Accueil Product Support Operating Systems AIX Languages C, C++ XL Fortran Enterprise Edition V9.1 for AIX Run-Time

XL Fortran Enterprise Edition V9.1 for AIX Run-Time

Download Description
If you need to run an application developed using the XL Fortran Enterprise                     Edition V9.1 for AIX compiler, and if you do not have the compiler installed, then you will need to install the XL Fortran Enterprise Edition V9.1 for AIX Run-Time Environment Component.

The Download Package section below provides links to the component's README as well as to the archives containing the Run-Time Environment.

The archive xlf.rte.91.aix.tar.Z contains the following:

-> xlfrte
-> xlfrte.aix51
-> xlfrte.msg.EN_US
-> xlfrte.msg.JA_JP
-> xlfrte.msg.Ja_JP
-> xlfrte.msg.en_US
-> xlfrte.msg.ja_JP
-> xlsmp.aix50.rte
-> xlsmp.msg.EN_US.rte
-> xlsmp.msg.JA_JP.rte
-> xlsmp.msg.Ja_JP.rte
-> xlsmp.msg.ZH_CN.rte
-> xlsmp.msg.Zh_CN.rte
-> xlsmp.msg.en_US.rte
-> xlsmp.msg.ja_JP.rte
-> xlsmp.msg.zh_CN.rte
-> xlsmp.rte
-> LicenseAgreement.pdf
-> LicenseInformation.pdf

The XL Fortran Enterprise Edition V9.1 for AIX Run-Time Environment                     component requires AIX 5L.

Installation instruction
Complete the following steps to install the IBM XL Fortran Enterprise Edition V9.1 for AIX Run-Time Environment component:

1. Deinstall any XL Fortran beta or evaluation run-time packages.

2. Download the xlf.rte.91.aix.tar.Z archive.

3. Uncompress and untar the downloaded package into a new directory:

a. To uncompress the file, use: uncompress xlf.rte.91.aix.tar.Z

b. To untar the resulting file, use: tar -xvf xlf.rte.91.aix.tar

4. Delete the .toc file in the download directory. If no .toc file exists,

5. Use 'smit install_latest' to go to the appropriate installation screen in SMIT   You must have root privileges.

6. Install the filesets:

a. Specify the download directory location.

b. Modify the installation options to suit your needs.

c. The installation process writes a log to $HOME/smit.log.

Deinstallation Instructions
If you do not have any Fortran applications that require the IBM XL Fortran Enterprise Edition V9.1 for AIX Run-Time Environment component, delete it as follows:
1. Use 'smit remove' to go the appropriate installation screen in SMIT. You must            have root privileges.
2. Deinstall the filesets:

a. Specify the names of the filesets to be removed, or select from the list. The list of       filesets to be deinstalled include:

-> xlfrte.*
-> xlsmp.*

b. Modify the deinstallation options to suit your needs
c. The deinstallation process writes a log to $HOME/smit.log.

Note: If any filesets are still required by other applications, those filesets will fail to be deinstalled.

Download package

Download Release Date Size
xlfrte.91.aix.tar.Z 31/08/2004 30972797
LicenseAgreement.pdf 31/08/2004 1468154
LicenseInformation.pdf 31/08/2004 672488
README 31/08/2004 3825

Technical support
This downloaded component is to be used only for Applications developed with XL Fortran Enterprise Edition V9.1 for AIX. You may not use any part of this component with any other Application or Program. Contact your Application Provider for support when using this component in conjunction with an application.

Demande d'assistance
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