CommCells - Troubleshoot

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How do I register a Cell which is already registered in another CommNet Server

I have registered my Cell(s) and I do not see any data on my reports and summaries

The CommCell Cannot be Registered with the CommNet Server

The Cell is Not Reachable

Some of the Cells do not Get Updated at the Specified Hour

CommCells Do Not Sync After the CommNet Server Name Has Changed

How do I register a Cell which is already registered in another CommNet Server

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

  1. Register the Cell in the new CommNet Server, as described in Register a Cell.
  2. When you click OK in the Register CommCell dialog box, a Confirm prompt will appear, asking you to confirm whether you wish to switch the Cell.
  3. Click OK. The newly registered Cell is displayed in the Cell Registration dialog box.

  • The license associated with the Cell will not be automatically released in the previous CommNet Server. To release the license, unregister the Cell from the previous CommNet Server as described in Remove a Registered Cell.

  • A CommCell that is registered to another CommNet Server, that has defined cost categories and completed data protection operations, will retain all cost categories and charges for completed data protection operations in the new CommNet Server.

I have registered my Cell(s) and I do not see any data on my reports and summaries

You have not run any jobs in within the Cell

  1. For a CommCell, run the appropriate data protection and data recovery operation. A Discovery level Data Collection Job is usually sufficient to show data on the appropriate report or summary. For viewing actual NAS share usage, run an Analysis level Data Collection Job.
  2. Synchronize the Cell(s) with the CommNet Server, as described in Synchronize Cells.

Once the Cells are synchronized with the CommNet Server, the data from the jobs should be visible in the appropriate reports and summaries.

The CommCell Cannot be Registered with the CommNet Server

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

The CommCell is configured with both IPV4 and IPV6 using the computer name

When registering a CommCell that is configured with both IPV4 and IPV6 using the computer name, it may cause the incorrect IP address to be utilized for registration because of the sequence of the computer name/IP entry in the Domain Name System (DNS). To remedy this, use a specific IP address for the specific IP configuration (rather than the name resolution in the DNS).

The Cell is Not Reachable

The latest Service Pack may not be installed on the CommServe computer

If necessary, install the latest Service Pack on the CommServe computer.

Synchronize the CommCell as described in Synchronize Cells.

Necessary Services may not be running on the CommServe computer

For a CommServe computer, check the ##_CN_DOC_OEM_INSTALL_OEM_SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME_PREFIX_## Client Event Manager Service and if necessary restart the service. (For information on starting this service, see the CommServe documentation.)

If necessary, synchronize the Cell(s) as described in Synchronize Cells.

  • If both these solutions do not resolve the problem, check the log files to see if you can identify the problem from the errors logged in these files.
  • If the Cell continues to be unreachable after the above troubleshooting, contact your software provider.

Some of the Cells do not Get Updated at the Specified Hour

A different Data Collection time may be setup for the Cell

Automatic updates from a Cell are based on the time established for the Cell in the Cell Data Collection Policy. Check the Data Collection Policy dialog box to verify the data collection periods established for the Cell. To update the information from the Cell(s) immediately, see Synchronize Cells.

CommCell Update time is based on the time in the CommCell computer

The CommCell update time is based on the CommCell's time. If the time in the CommCell computer is not exactly the same as the CommNet Server, the update process may take place before or after the general update time setup for the other computers.

CommCells Do Not Sync After the CommNet Server Name Has Changed

If the name of the computer on which the CommNet Server resides is changed, then registered remote CommCells fail to sync. You must modify the CommCell registration by entering the new CommNet Server name. For instructions on registering a remote CommCell, see CommCells - How To - Register a Cell.

CommCells that reside on the same computer as the CommNet Server will automatically update the information during the next sync. No manual changes are required.

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