Browse Data - How To

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Browse the Latest Data

Browse Data Before a Specified Time

Browse Data Between a Specified Time

Browse using a Specified Path

Perform an Image / No Image Browse

Establish the Page Size for a Browse

Browse Data from a Specific Copy

Select Objects From the Browse Window for Restore-Recover

Find a File/Directory/Object

Find and Restore/Recover/Retrieve Exchange Objects

Browse File Versions

Configure Browse/Search/Recovery Options

Browse the Latest Data

The following procedure can be used to browse data from the client, agent, instance, or backup set level, replication set level, depending on the functionality of a given agent.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse the latest data:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the level whose data you want to browse, click All Tasks, and then click the Browse/Browse Backup Data option from that level.
  2. From the Browse Options dialog box, click OK to execute the browse using the Browse the Latest Data option.

Browse Data Before a Specified Time

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse data between a specified time:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the level whose data you want to browse, click All Tasks, and then click the Browse/Browse Backup Data option from that level.
  2. From the Browse Options dialog box, select the Specify Browse Time option and then select the date and time to which you wish to view the data in the browse window.
  3. Change the time zone for the specified date and time, if necessary.
  4. Click OK in the Browse Options dialog box to execute the browse.

Browse Data Between a Specified Time

The following procedure can be used to browse data from the client, agent, backup set, (or instance/file level depending on the functionality of a given agent).

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse data between a specified time:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the level whose data you want to browse, click All Tasks, and then click the Browse option from that level.
  2. From the Browse Options dialog box, select the Specify Browse Time option and then select the date and time to which you wish to view the data in the browse window.
  3. Change the time zone for the specified date and time, if necessary.
  4. Click the Advanced button.
  5. In the Advanced Browse Options dialog box select the Exclude Data Before option and then select the date and time from which you wish to view the data in the browse window.
  6. Click OK in the Advanced Browse Options dialog box.
  7. Click OK in the Browse Options dialog box to execute the browse.

Browse Using a Specified Path

The following procedure can be used to browse data from the agent or backup set level.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse data starting with a specified path:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the level whose data you want to browse, click All Tasks, and then click the Browse option from that level.
  2. From the Browse Options dialog box, select the Specify Browse Path check box and then enter the path whose data you want to view in the browse window.
  3. Click OK in the Browse Options dialog box to execute the browse.

Perform an Image / No Image Browse

An image browse returns the image of the data for the selected backup set/replication set or, depending on the functionality of a given agent, the instance or file level, as it existed as of the specified browse time. The image browse option is not available for all the agents.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To perform an image /no image browse:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the level whose data you want to browse, click All Tasks, and then click the Browse/Browse Backup Data option from that level.
  2. From the Browse Options dialog box, choose one of the following options:
  3. If necessary, select the other additional options available in the dialog box.
  4. Click OK to execute the browse.

Establish the Page Size for a Browse

The Page Size option allows you to specify the number of objects to be displayed in the browse window. The page size option is not available for all the Agents Types.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To establish a page size for a browse:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the level whose data you want to browse, click All Tasks, and then click the Browse option from that level.
  2. From the Browse Options dialog box, enter a number or use the scroll arrows to specify the page size in the Page Size option.
  3. Click OK to execute the browse.

    In the browse window, you can browse through each page list by selecting the appropriate page number.

Browse/Restore Data from a Specific Copy

You can browse the data available in a synchronous or selective storage policy copy. This option is useful in situations where you wish to browse from a specific media or if a particular MediaAgent is currently unavailable. Once you have browsed the data from a copy, you can then recover the data from that copy. The option to browse/restore data from specific copies is not available for all the agents.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse data from a specific copy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the level whose data you want to browse, click All Tasks, and then click the Browse option from that level.
  2. From the Browse Options dialog box, click Advanced.
  3. In the Advanced Browse Options dialog box select the Browse from copy precedence option.
  4. Choose either the Synchronous Copy Precedence or Selective Copy Precedence option and then specify the precedence number.
  5. Click OK in the Advanced Browse Options dialog box.
  6. Click OK in the Browse Options dialog box to execute the browse. The Backup Data browse window appears.
  7. From the Backup Data browse window, select the objects that you want to restore, and then click Recover All Selected. The Restore Options dialog box appears.
  8. From the Restore Options dialog box, select the desired restore options. If desired, click Advanced to choose additional restore options.
  9. Click OK from the Restore Options dialog box to begin the restore operation.
  10. While the job is running you can right-click the job in the Job Controller and select Detail... to view information on the job. After the data has been recovered, you will see a job completion message in the Job Controller and Event Viewer.

All Agents

Select Objects From the Browse Window for Restore/Recover

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

The browse window displays data objects such as files, folders, databases, mailbox, etc. and consists of two parts:

Note that the window displays only the data that was obtained by a data protection operation. Data that is excluded by a filter, or data which did not exist as of the specified browse time does not appear in the window.

