Command Line Interface - QScripts

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QScripts are SQL scripts that enable you to directly query the Commserve database engine. Each QScript includes a readme file that provides instructions and argument parameters to query the commserve database.

How to Execute QScripts

You can execute QScripts using the qoperation execscript qcommand.

For example:

qoperation execscript -sn SetKeyIntoGlobalParamTbl.sql -si QSDKSessionsAudit -si y -si 1

The parameters used for the qscript will vary depending upon the Qscript used.


QScripts are recommended for advanced users only. QScripts can be directly executed using qoperation execscript qcommand. Therefore caution is recommended while using them since the operations performed using the QScripts do not have the same safety protocols that are available with other options from the CommCell Console.


Refer to the readme associated with the respective QScript for information on the available options and parameters that can be used to execute the specific script. The readmes use one of the following naming convention:
  • readme_<scriptname>.txt

    For example, the readme associated with GetSubclients.sql script is readme_GetSubclients.txt.

  • <scriptname>.Readme.html

    This is used by the qscripts in the stored procedures folder on the CommServer computer. For example, the readme associated with GetQscriptExec.sql script is CommServ.QS_GetQscriptExec.Readme.html.


Any login and logout sessions from commandline (i.e. using qlogin and qlogout commands) are all GUI audited. To enable this for upgraded CommServe, the following command is used:

qoperation execscript -sn SetKeyIntoGlobalParamTbl.sql -si QSDKSessionsAudit -si y -si 1


QScript Description Readme Files
CreateOracleInstance QScript to create a new oracle instance or on demand instance. readme_createOracleInstance.txt
DataInterfacePairConfig QScript to add, delete or list client data interface pair. readme_DataInterfacePairConfig.txt
EnableSystemState QScript to enable system state on all default subclients across the commserve. This script can take client name and backup set name as input. (Both are optional.) readme_EnableSystemState.txt
getAlertSNMPNotification Qscript provided here will return all the alerts configured and return alertName, alerttype and a field which indicates whether SNMP is configured for the alert. readme_getAlertSNMPNotification.txt
GetAllRunningJobs QScript to Get list of all running jobs i.e. Backup, admin, restore from clients readme_GetAllRunningJobs
GetClients_Info Qscript to get client's Information such as Name, IP, OS Name and Active status. readme_GetClients_Info.txt
GetClientDescription QScript to get description of a client. readme_GetClientDescription.txt
GetClientGroup QScript here gets the list of clients associated with a client group or the list of client groups a client is member of. readme_GetClientGroup.txt
GetClients QScript here gets the display name and host name (or IP address) of the Active nodes of clients in a Commserve. readme_GetClients.txt
GetCommcells QScript here gets the list of CommCells registered to CommNet Server. This script would fetch the list of CommCells. readme_GetCommcells.txt
GetCSForClient This Qscript gets commserve details such as name, version, time zone and SQL instanceName for a client. This script requires CommNet database and Commserve database to be on the same machine. readme_GetCSForClient.txt
GetDoNotBackupDBName This QScript can be used to provide Clients, subclients and database names which has 'Do Not Backup' status. readme_GetDoNotBackupDBName.txt
GetGlobalFilterState This QScript gets global filter setting of the subclient (ON/OFF/USE CELL LEVEL POLICY) readme_GetGlobalFilterState.txt
GetJobConfiguration QScript to retrieve job configuration of a client. readme_GetJobConfiguration.txt
GetJobDescription QScript to get the job description of running job/historical job. readme_GetJobDescription.txt
GetJobDetails QScript to get Backup Job details of a client (active and completed) with application size and total backup size. readme_GetJobDetails.txt
GetJobList QScript to get Backup Job details (active and completed) of a client. readme_GetJobList.txt
GetLicenseInfo This QScript can be used to retrieve license information from encrypted AAL fields. readme_GetLicenseInfo.txt
GetMSSqlCredentials Qscript to Globally get application usernames/password for MS SQLiDataAgents. Either a specific client or all clients must be specified. Password returned will be in encrypted format. readme_GetMSSqlCredentials.txt
GetNetworkPendingJobs QScript to get the list of backup jobs that have no attempts and are pending with Network Error pending reason before the specified number of hours. readme_GetNetworkPendingJobs.txt
GetOperationWindow QScript to get the list of all operation window rules defined at commcell/clientgroup/client level. It gives the list of operations, start and end times and name of the entity for each rule. readme_GetOperationWindow.txt
GetOperationWindowAll QScript to get list of all operation window rules defined at commcell/clientgroup/client level. It gives the list of operations, start and end times, and name of the entity for each rule. readme_GetOperationWindowAll.txt
GetOracleCredentials Qscript to Globally set passwords and optionally usernames for OracleiDataAgents. readme_GetOracleCredentials.txt
GetRegCommcells QScript to get list of Commcells registered to CommNet Server. This script would fetch the list of commcells. readme_GetRegCommcells.txt
GetSchedulePolicy QScript to get the schedule policy name, description and schedule details for a subclient. readme_GetSchedulePolicy.txt
GetSQLSubclientConf QScript to get the list of databases under an SQL subclient. readme_GetSQLSubclientConf.txt
GetSubclients QScript to get subclientName, Id, iDataAgents type and description of subclients in a client. readme_GetSubclients.txt
MoveNASSubclient Move a subclient from one NAS client to another. readme_MoveNASSubclient.txt
PromoteToFullById This QScript would force next backup on the subclient to full. readme_PromoteToFullById.txt
RenameSubclientName This QScript will rename the Subclient name to a new Subclient name. readme_RenameSubclientName
ResetClientDescription QScript for clear description set on a client with the given client name. readme_ResetClientDescription.txt
scalereport_backups_restores_errors_perdrive This QScript lists the drives which were used in the last twenty four hours along with the name of the Library in which it is present and total backups, restores etc. happened in the last one and twenty four hours. readme_scalereport_backups_restores_errors_perdrive.txt
scalereport_commcell_status This QScript outputs the status of a commcell reporting various parameters like jobs completed, bytes transferred, jobs in the queue etc. readme_scalereport_commcell_status.txt
scalereport_mounts_streams_reservations_perma The output table gives the list of Media Agents along with the number of mounts, maximum streams transferred and number of reservations made. readme_scalereport_mounts_streams_reservations_perma.txt
setAlertSNMPnotification Qscript provided will set the SNMP enable bit in all the alerts if not already set and will add locale specific, alertType/default SNMP message formats for these alerts if not already present. Qscript will also be able to "turn off" all SNMP notifications (regardless of how they were added). readme_setAlertSNMPnotification.txt
SetAuxCopyJobPriority This QScript enables to set or remove the combined priority value for Aux Copy Jobs. readme_SetAuxCopyJobPriority.txt
SetClientDescription This QScript enables to set description on a client with given client name. readme_SetClientDescription.txt
SetCommcellActivity This QScript enables or disables the following activities at the commcell level :

