Virtual Tape Libraries - Configure

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Configure a Virtual Tape library

Configure a NearStore Virtual Tape Library

Configure a Virtual Tape Library

  1. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to create the virtual tape library and make sure that the MediaAgent can detect the virtual arm changer and the drives created.
  2. The virtual tape library can be configured using one of the following configurations:

  1. Once configured right-click the library and then click Properties.
  1. From the Library Properties window, select the Is a Virtual Library Tape option. Selecting this option ignores all the media and drive usage/cleaning thresholds that are not applicable to virtual tape libraries. Select Generic from the list.

    Click OK.

    Once configured, the virtual tape library supports most of the operations supported by actual tape library, depending on the manufacturer's implementation

Configure a NearStore Virtual Tape Library

The NearStore virtual tape libraries require special configuration. See the following sections for details.

  1. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to create the virtual tape library and make sure that the MediaAgent can detect the virtual arm changer and the drives created.

    Also make sure that you enable the shadow tape feature while creating the virtual tape, using the manufacturer's instructions.

  1. The virtual tape library can be configured using one of the following configurations:

  1. Once configured, to enable the shadow tape feature, right-click the library and then click Properties.
  1. From the Library Properties window, select the Is a Virtual Library Tape option. Selecting this option ignores all the media and drive usage/cleaning thresholds that are not applicable to virtual tape libraries. Select NetApp NearStore from the list. Also select the Barcode Reader Installed option.

    Click OK. The shadow tape feature is now enabled in the virtual tape library.

    Once configured, the virtual tape library supports most of the operations supported by actual tape library, depending on the manufacturer's implementation

Export data from a NearStore VTL

When the virtual tape is exported to a physical tape, the physical media containing the matching barcode is loaded onto the physical library (if not already present), and the contents are copied from the virtual tape to physical tape. When this copy operation is complete, the virtual tape is marked as a shadow tape and this shadow tape is available for restore operations until the data expires.

Restore data from a NearStore VTL

When the data from an exported virtual tape is restored, it would result in one of the following scenarios: