Inicio Product Support Operating Systems AIX Upgrade & Migration U3 - ESCALA Update of AIX 4.3.3 to the Latest Technical Level

U3 - ESCALA Update of AIX 4.3.3 to the Latest Technical Level

Release 8.1 (21/06/2004)

  • This document describes the procedure to follow when updating an already existing AIX 4.3.3 system. The Latest Technical Level is currently (according to the fileset Level number) or Maintenance Level 11.

  • It is mandatory, in that case, to install the Bullenh 433_15 CD-ROM too.
  • The OSI products are now delivered on several separate CD-ROMs (see U3.1).

Procedure Contents

U3.1 - Media and SRB

  • media=CD-ROM 76741002-001 : AIX 4.3.3 updates ( if the current Maintenance Level of your system is less than 10 )
  • media=CD-ROM 76741370-001 : AIX 4.3.3 Maintenance Level 10 -> 11 (

  • To get this media, contact your BULL representative.
  • media=CD-ROM 76741160-001 : Bullenh 433_15
  • SRB = 86 A2 98EE Rev 02

The following media may be useful :

  • Power Sream X25 for AIX 4.3 : 76723980-001 (see U3.8)
  • OSI Media (see U3.6) :
    • CPIC-OSI : 76723992-001
    • OSI Layers 1 to 4 & Netshare - Library : 76723981-001
    • OSI Layers 5 to 7 & TPAD/HPAD - Library : 76723982-001
    • APIs - Library (incl. XTI-API & MAX3) : 76723983-001
    • GCOS Connectivity - Library : 76723984-001
  • Bonus Pack for AIX 4.3 : 76741043-001(see U3.11)
  • Atf for AIX V4 : 76741109-001 (see U3.10)

U3.2 - Cluster Node Upgrade

  • If you have to upgrade the HACMP software too, please read the following document before performing the AIX Update: (for Bull employees only)
  • If you just need to upgrade AIX:
    • First stop HACMP with takeover option on that node, using the smit clstop command.
    • If you are running the HACMP 4.3.1 software, you must install now the HAS ES 4.3.1 and Bull Cluster Management 4.3.3 latest Technical Level, please refer to the "FAQ about Powercluster and HA Technical Levels" (, for Bull employees only).
    • If you are running the HACMP, you must upgrade to HACMP 4.4 to cohabit with AIX 4.3.3 and the new Bull Enhancement CD-ROM. See the FAQ document referenced above.

U3.3 - Backup the System

In any case, perform a bootable backup of your configuration (rootvg) and save other volume groups.

U3.4 - Single User Mode

  • Remove the smw fileset:

    installp -u -g smw*

    Then check to be sure they are not present:

    lslpp -l |grep -i smw

  • Check if lft or tty0 is the correct console with a view to reboot the machine on it:

    lscons (to check)
    smit chcons (to assign)

  • Then, restart the system in single user mode as follows:
    • Change the following /etc/inittab line:




    • Then run:

      shutdown -Fr

    • Check with the ps -eaf command to be sure all applications have stopped running.
    • If you use lft display perform the following command:

      export TERM=lft

U3.5 - Tasks to Perform Before Updating

Tape Devices

  • Remove all the tape devices, by performing for each tape device the command:

    rmdev -dl rmt<x>

  • Remove the Bulltape software:

    installp -u -g Bulltape

Fiber DAS Storage Subsystems (5700, 5720, 5300, 4500)

  • Unmount all the file systems:

    umount <filesystem*>

  • Vary off the volume groups:

    varyoffvg <vg>

SCSI DAS Storage Subsystems (2900, 3200, 3500, 1300, 2300) & EMC:

  • Take note of the names of the volume groups and the corresponding PVID.
  • Unmount all the file systems:

    umount <filesystem*>

  • Vary off the volume groups:

    varyoffvg <vg>

  • Remove the hdisks:

    rmdev -dl hdisk<x>

Navisphere (DAS subsystem management software)

WARNING: Remove the hdisk references from the /etc/Navisphere/agent.config file (very important); they will have to be replaced with the "sp" devices after the new Bull Enhancement installation (see Managing & Configuring a DAS, 86 A2 20PN 11)

U3.6 - OSI Update

  • If you use OSI products it is recommended to update them now, using the OSI CD-ROMs you need. See the description in the U3.1 section
  • Insert the CD-ROMs and type the command:

    smit update_all

  • to get more information about the OSI CD-ROMs, see Chapter OSI Products in the AIX 4.3.3 & Bull Enhancement 433_12 SRB.

