CommCells - Tasks

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CommCells Tasks

Commcells (CommCell Status)

Hardware Guidelines

CommCell Tasks

CommCell Summary

CommCell Client Status

CommCell Dashboard

CommCell MediaAgent Status

CommCell Libraries (Library Status)

CommCell Library Controller Status

CommCell Drive/MountPath Status

CommCell Drive Controller Status

CommCell License Summary

CommCell Events (Event Viewer)

CommCell Jobs (Job Controller)

CommCell Data Replication Monitor

CommCell Custom Calendar

CommCell Load

CommCell Jobs and Resources

VaultTracker Action Monitor

Comment Editor

CommCells (CommCell Status)

Use this window to view the most important information about all the CommCells within the CommNet Server, such as the CommCell software version, if the CommCell is reachable or not, if the clients of the CommCell are reachable, or if the CommCell's libraries or drives are operational or not operational.

Each column within the window can be sorted, such as, CommCells can be sorted by the software version they are using.

Hardware Guidelines

Use this window to identify if a hardware upgrade is recommended for a CommCell.

A CommCell is classified as a Workgroup, Data Center, or Enterprise. These classifications are determined by the following:

Recommended benchmarks for each of these classifications are provided in terms of a CommCell's number of managed entities.

The software automatically performs an analysis of each CommCell against this benchmark. Based on this analysis, CommCells that require attention are indicated by a yellow icon and their managed entities that exceed the recommended benchmark are highlighted in red.

CommCell Summary

Use this window to obtain all the information for each CommCell that is part of the CommNet domain. The Data Protection Activity section can be used to quickly obtain the status of all the scheduled jobs in the previous data protection window on a daily basis for all clients in the CommCell or for a selected client group in the CommCell. This section is also useful to diagnose the problems that have occurred, such as:


This section displays the following information:

You can also view a list of hardware guidelines by clicking the <CommCell hardware classification> Hardware upgrade recommended hyperlink, if a hardware upgrade is recommended.

CommCell Clients

This section provides a quick view of the total number of clients available in the CommCell.

You can obtain a list of clients that are unreachable by clicking the Not Reachable hyperlink and clients that are uninstalled by clicking the Uninstalled hyperlink.

Data Protection Activity

This section provides a comprehensive view of all data protection jobs that were supposed to run in the previous Data Protection Window defined in the Cell Configuration (Data Protection Window). This can be used for daily administration because it also includes jobs that are currently active. You have the option to view data protection jobs for all clients or a specific client group in the CommCell.

You can also display the data protection activity for the days by increasing the number in Get Data Protection activity for n days box. For example, you can increase the number of days when you wish to monitor the activity on a long weekend which may be more than 2 days.

The Data Protection Activity monitor provides the state of all data protection jobs in the CommCell or in a specific CommCell Client Group, based on the agent type.

Within each agent the following lists are also provided:

If the CommCell schedules are setup and sufficient resources are available you would expect to see all the jobs as completed. However, if the backup window is not met you would see incomplete jobs. Thus, the Data Protection Activity monitor helps you to easily identify the problem areas, by analyzing the incomplete jobs with failed attempts.

Data Size Type

Data size can be displayed in terms of application size or media size.

The Data Protection Activity Monitor has the following components:

For the above components, click any bar or any number except zero (in the Job Activity table) to see a Data Protection Detail Report with a listing of individual data protection operations. In the Data Protection Detail Report, you can double-click any entry to access the Job Detail screen, which provides more space for Failure Reason, Attempt and Copy information to be displayed.

Storage Resources

This section provides a quick view of all the storage resources within the domain.

You can also obtain a list of Media Agents, Libraries or drives that are not operational by clicking the respective hyperlinks.

Schedule Forecast

This section provides a list of full data protection operations that are scheduled in the next 24 hours in all the CommCells.

CommCell Clients (Client Status)

Use this window to view information regarding important aspects about all the clients within a CommCell at a glance, such as:

Each column within the window can be sorted. For example, all clients using the Windows XP operating system can be grouped together, or all clients using a specific version can be grouped together.

CommCell Dashboard

The Dashboard displays a pictorial view of a CommCell's last seven days. It contains the details of successful jobs, data protection coverage and data growth specified by the user. This is extremely useful for those needing to quickly obtain the status of and for troubleshooting. The dashboard can display up to six (6) reports at one time. By default, it displays the following reports:

Last 7 Days Job Success
Last 7 Days DP Coverage
Last 7 Days Data Growth - Combined


Other reports available for display in the Dashboard are:

To customize the Dashboard view, refer to Customize the CommNet Dashboard.

CommCell MediaAgents (MediaAgent Status)

Use this window to view information regarding important aspects of all the MediaAgents within a CommCell at a glance, such as the software version a MediaAgent is using, or if a MediaAgent is operational or not. If a MediaAgent is not operational, a reason is provided, and the date when the failure occurred.

Each column within the window can be sorted, such as, MediaAgents can be sorted by the software version they are using.

CommCell Libraries (Library Status)

Use this window to view information about important aspects of all the libraries within a CommCell at a glance, such as the capacity that is available within a library, the data written to a library within the past week, or if a library has become not operational.

Each column within the window can be sorted, such as, libraries can be grouped by their available capacity.

CommCell Library Controller Status

Use this window to view information about important aspects of all the library controllers within a CommCell at a glance, such as the name of the library that is configured on the MediaAgent, the name of the MediaAgent to which each controller is associated, the number of drives per library, or the current active status of the library.

