11. Select Reuse check box to allow the database to reuse an existing file.
  12. Click OK.

To add a Redo Log File for a Group

By default, groups are created to include specific online redo log members. Use the following steps to add specifications for each of these online redo log groups:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Select the name of the client computer from the Destination Client list.
  4. Select Duplicate DB check box.
  5. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Duplicate tab.
  2. Click Duplicate To.
  3. Type the name of duplicate database in Database Name box.
  4. Type the name of startup Parameter file in Pfile box or click Browse to locate it.
  5. Select Duplicate To Log File check box.
  6. Click Group to select a group containing the online redo log members.
  7. Click Add.
  8. In the Spec Dialog for Oracle Redo Log Group box, add the Size of the Group.
  9. Select the Size Specifications from SizeSpec list.
  10. Select Reuse check box to allow the database to reuse an existing file.
  11. Click OK.

Disabling File Name Validation during a Restore

By default, when you create a duplicate database, RMAN will verify the target datafiles for duplicate files (files sharing the same names). This verification job may consume more time. Hence, use the following steps to prevent RMAN from performing this verification:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Type the connect string name in the Catalog String box.
  4. Select Duplicate DB check box.
  5. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Duplicate DB Options tab.
  2. Select No FileName Check check box.
  3. Click OK.

Creating a Standby Database

Standby databases are useful when a primary database experiences a disaster such as hardware related failure or data corruption and it is not configured for a cluster failover. A standby database is a replicated copy of the primary database. It is updated by applying archived redo logs from the primary database. A standby database will not have a unique DBID.

On a Different Host with the Instance Configured

Use the following steps to create a standby database on a different host with the configured instance:

Setting up a Standby Database:
  1. Perform an online full backup with current control file.
  1. Set the following initialization parameters in the primary initialization parameter file init<standbydb>.ora (i.e., Startup PFile) on source (primary) host.


  1. Create an initialization parameter file, init<standbydb>.ora for the standby database and set the following initialization parameters on Standby host:





  1. Perform any Oracle Net setup and configuration required to connect to the standby database.

    For example, set up the listener and configure the destination computer's $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora file for the standby database.

On Source computer:

<Standbydb1_use_diff_connection_string> =


(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = destination_host_name)(PORT = 1521))



(SERVICE_NAME = <standbydb_use_same_db_name_as_primary>)

(UR = A)



<Standbydb_primary> =


(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = primary_host_name)(PORT = 1521))



(SERVICE_NAME = <standbydb_same_as_destination><)



On standby computer:

<standbydb1_destination_connection_string> =


(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = destination_standby_host_name)(PORT = 1521))



(SERVICE_NAME = <standbydb_destination_db_name_same_as_primary>)

(UR = A)



<standbydb_primary_connection> =


(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = primary_host_name)(PORT = 1521))



(SERVICE_NAME = <standbydb_primary_db>)



  1. Use a connect string to connect to the auxiliary database when the instance is not configured. Make sure to use the password change_on_install when you create the password file for auxiliary channel while creating password file for standby database on destination host.
  1. Startup the standby database instance in NOMOUNT mode. Configure the Oracle instance for the destination host in the CommCell Browser.
  1. Ensure to run the on the auxiliary client.
  1. Create the Oracle RAC client and configure it as a client on the Destination host.
  1. Ensure that you set the Standby Role Initialization parameter, DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT,to add all the temp datafiles from the primary database location to the standby database location.
DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT='<primary_database_temp_datafile_old _location>','<standby_database_temp_datafile_new_location>'
Creating a Standby Database:
  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Type the connect string name in the Catalog String box.
  4. Select Duplicate DB check box.
  5. Under The latest Database View box, click Refresh to verify that the status of the standby database is STARTED.
  6. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Duplicate DB Options tab.
  2. Click Duplicate For Standby.
  3. Type the Oracle <SID> name in Oracle SID box.
  4. Select Do Recover check box to recover the standby database.
  5. Click OK.

Restoring Database Tables

By default, the database tables can be restored from an online full backup, provided the table browse was enabled in the associated subclient before performing the backup. See Enabling Table Browse for Restores for information on configuring the subclient for table browse.

When restoring database tables, by default an auxiliary instance is automatically created. Hence, make sure that there is enough disk space on the client for the auxiliary instance.

Restoring Tables to the Source Database

If some of the tables in the database are lost or corrupted, you can restore those tables back to the same database using the following steps:
  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and select Browse Backup Data.
  3. Select the Table View check box and click OK.
  4. From the Browse window, navigate and select the tables to be restored and click Recover All Selected.
  1. Click the Table Restore tab.
  2. In the Staging Path box, click Browse and select the location where the auxiliary instance will be created.
  3. Click the Advanced Options tab.
  1. Select Import to Source DB.
  2. Click OK.

