Migration Archiving - SharePoint Archiver

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How to Set Up and Run a Migration Archive Operation

Migration Archiving Considerations

Advanced Archive Options


This section discusses archive information that is specific to the SharePoint Archiver Agent. See Migration Archiving for a general overview.

During archive operations, the SharePoint Archiver Agent will archive versioned and non-versioned documents that meet the preset criteria specified in the Archiving Rules tab of the Subclient Properties dialog box. Information about each archived object is placed into a stub (when enabled) that can then be used as a link to recover the data.

The configuration of the archiving rules is central to customizing archive operations to meet the needs of your organization. Continue on to the following section for an in-depth discussion of the archiving rules for these agents.

How to Set Up and Run a Migration Archive Operation

The following section provides the steps to set up and run a Migrate Archive Operation:

  1. Enable the Archiving Rules for the subclient that contains the content you wish to archive. See Enable (Disable) Archiving Rules for step-by-step instructions.
    By default, this option is selected and archiving rules are initially disabled. When selected, all archiving rules will be ignored except for Stub Rules.
  2. Configure the Archiving Rules for the subclient. In particular, decide if you want to create stubs in your environment. Even if the Archiving Rules are disabled, the Stub Rules will apply. See Configure Archiving Rules - SharePoint Archiver Agent for step-by-step instructions.
  3. Run an archive operation. See Start a Migration Archiving Operation for step-by-step instructions.

Migration Archiving Considerations

Before performing any archive procedure, review the following information:

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