Each column within the window can be sorted; for example, Status can be grouped by whether or not the controllers are operational.

CommCell Drive/MountPath Status

Use this window to view information regarding important aspects of all the physical drives within a CommCell at a glance, such as if a particular drive is operational or not. If a drive is not operational, a reason is provided, and the date when the failure occurred.

Each column within the window can be sorted, such as, drives can be grouped by manufacturer, serial number, or firmware revision.

CommCell Drive Controller Status

Use this window to view information about important aspects of all the drive controllers within a CommCell at a glance, such as name of the associated library or cost category, and whether the controller is operational or has failed.

Each column within the window can be sorted; for example, Status can be grouped by whether or not the controllers are operational.

CommCell License Summary

Use this window to view information about available licenses within a CommCell at a glance, such as the total number of licenses available and consumed for a license type.

Each column within the window can be sorted, such as, license types can be sorted in ascending or descending order based on the total amount of licenses available or consumed.

CommCell Events (Event Viewer)

This window displays the major and critical events that are being generated within a CommCell. When the Event Viewer window is not open, the frequency at which data is collected from each CommCell is based on the CommCell Events parameter set from the Cell Data Collection Policy window. When an Event Viewer window is open CommCell Events are updated every 30 seconds. Note that a maximum of 200 events can be displayed within this window.

Pause and Play icons are available within the CommCell Events window. The Pause icon can be used to prevent the CommNet Browser from displaying additional events. The Play icon allows additional events to be added to the window.

CommCell Jobs (Job Controller)

This window displays all the jobs that are active on the CommCell. Opening a Job Controller window causes the CommCell to send jobs to the CommNet Server in real time instead of in set intervals based on the Cell Data Collection Policy.

Pause and Play icons are also available within the CommCell Jobs window. The Pause icon can be used to prevent the CommNet Browser from displaying additional jobs while you are looking at the window. The Play icon allows the jobs to be updated while you are looking at the window.

CommCell Data Replication Monitor

Use this window to view information regarding ContinuousDataReplicator (data replication) activities within a CommCell. Data replication, via the CommServe's ContinuousDataReplicator, is the process of copying specified, file-level content from one machine, the source machine, to another, the destination machine. This is achieved through an initial transfer of the specified data, after which the replicated copy is kept updated in real time with any changes that are made to the data on the source machine. The CommNet Browser's CommCell Data Replication Monitor allows you to view the:

Each column within the Data Replication Monitor window can be sorted.

CommCell Custom Calendar

Use this window to view the custom calendars that are defined within a CommCell. A custom calendar allows an organization to use a calendar for their operations that is different from a standard calendar.

Each custom calendar is sorted by the months that comprise the quarters of the given fiscal year.

CommCell Load

This view displays job activity status for the selected CommCell as well as its peak load status. Users can use this view to quickly determine the data protection job schedule solutions so that the network is not overloaded at specific times.

Job Activity Chart and Detail

These charts displays the CommCell's job activity that occurred during the last hour for the following:

Users can enter an alternate time range by selecting the Filter option preceding the chart.

Peak Load Conditions

These tables display the details of the CommCell's data transmission conditions during the current day for the following:

Watermark Comparisons

The watermarks indicate the maximum number of streams that the Job Manager can use simultaneously as indicated by the set stream-usage threshold. This chart displays the view of stream usage during a specified time range against the set stream-usage threshold. For more information regarding watermarks, please refer to the CommServe documentation.

MediaAgent Load

This displays the load information for the selected MediaAgent(s). Users can use this view to quickly determine whether the MediaAgent is overloaded at specific times.

Jobs and Resources

CommNet Jobs and Resources

This view displays a list of the currently registered CommCells found in the CommNet domain, and provides users with a quick glance at the job status information per CommCell. This view is automatically refreshed every five (5) minutes. Here, users can see the jobs that are currently:

Clicking on the CommCell name will launch the CommCell Jobs and Resources View.

CommCell Jobs and Resources

Jobs View

The Job View, which can be displayed in a table or tree format, contains the all the jobs associated with the selected CommCell. This view is automatically refreshed every 30 seconds per CommCell. Users can view the status of the jobs and control them via this view; jobs can be suspended, resumed or killed. This is especially useful if the Jobs View indicates that there is a problem with a resource hindering a successful completion.

Resources View

The Resources view, which can be displayed in a table or tree format, contains the events that have occurred on a given mountpath, library, drive or MediaAgent. This view is automatically refreshed every 30 seconds per CommCell as well. Users can enable/disable the mountpath and resources via this view. It can be used to quickly identify whether any libraries and/or MediaAgents are offline, or if there are any other problems with any of the resources. Clicking on a resource in this view will launch another window displaying the resource's specific details. This is especially useful if the Jobs and Resources view indicates that there is a problem with a resource.

Users can also filter the Resources View to only display details related to specific libraries or MediaAgents. To use this filter, the CommNet Browser must be in a paused state, which stops updates to the current window; to do this, click on the Pause button in the CommNet Browser tool bar. Once the Console is in a paused state, the filter can be launched by clicking the icon to right of the Resource View format options. When finished with this filter, click on the Play button to resume updates to the current window.

VaultTracker Action Monitor

Use this window to view information on all actions in the CommCell. Additionally, each action can be double-clicked to review the details of the action, including the media associated with the action and the action's state.

See VaultTracker Action Monitor for more information.

Comment Editor

Use this window to view or add user comments regarding a selected entity in the CommNet domain. Comments can be edited by any user with access to the selected entity.

See Comments for more information.


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