Restoring Tables to a Different Database on the Same Host

Use the following steps to restore tables to a different database on the same host:
  1. Add the destination instance name in the Listener.ora and Tnsnames.ora files.
  2. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  3. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and select Browse Backup Data.
  4. Select the Table View check box and click OK.
  5. From the Browse window, navigate and select the tables to be restored and click Recover All Selected.
  6. Click the Table Restore tab.
  7. In the Staging Path box, type the location where the tables will be restored.
  8. Click the Advanced Options tab.
  9. Select Import to a Different DB.
  10. In the Enter Import Oracle Instance: box, type the destination instance name.
  11. In the Select a Client box, select the source client.
  12. Click OK.

Restoring Tables to a Different Host

When restoring the tables to a different host, ensure the following:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and select Browse Backup Data.
  3. Select the Table View check box and click OK.
  4. From the Browse window, navigate and select the tables to be restored and click Recover All Selected.
  5. In the Destination Client box, select the destination client name.
  6. Click the Table Restore tab.
  7. In the Staging Path box, type the location where the auxiliary instance will be created.
  8. Click the Advanced Options tab.
  9. Select Import to a Different DB.
  10. In the Enter Import Oracle Instance: box, type the destination instance name.
  11. In the Select a Client box, select the destination client.
  12. Click OK.

Restoring Tables Using a User-defined Auxiliary Instance

By default, when you restore database tables to a target instance, the system automatically duplicates the source database to an auxiliary instance in the specified temporary staging location. Once the database is duplicated, you can import the tables to the target instance.

However, if required, you can also use an user-defined auxiliary instance for the restore operation. This is used when you want to restore a table to a specific failure point.
When restoring tables to a different host, if an user-defined auxiliary instance option is selected for the restore, you need to recover the database to a specified point-in-time or SCN number. You cannot recover the database to the current time using an user-defined auxiliary instance.

Setting Up the Auxiliary Instance

1. Copy the init<SID>.ora file from the source database to the auxiliary database instance.  
2. Update the database name and the database file locations in the init<SID>.ora file for the auxiliary database instance.  
3. Add the DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT and LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT parameters in the init<SID>.ora file. These parameters will redirect the datafiles, temp files, and log files to the auxiliary instance. Windows Clients:



Unix Clients:



4. Add the log_archive_dest_1 parameter is added to the init<SID>.ora file on the auxiliary instance.  
5. Restart the Oracle Services, if using Windows clients.  
6. Add the destination instance name in the Listener.ora and Tnsnames.ora files. If using a different host, add the duplicate database instance name in the Listener.ora file on the destination host and Tnsnames.ora files on the destination and source hosts. Also, add the original database name in the Tnsnames.ora file on the destination host. DUPDB = (DESCRIPTION =

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = powerpc02)(PORT = 1521))


(SERVICE_NAME = dupdb) (UR=A) ) )

7. Restart the Listener. $lsnrctl reload
8. Ensure that the auxiliary instance is in NOMOUNT mode. sql> startup nomount;

Restoring the Tables using the Auxiliary Instance

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and select Browse Backup Data.
  3. Select the Table View check box and click OK.
  4. From the Browse window, navigate and select the tables to be restored and click Recover All Selected.
  5. Click the Table Restore tab.
  6. Select the Auxiliary Instance checkbox.
  7. In the Database Instance box, type the auxiliary instance name.
  8. In the Database Client box, select the destination client for the auxiliary instance.
  9. In the PFile box, type the path to the PFile of the auxiliary instance. Alternatively, click Browse to select the path.
  10. In the Staging Path box, type the location where the auxiliary instance will be created. Alternatively, click Browse to select the path.
  11. Click the Advanced Options tab.
  1. Select Import to a Different DB.
  2. In the Enter Import Oracle Instance: box, type the destination instance name.
  3. In the Select a Client box, select the destination client.
  4. Click Advanced.
  1. Select the Recover tab.
  2. Select Point-In-Time checkbox and specify the time range to which the the database need to be recovered.
  3. Click OK.

Disabling Clean-up of Auxiliary Instance after Restore

By default, the system generated auxiliary instance is deleted automatically once the  tables are imported to the destination instance.

Use the following steps to disable the clean-up of auxiliary instance after the restore:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and select Browse Backup Data.
  3. Select the Table View check box and click OK.
  4. From the Browse window, navigate and select the tables to be restored and click Recover All Selected.
  5. Click the Table Restore tab.
  6. In the Staging Path box, type the location where the tables will be restored.
  7. Clear the Cleanup Auxiliary checkbox.
  8. Click OK.

Exporting Table Objects

During table restores, the tables are exported from the auxiliary instance to the destination client and later imported to the target database. By default, the following data objects are exported along with the tables:

However, the stored procedures associated with the selected tables are not exported by default. Use the following steps to export the stored procedures and additional export parameters, such as (COMPRESS or PARALLEL):

Stored procedures are restored from the Schema level. Schema is the collection of data objects created by the user to contain or reference their data. Hence, if one of the table within the schema is selected for restore, all the stored procedures for that schema will also get restored.

When exporting the tables, the datapump export utility is used if it is supported by the Oracle application. The datapump utility facilitates the export of stored procedures. In oracle versions that do not support datapump export utility, you will not be able to include stored procedures during export.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and select Browse Backup Data.
  3. Select the Table View check box and click OK.
  4. From the Browse window, navigate and select the tables to be restored and click Recover All Selected.
  5. Click the Table Restore tab.
  6. In the Staging Path box, type the location where the auxiliary instance will be restored.
  7. Click the Advanced Options tab.
  8. Select the Include Stored Procedures checkbox.
  9. Select Use additional export parameters checkbox and type the parameters to be exported.
  10. Click OK.

