Frequently Asked Questions - Laptop Backup

What Gets Backed Up?

Administrator creates a subclient policy to specify the folders (e.g. Documents, Music, Videos, etc,.) such that the contents (e.g. word processing documents, digital photos, music files and so on) of user laptops gets backed up.

However, the administrator must request the users to copy the files and folders to be backed up into the specified folder(s) in subclient policy.

A user can also backup files or folder other than the folders specified by administrator, by adding backup content path from Web Console. See, Adding Backup Content for step-by-step procedure.

What will happen When Multiple Routes Are Added For Firewall In A Laptop?

Can I configure both absolute and relative throttling rules together?

Yes. Both absolute and relative throttling rules can be configured for the same client or client group. They work in conjunction, the absolute value will takes precedence, after the percentage of relative bandwidth is calculated.

For example if you create a rule for a client with absolute throttling where the send or receive value is set at 1,000 kbps along with another rule where the relative throttling for the same client is set at 50% of bandwidth if the bandwidth is less than 5,000 kbps. If the bandwidth measured for the client is 4,000 kbps then 50% of that value will result in 2,000 kbps.

Since the value set for the absolute throttling rule is below the calculated bandwidth for the relative throttling rule, the absolute throttling rule will take precedence and will not exceed beyond 1,000 kbps.

How Do I Assign Different Capabilities To Different Sets Of Users?

Create user groups with the appropriate capabilities and attach the respective users to each of these groups.

What will Happen if I Configure the iDataAgent for Laptop or Desktop Backup?

The following laptop features will get enabled when you configure an iDataAgent for Laptop or Desktop backup:

Configure Firefox for Single Sign On Authentication

Perform the following steps to ensure that your Firefox web browser is enabled to perform Single Sign On authentication.

  • Open your Firefox web browser.
  • Type about:config in the address bar.
  • Click I'll be careful, I promise!.
2. Double-click network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris from the Preference Name list. You can easily find this preference by typing network.negotiate in the Search box.
This preference lists the sites that are allowed to engage in SPNEGO Authentication with the browser.
  • Enter the domain name or URL of your CommServe in the popup window. For example, http://hostname If more than one domain, enter the values delimited by a comma.
  • Click OK.
4. Restart the Firefox web browser.  

How Do I Assign Multiple Users As Laptop Owners?

By default, all users and groups who are member of Administrators group on the laptop (client) will be automatically designated as owners.

The following sections describes how to assign multiple users as owners to a client or multiple clients (client computer groups).

Associating/Disassociating User Group to a Client

Use the following steps to associate or disassociate members from an existing user group to a client computer. This will allow you to manage the members in the laptop user group.

If necessary you can use the following steps to overwrite the associate user group available on the client with a given user group.

  1. Right-click the View Sample XML File link and click Save Link As... or Save Target As... to save the XML file needed for this task.
  2. Open the .xml file using an XML editor and modify the following parameters:
    • clientName - Specify the names of the client computers that to you want to associate to the user group.

      For example: If you wish to associate user group to client1, client2 and clientx then you must add the following:






    • userGroupName - Specify the user group to which you want to associate to the client.

      For example: If you wish to associate usergroup1 to the above clients, then you must add the following:


    • associatedUserGroupsOperationType - Indicate one of the following operation types:

      ADD - To associate the User Group to a Client

      DELETE - To disassociate the User Group to a Client

      OVERWRITE - To associate the user group mentioned above and disassociate all the user group available on the client computer. For example:

      If usergroup2 and usergroup3 are already associated on client1, and you wish to overwrite the available user groups with usergroup4. This operation associates usergroup4 to the client1 and disassociates usergroup2 and usergroup3.

  3. Save the file as input.xml.
  4. From Command prompt, navigate to <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base and then run the following command:
    • Login to the CommServe using the qlogin command and commcell credentials.

      For example, to log on to CommServe server1 with username user1:

      C:\>qlogin -cs server1 -u user1

    • Run the XML using the qoperation command.

      For example, to run input.xml

      C:\>qoperation execute –af input.xml

  5. You can verify the user group associated to client from Associated Groups.
    • From the CommCell Browser, right-click the <Client> and then click Properties.
    • Click Security tab.
    • The User Group specified above will be listed in the Associated Groups.

View Sample XML File

Associating/Disassociating User Group to a Client Group

Use the following steps to associate or disassociate members from an existing user group to a client computer group. This will allow you to manage the members in the laptop user group.

If necessary you can use the following steps to overwrite the associate user group available on the client group with a given user group.

  1. Right-click the View Sample XML File link and click Save Link As... or Save Target As... to save the XML file needed for this task.
  2. Open the .xml file using an XML editor and modify the following parameters:
    • clientGroupName - Specify the names of the client computer group that you want to associate to the user group.

      For example: If you wish to associate user group to clientgroup1, clientgroup2 and clientgroupx then your element will appear as follows:






    • userGroupName - Specify the user group to which you want to associate to the client group.

      For example: If you wish to associate usergroup1 to above client group, then you must add the following:


    • associatedUserGroupsOperationType - Indicate one of the following operation types:

      ADD - This will associate the User Group to a Client Computer Group

      DELETE - This will disassociate the User Group to a Client Computer Group

      OVERWRITE - To associate the user group mentioned above and disassociate all the user group available on the client computer group. For example:

      If usergroup2 and usergroup3 are already associated on clientgroup1, and you wish to overwrite the available user groups with usergroup4. This operation associates usergroup4 to the clientgroup1 and disassociates usergroup2 and usergroup3.

  3. Save the file as input.xml.
  4. From Command prompt, navigate to <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base and then run the following command:
    • Login to the CommServe using the qlogin command and commcell credentials.

      For example, to log on to CommServe server1 with username user1:

      C:\>qlogin -cs server1 -u user1

    • Run the XML using the qoperation command.

      For example, to run input.xml

      C:\>qoperation execute –af input.xml

  5. You can verify the user group associated to client from Associated Groups.
    • From the CommCell Browser, right-click the <Client_Computer_Group> and then click Properties.
    • Click Security tab.
    • The User Group specified above will be listed in the Associated Groups.

View Sample XML File

Associating/Disassociating User to a Client

Use the following steps to associate or disassociate user to a client computer. This will allow user to access the client computer and perform backup and restore operations. This will assign user as a owner to the client computer and allow to perform backup and restore operations.

If necessary you can use the following steps to overwrite the user available on the client with a given user.

  1. Right-click the View Sample XML File link and click Save Link As... or Save Target As... to save the XML file needed for this task.
  2. Open the .xml file using an XML editor and modify the following parameters:
    • clientName - Specify the names of the client computer group that you want to associate to the user.

      For example: If you wish to associate user group to client1, client2 and clientx then you must add the following:






    • clientOwners - Specify the user to which you want to associate to the client.

      For example: If you wish to associate user1 to above clients, then you must add the following:


    • clientOwnersOperationType - Indicate one of the following operation types:

      ADD - This will associate the user to a client computer

      DELETE - This will disassociate the user to a client computer

      OVERWRITE - To associate the user mentioned above and disassociate all the users available on the client computer. For example:

      If user2 and user3 are already associated on client1, and you wish to overwrite the available users with user4. This operation associates user4 to the client1 and disassociates user2 and user3.

  3. Save the file as input.xml.
  4. From Command prompt, navigate to <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base and then run the following command:
    • Login to the CommServe using the qlogin command and commcell credentials.

      For example, to log on to CommServe server1 with username user1:

      C:\>qlogin -cs server1 -u user1

    • Run the XML using the qoperation command.

      For example, to run input.xml

      C:\>qoperation execute –af input.xml

  5. You can verify the user associated to client from Client Owners.
    • From the CommCell Browser, right-click the <Client> and then click Properties.
    • Click Security tab.
    • The user specified above will be listed in the Client Owners.

View Sample XML File

Associate/Disassociate User to a Client Computer Group

Use the following steps to associate/disassociate user to client computer group.

Once this is done the included user will have access to client computer group and can backup and restore their data on this client.

  1. Right-click the View Sample XML File link and click Save Link As... or Save Target As... to save the XML file needed for this task.
  2. Open the .xml file using an XML editor and modify the following parameters:
    • clientName - Specify the client computer groups to which you want to associate the user.

      For example: If you wish to associate user group to clientgroup1, clientgroup2 and clientgroupx then you must add the following:






    • clientOwners - Specify the user to which you want to associate to the client computer group.

      For example: If you wish to associate user1 to above client, then your element will appear as follows:


    • clientOwnersOperationType - Indicate one of the following operation types:

      ADD - This will associate the User Group to a Client Computer Group

      DELETE - This will disassociate the User Group to a Client Computer Group

      OVERWRITE - To associate the user mentioned above and disassociate all the users available on the client computer group. For example:

      If user2 and user3 are already associated on clientgroup1, and you wish to overwrite the available user groups with user4. This operation associates user4 to the client1 and disassociate user2 and user3.

  3. Save the file as input.xml.
  4. From Command prompt, navigate to <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base and then run the following command:
    • Login to the CommServe using the qlogin command and commcell credentials.

      For example, to log on to CommServe server1 with username user1:

      C:\>qlogin -cs server1 -u user1

    • Run the XML using the qoperation command.

      For example, to run input.xml

      C:\>qoperation execute –af input.xml

  5. You can verify the user associated to client from Client Owners.
    • From the CommCell Browser, right-click the <Client_Computer_Group> and then click Properties.
    • Click Security tab.
    • The user specified above will be listed in the Client Owners.

View Sample XML File