U3.7 - Install AIX updates

Since you are in single user mode, manually run srcmstr and cron::

/usr/sbin/srcmstr &
/usr/sbin/cron &

Then, check the Maintenance Level of the running system using the following command:

oslevel -r

This displays a number such as 4330-xx where xx is the number of the Maintenance Level (comprised between 01 and 10).

  • If the value you get is less than 10, you will need to install 2 CD-ROMs: the "AIX 4.3.3 Updates" CD-ROM and the "AIX 4.3.3 Maintenance Level 10 -> 11 (" CD-ROM.
    • Insert the "AIX 4.3.3 Updates" CD-ROM and run the command: smit update_all
    • Insert the "AIX 4.3.3 Maintenance Level 10 -> 11 (" CD-ROM and run the command: smit update_all
  • If your system is already running the Maintenance Level 10, you just need to install the "AIX 4.3.3 Maintenance Level 10 -> 11 (" CD-ROM.
    • Insert the "AIX 4.3.3 Maintenance Level 10 -> 11 (" CD-ROM and run the command: smit update_all.

Note: If the fileset devices.pci.14109f00.rte is installed on your system, you will get a Requisite Failure when applying the "AIX 4.3.3 Maintenance Level 10 -> 11 (" CD-ROM. If you do not use the IBM PCI 4658 Cryptographic Coprocessor Adapter Software (this adapter is not sold by Bull), the filesets devices.pci.14109f00.* can be removed. If you use such an adapter, you must download the U480740 PTF, and install it using smit install_latest.

U3.8 - Install the "Bull Enhancement" CD-ROM

When installing the "Bull Enhancement" CD-ROM, make sure to take into account the recommendations indicated in the procedure below.

  • WARNING about psx25: The psx25 (Power Stream X25) product is no more delivered with the "Bull Enhancement" CD-ROM. If you use psx25, it is important to upgrade it. You can install it from the "Power Stream X25 for AIX 4.3" CD (Ref. 76723980-001).

  • Check if your configuration includes an IBM PCI 8-Port synchronous dapter, running the command: lsdev -Ccadapter|grep ^sa

    If it does, you will get IBM 8-Port EIA-232/RS-422A (PCI) Adapter for one of the "sa<x>" adapters. In that case, take note of the bullasync.pci.rte fileset release using the command: lslpp -l bullasync.pci.rte

  • If your configuration includes FC DAS 5300, 4500, 470x and (or) NDAS CXxxx and if the failover mode software isPowerPath :
    • insert the Bull Enhancement CD-ROM and run:

      smit install_latest

      select: INPUT device/directory for software: [/dev/cd0]
      and install all or only the filesets you need.

    • If your configuration includes FC DAS 5700, 5300, 4500, 470x and (or) SCSI DAS, and if the failover mode software is ATF
      if your configuration does not include any DAS at all:
      • Insert the Bull EnhancementCD-ROM, then run:
        mount /cdrom
        cd /cdrom/FC_ATF
        smit install_latest

        select: INPUT device/directory for software: .
        and install all or only the filesets you need.