Selecting/De-Selecting Dependent/Referenced Tables

When you browse using the table view, you can also view the dependent and referenced tables associated with the tables selected for the restore.

Dependent tables are the parent tables (containing the primary key) that the selected table (containing the foreign key) depends upon. Similarly, Referenced tables are the child tables (containing the foreign key) that references the selected table (containing the primary key).

By default, all the dependent and referenced tables will be included in the restore operation. Use the following steps to exclude the dependent/referenced tables:
  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and select Browse Backup Data.
  3. Select the Table View check box and click OK.
  4. From the Browse window, navigate to the table to be restored.
  5. Right-click the <table> and click Select/Deselect All Dependent Tables to exclude all the dependent tables.

    Similarly, click Deselect All Referenced Tables to exclude all the referenced tables.

  6. Click Restore All Selected.
  7. Click the Table Restore tab.
  8. In the Staging Path box, type the location where the auxiliary instance will be restored.
  9. Click OK.

Including all Dependencies to the Dependent/Referenced Tables

When restoring tables, you can include recursive dependency relationship of all the dependent/referenced tables.

Use the following steps to include all the dependent/referenced tables recursively:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and select Browse Backup Data.
  3. Select the Table View check box and click OK.
  4. From the Browse window, navigate to the table to be restored.
  5. Right-click the <table> and click Select All Dependent Tables Recursively to include recursive dependency of dependent tables.

    Similarly, click Deselect All Referenced Tables Recursively to to include recursive dependency of referenced tables.

  6. Click Restore All Selected.
  7. Click the Table Restore tab.
  8. In the Staging Path box, type the location where the auxiliary instance will be restored.
  9. Click OK.

Deleting Existing Tables during a Restore

By default, the restore operation will overwrite the existing tables in the destination database during the restore. You can also configure the restore operation to delete the existing tables before performing the restore.

Manually drop/delete the existing tables at the destination instance and then import the tables.

Use the following steps to automatically delete existing tables on the destination instance during restore. Note that you can also manually drop/delete the existing tables at the destination instance and perform the restore without enabling this option.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and select Browse Backup Data.
  3. Select the Table View check box and click OK.
  4. From the Browse window, navigate and select the tables to be restored and click Recover All Selected.
  5. Click the Table Restore tab.
  6. In the Staging Path box, type the location where the tables will be restored.
  7. Click the Advanced Options tab.
  8. Select Import to Source DB.
  9. Click Drop Table for Import checkbox.
  10. Click OK.

Performing Third Party Command Line Operations

In addition to restores from CommCell Console, you can also perform restores from the Command Line Interface. Note that the backups taken from CommCell Console can be restored using Command Line and vice versa. However, backups taken from a previous version of CommCell Console can be restored only from the Command Line.

Using the Same Block Size Value

When you run a third party command line restore for Oracle RAC iDataAgents, make sure that you use the same block size value that was used for the corresponding backup job.

For example, if the Oracle backup job used a non-default block size value (say, 32768), then during the third party command line restore operation, you need to specify the same block size value.


allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'

PARMS=" SBT_LIBRARY=<software install path>/Base/, ENV=(CvClientName=clientname,CvInstanceName=instancename),BLKSIZE=32768";

If you perform a backup job using the default block size value from the CommCell Console , you need to specify the same block size value for the corresponding third party command line restore operation. This is because, the default block size value used by the Oracle iDataAgent in the CommCell Console is 262144, whereas the default block size value used by Oracle RMAN is 65536. Hence, if you run a third party command line restore for Oracle without specifying the block size, the restore fails. In such cases, specify the block size as follows:

allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'

PARMS=" SBT_LIBRARY=<software install path>/Base/, ENV=(CvClientName=clientname,CvInstanceName=instancename),BLKSIZE=262144";

However, in the case of Oracle10g and higher, if the backup job (performed from the CommCell Console) used the default block size value, and you perform a third party command line restore operation without specifying the block size, the restore will succeed since the default block size value for Oracle iDataAgent and Oracle RMAN is the same (i.e., 262144).


allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'

PARMS=" SBT_LIBRARY=<software install path>/Base/, ENV=(CvClientName=clientname,CvInstanceName=instancename),BLKSIZE=262144";

Using Syntax on a Unix Cluster

In order to perform Oracle Command Line backups on a Unix cluster, you need to use the following syntax for the allocate command within the RMAN script:

allocate channel ChannelName type 'sbt_tape';

where ChannelName can be chN (N is a stream number: 1, 2, ...)

Viewing RMAN Scripts from the CommCell Console

Prior to running a restore operation from the CommCell Console, you can preview the corresponding RMAN script for the restore job. This is useful to determine whether the selected restore options will yield the desired result in the script. You can also manually copy and save the generated RMAN script to your computer and later execute the script from the command line.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, and select Restore.
  3. Click Script Preview.
  4. Click OK.

