Overview - SRM NetWare Proxy Agent

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The SRM NetWare Proxy Agent gathers statistics on the disk and file system assets locally attached to a given NetWare Server.

Data collected by the SRM NetWare Proxy Agent is summarized by many types of reports that may be further customized with user-selected filters and charts in the Report Manager.

For the SRM NetWare Agent, the agent software is installed on a proxy client. For more information on installing the proxy client, see Deployment - SRM NetWare Agent. Once the installation is complete, the agent and the NetWare server information must be configured from the client level or the proxy agent level in the CommCell Console. For step-by-step instructions see, Add NetWare Server.

What is Supported

The SRM NetWare Proxy Agent for NetWare File System supports the following file system types:

Supported Job Types for Data Collection

This agent supports two job types for data collection:

Discovery Job

This job collects basic information about disks, partitions, file systems, and shares that are present, their current sizes, and available free space. Collections using the Discovery level job require minimal processing on the File System server and may be run throughout the day. But a Discovery level job would not provide meaningful data in some of the extensive reports.

Discovery and Analysis Job

This job collects detailed file-level statistics, including information about file sizes, types, owners, and access and modification times. Collections using the Analysis level jobs should be run during off-peak hours because they require processing that is CPU- and disk-intensive on the File System server.

See Reports - SRM NetWare Proxy Agent to see which reports require Analysis level data collection.

Tree Level in SRM NetWare Proxy Agent

When the SRM NetWare Proxy Agent is installed, the following levels are automatically created in the CommCell Browser.

oesnode3: Client
Novell Netware: Agent
Subclients: This level appears when a NetWare Server is added to the SRM Netware Proxy Agent. For more information, see Subclients.
Devices: This level appears when a NetWare Server is added to the SRM Netware Proxy Agent. Devices associated with the NetWare Server are populated under this level after completion of the first Data Collection operation. For more information, see SRM NetWare Proxy Agent Summaries.
Pools:  This level appears when a NetWare Server is added to the SRM Netware Proxy Agent. Pools associated with the NetWare Server are populated under this level after completion of the first Data Collection operation. For more information, see SRM NetWare Proxy Agent Summaries.
Volumes: This level appears when a NetWare Server is added to the SRM Netware Proxy Agent. Volumes associated with the NetWare Server are populated under this level after completion of the first Data Collection operation. For more information, see SRM NetWare Proxy Agent Summaries.

Configuration Considerations

Consider the following configuration requirements prior to using the SRM NetWare Proxy Agent:

License Requirement

To perform a data collection operation using this Agent, you need a SRM NetWare Agent license, available on the SRM server. The license is consumed when this component is configured on the client computer. See License Administration for more details on license requirements.

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