CommCell Migration

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Capturing Metadata Records

Merging Metadata Records

Other Issues

Best Practices


CommCell Migration provides the facility to migrate the metadata records from one CommCell to another CommCell, either temporarily or permanently. CommCell migration can be used in the following situations:

Migration Components

Client computers, including all Agents installed on the Client can be migrated to another CommCell. (See Support Information - CommCell Migration for information on component not supported.)

CommServe and MediaAgents cannot be migrated. In the case of multi-platform computers (e.g., computers with MediaAgent and Client software, or CommServe, MediaAgent and Client software) only the Client and the metadata records associated with the Client are migrated. If you need to migrate the MediaAgents or hardware devices, they must be freshly installed and configured in the destination CommCell.

What is Migrated

The following components associated with a Client are migrated:

What is Not Migrated

The following components associated with a Client are not migrated:

How is CommCell Migration Performed

CommCell migration is a two step process:

  1. The first step is to capture the metadata records from the source CommCell as described in Capturing Metadata Records.
  2. The second step is to merge the information in the destination CommCell as described in Merging Metadata Records.

License Requirement

This feature requires a Feature License to be available in the CommServe® Server.

Review general license requirements included in License Administration. Also, View All Licenses provides step-by-step instructions on how to view the license information.

Capturing Metadata Records

Pre-Capture Considerations

Consider the following before you capture the necessary metadata records associated with the clients that you wish to migrate to another CommCell:

Capturing Metadata Records from the Source CommCell

Use the following procedure to capture the information associated with Client(s) that you wish to migrate to another CommCell.

Required Capability: Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To Capture Metadata Records from the Source Client(s):

Once you have reviewed the Pre-Capture Considerations, you are ready to capture the metadata records from the source CommCell from the command line using the Qoperation capture command as described below:


qoperation capture -c client -dfn dumpfile [-dbn databasename] [-afn answerfile] [-st starttime] [-et endtime] [-u username] [-p password] [-rp alternate database path][-af argsfile] [-h]


This command captures information from a single client or multiple clients and stores the information in the form of a database on the CommServe. An answer file is also created which can be edited by an user during the merge operation. This answer file can be created either on the CommServe or on the local client machine. If the database file path is an UNC path, then the command line operation will prompt the user for impersonation details. On successful completion, qoperation capture displays the message Capture Successful in the console.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format:

capture: Error errorcode: errordescription


Command Line

-c Name of the client to capture
-dfn Full path and the dump file name on the CommServe
-dbn Name of the database from which you wish to capture data.
(This is useful when you want to capture data from a database
other than the current CommServe.)
-afn Full path and the answer file name on the local Client
-st The start date and time from which data will be captured. The Start date and time must be in Unix time format.
-et The end date and time until which data must be captured. The end date and time must be in Unix time format.
-u User name, if database location is an UNC path
-p Password, if database location is an UNC path
-rp Alternative database restore path.

This option is useful when migrating clients in the clustered environment. In a cluster, the CommServe binaries are installed on the physical server and the database is located on the shared disk resource. As the capture and merge operations are executed on the physical server that hosts the binaries, the -rp option provides a way to specify the path to the shared disk resource in which the database resides. (if this option is not specified, the command will by default look for the database in the same drive in which the binaries reside and the operation will fail.)

-af Reads arguments from a file
-h Displays help
Dependent jobs of any of the jobs within the specified time range (-st and -et) will also be captured, irrespective of whether they fall in the range or not.

Argument File

clients [list] List of clients to capture
dumpfilename [string] Full path and the dump file name on the CommServe
databasename [string] Name of the database from which you wish to capture data.
(This is useful when you want to capture data from a database
other than the current CommServe)
answerfile [string] Full path and the answer file name on the local Client
startime [time] Start date and time from which data will be captured
endtime [time] End date and time until which data must be captured
user [string] User name, if database location is an UNC path
password [string] Password, if database location is an UNC path


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Capture a client with the name client1, save the information in a dump file at c:\capturedb on the CommServe computer, and save the answer file at C:\afile on the local client.
E:\commandline>qoperation capture -c client1 -dfn c:\capturedb -dbn db -afn c:\afile


As a precaution, mark media (tape and optical media) associated with the source CommCell as READ ONLY before performing a data recovery operation in the destination CommCell.

Post Capture Considerations

Consider the following:

You can now merge the metadata records in the destination CommCell.