Customizing RMAN Scripts from the CommCell Console

In addition to previewing the RMAN script, you can also modify the script from the CommCell Console. This is useful when you want to include the RMAN commands that is not supported by the software.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, and select Restore.
  3. Click Advanced.
  4. Click the Customize Script tab.
  5. Select the Customize Script checkbox.

    The script for the control file restore will be generated.

  6. Click the Database tab to view the script for the database restore.
  7. Click OK.

Running RMAN Scripts from the RMAN Interface

SBT Parameters

Parameter Name Description Example


Name of the client defined in the CommCell Console. This parameter is optional. It is primarily used in a clustered environment. [CvClientName]
[CvInstanceName] Name of the Calypso instance installed on the client from where the  RMAN script runs.

This parameter is optional.

In cases of multiple instances of the software, the first installed instance would be 'Instance001'.

[CvOraSID] Name of the Oracle System ID (SID). This parameter is used during multi stream backups and also when the Oracle instance name is different from Oracle SID. [CVOraSID]
[-hn] RAC control host name for the backup/restore job. [-hn]
[CVOraRacDBName] Oracle RAC database name for the backup/restore job. [CVOraRacDBName]
[CvOraRacDBClientName] The Oracle RAC database client name for cross machine and/or duplicate database restore job. If you are restoring the database to a computer that is not part of the RAC pseudo client (cross machine restore), you need to define the environmental variable CVOraRacDBClientName to specify a client that is part of the RAC pseudo client. [CvOraRacDBClientName]

Prior to running the RMAN scripts from the RMAN command line, do the following:

1. Add the environmental variables for the client and instance on which the iDataAgent is installed. allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'

PARMS="<software install path>/Base/,ENV=

(CvClientName=rac1,CVOraRacDBName=racdb, CvInstanceName=instance001"

2. On Unix clients, add the SBT LiBRARY path. For example,

allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'

PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=<software install path>/Base/,ENV=(CvClientName=rac1,CVOraRacDBName=racdb, CvInstanceName=instance001,"

The SBT_LIBRARY path for the various platforms are listed below:

  • AIX with 64 bit Oracle - <Client Agent Install Path>/Base64/libobk.a(shr.o)
  • HP UX PA RISC 64 bit Oracle - <Client Agent Install Path>/Base64/
  • Solaris with 64 bit Oracle -<Client Agent Install Path>/Base64/
  • Linux on System Z with 64 bit Oracle - <Client Agent Install Path>/Base64/
  • All Other Unix platforms -<Client Agent Install Path>/Base/
3. Add the same block size value that was used for the corresponding backup job.

You can skip this step if the default block size was used for the backup.

allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'

PARMS=" SBT_LIBRARY=<software install path>/Base/, ENV=(

(CvClientName=rac1,CVOraRacDBName=racdb, CvInstanceName=instance001,BLKSIZE=32768)"

4. From the RMAN command prompt, connect to the target database. rman target sys/sys@<databasename>
5. Execute the RMAN script. @restore.txt

The restore and recover processes are run as separate RMAN run blocks and hence when resumed, the job is restarted from the last failed RMAN run block.

Restoring Multi Streamed Backups

In order to restore using multiple streams from RMAN interface, set the following parameters in the RMAN script.

1. Set the number of automatic channels for a specific device type using the CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE ... PARALLELISM command. CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE 'SBT_TAPE' PARALLELISM 2


In the above example, RMAN allocates two channels for the device type when using automatic channels.

2. Run the restore operation.

Make sure to set the CVOraRacDBName  and –hn parameters to run the restore operation with a single job ID.

-hn parameter specifies the node from where the restore operation is initiated.

rman target sys/sys@racdb5 << EOF

run {

allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape' PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/oracle/calypso/Base/,BLKSIZE=262144,ENV=(CvClientName=rac1,CVOraRacDBName=racdb,CvInstanceName=Instance001,";

allocate channel ch2 type 'sbt_tape' PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/oracle/calypso/Base/,BLKSIZE=262144,ENV=(CvClientName=rac1,CVOraRacDBName=racdb,CvInstanceName=Instance001,";

allocate channel ch3 type 'sbt_tape' connect sys/sys@racdb6 PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/oracle/calypso/Base/,BLKSIZE=262144,ENV=(CvClientName=rac2,CVOraRacDBName=racdb,CvInstanceName=Instance001,";

allocate channel ch4 type 'sbt_tape' connect sys/sys@racdb6 PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/oracle/calypso/Base/,BLKSIZE=262144,ENV=(CvClientName=rac2,CVOraRacDBName=racdb,CvInstanceName=Instance001,";

setlimit channel ch1 maxopenfiles 8;

setlimit channel ch2 maxopenfiles 8;

setlimit channel ch3 maxopenfiles 8;

setlimit channel ch4 maxopenfiles 8;

restore database;

recover database;



3. If you are using the OEM application, include the RMAN settings in the Oracle Enterprise Manager. For Unix:








Running RMAN Scripts for multiple streams

Oracle third party command line operations running on multiple streams will share the same Job ID in the Job Manager. If all the streams return failure, then the job is marked as failed. However, if one of the streams fail, it is submitted to the other stream for completion.

