Remote Upgrades - MSI Packages Using SMS - File Share Archiver Client

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The procedure on this page describes the steps involved in upgrading the File Share Archiver Client component in a non-clustered environment using SMS to push the MSI upgrade package out to remote clients. The following procedure describes the steps involved in upgrading the File Share Archiver Client only.

If you choose to upgrade multiple components simultaneously, refer to the appropriate procedures for upgrade requirements and steps specific to the component.

Verify that the computer in which you wish to upgrade the software satisfies the minimum requirements specified in the File Share Archiver Client section of System Requirements - File Archiver for Windows Agent.

In order to use the File Share Archiver Client component, you must upgrade the File Share Archiver Agent to File Archiver for Windows Agent.  See Deployment - File Archiver for Windows Agent for procedures on upgrading.

Supported Upgrade Paths

The following table provides a list of supported upgrade paths for the current software version. If the version currently installed on your computer is not listed here, contact your software provider for more information.

Installed Version

Upgrade to Version 8.0.0


6.1.0 Supported Perform a direct upgrade to Version 8.0.0.
7.0.0 Supported Perform a direct upgrade to Version 8.0.0.

Upgrade Requirements

Review the following before upgrading the software:


  • Review the Upgrade Strategy before upgrading the software.
  • Verify that no jobs are in progress or scheduled to occur while the software is being upgraded on the client. If jobs are scheduled, either perform the upgrade at another time or disable all jobs in the client using the Activity Control tab from the Client Computer Properties dialog box in the CommCell Console.

    Once the upgrade is completed, you can enable the jobs from this dialog box.

  • Verify that the CommServe computer is accessible and all services on the CommServe and the MediaAgent in which you wish to perform the upgrade are running.
  • Verify that the SQL Server instance used by the CommServe is running on the CommServe computer.
  • Verify that all applications (CommCell Console, Service Control Manager) are closed.
  • Close all applications and disable any programs that run automatically, including antivirus, screen savers and system utilities. Some programs, including antivirus software, may be running as a service. Stop and disable all non-essential services before you begin. You can re-enable them after the upgrade.
  • The files and folders associated with CommCell components should not be opened by other applications (for example, Windows Explorer, FTP, etc.) on this computer or from other computers during the upgrade.
  • Verify that you have the software installation disc that is appropriate to the destination computer’s operating system.

    Make sure that you have the latest software installation disc before you start to install the software. If you are not sure, contact your software provider.

  • The File Share Archiver Client can be remotely upgraded on remote clients using SMS in silent mode. For SMS deployment, you must set up a batch file that contains the upgrade command string for the component and any desired override property parameters. Remote upgrades using SMS are run in silent mode, which requires you to specify the upgrade options ahead of time by selecting the default or override property parameters and including them in the batch file. See Rules and Parameters for more information.

    Once you have set up the batch file, it can be run as a scheduled task on remote machines. This procedure will show you how to set up the batch file for a silent remote upgrade using SMS.

Rules and Parameters

Before setting up a batch file for remote upgrading this component through SMS, review the rules and parameters listed below to specify the options for installing the upgrade. Note that any previously existing override property parameters must be re-applied as part of the upgrade, because the previous version of the software will be over-written:


  • The syntax is PROPERTY="value".
  • The property names must consist of all uppercase letters.
  • The value part of the PROPERTY="value" pair is not case sensitive and should always be enclosed in double quotes.
  • The PROPERTY="value" pairs should not have any white space characters (spaces, tabs) on either side of the "=" character.
  • The PROPERTY="value" pairs should be placed at the end of the command line.
  • If more than one PROPERTY="value" pair is specified, each PROPERTY="value" pair should be separated by at least one space or tab character.

Override Property Parameters:

  • DESTINATION_PATH Overrides the default value used for the upgrade folder. The default value for the upgrade folder is as follows:
    • If you are upgrading the software from 7.0.x to 8.0.x, the default is the previous software installation path.
    • If you are upgrading the software from 6.1.x to 8.0.x, the default is <local path>\Program Files\<default software installation path>  where the <local path> is set by Windows Installer to the path or drive letter containing the Program Files folder. Set this property to either a fully qualified directory or UNC path.

If you are upgrading the software from 6.1.0 to 8.0.0

  • If you have previously installed an MSI package from a disc, you must upgrade the software using the software installation disc from the current release. Conversely, if you have previously installed an MSI package remotely, you must upgrade the software remotely using the MSI package for the current release.