All Job Activity
Data Management Activity
Data Recovery Activity
Auxiliary Copy Activity
Data Aging Activity
Scheduler Activity
Online Content Index Activity
Offline Content Index Activity
setConfigParam This QScript sets a particular configuration parameter. readme_setConfigParam.txt
SetDataReaders This QScript sets description on a client with given client name. readme_SetDataReaders.txt
SetDeconfClientName This QScript renames a deconfigured client. readme_SetDeconfClientName.txt
SetDefaultSCContent This QScript sets contents of default subclient of a given backupset. readme_SetDefaultSCContent.txt
SetGlobalFilterState This QScript sets subclient include global filter option to ON/OFF/USE CELL LEVEL POLICY. readme_SetGlobalFilterState.txt
SetHoliday Qscript to Add new holiday and change the description of any old holiday. readme_SetHoliday.txt
SetJobConfiguration Qscript to Globally set job configuration. readme_SetJobConfiguration.txt
SetJobDescription QScript to set the job description of running job and historical job. readme_SetJobDescription.txt
SetKeyIntoGlobalparamTbl QScript to set or remove the data base key and value from the gxglobalparam table. readme_SetKeyIntoGlobalparamTbl.txt
SetMediaAgentProperty QScript to update the properties of a Specific Media Agent. readme_setMediaAgentProperty.txt
SetMSSQLCredentials Qscript to Globally set application usernames/password for MS SQL iDataAgents. readme_SetMSSQLCredentials.txt
SetNetHostName QScript to set netHostName on a client with given name. readme_SetNetHostName.txt
SetNetHostNameByID QScript to set netHostName on a client with given client ID. readme_SetNetHostNameByID.txt
SetSchedulePolicy QScript to add or remove subclient association from a schedule policy. readme_SetSchedulePolicy.txt
SetSPDBSubclientContent This QScript will create user-defined SharePoint DataBase subclient with Site Collections specified in the text file. readme_SetSPDBSubclientContent.txt
SetStoragePolicy This QScript will change data/log storage policy of a subclient. readme_SetStoragePolicy.txt
SetStoragePolicyById This QScript will change data/log storage policy of a subclient. readme_SetStoragePolicyById.txt
SetSubClientPrePostProcess Qscript to set Pre/Post Process Batch files and modify user account info user name and password. password is accepted in encrypted format. there is no validation for encrypted password. readme_SetSubClientPrePostProcess.txt
SetUseGlobalFilters Qscript to set or clear "use global filter" setting per User input (w/aging). Setting will be changed for all FS like SubClients in all backupSets. readme_SetUseGlobalFilters.txt
archIndexSize Return index space for the jobs run over the input number of days.CommServ.QS_archIndexSize.Readme.html
archViewSISavings Return dedup savings for a given client, appTypeId, Job.CommServ.QS_archViewSISavings.Readme.html
AssociateBillableEntity Associate billable entity to a client/iDA/Instance/Backupset/SubClient. Takes CSV file holding associations as input. This input file contains one or more lines of this format [,,,,,] Billable Entity Name and Client Name are mandatory. Others are conditionally optional. CommServ.QS_AssociateBillableEntity.Readme.html
AuxCopyReport Returns list of storage policies that are fallen behind for aux copy.CommServ.QS_AuxCopyReport.Readme.html
BackendStorage Returns Backend Storage Utilizaiton by Client.CommServ.QS_BackendStorage.Readme.html
BackendSubclientStorage Backend Storage utilization history at the subclient level along with prediction. CommServ.QS_BackendSubclientStorage.Readme.html
BackupStrikes Consecutive backup failures for last N daysCommServ.QS_BackupStrikes.Readme.html
BulkInsertSubClientPolicyContent Bulk insert content to subClient policy subclient -- operation execscript -sn BulkInsertSubClientPolicyContent -si ''SubClientPolicyName'' -si ''subClient'' -si ''Input file'' [-si ''overwrite''] .. input file must be full pathname CommServ.QS_BulkInsertSubClientPolicyContent.Readme.html
ChangeLastSyncUpdateTime Changes Last Sync Update time as per user input valuesCommServ.QS_ChangeLastSyncUpdateTime.Readme.html
CNSetCoHostedCCNames Use this script to correct co-hosted CommCell names (display name and host name) discrepancy in CommNet registration. This script when run will correct co-hosted CommCell''s display name and host name in CommNet database.CommServ.QS_CNSetCoHostedCCNames.Readme.html
CommCellAverageDataTransfer Lists the Max / Average amount of data transferred by each backup type (Full, Incremental, Differential) for all subclients in the given time range. Returns data only for completed jobs. Since the CommServe database does not contain information for jobs pruned more than a week ago, for the most accurate information, do not use older time ranges. Typical use is to find Max / Average amount of data transferred in the last month.CommServ.QS_CommCellAverageDataTransfer.Readme.html
CommCellUsageReport List the detail usage of backup/archiver jobs used for computing totals towards capacity usage.CommServ.QS_CommCellUsageReport.Readme.html
CompressionConfig To set the Media Agent attributesCommServ.QS_CompressionConfig.Readme.html
CreateClientGroup Create client group.CommServ.QS_CreateClientGroup.Readme.html
CreateDB2BackupSet Creates DB2 Backup set under given client and db2 instance.CommServ.QS_CreateDB2BackupSet.Readme.html
CreateDB2SubClient Creates DB2 subclient under given client, db2 instance and backupset.CommServ.QS_CreateDB2SubClient.Readme.html
