Log Files - How To

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Configure Time Range

Configure Troubleshooting Settings

Send Log Files

Send Log Files from the Command Line

Send Log Files To a Remote Computer

Set the Maximum Size for Email Bundles

Send Log Files from the Workstation Backup Client Console

Configure FTP Settings for Workstation Backup Clients

View the Log Files of a CommServe, SRM Server, MediaAgent, or Client Computer

View the Log Files of a Job History

View the Log Files of an Active Job

Configure Time Range

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To configure the time range for sending log files:

  1. From the CommCell Console, right-click on the CommServe icon, click All Tasks, and then click Send Log Files. This opens the Send Log Files dialog box.
  2. Click the Time Range tab.
  3. Select the Time check box if you wish to include a specific number of hours or days to be included in the log files prior to the current time or date.
  4. Select the Select Date/Time option if you wish to choose a specific range of dates to be included in the log files. You may also select the time zone that corresponds to the dates and times selected.
  5. Click OK.

Configure Troubleshooting Settings

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

You can access the Troubleshooting Settings dialog box using either of the following:

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To configure troubleshooting settings using the Control Panel:

  1. From the CommCell Console, right-click on the CommServe icon, click Control Panel, and then click Troubleshooting Settings. This opens the Troubleshooting Settings dialog box.
  2. Specify the FTP or HTTP Location, User Name, and Password.
  3. If you wish to receive notification emails regarding successful or failed FTP operations, you can select the Notify User Upon FTP Completion/Failure check box and provide the email address to which the notifications will be sent. You can also provide an email address to which log settings will be sent.
  4. If you wish to restore all settings to their factory defaults, click the Reset to Factory Settings button.

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To configure troubleshooting settings using the Send Log Files dialog box:

  1. From the CommCell Console, right-click on the CommServe icon, click All Tasks, and then click Send Log Files. This opens the Send Log Files dialog box.
  2. Click the Settings button. This opens the Troubleshooting Settings dialog box.
  3. Specify the FTP or HTTP Location, User Name, and Password.
  4. If you wish to receive notification emails regarding successful or failed FTP operations, you can select the Notify User Upon FTP Completion/Failure check box and provide the email address to which the notifications will be sent. You can also provide an email address to which log settings will be sent.
  5. If you wish to restore all settings to their factory defaults, click the Reset to Factory Settings button.

Send Log Files

Before you Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To send log files:

  1. In the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe, click All Tasks, and then select Send Log Files. The Send Log Files window is displayed.
  2. From the General tab, provide the following information:
  3. From the Computers tab, choose the appropriate Job ID if you are sending the log files of a specific job.

    If you wish to send the log files to specific computer(s), you can select and move the appropriate client computers from the Available Computers list to the Selected Computers list.

  4. From the CommCell Information tab, select the following options, if desired:
  5. From the Time Range tab, select the Time check box if you wish to include a specific number of hours or days to be included in the log files prior to the current time or date.

    Then, select the Select Date/Time option if you wish to choose a specific range of dates to be included in the log files. You may also select the time zone that corresponds to the dates and times selected.

  6. From the Machine Information tab, select the log information you wish to include, if any.
  7. From the Output tab, select the following options:
  8. Click Ok.

Command Line Interface - Send Log Files

Before you Begin


To send log files from the command line, navigate to the <software installation path>\Base folder and enter the required information. You can choose to type in the commands manually at the command prompt or use an input file as described in the following sections:

Using Arguments at the Command Prompt:

sendLogFiles.exe -<argument_value>

Using an Input File:

sendLogFiles.exe -af "<location_of_input_file>\<name_of_input_file>"

Create Custom Commands

Custom commands can be created by defining new commands utilizing the required arguments.

To create custom commands:

  1. Open the GXCommands table by navigating to Start | Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2005 | SQL Server Management Studio | Databases | CommServ.
  2. In the commandToRun column, add the appropriate arguments to a new row in the table (see Required Arguments for a list of available arguments to include).

    Note the ID number for the new command as it appears in the ID column.

  3. Open the GXCommandOSMapping table by navigating to Start | Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2005 | SQL Server Management Studio | Databases | CommServ.
  4. Locate the ID number for your command in the GXCommandid column.
  5. Enter the operating system ID for your computer in the simOSFamily column. This information should be entered in the cell that corresponds to the command ID number. The operating system IDs supported are listed below:

    1: Linux

    2: Windows

    4: HP-UX

    5: Solaris

    6: AIX

    10: NetWare

    11: Tru64

    13: FreeBSD

    14: Macintosh

Required Arguments:

-vm Virtual machine

-vm <CommServe_name>

-CS Sends log files from the CommServe.
-rm Specifies which remote computer’s log files are to be sent.

Repeat the -rm argument to specify multiple remote computers.