When you multiplex Oracle third party operations with multiple streams, each stream uses different drives by default.  
When performing third party command line operations, a new ClOraControlAgent.log file is generated along with ORASBT.log to record the command line jobs.

Oracle third party command line restore operations with single job ID require the CVOraRacDBName parameter, or else multiple jobs IDs will be generated.

For example:


{allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'




allocate channel ch2 type 'sbt_tape'




allocate channel ch3 type 'sbt_tape'




restore database ;

recover database ;

sql "alter database open"; }

If you are restoring the database to a computer that is not part of the RAC pseudo client(cross machine restore), you need to define the environmental variable CVOraRacDBClientName to specify a client that is part of the RAC pseudo client Example:


{allocate auxiliary channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'

PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=<software install path>





CVOraRacDBName=databasename)" TRACE 2;

duplicate target database to <databasename>;


where, RACDBsrcClientName is the physical client name

on which the RAC database runs.

Restoring on the Same host (Inplace Restore):

Run the following commands to perform a restore on the same computer using multiple streams:

If you use both the RMAN PARALLELISM configure parameter and set multiple streams from RMAN script, the restore job will utilize double the number of streams. For example, if PARALLELISM is set to 2 and 2 streams are set from RMAN script, the restore job will utilize 4 streams.

RMAN script to perform restore using two channels for node 1 and two channels for node 2.


{allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'








allocate channel ch2 type 'sbt_tape'








allocate channel ch3 type 'sbt_tape'

connect <connect_string>








allocate channel ch4 type 'sbt_tape'

connect <connect_string>







For example:

rman target sys/sys@racdb5 << EOF

run {

allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape' PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/oracle/calypso/Base/,BLKSIZE=262144,ENV=(CvClientName=rac1,CVOraRacDBName=racdb,CvInstanceName=Instance001,";

allocate channel ch2 type 'sbt_tape' PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/oracle/calypso/Base/,BLKSIZE=262144,ENV=(CvClientName=rac1,CVOraRacDBName=racdb,CvInstanceName=Instance001,";

allocate channel ch3 type 'sbt_tape' connect sys/sys@racdb6 PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/oracle/calypso/Base/,BLKSIZE=262144,ENV=(CvClientName=rac2,CVOraRacDBName=racdb,CvInstanceName=Instance001,";

allocate channel ch4 type 'sbt_tape' connect sys/sys@racdb6 PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/oracle/calypso/Base/,BLKSIZE=262144,ENV=(CvClientName=rac2,CVOraRacDBName=racdb,CvInstanceName=Instance001,";

setlimit channel ch1 maxopenfiles 8;

setlimit channel ch2 maxopenfiles 8;

setlimit channel ch3 maxopenfiles 8;

setlimit channel ch4 maxopenfiles 8;

restore database;

recover database;



Setting target database to a duplicate database

When you perform a command line restore or create duplicate database of an Oracle RAC database to a single instance on the same or different computer, make sure that the SBT_LIBRARY path and the environment variables for CvClientName, CvInstanceName, and CVOraRacDBName are defined in the RMAN script. 


rman target sys/sys@asmdb1 auxiliary sys/sys@dupdb << EOF



allocate auxiliary channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/oracle/





duplicate target database to dupdb

PFILE= /oracle/oracle10g/dbs/initdupdb.ora





RAC to RAC Cross Computer Restore


rman target sys/sys@racdb5 catalog unixrac/unixrac@rcat10g2 << EOF

run { allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape' PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/opt/calypso/Base/,BLKSIZE=262144,ENV=(CVOraRACDBClientName=racnode1,CvInstanceName=Instance001,CvClientName=rac1,CVOraRacDBName=racdb)";

allocate channel ch2 type 'sbt_tape' PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/opt/calypso/Base/,BLKSIZE=262144,ENV=(CVOraRACDBClientName=racnode1,CvInstanceName=Instance001,CvClientName=rac1,CVOraRacDBName=racdb)";

allocate channel ch3 type 'sbt_tape' connect sys/sys@racdb6; PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/opt/calypso/Base/,BLKSIZE=262144,ENV=(CVOraRACDBClientName=racnode1,CvInstanceName=Instance001,CvClientName=rac2,CVOraRacDBName=racdb)";

allocate channel ch4 type 'sbt_tape' connect sys/sys@racdb6 PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/opt/calypso/Base/,BLKSIZE=262144,ENV=(CVOraRACDBClientName=racnode1,CvClientName=rac2,CvInstanceName=Instance001,CVOraRacDBName=racdb)";

restore database;

recover database;

sql "alter database open resetlogs";

release channel ch1;

release channel ch2;

release channel ch3;

release channel ch4;