CreateOperationWindowRule Script to create Operation window rule qoperation execscript -sn createoperationwindowrule -si ClientName/ClientGroupName/commserve -si OperationType -si DayofWeek -si Startdate -si Enddate -si StartTime -si EndTime -si Enable -si ApplicationName -si Description Where (ClientName/ClientGroupName/commserve) would be ''c=testclient'' for client name OR ''cg=testGroup'' for client group name OR ''commserve'' OperationType Operation types are ''all / backup / restore / admin'' DayOfWeek Day of the week are comma separated[Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday] StartDate Format is MM-DD-YYYY EndDate Format is MM-DD-YYYY StartTime Format is 24 hrs HH:MM EndTime Format is 24 hrs HH:MM Enable true/false ApplicationName Optional parameter, Application name Description Optional parameter, Description of Operation Window Example: Create operation window at commserve level with restore operation qoperation execscript -sn createoperationwindowrule -si ''commserve'' -si ''restore'' -si ''Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday'' -si ''04-20-2012'' -si ''04-21-2013'' -si ''09:00'' -si ''18:00'' -si true -si '''' -si ''Test Description, commserve restore'' Create operation window at client level with backup operation qoperation execscript -sn createoperationwindowrule -si ''c=clientname'' -si ''backup'' -si ''Monday, Wednesday, Friday'' -si ''04-20-2012'' -si ''04-21-2013'' -si ''09:00'' -si ''18:00'' -si true -si '''' -si ''Test Description, client backup'' Create operation window for a client group with all operations qoperation execscript -sn createoperationwindowrule -si ''cg=clientgroupname'' -si ''all'' -si ''Monday'' -si ''04-20-2012'' -si ''04-20-2013'' -si ''09:00'' -si ''18:00'' -si true -si '''' -si ''Test Description, client group all operation'' Create operation window at client level with restore operation for File system qoperation execscript -sn createoperationwindowrule -si ''c=clientname'' -si ''restore'' -si ''Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday'' -si ''04-20-2012'' -si ''04-21-2013'' -si ''09:00'' -si ''18:00'' -si true -si ''File system'' -si ''Test Description, client restore'' GUI will show operation window on successful creation from commandline. CommServ.QS_CreateOperationWindowRule.Readme.html
CreateSAPMAXDBInstance Creates new SAP MAX DB instance for given client.CommServ.QS_CreateSAPMAXDBInstance.Readme.html
CreateSAPOracleInstance Creates new SAP Oracle instancet for given client.CommServ.QS_CreateSAPOracleInstance.Readme.html
CreateSAPOracleSubclient Creates new SAP Oracle subclient under the given client and instance nameCommServ.QS_CreateSAPOracleSubclient.Readme.html
CreateScheduleHoliday Script to create Schedule holiday qoperation execscript -sn createscheduleholiday -si ClientName/commserve -si Startdate -si Enddate -si Yearly Where (ClientName/commserve) would be ''NameOfClient'' for client name OR ''commserve'' StartDate Format is MM-DD-YYYY EndDate Optional parameter, format is MM-DD-YYYY Yearly Optional parameter, true/false Example: To create a schedule holiday for client ''ClientName'' on 10th April 2012. This will create a schedule holiday for 1 day on client ''ClientName''. qoperation execscript -sn createscheduleholiday -si ''ClientName'' -si ''04-10-2012'' To create a schedule holoday for client ''ClientName'' on 10th April 2012 to 12th April 2012. This will create a schedule holiday for 3 days on client ''Client Name''. qoperation execscript -sn createscheduleholiday -si ''ClientName'' -si ''04-10-2012'' -si ''04-12-2012'' To create a yearly schedule holiday for client ''ClientName'' on 10th April 2012. qoperation execscript -sn createscheduleholiday -si ''ClientName'' -si ''04-10-2012'' -si true To create a schedule holiday for client ''ClientName'' on 10th April 2012 on a commserve. qoperation execscript -sn createscheduleholiday -si ''commserve'' -si ''04-10-2012'' GUI will show schedule holiday on successful creation from commandline. CommServ.QS_CreateScheduleHoliday.Readme.html
CreateVM Create a VM using input xml fileCommServ.QS_CreateVM.Readme.html
DataGrowthPerCopy Returns data size on media for the given time intervals per storage policy copy.CommServ.QS_DataGrowthPerCopy.Readme.html
DataGrowthSummary Returns average data growth rate, current free space and estimated number of days that the current free space will be used for each libraries.CommServ.QS_DataGrowthSummary.Readme.html
DataInterfacePairConfig Qscript to Add, Delete or list client data interface pair. Add or Delete one data interface pair Delete or list all data interface pairs for a given client Delete or list all data interface pairs for all clientsCommServ.QS_DataInterfacePairConfig.Readme.html
DDBGrowthPerCopy Returns data size on media for the given time intervals per storage policy copy.CommServ.QS_DDBGrowthPerCopy.Readme.html
DeconfigureAgent Deconfigure a client or iDataAgent. Note Example: 1) Deconfigure a particular iDa of a client: qoperation execscript -sn DeconfigureAgent.sql -si jellyfish -si ; -si file system 2) Deconfigure a client and all iDataAgents: qoperation execscript -sn DeconfigureAgent.sql -si jellyfishCommServ.QS_DeconfigureAgent.Readme.html
DeleteClientGroup qoperation execscript -sn DeleteClientGroup -si ''[group_name]'' script_name: DeleteClientGroup. [group_name] - name of the group to be deletedCommServ.QS_DeleteClientGroup.Readme.html
DeleteContainer To delete container belonging to ReviewSet/Export/Query Set Container Type qoperation execscript -sn DeleteContainer -si ''UserName'' -si ''ContainerName'' -si ''ContainerType'' ''UserName'' -- Owner of the container that needs to be deleted. ''ContainerName'' -- Name of the container that needs to be deleted.[excluding the username] ''ContainerType'' -- Optional. Type of the container that needs to be deleted. Can be 1,2 or 3. Default – ReviewSet. [1 - ReviewSet ; 2 – QuerySet ; 3 - DownloadSet] Eg: To delete Review Set [ PEKO(Deleted, 59)@efgz\My ReviewSet ] whose owner is [efgz\PEKO] Run as : qoperation execscript -sn DeleteContainer -si ''efgz\PEKO'' -si ''My ReviewSet'' -si 1CommServ.QS_DeleteContainer.Readme.html
DeleteDataSet Delete the dataset CommServ.QS_DeleteDataSet.Readme.html
DetectSyncBreakingChars Detects the characters causing failures in CommNet sync because of XML serialization failureCommServ.QS_DetectSyncBreakingChars.Readme.html
EnableAuxCopySizeLimit Qscript to Enable or Disable the Auxiliary Copy Size limit criteria featureCommServ.QS_EnableAuxCopySizeLimit.Readme.html
enableLaptopBackup Set client for laptop backup -- qoperation execscript -sn enableLaptopBackup -si ''ON''|''OFF'' -si ''clientName'' enable/disable laptop backup for a particular clientCommServ.QS_enableLaptopBackup.Readme.html
ExecuteView Executes a SQL View CommServ.QS_ExecuteView.Readme.html
FailBackupCopyWithAgedSnaps Script to fail the BackupCopy jobs that have corresponding snaps aged. Please stop JobManager service before applying the script. qoperation execscript -sn QS_FailBackupCopyWithAgedSnaps -si BackupCopyJobIdCommServ.QS_FailBackupCopyWithAgedSnaps.Readme.html
FrontendCapacityUsage License Capacity Usage history along with prediciton for last N weeks/months/yearsCommServ.QS_FrontendCapacityUsage.Readme.html
GenerateBillingReport Qscript to Generate billing reportCommServ.QS_GenerateBillingReport.Readme.html
GetClientorClientGroupID Fetch the client / client group id from the name supplied Usage for fetching the client name: qoperation execscript -sn GetClientorClientGroupID -si c=clientname Usage for fetching the client group name: qoperation execscript -sn GetClientorClientGroupID -si g=clientgroupnameCommServ.QS_GetClientorClientGroupID.Readme.html
GetDeconfiguredClientsWithoutBkp Get a list of de-configured clients that have not been backed up longer than given days.CommServ.QS_GetDeconfiguredClientsWithoutBkp.Readme.html
GetDedupProp QScript to get client and subclient deduplication setting qoperation execscript -sn GetDedupProp -si clientName (__AllClients__ for all clients)CommServ.QS_GetDedupProp.Readme.html
GetFlaggedJobCount Get the count of jobs that are flagged in GUI needing Administrator''s attention. qoperation execscript -sn QS_GetFlaggedJobCount CommServ.QS_GetFlaggedJobCount.Readme.html
GetGuiAuditRetention Allow user to list retention days for specific GUI audit operations and users.CommServ.QS_GetGuiAuditRetention.Readme.html
GetIndexingPathForNotesDB Gets the indexing path for the given dbnameCommServ.QS_GetIndexingPathForNotesDB.Readme.html
GetJobHistory Get the list of Backup Jobs(Completed) of this entity with application size and total backup size.CommServ.QS_GetJobHistory.Readme.html
getMASubClientList returns a list of media agents and the associated subclients of each media agent.CommServ.QS_getMASubClientList.Readme.html
GetMSSQLcredentials Qscript to Globally Get application usernames/password for MS SQL iDA''s.CommServ.QS_GetMSSQLcredentials.Readme.html
GetOneTouchBackupJobs Return all one touch full backup jobs jobs for given client, app type, backup set and subclient. backupset and subclient are optional arguments.CommServ.QS_GetOneTouchBackupJobs.Readme.html
GetOneTouchBackupJobsAll Return all one touch jobs for given client, app type, backup set and subclient. backupset and subclient are optional arguments.CommServ.QS_GetOneTouchBackupJobsAll.Readme.html
GetQscriptExec Return qscript execution histories by name, type, status, and a time range.CommServ.QS_GetQscriptExec.Readme.html
GetQscriptInfo Return qscript information by name.CommServ.QS_GetQscriptInfo.Readme.html
GetSQLJobList Return list of SQL jobs and its details. Start and End Time should be client''s local TimeCommServ.QS_GetSQLJobList.Readme.html
GetTimeDifferenceWithCS Script to get the time offset between client and commserver -- operation execscript -sn GetTimeDifferenceWithCS -si ''ClientName'' [-si ''CS time''] [-si ''ClientName''] CommServ.QS_GetTimeDifferenceWithCS.Readme.html
importBulkMedia Script to incorporate a set of media in Simpana from comma delimited file Usage: qoperation execscript -sn importBulkMedia -si ''fully qualified path of comma delimited file'' Example: qoperation execscript -sn importBulkMedia -si D:\media\dataFile.csvCommServ.QS_importBulkMedia.Readme.html
JobsinSPCopy Return list of jobs for a Storage policy copy with input params fromTime, toTime, isAged, backupType, orderBy, policyName, copyName, retention.CommServ.QS_JobsinSPCopy.Readme.html
JobsInStoragePolicyCopy Jobs in the given storage policy copyCommServ.QS_JobsInStoragePolicyCopy.Readme.html
LargestClientDataOnMedia Largest client data on mediaCommServ.QS_LargestClientDataOnMedia.Readme.html
LargestClients Largest clients for last N daysCommServ.QS_LargestClients.Readme.html
LeastDedupedJobs Least deduped data protection jobs for last N daysCommServ.QS_LeastDedupedJobs.Readme.html
ListManuallyRetainedJobs View list of jobs that are manually retained on a given Storage Policy Copy.CommServ.QS_ListManuallyRetainedJobs.Readme.html
ListMediaContents View list of jobs for given media barcodeCommServ.QS_ListMediaContents.Readme.html
ListRequiredMediaForAuxCopy Lists required media for an auxiliary copy job. Accepts as input running auxiliary copy job Id.CommServ.QS_ListRequiredMediaForAuxCopy.Readme.html
LongRunJobs Long running data protection jobs for last N daysCommServ.QS_LongRunJobs.Readme.html
mappingsForTapeImport Maps the old ids with the new ids for TapeImport. It maps storage policy and subclient.CommServ.QS_mappingsForTapeImport.Readme.html
matadorCreateVirtualServerInstance Script to create Virtual Server instance.CommServ.QS_matadorCreateVirtualServerInstance.Readme.html
matadorInstallUpdateSchedule Script to set Install Update Schedules for Matador.CommServ.QS_matadorInstallUpdateSchedule.Readme.html
matadorMakeEZAvailable This script adds a row to the GXGlobalParam table in the CommServe Database. The row will have name = Matador and value = 1.CommServ.QS_matadorMakeEZAvailable.Readme.html
matadorSetAlert This script generates an alert notification rule with jobfailed condition for AuxCopy alert for Master Group This script generates an alert notification rule with jobfailed condition for DataVerification alert for Master Group. This script generates an alert notification rule with jobfailed condition for DataProtection alert for Master Group. This script generates an alert notification rule with jobfailed condition for DisasterRecovery alert for Master Group. This script generates an alert notification rule with insufficient storage condition for Library management alert for Master Group. This script generates an alert notification rule with maintenance Required condition for LibraryManagement alert for Master Group.CommServ.QS_matadorSetAlert.Readme.html
matadorSetFreeSpaceUpdatesInterval To set the Media Manager Config parameter to set the Free space updates interval to 10 minutes.CommServ.QS_matadorSetFreeSpaceUpdatesInterval.Readme.html
matadorSetFTPDownloadUpdatesSched To set the Download updates schedule to be 2 hours from the time of install and the same day of the week of the install to reduce the concurrent load on the ftp server which hosts the updates.CommServ.QS_matadorSetFTPDownloadUpdatesSched.Readme.html
matadorSetUserPrefs For Matador, populate the EZ GUI preferences for every user on the CS - includes AD users, and users already having some other prefs set.CommServ.QS_matadorSetUserPrefs.Readme.html
matadorUpdateEmailAndServer Script to Set the Email Address and Server for configuring alerts with the input email id and email server.CommServ.QS_matadorUpdateEmailAndServer.Readme.html
MMConvertMagLibToStaticShared Convert a regular magnetic library to static shared library. Script takes library name as input.CommServ.QS_MMConvertMagLibToStaticShared.Readme.html
MMViewDDBListing2 View sealed and active SIDBs across the CommCell. Input "1" to view only sealed store and "0" to view all stores. By default the script will display all stores.CommServ.QS_MMViewDDBListing2.Readme.html
modifysubclientpolicy This script can be used for associating or disassociating a subclient policy to a backupset(s) For association of a subclient policy to a backupset qoperation execscript –sn modifysubclientpolicy –si associate –si c=client_name -si b=backupsetname -si scp=subclient_policy_name For association of a subclient policy to all FS backupsets of a client qoperation execscript –sn modifysubclientpolicy –si associate –si c=client_name -si scp=subclient_policy_name For association of a subclient policy to all FS backupsets of all clients in a client group qoperation execscript –sn modifysubclientpolicy –si associate –si cg=client_group_name -si scp=subclient_policy_name For disassociation of a subclient policy from a backupset qoperation execscript –sn modifysubclientpolicy –si disassociate –si c=client_name –si b=backupsetname When association is tried one/all backupset(s) of a single client, if the file system type of the client and the scp donot match, error will be thrown When association is tried for all clients in a client group, assocciation will be done only for the clients whose flile system type mathces that of the scp Cannot associate a subclient policy to a backupset which is deconfigured or which has user defined subclients or which has a subclient policy associated to it On successful association/disassociation, the sucessfuly associated/disassociated entity names will be displayedCommServ.QS_modifysubclientpolicy.Readme.html
ModifyUpdatesLocation Modifies "Store Updates Locally" location on client.CommServ.QS_ModifyUpdatesLocation.Readme.html
ProtectedClientsPerPolicy Returns number of completed backup jobs and total data size on media per client in each storage policy.CommServ.QS_ProtectedClientsPerPolicy.Readme.html
ProtectedClientsPerPolicySummary Returns number of protected clients, total protected data size on media and average protected client data size on media per storage policy.CommServ.QS_ProtectedClientsPerPolicySummary.Readme.html
QueryDB2Backup qoperation execscript -sn QS_QueryDB2Backup.sql -si cleintname -si instancename -si backupsetname -si DATA | LOGSCommServ.QS_QueryDB2Backup.Readme.html
reassociateReportSchedules Reassociate the report schedules of deleted users to a new valid userCommServ.QS_reassociateReportSchedules.Readme.html
RemoveDuplicateSubclientProp Script to remove the duplicate subclient properties from DB qoperation execscript -sn RemoveDuplicateSubclientPropCommServ.QS_RemoveDuplicateSubclientProp.Readme.html
RenameSubclientPolicy Qscript renames the existing Subclient Policy name to the new name provided.CommServ.QS_RenameSubclientPolicy.Readme.html
RePickJobsForContentIndexing Mark ALL OR desired jobs as Re-Picked for content indexing. -- qoperation execscript -sn QS_RePickJobsForContentIndexing [-si ''JOBID1,JOBID2...|ALL|filePath=C:\JobList.csv''] -- JobIDList input must be either Comma separated list of Backup Job IDs to be marked as Picked OR ALL OR file path of a CSV file that contains list of jobs as comma seperated values with a prefix as filePath=. WARNING: If all jobs need to be repicked for content indexing whose CI state is success, JobIDList parameter should be equal to ALL Note: If any JOB ID provided is invalid it will skipped/ignored. Output returns what jobs are affected and number of rows updated in Database. Note: If CSV file is used as input, filePath= prefix must be specified and without spaces in suffix or prefixCommServ.QS_RePickJobsForContentIndexing.Readme.html
ReportJobHistory List report jobs for the given time range, report types and job status.CommServ.QS_ReportJobHistory.Readme.html
scalereport_backups_restores_errors_perdrive This script lists the drives which were used in the last twenty four hours along with the name of the Library in which it is present and total backups,restores etc. happened in the last one and twenty four hours.CommServ.QS_scalereport_backups_restores_errors_perdrive.Readme.html
scalereport_commcell_status This script outputs the status of a commcell reporting various parameters like jobs completed, bytes transferred, jobs in the queue etc.CommServ.QS_scalereport_commcell_status.Readme.html
scalereport_drive_usage_throughput_perdrive Report Format: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LibraryName, DriveName, DriveUsage_hr, DriveUsage_24hr, ThroughputGB_hr, ThroughputGB_24hr --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************** Drive Usage Per Hour ******************************** * * The drive usage is given by the amount of time a drive is used for either * writing or for reading purposes. These details can be obtained from the * MMDriveHistory table. The time at which a write or a read operation has * started is given by TimeStart column. Hence we can obtain the amount of time * a drive is in use by summing up the DataWriteDurationSec+DataReadDurationSec * grouping by the DriveId. Using the above sum we can find the percentage of * time the drive is in use over one hour and twenty four hours duration. * **************************************************************************************** ************************* Throughput of the Drive in GB/Hr ***************************** * * The throughput of a drive is calculated based on the amount of data has been * read or written to a drive in an hour. The columns DataWritten and DataRead in * the same table as above gives the required data. This sum DataWritten+DataRead * is again averaged for the last one hour and for twenty four hours. * ****************************************************************************************CommServ.QS_scalereport_drive_usage_throughput_perdrive.Readme.html
scalereport_jobs_completed_bytes_transferred_perma The output table gives the list of Media Agents which were used in the last twenty four hours displaying the count of jobs completed by that MA and bytes transferred.CommServ.QS_scalereport_jobs_completed_bytes_transferred_perma.Readme.html
scalereport_mounts_streams_reservations_perma The output table gives the list of Media Agents along with the number of mounts, maximum streams transferred and number of reservations made.CommServ.QS_scalereport_mounts_streams_reservations_perma.Readme.html
ServerProtection RBackup status of Physical and Virtual Servers is returned.CommServ.QS_ServerProtection.Readme.html
SetCleanupTimeOut Set the clean up timeout of all jobs. -- qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetCleanupTimeOut -si CommServ.QS_SetCleanupTimeOut.Readme.html
SetClientGroup The SetClientGroup script allows you to add/remove a client from a client group. This script is useful when you want to add/remove multiple clients to the same client group at a given time. CommServ.QS_SetClientGroup.Readme.html
SetClientProp Qscript to enable/disable Use Active Physical Node for virtual clients CommServ.QS_SetClientProp.Readme.html
setConfigParam Sets a particular configuration parameter.CommServ.QS_setConfigParam.Readme.html
SetDedupProp Qscript to set or get the Single Instancing Property of Subclients for the ClientsCommServ.QS_SetDedupProp.Readme.html
SetExchangeDBIDAProp Script to set properties of ExchangeDB IDA qoperation execscript -sn SetExchangeDBIDAProp -si @clientName=''Client Name'' -si @userName=''User Name'' -p2 @password=''Password'' -si @backupType=''Incremental'' -si @useVss=''true'' -si @backupFromReplica=''true'' -si @backupOnActiveNode=''true'' -si @serverName=''Server Name'' -si @copyBackup=''true'' Where ClientName would be client name. UserName User name to be set for IDA Password Password to be set for IDA. BackupType Incremental / Differential UseVss true / false BackupFromReplica true / false BackupOnActiveNode true / false ServerName Name of exchange server CopyBackup true / false Example: qoperation execscript -sn SetExchangeDBIDAProp -si @clientName=''Client Name'' -si @userName=''admin'' -p2 @password=''Password'' -si @backupType=''Incremental'' -si @useVss=''true'' -si @backupFromReplica=''true'' -si @backupOnActiveNode=''true'' -si @serverName=''E12SP3'' -si @copyBackup=''true'' GUI will show all the properties changed from commandline.CommServ.QS_SetExchangeDBIDAProp.Readme.html
setGlobalFilterStateForClient To set the Global System State for subClients -- qoperation execscript -sn SetGlobalFilterStateForClient -si ''ON''|''OFF''|''USE CELL LEVEL POLICY'' -si ''clientName''|''AllClientsInCommcell'' To set Cell Level Policy on for all clients: qoperation execscript -sn SetGlobalFilterStateForClient -si ''USE CELL LEVEL POLICY'' -si ''AllClientsInCommcell'' To set Cell Level Policy only for for client myClient: qoperation execscript -sn SetGlobalFilterStateForClient -si ''USE CELL LEVEL POLICY'' -si ''myClient'' To turn off global filters for myClient: qoperation execscript -sn SetGlobalFilterStateForClient -si ''OFF'' -si ''myClient'' To turn on global filters (not cell level( for myClient: qoperation execscript -sn SetGlobalFilterStateForClient -si ''ON'' -si ''myClient''CommServ.QS_setGlobalFilterStateForClient.Readme.html
SetGuiAuditRetention Allow user to add, modify and delete retention days for specific GUI audit operations and users.CommServ.QS_SetGuiAuditRetention.Readme.html
SetInvalidGUID Qscript to make a GUID as invalid. Installing CommServe with existing DataBase and using a new license file(new CommCellId) may cause same GUID exist with different CommCellId. This causes issues with CommCellMigration, we should not use such GUID in mappings. We should treat such GUID as invalid. CommServ.QS_SetInvalidGUID.Readme.html
SetLimitRunningJobs Qscript to enable\disable Limit Simultaneous Running Jobs on a client and set values for limits.CommServ.QS_SetLimitRunningJobs.Readme.html
setMediaAgentProperty To set the Media Agent attributesCommServ.QS_setMediaAgentProperty.Readme.html
SetMediaLocation Set export location for media.CommServ.QS_SetMediaLocation.Readme.html
SetMountpathPassword Script to set password for given user of mount path. qoperation execscript -sn SetMountpathPassword -si ''username'' -p2 ''plainpassword''CommServ.QS_SetMountpathPassword.Readme.html
SetMountPathWriters Set mount path allocation policy.CommServ.QS_SetMountPathWriters.Readme.html
SetNasIDAProp Script to set properties of NAS IDA qoperation execscript -sn SetNasIDAProp -si @clientName=''Client Name'' -si @userName=''User Name'' -p2 @password=''Password'' Where ClientName would be client name. UserName User name to be set for IDA Password Password to be set for IDA. Example: qoperation execscript -sn SetNasIDAProp -si @clientName=''Client Name'' -si @userName=''admin'' -p2 @password=''Password'' GUI will show all the properties changed from commandline.CommServ.QS_SetNasIDAProp.Readme.html
SetNextJobIdCounter Set the next job id counterCommServ.QS_SetNextJobIdCounter.Readme.html
SetOneTouch Set 1-touch on given subclient. Example: Set 1-touch on given subclient. 1) ./qoperation execscript -sn SetOneTouch.sql -si ''c=docserve04'' -si ''a=Q_LINUX_FS'' -si ''b=CROSSDB'' -si ''s=default'' -si ''true'' Un-set 1-touch on given subclient. 2) ./qoperation execscript -sn SetOneTouch.sql -si ''c=docserve04'' -si ''a=Q_LINUX_FS'' -si ''b=CROSSDB'' -si ''s=default'' -si ''false''CommServ.QS_SetOneTouch.Readme.html
SetOracleCredentials Qscript to Globally set passwords and optionally usernames for Oracle iDa''s Notes: 1) Requires Client name, Credential, password and login as an input. Refer to step 2, 3, 4 and 5 2) The script can be used on a specified Client or all clients which must be specified as an input. To change the password for the specific instance, you must use the GUI to do so. 3) Please provide the credentials type as DB, Catalog, Impersonate User (Windows platforms only) or RAC as an input. Parameter 2 (Credentials type) can be in the following format: t=Catalog, t=DB, t=RAC, or t=Impersonate. In the case of RAC, all databases under the Oracle RAC instance will be given the same password/(username). 4) The passwords can be passed as plain text using -p1|-p2|-p3 or encrypted using -si. If you are using -p1|-p2|-p3 argument then the qcommand will essentially encrypt the password before passing it to qscript. No check is/can be performed to validate it. 5) If the username option is specified, the username in addition to the password is modified. If it is omitted, only password(s) are modified. Examples: 1) To change the password for a specific client, where the password is in plain text: qoperation execscript -sn SetOracleCredentials.sql -si c=client1 -si t=RAC -p2 passwd -si cvadmin 2) To change the password for a all client, where the password is in plain text: qoperation execscript -sn SetOracleCredentials.sql -si c=allclients -si t=DB -p2 passwd -si cvadmin 3) To change the password for a specific client, where the password is encrypted: qoperation execscript -sn SetOracleCredentials.sql -si c=client1 -si t=Catalog -si -si cvadminCommServ.QS_SetOracleCredentials.Readme.html
SetOracleInstanceProperties Update the property for a given instance.CommServ.QS_SetOracleInstanceProperties.Readme.html
SetOracleJobRetryParams Set number of maximum retry and interval between retries for oracle restore job phases.CommServ.QS_SetOracleJobRetryParams.Readme.html
SetRegisterClient Set auto register client info.CommServ.QS_SetRegisterClient.Readme.html
SetScaleLimitForCommNet Alters the Scale Limits used by CommNetCommServ.QS_SetScaleLimitForCommNet.Readme.html
SetScanOptions Usage: qoperation execscript -sn SetScanOptions.sql -si client_group_name -si scan_options Description: Sets the scan option specified for all the backupsets of Windows FS iDA within the given client group Specify the list of scan options to be set, each separated with ; Example: To set the scan options as Use classic file scan and Preserve File Access Time to a client group called ScanGroup, specify them as qoperation execscript -sn setscanoptions.sql -si "ScanGroup" -si "Use Classic File Scan ; Preserve File Access Time" You can specify only these combinations (the name of the scan options should be spelt the same as in GUI) Use Data Classification; Use Classic File Scan; Use Classic File Scan; Check archive bit during backups; Use Classic File Scan; Preserve File Access Time; Use Classic File Scan; Preserve File Access Time; Check archive bit during backups; Use Change Journal; CommServ.QS_SetScanOptions.Readme.html
setSIDBJobsAged Mark all jobs in a SILO as aged.CommServ.QS_setSIDBJobsAged.Readme.html
setSubclientFilter Qscript is used to set the contents, filters and exceptions of file system subclients and subclient policies. Usage: For FSSubclient qoperation execscript -sn SetSubclientFilter.sql -si [p=contents | f=filters | e=exceptions] -si [delimiter] -si [o=y | o=n] -si c=clientname -si a=IDA name -si b=backupsetname -si s=subclientname Usage: For SCPolicy qoperation execscript -sn SetSubclientFilter.sql -si [p=contents | f=filters | e=exceptions] -si [delimiter] -si [o=y | o=n] -si scp=subclient policy name -si S=Subclientname Example: 1) Set contents for FSSubclients: qoperation execscript -sn setSubclientFilter -si p=D:\txtfiles;D:\textfiles -si ; -si o=y -si c=Client1 -si a=Q_FILESYSTEM -si b=backup1 -si s=subcli1 2) Set filters for FSSubclients: qoperation execscript -sn setSubclientFilter -si f=D:\txtfiles\newtxtfiles -si ; -si o=y -si c=Client1 -si a=Q_FILESYSTEM -si b=backup1 -si s=subcli1 3) Set exceptions for FSSubclients: qoperation execscript -sn setSubclientFilter -si e=D:\txtfiles\newtxtfiles\input.txt -si ; -si o=y -si c=Client1 -si a=Q_FILESYSTEM -si b=backup1 -si s=subcli1 4) Set contents for subclient policy qoperation execscript -sn setSubclientFilter -si p=D:\txtfiles;D:\textfiles -si ; -si o=n -si scp=test1 -si s=mytest 5) Set filters for subclient policy qoperation execscript -sn setSubclientFilter -si f=D:\txtfiles\newtxtfiles -si ; -si o=n -si scp=test1 -si s=mytest 6) Set exceptions for SCPOlicy qoperation execscript -sn setSubclientFilter -si e=D:\txtfiles\newtxtfiles\input.txt -si ; -si o=n -si scp=test1 -si s=mytest 7) Set contents with wildcard characters qoperation execscript -sn setSubclientFilter -si p=D:\txtfiles;D:\textfiles -si ; -si o=y -si c=Client1 -si a=Q_FILESYSTEM -si b=backup1 -si s=subcli1 Note: o=y indicates the previous contents to be overwritten. o=n indicates the previous contents will not be overwritten. The added contents will be appended to the existing listCommServ.QS_setSubclientFilter.Readme.html
SetSubClientProperty Set given subclient property value under given client, db2 instance, backupset and subclient. Example: 1) ./qoperation execscript -sn SetSubClientProperty.sql -si ''c=docserve04'' -si ''a=Q_UNIX_DB2'' -si ''i=db2inst1'' -si ''b=CROSSDB'' -si ''s=default'' -si ''DB2 Data Backup'' 2) ./qoperation execscript -sn SetSubClientProperty.sql -si ''c=docserve04'' -si ''a=Q_UNIX_DB2'' -si ''i=db2inst1'' -si ''b=CROSSDB'' -si ''s=default'' -si ''DB2 Data Backup'' -si ''2''CommServ.QS_SetSubClientProperty.Readme.html
SetUseVSSGlobally Enable/Disable the "Use VSS" option for all windows XP, 2003, Vista, and 2008 iDataAgents.CommServ.QS_SetUseVSSGlobally.Readme.html
SetVMClient This will allow copying Virtual machine properties from source client to destination client Once the operation is done, delete the source client. All new Virtual server jobs will be :QS_LINE associated to destination clientCommServ.QS_SetVMClient.Readme.html