    • If you need the bullx25 filesets (if you use X25 on MCA type machines as DPX/20, EPC800, ESCALA M or D), you have to install them from the /MCA directory of the Bull Enhancement CD-ROM. Read the Known Problems chapter of the Migration Guide (installing these filesets can introduce problems, so if you do not need them, de-install them).
    • The ArrayGUIde Manager is no longer supported within this Bull Enhancement Release, use the Navisphere Manager.
    • If you introduce a DAS 4500 or aDAS 4700 in your configuration, you must use Navisphere Manager for Windows
    • in case of other DAS, if you still want to use Navisphere Manager for AIX :
      • First deinstall the Navisphere and DiskArray filesets:

        installp -u -g Navisphere.Agent
        installp -u -g Navisphere.CL
        installp -u -g DiskArray

      • Then install all the filesets located in the /Mgnt_AIX of the Bull Enhancement CD-ROM
    • For all that concerns the Navisphere product, it is strongly recommended to read:
      • "AIX 4.3.3 & Bull Enhancement" Software Release Bulletin (SRB), PART 2, "DAS Subsystems-Navisphere"
      • "Configuring and Managing a DAS" (ref. 86 A2 20PN 11)
    • Tthe devices.pci.48110040 package present on the Bull Enhancement CD-ROM is dedicated to PCI FDDI adapters with the label B5-3, B5-4 or B5-5. Consequently, if you have PCI FDDI adapters without such a label, you have first to de-install the devices.pci.48110040 package , then to re-install it from the FDDI media delivered with the adapter (see "AIX 4.3.3 & Bull Enhancement" Software Release Bulletin (SRB) , PART 1, "Install Bull Enhancement Packages").
    • If your configuration includes an IBM PCI 8-Port Asynchronous Adapter and if the previous bullasync.pci.rte fileset release you took note before installing the new Bull Enhancement CD-ROM is greater or equal to 1.8.2, you have nothing to do.
      If it is less than 1.8.2, you have to re-install the devices.pci.4f111100 package from the "AIX server 4.3.3" CD-ROM.

U3.9 - Reboot the system

  • Before rebooting, restore the multi-user mode in /etc/inittab file, replacing :




  • If you installed Java 1.3.0 or 1.3.1 before performing the AIX update, check the following symbolic link:

    /usr/java130/bin/java -> /usr/java130/jre/bin/java


    /usr/java131/bin/java -> /usr/java131/jre/bin/java

    You will have to remake the link if it does not exist anymore, using the /ln -s command, such as:

    ln -s /usr/java131/jre/bin/java /usr/java131/bin/java

  • If you do not have to perform any DAS installation, reboot the system now, by running:

    shutdown -Fr

  • WARNING: if your configuration includes LP7000 FC adapters in FC Loop environment, they may not be configured after microcode update (fileset.devices.pci.df1001f7.ucode or later). Run the following command:

    lsdev -Cc adapter | grep fchan

    If the fchan are in the defined state, this may be due to connection problems (MIA, cable, hubs...) which were tolerated by microcode level 3.20 but no more accepted by microcode levels 3.22 or 3.30. The solution is to fix the connection problem or, as a workaround, go back to microcode level 3.20.
    • To identify LP7000 (BIU 4) adapter and microcode (322xxxx), run:

      lscfg -vl fchan<x>

      fchan1       30-70       PCI Fibre Channel Adapter
      Network Address.............0000C920C77A
      EC Level....................BIU 4
      Part Number.................76730259
      Displayable Message.........Fibre Channel Host Adapter
      Loadable Microcode Level....322xxxx (or 330xxxx)

      To downgrade the microcode level:

      • cd /usr/lpp/devices.pci.df1001f7
      • rename the current new microcode:

        cp df1001f7.awc df1001f7.awc.NEW
        cp df1001f7.mcode df1001f7.mcode.NEW

      • copy microcode 320 to current location:

        cp df1001f7.awc.320 df1001f7.awc
        cp df1001f7.mcode.320 df1001f7.mcode

      T hen refer to How to update a Fiber Channel Adapter Microcode level.

Important: Do not install further PTFs related to fileset devices.pci.df1001f7.ucode as long as the connection problem is not fixed.