Selections follow these rules:

Selection status is revealed by the selection icons as follows:

Indicates that the object is not selected for restoration.
Indicates that a portion of the object is selected for restoration. i.e., only some of the child object(s) within the selected object.
Indicates that the entire object, including all of its child objects, are selected for restoration.

The buttons in this dialog box include the following:

Recover All Selected Provides access to the Restore Options dialog box which allows you to control how the selected data must be restored.
New Browse Provides access to the Browse Options dialog box which allows you to re-browse with new browse settings.

Find a File/Directory/Object

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To find a file/directory/object:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the agent, instance or backup set/archive set that contains the data you want to restore/recover/retrieve, click All Tasks, and then click the available Browse command (command names vary by agent). For supported agents, you can click Find from the All Tasks menu at the backup set/archive set level (or agent level for Exchange Compliance Archiver) and skip directly to step 4.
  2. Run a browse operation. See Browse Data for a list of customized browse operations and their step-by-step instructions. If you accept all defaults, you will be browsing the latest backups/archive operations for the selected data.
  3. From the browse window, right-click the agent or backup set/archive set, and then click Find. (You can also start the Find operation from the other levels in the browse window.)
  4. From the Find dialog box, type the name or name pattern of the file, folder or directory that you want to find in the Search For text box. Optionally, you can narrow the search by entering criteria in fields under the option groups for Mail, Files and Advanced Options as applicable for your search. If you would like to specify a time range for the search, options are provided under the Advanced Options group for this purpose.

    NOTE: If you accessed this dialog as part of a Browse operation, keep in mind that the time range values are not pre-populated by any previously selected time range settings entered on the Browse Options or Advanced Browse Options dialog.

  5. If your agent supports Content Indexing and you need to search backward-compatible content indexes, perform the following tasks:
  6. Click Search. The search results are displayed in the right pane of the Find dialog box.
  7. Select and right-click the desired file, folder or directory name then select one of the following:

Find and Restore/Recover/Retrieve Exchange Objects

Related Topics

The Find feature can be used to locate and/or sample Exchange objects (i.e., mail messages, public/web folders, etc.) for restore/recovery/retrieval.

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To find and restore/recover/retrieve an Exchange object:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the agent, backup set, or archive set that contains the data you want to restore/recover/retrieve, click All Tasks, and then click the available Browse command (command names vary by agent). For supported agents, you can click Find from the All Tasks menu at the backup set / archive set level (or agent level for Exchange Compliance Archiver) and skip directly to Step 4.
  2. Run a browse operation. See Browse Data for a list of customized browse operations and their step-by-step instructions. If you accept all defaults, you will be browsing the latest backups/archive operations for the selected data.
  3. From the browse window, right-click the agent or backup set/archive set, and then click Find. (You can also start the Find operation from the other levels in the browse window.)
  4. From the Find dialog box, type the name or name pattern of the file, folder or directory that you want to find in the Search For text box. Optionally, you can narrow the search by entering criteria in fields under the option groups for Mail and Advanced Options as applicable for your search. If you would like to specify a time range for the search, options are provided under the Advanced Options group for this purpose.

    NOTE: If you accessed this dialog as part of a Browse operation, keep in mind that the time range values are not pre-populated by any previously selected time range settings entered on the Browse Options or Advanced Browse Options dialog.

  5. If your agent supports Content Indexing and you need to search backward-compatible content indexes, perform the following tasks:
  6. For the Exchange Compliance Archiver Agent, if you would like to get a sample of multiple files that meet your criteria, specify a sample number with the Show Every field (for example, specifying 4 would list every 4th message that matches your criteria).
  7. Click Search. The search results are displayed in the right pane of the Find dialog box.
  8. Select and right-click the desired file, folder or directory name then select one of the following:

Browse and Restore File Versions

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse the file versions

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the backup set that contains the data you want to browse, click All Tasks, and then click Browse Backup Data.
  2. From the Browse Options dialog box, select the browse options that you want to use and then click OK.
  3. From the browse window, right-click the file with multiple versions, and then click View All Versions.
  4. The File Version Restore / All Versions dialog box displays the available versions for the file.

    Select the versions you wish to restore, and then click Restore or click Restore All Versions to restore all the versions of the file.

  5. From the Restore Options dialog box, select the restore options that you want to use.
  6. The system displays the Progress bar and starts to restore the data.

Configure Browse/Search/Recovery Options

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To configure the browse/search/recovery options:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe, and select Control Panel.
  2. From the Control Panel, select the Browse/Search/Recovery option.
  3. From the Browse/Search/Recovery Option dialog box, select the options you want enabled during the browse and recover operations. You can select from the following options:
  4. Click OK.

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