Getting Started - NAS iDataAgent Deployment on UNIX

Skip this page if you are not installing this agent on Unix.

Click to continue with the deployment.

Where to Install

Install the software on a client computer that is connected to a NAS file server that you want to protect and satisfies the minimum requirements specified in the System Requirements.

To backup the NAS data, you need to install the MediaAgent software which includes the NAS iDataAgent. If the library is attached to the MediaAgent, you need to install the NDMP Remote Server software.

The following procedures describe the steps for installing both the MediaAgent and the NDMP Remote Server. You can skip this installation step if you have already installed the MediaAgent.


Before You Begin

  The software can be installed using one of the following methods:

Method 1: Interactive Install

Use this procedure to directly install the software from the installation package or a network drive.

Method 2: Install Software from CommCell Console

Use this procedure to install remotely on a client computer.

Download Software Packages

Download the latest software package to perform the install.

Verify System Requirements

Make sure that the computer in which you wish to install the software satisfies the System Requirements.

Method 1: Interactive Install

1. Logon to the client computer as root or as a sudo user.

If you are installing the software using a sudo user account, make sure that sudo user account is configured on this computer. For more information, see FAQ - Install.

2. If your are installing the software from CD, run the following command to mount the CD:

mount -t iso9660,udf /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

Run the following command from the Software Installation Package or mount point:


3. The product banner and other information is displayed.

Press Enter.

4. Read the license agreement. Type y and press Enter.  
5. Press Enter. Please select a setup task you want to perform from the list below:

Advance options provide extra setup features such as creating custom package, recording/replaying user selections and installing External Data Connector software.

1) Install data protection agents on this computer

2) Advance options

3) Exit this menu

Your choice: [1]

6. Press Enter. Certain Calypso packages can be associated with a virtual IP, or in other words, installed on a "virtual machine" belonging to some cluster. At any given time the virtual machine's services and IP address are active on only one of the cluster's servers. The virtual machine can "fail-over" from one server to another, which includes stopping services and deactivating IP address on the first server and activating the IP address/services on the other server.

You now have a choice of performing a regular Calypso install on the physical host or installing Calypso on a virtual machine for operation within a cluster.

Most users should select "Install on a physical machine" here.

1) Install on a physical machine

2) Install on a virtual machine

3) Exit

Your choice: [1]

7. If you have only one network interface, press Enter to accept the default network interface name and continue.

If you have multiple network interfaces, enter the interface name that you wish to use as default, and then press Enter.

  The interface names and IP addresses depend on the computer in which the software is installed and may be different from the example shown.
We found one network interface available on your machine. We will associate it with the physical machine being installed, and it will also be used by the CommServe to connect to the physical machine. Note that you will be able to additionally customize Datapipe Interface Pairs used for the backup data traffic later in the Calypso Java GUI.

Please check the interface name below, and make connections if necessary:

Physical Machine Host Name: []

8. Press Enter. Please specify the client name for this machine.

It does not have to be the network host name: you can enter any word here without spaces. The only requirement is that it must be unique on the CommServe.

Physical Machine Client name: [angel]

9. Type the number associated with the Unix File System iDataAgent, MediaAgent and press Enter.
  If the library is attached to the MediaAgent, type number associated with the NDMP Remote Server.
Install Calypso on physical machine angel

Please select the Calypso module(s) that you would like to install.

[ ] 1) UNIX File System iDataAgent [1101] [CVGxIDA]
[ ] 2) MediaAgent [1301] [CVGxMA]
[ ] 3) ProxyHost iDataAgent [1102] [CVGxProxyIDA]
[ ] 4) Documentum iDataAgent [1126] [CVGxDctmIDA]
[ ] 5) Oracle iDataAgent [1204] [CVGxOrIDA]
[ ] 6) SAP for Oracle [1205] [CVGxOrSAP]
[ ] 7) SAP for MaxDB [1206] [CVGxSAPMAXDB]
[ ] 8) Informix iDataAgent [1201] [CVGxIfIDA]
[ ] 9) Sybase iDataAgent [1202] [CVGxSybIDA]
[ ] 10) DB2 iDataAgent [1207] [CVGxDB2]
[ ] 11) MySQL iDataAgent [1208] [CVGxMySQL]
[ ] 12) PostGres iDataAgent [1209] [CVGxPostGres]
[ ] 13) Lotus Notes Database iDataAgent [1051] [CVGxLndbIDA]
>) >>>>>>>>>>>> NEXT PAGE >>>>>>>>>>>>

[a=all n=none r=reverse q=quit d=done >=next <=previous ?=help]
Enter number(s)/one of "a,n,r,q,d,>,<,?" here: 1 20

10. A confirmation screen will mark your choice with an "X".

Type d for Done, and press Enter.