  • If you have a previous version of the File Share Archiver Client installed on the computer, then you have the option of either, first uninstalling the existing version before installing the newer version, or install the new version as an upgrade over the existing version. To uninstall the File Share Archiver Client set up a batch file that contains the following uninstall command and then run it as a scheduled task on remote clients:

    msiexec.exe /x {ProductCode GUID} /qn /L*v "%TEMP%\NetworkStorage_DM_Client_Uninstall.log"

    Replace {ProductCode GUID} with one of the following appropriate ProductCode GUIDs.

    Version 6.1.0 {8D896DFD-421A-4A99-B2B4-9289A3955727}

    Please contact your software vendor for ProductCode GUIDs for versions later than those listed above.

    Note that the /L*v "%TEMP%\NetworkStorage_DM_Client_Uninstall.log" portion of the above command line is optional and is only used for generating a detailed log file of the uninstallation process.

    In the event that the uninstallation process does not complete successfully, add the following to the end of the above command, to bypass QUninstaller.exe, which may leave unused registry entries under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\...":


    The above command line will permanently delete the following system driver files:
    (Windows System32 Folder)\Drivers\GXHSMNTAP.sys on Windows 2000
    (Windows System32 Folder)\Drivers\GXHSMXPNTAP.sys on Windows XP

    If you include EXECUTEQUNINSTALLER="FALSE" on the command line, you must manually remove any registry entries that reference these system driver files before rebooting your computer. Failure to remove any registry entries that reference these system driver files before rebooting, may prevent your computer's operating system from restarting successfully.

Before You Begin

  • Log on to a workstation, as local Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group, that is connected to the Outlook clients to be remote installed.

Upgrade Procedure

1. To perform a silent remote install through SMS, uninstall the previous version and then set up a batch file that contains the following command strings and any desired override property parameters:

"msiexec.exe" /qn /i "NetworkStorage_DM_Client.msi" PROPERTY="value" /L*v "%TEMP%\NetworkStorage_DM_Client_Install.log"


  • The /L*v "%TEMP%\NetworkStorage_DM_Client_install.log" portion of the above command line is optional and is only used for generating a detailed log file of the installation process on the client computer.
  • Replace the PROPERTY="value" portion of the above command line with any desired override property parameters, if you plan on overriding one or more of the default values. See Rules and Parameters for more information.
2. If you want to perform a remote upgrade using the full user interface then continue on with this step, otherwise skip to next step.

To perform a remote install with the full user interface, set up a batch file that contains the following command strings and any desired override property parameters:

"msiexec.exe" /i "NetworkStorage_DM_Client.msi" PROPERTY="value" /L*v "%TEMP%\NetworkStorage_DM_Client_Install.log"


  • The /L*v "%TEMP%\NetworkStorage_DM_Client_install.log" portion of the above command line is optional and is only used for generating a detailed log file of the installation process in the TEMP folder on the client computer.
  • Replace the PROPERTY="value" portion of the above command line with any desired override property parameters, if you plan on overriding one or more of the default values. See Rules and Parameters for more information.
3. From SMS, run the upgrade installation batch file you set up in a previous step. If you are installing the upgrade in full interface mode, then continue on to the next step, otherwise skip to Post-Upgrade Considerations.
4. Read the Welcome screen.

Click Next to continue, if no other applications are running.


  • Your screen may look different from the sample shown.
5. Read the license agreement, then select I accept the terms in the license agreement.

Click Next to continue.

6. Specify the location where you want to install the software.


  • Do not install the software to a mapped network drive.
  • Do not use the following characters when specifying the destination path:
     / : * ? " < > |
    It is recommended that you use alphanumeric characters only.
  • If you intend to install other components on this computer, the selected installation directory will be automatically used for that software as well.
  • If a component has already been installed, this screen may not be displayed if the installer can use the same install location as previously used.
  • If you intend to use the SnapProtect  feature for Windows File System iDataAgent, the agent should be installed on a non-system drive and not a filer volume.

Click Browse to change directories.

Click Next to continue.

Ready to Install the Application

7. Click Next to continue or Back to change any of the options.

Setup Complete

8. Setup displays the successfully installed component. Click Finish to close the install program.

The upgrade installation is now complete.

Post-Upgrade Considerations


  • Install post-release updates or Service Packs that may have been released after the release of the software. If you are installing a Service Pack, verify and ensure that it is the same version as the one installed in the CommServe Server. Alternatively, you can enable Automatic Updates for quick and easy installation of updates in the CommCell component.

Agent Specific

  • After upgrading the File Share Archiver Client, if you set up your install batch file to generate a log of the upgrade installation process, you may want to review the log now to make sure that the upgrade completed successfully.

The File Archiver for Windows Agent and the File Share Archiver Agent has been merged in this release. For detailed information on the impact of this merge, see Merge Impact of File Archiver for Windows/File Share Archiver Agents in Upgrade Overview.