RAC to Single Node

run {
set newname for datafile '/oradata/oeldb/oeldb/example01.dbf' to '/database/oracle/10GR/oradata/oeldb/example01.dbf';
set newname for datafile '/oradata/oeldb/oeldb/sysaux01.dbf' to '/database/oracle/10GR/oradata/oeldb/sysaux01.dbf';
set newname for datafile '/oradata/oeldb/oeldb/system01.dbf' to '/database/oracle/10GR/oradata/oeldb/system01.dbf';
set newname for datafile '/oradata/oeldb/oeldb/undotbs01.dbf' to '/database/oracle/10GR/oradata/oeldb/undotbs01.dbf';
set newname for datafile '/oradata/oeldb/oeldb/undotbs02.dbf' to '/database/oracle/10GR/oradata/oeldb/undotbs02.dbf';
set newname for datafile '/oradata/oeldb/oeldb/users01.dbf' to '/database/oracle/10GR/oradata/oeldb/users01.dbf';
set newname for datafile '/oradata/oeldb/oeldb/lamba02.dbf' to '/database/oracle/10GR/oradata/oeldb/lamba02.dbf';
set newname for datafile '/oradata/oeldb/oeldb/lamba01.dbf' to '/database/oracle/10GR/oradata/oeldb/lamba01.dbf';
allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'


restore database until time = "TO_DATE('01/08/2010 14:46:24','MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')";
switch datafile all;
recover database until scn 6024452;
sql "alter database open resetlogs";
release channel ch1;
release channel ch2;
release channel ch3;
release channel ch4;

Restoring from a Secondary Copy using RMAN Interface

During restores, if the primary copy of the database is not available, you can restore from a secondary copy using the RMAN command line.

1. Include the environmental variable for copy precedence in the RMAN script. allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'

PARMS=" SBT_LIBRARY=<software install path>/Base/,


2. From the RMAN command prompt, connect to the target database. rman target sys/sys@<databasename>
3. Execute the RMAN script. @restore.txt

Setting the Restore Order for Streams

The Oracle RAC iDataAgent allows you to perform parallel restores across multiple RAC nodes. You can set a requisite number of allocated streams for each node and set the order to perform parallel restores. This will allow you to load-balance your restores across all or selected nodes of your RAC database.

Use the following steps to allocate the streams and set the restore order for each client (node):

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | < RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  1. Click the Streams tab.
  2. Select the RAC Client (node) for which you want to allocate streams and set the restore order.
  3. Double-click the Streams box and type the number of streams.
  4. Click OK.

Automatically Switching the Database Mode before a Restore

In order to perform a restore operation, the database should be in the MOUNT mode. If the database is not in mounted state, you are prompted to switch the database to the mounted state and then perform the restore.

Use the following steps to automatically switch the database to mount mode prior to restore:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | < RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Click Advanced.
  1. Click the Options tab.
  2. Select Switch Database mode for Restore.
  3. Click OK.

Opening the Database after a Restore

After a restore operation, you need to open the database for recording further transactions.

Use the following steps to open the database:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Options tab.
  2. Select Open DB check Box.
  3. Click OK.

Setting the Log State after a Restore

By default, the database is automatically set to open and the logs are reset. Use the following steps to prevent resetting the logs:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Options tab.
  2. Select Open DB check Box.
  3. Select the following options from Reset Logs list.
    • None - Open the database without RESETLOGS option.
    • No - Open the database with NORESETLOGS option.
  4. Click OK.

Setting the Database Incarnation

When you perform a point-in-time recovery of an Oracle database with RESETLOGS, a new incarnation of the database is created. All archive log files generated after resetting the logs will be associated to the new incarnation. However, in order to perform a point-in-time recovery from a backup of a previous incarnation, you need to reset the current incarnation to the previous incarnation value. Use the following steps to set the incarnation value:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Options tab.
  2. Select the database incarnation value from Set DB Incarnation list.
  3. Click OK.

Resetting the Database after a Restore

By default, the database is not reset. After resetting the logs to open state, you can reset the database. Use the following steps to reset the database after a restore:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Options tab.
  2. Select Open DB check Box.
  3. Select Yes from the Reset Logs list.
  4. Select Reset Database check box.
  5. Click OK.

Disabling Failovers during Restores

During restore operations, RMAN automatically looks for another copy of the file under the following circumstances:

If it is not available in the other copy, RMAN will use older versions of the file, if available. When multiple channels are available for the same device type, RMAN will automatically retry on another channel. RMAN continuously searches all prior backups until it has exhausted all possibilities. This process will delay the restore jobs.

Use the following steps to disable the failovers during restore and prevent job delays:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Options tab.
  2. Select Disable Oracle Channel Restore Failover check box.
  3. Click OK.

Validating Restores

If you perform a validating restore job, the RMAN will stimulate a restore job and verifies whether the backup copies of data and logs required for the restore are intact and usable.

Use the following steps to validate a restore job:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Options tab.
  2. Select Validate check Box.
  3. Click OK.

Setting the Database Identifier (DBID)

The Database Identifier (DBID) is an internal, uniquely generated number that will distinguish the target database from the rest of the databases that have the same name in the recovery catalog. Oracle creates this number automatically when you create the database. The DBID is set while restoring the control file to differentiate the database for which the control file is restored.

Use the following steps to set the DBID and differentiate the database:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Options tab.
  2. Select the Set DBID check box.
  3. Click OK.