U3.10- Perform Disk Subsystems installation

  • Only in case of DAS storage subsystems:
    • Since some important problems have been described in TSBs, please have a look at the suggested URL in the following cases:
    • The DiskArray and packages have been re-installed with the Bull Enhancement CD, verify the flare Firmware release of your DAS, and re-install it if it has changed (Refer to AIX 4.3.3 & Bull Enhancement SRB - PART 2 - DAS Subsystems).
    • Note:

      After the DAS flare upgrading to:

      • 5.11.14 for DAS 5700, 5.11.64 for 5720
      • 5.24.05 for DAS 5300
      • 5.32.13 for DAS 4500
      the disk LEDs blink continuously. Do not worry, this is a normal behaviour and will remain forever.
    • If you have ordered it, now install the ATF package from the ATF CD-ROM (see the ATF SRB : 86 A2 70WF)

    • WARNING: Compatibility between ATF release and other software packages as DiskArray is important. It is described in the ATF SRB (see, for Bull employees only).

      After upgrading, run the following commands:

      odmdelete -o Config_Rules -q"rule like *atfcfgrule*"
      bosboot -a

  • do not reboot the system at this moment
  • if you have upgraded a Cluster Node :
  • as other Nodes have taken the upgraded Node resources during the Upgrading process, Volume Groups will be varied on on these Nodes.

  • So to be able to recover the Volume Groups on the upgraded Node:
    • on "split_bus" configurations (one SCSI bus by Node to a shared DAS), you have to stop HACMP on the other Node (smit clstop) and then run :
    • /usr/lpp/DiskArray/das_available hdisk<x>

      hdisk<x> is the hdisk where the Volume Group has to be re-imported
    • on other configurations (DAS with Atf, EMC...), it is mandatory to break the disk reservation running the following command on the other Nodes (where the VGs are varied on):
    • varyonvg -b -u  <VGname>

  • run then, on the upgraded Node, for each hdisk :

rmdev -dl hdisk<x>

    • reboot the system
    • verify that all the Volume Group have been recovered
    • you can now restart HACMP running thesmit clstart command and verify that the upgraded Node recovers its resources
  • Otherwise :
    • reboot the system
    • run the varyonvg command for each Volume Group
    • mount the filesystems

U3.11- Netscape Communicator

WARNING : Netscape Communicator 4.76 at least is mandatory in an AIX environment.
It is recommended to install Netscape Communicator 4.79, delivered in the following CD-ROM :
Bonus Pack for AIX 4.3: 76741005-001


Appendix A1: How to update a Fiber Channel Adapter Microcode Level

Updating firmware on a FC board (whatever the model is) implies loading a specific maintenance and diagnostics driver in AIX for performing the operation. To do that, the adapter must be free of attached devices (i.e rmdev/mkdev of adapter should be possible). So, there are two solutions:

First solution:

  • Stop applications and umount/varyoff/export volume groups and filesystems.
  • Stop other applis that could have open access to disks (for example Navisphere).
  • Run the diag command (it will automatically perform a rmdev and mkdev of the adapter, that should succeed if the adapter and the disks are no more used).
  • Download the firmware using:

    Task Selection -> Download Microcode
    (follow plug/unplug instruction when needed)

  • If this still fails, manually try a rmdev -Rl fchan<x> to check what object is still used (hdisk, fcp, sp ,atf, etc...?). Also check IP on FC (ifconfig fe<x>down or detach).
  • Once all applications are really stopped and fchan objects are in the "define" state, run diag/Download Microcode again: it should succeed.
  • Run cfgmgr to put back objects in available state, if needed.
  • Restart admin tools such as Navisphere.
  • Import volume groups and mount filesystems.
  • Restart applications.

Second solution:

Consider upgrading firmware on an adapter is a maintenance operation... So:

  • Boot your system in service mode.
  • Use the diag command to download the firmware
  • Reboot in normal mode.

For LP7000 and LP8000 FC board models, an automatic download feature has been added so that, early in the system 's life, and surely before any application is started, the firmware version is checked on the FC board, and replaced by a newer one if available. The adapter is free at this time, so the download microcode operation is always possible.


(End of procedure)

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