Merging Metadata Records

Pre-Merge Considerations

Consider the following before you merge the information in the destination CommCell:

Merging Metadata Records in the Destination CommCell

Use the following procedure to merge the information associated with the clients that you wish to migrate in the new CommCell:

Required Capability: Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To Merge the Metadata Records in the Destination CommCell:

Once you have reviewed the Pre-Merge Considerations, you are ready to merge the metadata records from the source CommCell from the command line using the qoperation merge command, as described below:


qoperation merge -dfn dumpfile [-afn answerfile] [-u username] [-p password] [-cl y|n] [-rt y|n] [-rp alternate database path] [-af argsfile] [-h]


This command merges a given captured database into a target CommCell. The database should reside on the CommServe and the user should supply the database name and the location.

This command also supports an option to read the answer file for the merge configuration. If the database file path is an UNC path, then the command line prompts the user to enter the impersonation details. You can specify whether or not to consume a license during this merge.

Upon successful completion, qoperation merge displays the message "Merge Successful" in the console.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "merge: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-dfn Path and Dump file name on the CommServe
-afn Answer file name (with the path) on the client that was generated during capture
-u User name, if database location is an UNC path
-p Password, if database location is an UNC path
-cl y or n - This option determines whether a licenses is consumed or not for the merged client.
-rt y or n - This option determines whether or not to mark the media as reusable in the new CommCell.
  • If the answer is set to 'Y', the media will be reused even if the library option to use media from a different CommCell is disabled.
  • If the answer is set to 'N', you can later select the media for reuse at the destination CommCell using the Mark Migrated Media Reusable option.
-rp Alternative database restore path.

This option is useful when migrating clients in the clustered environment. In a cluster, the CommServe binaries are installed on the physical server and the database is located on the shared disk resource. As the capture and merge operations are executed on the physical server that hosts the binaries, the -rp option provides a way to specify the path to the shared disk resource in which the database resides. (if this option is not specified, the command will by default look for the database in the same drive in which the binaries reside and the operation will fail.)

-af Reads arguments from a file
-h Displays help

Argument File

dumpfilename [string] Path and Dump file name on the CommServe
answerfile [string] Answer file name (with the path) on the client that was generated during capture
consumelicense [y|n] This option determines whether a licenses is consumed or not for the merged client.
reusetapes [y|n] This option determines whether or not to mark the media as reusable in the new CommCell.
  • If the answer is set to 'Y', the media will be reused even if the library option to use media from a different CommCell is disabled.
  • If the answer is set to 'N', you can later select the media for reuse at the destination CommCell using the Mark Migrated Media Reusable option.
user [string] User name
password [string] Password


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Merge using dump file c:\capturedump.dmp on the CommServe, and read the answer file at C:\test.xml on the local client.
E:\commandline>qoperation merge -dfn c:\capturedump.dmp -afn c:\test.xml


As a precaution, mark media (tape and optical media) associated with the source CommCell as READ ONLY before performing a data recovery operation in the destination CommCell.

Post Merge Considerations

Consider the following:

General Considerations

Mount Path Considerations

Mount path specified in the answer file is considered only when the data from a source CommCell is being merged into the destination CommCell for the very first time. For subsequent merges from the same source CommCell to the same destination CommCell, as the data from the source has already been merged into the destination once before, the previously merged mount path is used, ignoring the mount path specified in the answer file. Also, this is applicable when a client is migrated back to its original CommCell, after a temporary migration.

Review the following merge scenarios:

Considerations for Clients that are Permanently Merged

Considerations for Clients that are Temporarily Merged

Other Issues

Duplicate Job IDs in the Destination CommCell

When one or more Clients are migrated to a new CommCell, duplicate Job IDs may be displayed in the history information. The following section describes the impact of duplicate Job IDs on some of the features associated with a job.

Although the Jobs IDs appear as duplicates, they are only done for display purposes; internally the system can differentiate between the jobs.

Storage Policies are Mapped to a Library with Incompatible Drive Types

Perform one of the following steps to perform Data Recovery operations from backup data migrated from the source CommCell, if the storage policies are mapped to a library with incompatible drive types in the destination CommCell:

Files list cannot be viewed from View Backup list and Failed Files list in Data Protection Job History

For jobs associated with a merged client the Backup file list and Unsuccessful Backup Files (which can be viewed from the Data Protection Job History window) will not be available.

Content Indexing Migrated Data

When you migrate a client from one CommCell to another, all the protected/archive data associated with that client needs to be re-content indexed. For more information on content indexing protected/archive data, see Offline Content Indexing.

Deduplication Jobs on Migrated CommCell

After CommCell migration, the deduplication store operates in the read-only mode on the destination CommCell. The migrated (deduplication enabled) storage policies on the destination CommCell can be used to restore the deduplicated data migrated from the source CommCell and perform auxiliary copy jobs with the migrated data as the source. However, the migrated storage policies on the destination CommCell cannot be used to perform new deduplication backup jobs.

Best Practices

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