Setting Up Online Redo Log Files

The redo log records all changes made in datafiles. When you run your database in NOARCHIVELOG mode, you disable the archiving of the redo log.

By default, the No Redo Log is disabled. Hence, While restoring the database, RMAN will search for archived re-do logs after applying incremental backup data. Setting No Re-do Logs will enable the RMAN to suppress the archived re-do logs so that only data from incremental backups is restored. Enable No Re-do logs when you perform a point-in-time restore of a database that was backed up in NOARCHIVELOG mode.

Use the following steps to enable No Re-do Logs and perform a restore operation:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Options tab.
  2. Select the No Re-do Logs check box.
  3. Click OK.

Enhancing Restore Performance

You can perform a restore operation faster when you set a maximum number of concurrent open datafiles for RMAN to read simultaneously. Use the following steps to enhance your restore operation:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Options tab.
  2. Select the number of open files from Max Open Files list.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click OK to start the restore.

Reverting a Restore


Scheduling a Restore

Follow the steps given below to schedule a restore job:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  2. Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks and then click Restore.
  3. Select the required restore options.
  1. Click Job Initiation tab and then click Schedule.
  2. Click Configure.
  1. Select the appropriate scheduling options.  For example:
  • Click Weekly.
  • Check the days you want the run the restore job.
  • Change the Start Time to 9:00 PM
  1. Click Options for the following advanced schedule options:
  • Range of recurrence
  • Repeat times
  • Time Zone
  1. Click OK.

The restore job will execute as per the schedule.

Managing Restore Jobs

Once you initiate the restore operation, a restore job is generated in the Job Controller. Jobs can be managed in a number of ways. The following sections provide information on the different job management options available:

Restarting Jobs

Jobs that fail to complete successfully are automatically restarted based on the job restartability configuration set in the Control Panel. Keep in mind that changes made to this configuration will affect all jobs in the entire CommCell.

The restore and recover processes are run as separate RMAN run blocks, and when the job is resumed, it resumes from the last failed RMAN block. If the recover encounters problems after media recovery is completed, the jobs gets completed with errors. In other cases, the job goes to pending and resumes from the last failed RMAN block.

To Configure the job restartability for a specific job, you can modify the retry settings for the job. This will override the setting in the Control Panel. It is also possible to override the default CommServe configuration for individual jobs by configuring retry settings when initiating the job. This configuration, however, will apply only to the specific job.

Configure Job Restartability at the CommServe Level

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click Control Panel icon.
  2. Select Job Management.
  3. Click Job Restarts tab and select a Job Type.
    • Select Restartable to make the job restartable.
    • Change the value for Max Restarts to change the maximum number of times the Job Manager will try to restart a job.
    • Change the value for Restart Interval (Mins) to change the time interval between attempts for the Job Manager to restart the job.
  4. Click OK.

Controlling Jobs

The following controls are available for running jobs in the Job Controller window:


Temporarily stops a job. A suspended job is not terminated; it can be restarted at a later time.


Resumes a job and returns the status to Waiting, Pending, Queued, or Running. The status depends on the availability of resources, the state of the Operation Windows, or the Activity Control setting


Terminates a job.

Suspending a Job

  1. From the Job Controller of the CommCell Console, right-click the job and select Suspend.
  2. The job status may change to Suspend Pending for a few moments while the operation completes. The job status then changes to Suspended.

Resuming a Job

  1. From the Job Controller of the CommCell Console, right-click the job and select Resume.
  2. As the Job Manager attempts to restart the job, the job status changes to Waiting, Pending, or Running.

Killing a Job

  1. From the Job Controller of the CommCell Console, right-click the job and select Kill.
  2. Click Yes when the confirmation prompt appears if you are sure you want to kill the job. The job status may change to Kill Pending for a few moments while the operation completes. Once completed, the job status will change to Killed and it will be removed from the Job Controller window after five minutes.

Resubmitting Jobs

If a restore job fails to complete successfully, you can resubmit the job without the need to reconfigure the original job's restore options using the Resubmit Job feature. When a job is resubmitted, all the original options, restore destinations, and other settings configured for the job remain in tact.

Resubmit a Restore Job

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click a client computer whose data recovery history you want to view, click View, then click to view a job history.
  2. From the Job History Filter dialog box, select Restore.
  3. The system displays the results of the options you selected in the Data Recovery Job History window.
  4. Right-click on any job, and select Resubmit.
  5. Select the job options.
  6. Click OK.

Additional Restore Options

Several additional options are available to further refine your restore operations. The following table describes these options, as well as the steps to implement them.

Be sure to read the overview material referenced for each feature prior to using them.