Install Calypso on physical machine angel

Please select the Calypso module(s) that you would like to install.

[X] 1) UNIX File System iDataAgent [1101] [CVGxIDA]
[X] 2) MediaAgent [1301] [CVGxMA]
[ ] 3) ProxyHost iDataAgent [1102] [CVGxProxyIDA]
[ ] 4) Documentum iDataAgent [1126] [CVGxDctmIDA]
[ ] 5) Oracle iDataAgent [1204] [CVGxOrIDA]
[ ] 6) SAP for Oracle [1205] [CVGxOrSAP]
[ ] 7) SAP for MaxDB [1206] [CVGxSAPMAXDB]
[ ] 8) Informix iDataAgent [1201] [CVGxIfIDA]
[ ] 9) Sybase iDataAgent [1202] [CVGxSybIDA]
[ ] 10) DB2 iDataAgent [1207] [CVGxDB2]
[ ] 11) MySQL iDataAgent [1208] [CVGxMySQL]
[ ] 12) PostGres iDataAgent [1209] [CVGxPostGres]
[ ] 13) Lotus Notes Database iDataAgent [1051] [CVGxLndbIDA]
>) >>>>>>>>>>>> NEXT PAGE >>>>>>>>>>>>

[a=all n=none r=reverse q=quit d=done >=next <=previous ?=help]
Enter number(s)/one of "a,n,r,q,d,>,<,?" here: d

11. Press Enter. Do you want to use the agents for restore only without consuming licenses? [no]
12. Type the appropriate number to install the latest software scripts and press Enter.
  • Select Download from the software provider website to download the latest software scripts. Make sure you have internet access.
  • Select Use the one in the installation media to install the software scripts from the package or share from which the installation is currently being performed.
  • Select Use the copy I already have by entering its unix path, to specify the path if you have the software script in an alternate location.
Installation Scripts Pack provides extra functions and latest support and fix performed during setup time. Please specify how you want to get this pack.

If you choose to download it from the website now, please make sure you have internet connectivity at this time. This process may take some time depending on the internet connectivity.

1) Download from the software provider website.

2) Use the one in the installation media

3) Use the copy I already have by entering its unix path

Your choice: [1] 2

13. Press Enter.
  It is recommended to download the latest Service pack(s). Type Yes and press Enter to automatically install the available updates during installation.
Keep Your Install Up to Date - Latest Service Pack

Latest Service Pack provides extra functions and latest support and fix for the packages you are going to install. You can download the latest service pack from software provider website.

If you decide to download it from the website now, please make sure you have internet connectivity at this time. This process may take some time depending on the internet connectivity.

Do you want to download the latest service pack now? [no]


Press Enter to accept the default path.

  • If you want to specify a different path, type the path and then press Enter.
  • If you want to install the software binaries to an NFS shared drive, specify the directory on which you have mounted the NFS file system and then press Enter.

    In order to make sure that the client computer has read/write access to NFS shared drive, review the steps described in Installing Software Binaries to an NFS Shared Drive.

  Do not use the following characters when specifying the path:


Please specify where you want us to install Calypso binaries.

It must be a local directory and there should be at least 176MB of free space available. All files will be installed in a "calypso" subdirectory, so if you enter "/opt", the files will actually be placed into "/opt/calypso".

Installation Directory: [/opt]

15. Press Enter to accept the default location.
  • Enter a path to modify the default location and press Enter.
  • All the modules installed on the computer will store the log files in this directory.
Please specify where you want to keep Calypso log files.

It must be a local directory and there should be at least 100MB of free space available. All log files will be created in a "calypso/Log_Files" subdirectory, so if you enter "/var/log", the logs will actually be placed into "/var/log/calypso/Log_Files".

Log Directory: [/var/log]

16. Press Enter. Most of Software processes run with root privileges, but some are launched by databases and inherit database access rights. To make sure that registry and log files can be written to by both kinds of processes we can either make such files world-writeable or we can grant write access only to processes belonging to a particular group, e.g. a "calypso" or a "dba" group.

We highly recommend now that you create a new user group and enter its name in the next setup screen. If you choose not to assign a dedicated group to Software processes, you will need to specify the access permissions later.

If you're planning to backup Oracle DB you should use "dba" group.

Would you like to assign a specific group to Software? [yes]

17. Type the Group name and press Enter.

Press Enter again.

Please enter the name of the group which will be assigned to all Software files and on behalf of which all Software processes will run.

In most of the cases it's a good idea to create a dedicated "calypso" group. However, if you're planning to use Oracle iDataAgent or SAP Agent, you should enter Oracle's "dba" group here.

Group name: sky1


If you are planning to install Calypso Informix, DB2, PostgreSQL, Sybase or Lotus Notes iDataAgent, please make sure to include Informix, DB2, etc. users into group "sky1".

Press <ENTER> to continue ...
18. Type a network TCP port number for the Communications Service (CVD) and press Enter.

Type a network TCP port number for the Client Event Manager Service (EvMgrC) and press Enter.

Every instance of Calypso should use a unique set of network ports to avoid interfering with other instances running on the same machine.

The port numbers selected must be from the reserved port number range and have not been registered by another application on this machine.

Please enter the port numbers.

Port Number for CVD : [8400]

Port Number for EvMgrC: [8402]

19. If you do not wish to configure the firewall services, press Enter.


If this computer is separated from the CommServe by firewall(s), type Yes and then press Enter.

For firewall options and configuration instructions, see Firewall Configuration and continue with the installation.

Is there a firewall between this client and the CommServe? [no]
20. Type the fully qualified CommServe host name and press Enter.
  Ensure that the CommServe is accessible before typing the name; otherwise the installation will fail.
Please specify hostname of the CommServe below. Make sure the hostname is fully qualified, resolvable by the name services configured on this machine.

CommServe Host Name:

21. Type 3 and press Enter. Certain Calypso packages can be associated with a virtual IP, or in other words, installed on a "virtual machine" belonging to some cluster. At any given time the virtual machine's services and IP address are active on only one of the cluster's servers. The virtual machine can "fail-over" from one server to another, which includes stopping services and deactivating IP address on the first server and activating the IP address/services on the other server.

Currently you have Calypso installed on physical node

Now you have a choice of either adding another package to the existing installation or configure Calypso on a virtual machine for use in a cluster.

1) Add another package to

2) Install Calypso on a virtual machine

3) Exit

Your choice: [3]

Method 2: Install Software from CommCell Console

1. From the CommCell Browser, select Tools menu, point to Add/Remove Software, and then click Install Software.
2. Click Next.
3. Select Unix and Linux, and then click Next.
4. Select Manually Select Computers ,and then click Next.
5. Enter the fully qualified domain name of the computer in which you wish to install.

For example:

Click Next.

6. Click Next.
7. Type User Name and Password that must be used to access the client computer.

Click Next.

8. Expand Client Modules | Backup & Recovery | File System and select Unix File System iDataAgent.

Expand MediaAgent Modules and select MediaAgent.

  If the library is attached to the MediaAgent, expand MediaAgent Modules and select NDMP Remote Server.

Click Next.

  • Select Client Group from Available and click Add.

    Do not add more than one Client Group.

  • Select a Storage Policy from the drop-down list. Click Next.
10. Click Next.
11. Select Immediate.

Click Next.

12. Click Finish.
13. You can track the progress of the job from the Job Controller or Event Viewer window.
14. Once the job is complete, right-click the <CommServe>, point to View, and then click Admin Job History.
15. Select Install/Upgrade/Remove Software.

Click OK.

16. You can view the following details about the job by right-clicking the job:
  • Items that succeeded during the job
  • Items that failed during the job
  • Details of the job
  • Events of the job
  • Log files of the job