-rm <remote_computer_name>

-j Sends log files for a particular Job ID.

-j <Job_ID_Number>

-w Sends the log files from all computers associated with a particular Job ID.
-db Sends the log files from the CommServe SQL database.
-sql Sends the SQL error logs.
-sl Sends the system logs.
-gu Sends information on software updates.
-cd Sends the crash dump.
-mc Sends machine information.
-sc Sends the system command output.
-gl Sends software component logs. Must be used in conjunction with either the -cs or -rm arguments.

-gl -cs OR -gl -rm

-uc Sends user-defined command output.
-FTP Used to send selected log files to an existing FTP server running the CommCell Console.

FTP Server information can be defined or overridden using the FTPServer/FTPUser/FTPPassword command.

-n Used to specify an email address to which notification emails regarding successful and failed FTP operations will be sent.

If this option is not specified, the FTP notification email will be sent to the current notification email address in the CommServe database.

A list of email addresses can be entered with comma as separator.

-n <ftp_notification_mailbox@mail.com>

-r Used to specify an email address to which the log files will be sent.

A list of email addresses can be entered with comma as separator.

-r <mailbox1@mail.com>

-d The directory to which the log files will be saved.

-d <full_directory_path>

-s Used to specify a custom subject line for the email containing the log files.

-s “<subject_line_text>

Example 1:

In this example, the log files for client1 are sent to mailbox1@mail.com. A custom subject line will be displayed in the e-mail messages.

sendLogFiles.exe -vm commserve1 -rm client1 -r mailbox1@mail.com -s “Log Files for client1

Example 2:

In this example, the CommServe log files and the log files for client1 and client2 are stored in the c:\logs directory on the CommServe computer.

sendLogFiles.exe -vm commserve1 -rm client1 -rm client2 -d c:\logs

Example 3:

In this example, the input file is located in the c:\logs directory on the CommServe computer. An input file is created which will be executed at the command prompt using the following command:

sendLogFiles.exe -af "c:\logs\logs.txt"

The input file is formatted as follows:







The -j and -rm commands cannot be used together in the same send log files operation.

Send Log Files To a Remote Computer

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To send log files to a remote computer:

  1. From:
  2. From the File menu of the Log File for Job n dialog box, click Send Page.
  3. From the SMTP Parameters dialog box, type the name of an SMTP host (mail server). If you are viewing log files from a remote CommCell Console, then the SMTP host should be the same as the CommServe. If it is not the same, the operation will fail due to security issues.
  4. Click OK.

Set the Maximum Size for Email Bundles

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To set the maximum size for email bundles:

  1. From the CommCell Console's Control Panel, select E-Mail and IIS Configuration.
  2. Enter the desired maximum size limit (in megabytes) using the space provided for the Mail server size limit (MB).

    Log files exceeding the designated maximum size will be sent to the email recipient in multiple emails.

Send Log Files from the Workstation Backup Client Console

Use the following procedure to send the log files for review.

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To send the log files:

  1. Launch the Workstation Backup agent from the Start | Programs menu.
  2. Click the Help icon (?) in the toolbar, and select the Send Logs option.
  3. The log files are sent.

Configure FTP Settings for Workstation Backup Clients

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To configure FTP settings to receive Workstation Backup client log files:

  1. Open the GxGlobalParam table in the CommServe database.
  2. Add a new row with name = SendLogsClientUseFTP and value = -FTPServer <servername> -FTPUser <username> -FTPPassword <password>. For example, -FTPServer mcrae64 -FTPUser Orange -FTPPassword Orange.
  3. Save the changes. The log files from the workstation Backup clients will be sent to the specified server.

View the Log Files of a CommServe, SRM Server, MediaAgent, or Client Computer

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To view the log files of a CommServe, SRM Server, MediaAgent, or client computer.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click a CommServe, SRM Server, MediaAgent, or client computer, click View, and then click Log Files. The Select the Log File to Open window displays.
  2. To see a specific log file, either select the log file name from the list or type the name of the log file in the field provided. (In the Files of type field, Log Files (*.log) is displayed by default.) Click Open. The contents of the log file are displayed.

View the Log Files of a Job History

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To view the log files of a Job History:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the entity whose job history you want to view, and then click to view a job history.
  2. From the job history filter window select the filter options, if any, that you want to apply, and then click OK.
  3. From the job history window, right-click the job whose log files you want to view, and then click View Logs.
  4. The contents of the log file related to the selected job history are displayed in the Log File for Job n window.

View the Log Files of an Active Job

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To view the log files of an active job:

  1. From the Job Controller of the CommCell Console, right-click a job, then click View Logs from the short-cut menu.
  2. The contents of the log file related to the selected job are displayed in the Log File for Job n window.

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