Option Description Related Topics
Use hardware revert capability if available This option allow you to revert the data to the time when the snapshot was created. Selecting this option brings back the entire LUN to the point when the snapshot was created, overwriting all modifications to the data since the snapshot creation. This option is only available if the storage array used for SnapProtect Backup supports the revert operation.
  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  1. Right-click the <Instance> point to All Tasks, and then click Browse Backup Data.
  2. Click OK.
  3. In the right pane of the Browse window, select the data you want to restore and click Recover All Selected.
  4. Click Advanced.
  1. Select Use hardware revert capability if available check box.
  2. Click OK.
Startup Options

The Startup Options are used by the Job Manager to set priority for resource allocation. This is useful to give higher priority to certain jobs. You can set the priority as follows:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  1. Right-click the <Instance> point to All Tasks, and then click Browse Backup Data.
  2. Click OK.
  3. In the right pane of the Browse window, select the data you want to restore and click Recover All Selected.
  4. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Startup tab.
  2. Select Change Priority.
  3. Select a priority number - 0 is the highest priority and 999 is the lowest priority.
  4. Select the Start up in suspended State check box to start the job in a suspended state.
  5. Click OK.
Refer to Job Priority and Priority Precedence.
Copy Precedence By default, the system retrieves data from the storage policy copy with the lowest copy precedence. If the data was pruned from the primary copy, the system automatically retrieves data from the other copies of the storage policy in the lowest copy precedence to highest copy precedence order. Once the data is found, it is  retrieved, and no further copies are checked.

You can retrieve data from a specific storage policy copy (Synchronous Copy or Selective Copy). If data does not exist in the specified copy, the data retrieve operation fails even if the data exists in another copy of the same storage policy. Follow the steps given below to retrieve the data from a a specific storage policy copy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  1. Right-click the <Instance> point to All Tasks, and then click Browse Backup Data.
  2. Click OK.
  3. In the right pane of the Browse window, select the data you want to restore and click Recover All Selected.
  4. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Copy Precedence tab.
  2. Select the Restore from copy precedence check box.
  3. Select the number from Copy Precedence list.
  4. Click OK.
Refer to Recovering Data From Copies.
Data Path Options

The data recovery operations use a default Library, MediaAgent, Drive Pool, and Drive as the Data Path. You can use this option to change the data path if the default data path is not available. Follow the steps given below to change the default data path:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  1. Right-click the <Instance> point to All Tasks, and then click Browse Backup Data.
  2. Click OK.
  3. In the right pane of the Browse window, select the data you want to restore and click Recover All Selected.
  4. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Data Path tab.
  2. Select the MediaAgent from Use MediaAgent list.
  3. Select the Library from Use Library list.
  4. Select the drive pool and drive from Use Drive Pool and Use Drive lists for optical and tape libraries.
  5. Select the name of the Proxy server  from Use Proxy list, if you wish to restore using a proxy server.
  6. Click OK.
Refer to Change Data Path.

If the client's data is encrypted with a pass phrase, you must enter the pass-phrase to start the data recovery operation. Follow the steps given below to enter the pass-phrase:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  1. Right-click the <Instance> point to All Tasks, and then click Browse Backup Data.
  2. Click OK.
  3. In the right pane of the Browse window, select the data you want to restore and click Recover All Selected.
  4. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Encryption tab.
  2. Type the pass phrase in Pass Phrase box.
  3. Re-type the pass phrase in Re-enter Pass Phrase box.
  4. Click OK.
Refer to Data Encryption.

This option enables users or user groups to get automatic notification on the status of the data recovery job. Follow the steps given below to set up the criteria to raise notifications/alerts:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <RAC Client>
  1. Right-click the <Instance> point to All Tasks, and then click Browse Backup Data.
  2. Click OK.
  3. In the right pane of the Browse window, select the data you want to restore and click Recover All Selected.
  4. Click Advanced.
  1. Click Alerts tab.
  2. Click Add Alert.
  3. From the Add Alert Wizard box, select the required threshold and notification criteria and click Next.
  4. Select the required notification types and click Next.
  5. Select the recipients and click Next.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. Click OK.
Refer to Alert.
CommCell Readiness Report The CommCell Readiness Report provides you with vital information, such as connectivity and readiness of the Client, MediaAgent and CommServe. It is useful to run this report before performing the data protection or recovery job. Follow the steps given below to generate the report:
  1. From the Tools menu in the CommCell Console, click Reports.
  2. Navigate to Reports | CommServe | CommCell Readiness.
  3. Click the Client tab and click the Modify button.
  4. In the Select Computers dialog box, clear the Include All Client Computers and All Client Groups check box.
  5. Select the client from the Exclude list.
  6. Click the Include > button.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click the MediaAgent tab.
  9. Clear the Include All MediaAgents checkbox.
  10. Select the MediaAgent from the Exclude list.
  11. Click Include >.
  12. Click Run.

    The generated report is displayed.

Refer to CommCell Readiness Report.
Restore Job Summary Report

The Restore Job Summary Report provides you with information about all the data recovery jobs that are run in last 24 hours for a specific client and agent. You can get information such as failure reason, failed objects, job options etc. It is useful to run this report after performing the restore. Follow the steps given below to generate the report:

  1. From the Tools menu in the CommCell Console, click Reports.
  2. Navigate to Reports | Jobs | Job Summary.
  3. Click Data Recovery on the General tab in the right pane.
  4. On the Computers tab, select the client and the agent for which you want to run the report.
  5. Click Run.
Refer to Restore Job Summary Report.