SetVSAPassword Set password for specified VCenter. Example: qoperation execscript -sn SetVSAPassword -si ''vcHostName'' -p2 ''vcPassword''CommServ.QS_SetVSAPassword.Readme.html
SlowestClients Slowest clients for last N daysCommServ.QS_SlowestClients.Readme.html
sqldefaultidareaderchange Qscript to change the default reader from 2 to 1 for sql subclients USAGe: qoperation execscript -sn sqldefaultidareaderchange.sqlCommServ.QS_sqldefaultidareaderchange.Readme.html
StrikeRecovery Recovered backup strikes.CommServ.QS_StrikeRecovery.Readme.html
UnAgeJobsOnMedia Un-Age the aged jobs on given media barcodeCommServ.QS_UnAgeJobsOnMedia.Readme.html
updateBulkHostname Utility to bulk update client hostname as per input comma delimited file. Usage: qoperation execscript -sn updateBulkHostname -si ''fully qualified path of comma delimited file'' Example: qoperation execscript -sn updateBulkHostname -si D:\clientList.txtCommServ.QS_updateBulkHostname.Readme.html
updateDAGADCredential Update ''DAG Associated AD User Name'' and ''DAG Associated AD User Password'' for particular client qoperation execscript -sn updateDAGADCredential -si ''clientName'' -si ''userName'' -p2 ''password''CommServ.QS_updateDAGADCredential.Readme.html
updateDAGNameServer Update ''AD Domain Name'' for a MS Exchange DAG Client qoperation execscript -sn updateDAGNameServer -si ''clientName'' -si ''domainName''CommServ.QS_updateDAGNameServer.Readme.html
VSASubclientContent Use the QS_VSASubclientContent script to move/delete/list/add vm/vms for specified subclient. Note: 1. The script could accept one vm (by @i_vmName) or list of vms placed inside text file (path to file in @i_vmListFileName). 2. @i_OperationName one of {''Move''|''Delete''|''List''|''Add''}. 3. if the script used to move vm/vms (@i_OperationName=''Move'') you have to specify @i_NewSubclientName also. 4. Use optional parameters @i_BackupSetName/@i_NewBackupSetName if @i_SubclientName/@i_NewSubclientName are not unique for provided client and instance. 5. if @i_OperationName=''Add'' then file specified by @i_vmListFileName must have comma separated VM name, VM GUID, VM ESX Server on each line of file like: vmName1,vmGUID1,vmESXServer1 vmName2,vmGUID2,vmESXServer2 6. if @i_OperationName=''Move'' or ''Delete'' then file specified by @i_vmListFileName must have just VM name on each line of file like: vmName1 vmName2 7. if @i_OperationName=''Add'' and file is not specified by @i_vmListFileName then you have to specify VM name via @i_vmName, VM GUID via @i_vmGUID amd VM ESX Server via @i_vmESXServer. 8. If invalid arguments or combination of arguments are used, appropriate error messages are displayed. Usage: qoperation execscript -sn VSASubclientContent -si @i_ClientName=''client_name'' -si @i_InstanceName=''Instance_Name'' -si @i_SubclientName=''subclient_name'' -si @i_OperationName=''Operation_Name'' [ -si @i_BackupSetName=''BackupSetName'' -si @i_vmName=''VM_Name'' -si @i_NewBackupSetName=''NewBackupSetName'' -si @i_NewSubclientName=''New_Subclient_Name'' -si @i_vmListFileName=''vm_List_File_Name'' -si @i_vmGUID=''vmGUID'' -si @i_vmESXServer=''ESXServer''] Example: qoperation execscript -sn VSASubclientContent -si @i_ClientName=''myClient'' -si @i_InstanceName=''TestInstance'' -si @i_SubclientName=''SmallSubclient'' -si @i_OperationName=''Move'' -si @i_vmName=''VM1'' -si @i_NewBackupSetName=''TestBackupSet'' -si @i_NewSubclientName=''TestSubclient2'' qoperation execscript -sn VSASubclientContent -si @i_ClientName=''myClient'' -si @i_InstanceName=''TestInstance'' -si @i_SubclientName=''SmallSubclient'' -si @i_OperationName=''Delete'' -si @i_vmListFileName=''c:\VmList.txt'' qoperation execscript -sn VSASubclientContent -si @i_ClientName=''myClient'' -si @i_InstanceName=''TestInstance'' -si @i_BackupSetName=''defaultBackupSet'' -si @i_SubclientName=''SmallSubclient'' -si @i_OperationName=''List'' qoperation execscript -sn VSASubclientContent -si @i_ClientName=''myClient'' -si @i_InstanceName=''TestInstance'' -si @i_SubclientName=''SmallSubclient'' -si @i_OperationName=''Add'' -si @i_vmName=''VM_Name1'' -si @i_vmGUID=''vmGUID1'' -si @i_vmESXServer=''ESXServer1''CommServ.QS_VSASubclientContent.Readme.html
WeeklyBackupSummary Weekly summary of clients from a given dateCommServ.QS_WeeklyBackupSummary.Readme.html
EnableBannerText To enanble banner text qoperation execscript -dbn DM2 -c ''client Name'' -sn EnableBannerText -si ''True'' -si ''Banner text filePath'' To disable banner text qoperation execscript -dbn DM2 -c ''client Name'' -sn EnableBannerText -si ''False'' ''client Name'' -- client name of the Webserver machine ''Banner text filePath'' -- local file located in the webserver machineDM2.QS_EnableBannerText.Readme.html
GetQscriptExec Return qscript execution histories by name, type, status, and a time range.DM2.QS_GetQscriptExec.Readme.html
GetQscriptInfo Return qscript information by name.DM2.QS_GetQscriptInfo.Readme.html
UpdateSettingValue To update/insert setting value qoperation execscript -dbn DM2 -c ''client Name'' -sn UpdateSettingValue -si ''setting name'' -si ''setting value'' ''client Name'' -- client name of the Webserver machine ''setting name'' -- Name of setting which needs to be inserted or updated ''setting value'' -- value which needs to be inserted or updatedDM2.QS_UpdateSettingValue.Readme.html
CNComputeCostUsingUncompressedSize Use this script to enable or disable the option for using uncompressed size to compute data cost.QNet.QS_CNComputeCostUsingUncompressedSize.Readme.html
CNSetReportGenerationTimeLimit Use this script to set the time limit for report generation per CommCell.QNet.QS_CNSetReportGenerationTimeLimit.Readme.html
GetQscriptExec Return qscript execution histories by name, type, status, and a time range.QNet.QS_GetQscriptExec.Readme.html
GetQscriptInfo Return qscript information by name.QNet.QS_GetQscriptInfo.Readme.html
PruneChildHistory Use this script to start pruning of CommCell history.QNet.QS_PruneChildHistory.Readme.html
GetQscriptExec Return qscript execution histories by name, type, status, and a time range.SRM.QS_GetQscriptExec.Readme.html
GetQscriptInfo Return qscript information by name.SRM.QS_GetQscriptInfo.Readme.html

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