SLA Report

Overview Setup How To Troubleshooting

Table of Contents


Supported Web Browsers

Adding Remote CommCells

Setting Up Custom Reports


The following components must be installed to build Custom Reports:

Supported Web Browsers

The following Web browsers are supported for Custom Reports:

Adding Remote CommCells

By default, you can view this report on the CommCell you setup for this report. You can also add more CommCells on which this report can be run.

Follow the steps below to link remote CommCells to the current CommCell for generating SLA report:

Adding Remote CommCells

In the remote CommServe computer, do the following:

  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and run the following command in SQL Query Analyzer:
  2. Note down the value of the encrypted user id and password <sqlAccessInfo> from registry key under <Instance_name>  | Database  | pACCESS | Value data.
  3. Note down the value of the CommServe host name <CCHostName> from registry key under <Instance_name>  | CommServe  | sCSHOSTNAME | Value data.
  4. Note down the value of the SQL instance name <sqlInstance> from registry key under <Instance_name>  | Database  | sINSTANCE | Value data where the instance will be displayed as <remoteCommserveName>\<sqlInstance>.
      Use only the <sqlInstance> in commands where the '<sqlInstance>' parameter is required. The name of the remote CommServe and the backslash (\) are not required for this parameter.

In the current CommServe computer, do the following:

  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio run the following commands in SQL Query Analyzer using the values obtained from the remote CommCell:

    insert into APP_CommCell values ( <number>, 0, <parentId>, '<aliasName>', <flags>, '<refTime>', '<userName>', '<userPassword>', '<smtpServer>', '<timeZone>', '<ipAddress>', <modified>, <ccOpMode>, '<drlpAddress>', '<encNumber>', '<csGUID>', <type>)

    For example:

    insert into APP_CommCell values ( 9000, 0, 1, 'rhode', 0, 0, '', 1, '', '(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)', '', 1332298395, 1000, '', '2AL80LLUqLL', '23B0A63C-3B2E-44D8-90AE-3087FA48B099', 1)

  2. Once the first command executes, verify the CommCell ID  under the <Id> column and run the following command using this value as the <commcellId>:

    insert into APP_CommCellInfo values ( <commcellId>, '<CCHostName>', '<sqlInstance>', '<sqlAccessInfo>', 0, NULL, NULL, 0)

    For example:


  3. Once you have added a remote CommCell, you must reload the Dashboard page in your Web browser so that the Remote CommCell appears in the CommCell list.
  1. Now open the Data Explorer reports URL for your CommCell by typing the following in the address line:


    From CommCell selection within the report, the newly added CommCell will be listed.

  2. Select the new CommServe and view the SLA report.

Setting Up Custom Reports (Administrator)

This step is for administrators. When you login to custom reports for the first time, a window appears that asks you to configure SQL server access information. You must provide information about the master CommServe in order to set up the Custom Reports site so that users can access it.

To set up the Custom Reports site:

1. Open a supported Web Browser. See Supported Web Browsers.  
2. In the address bar, enter the following URL:



<Web_Client_Name> is the name of the Web client.

<Apache_Port_No> is the Apache port number that is provided at the time of installing Web client.

For example:



In the Host Name box, enter the name of the master CommServe, and then click OK.

This message does not appear again when you access Custom Reports in the future.

  If you have not changed the SQL user name and password, you can leave the Host Name, User Name, and Password blank, and then click OK. The necessary configuration is made automatically.

However, if you use a different SQL user name and password, then you must enter it here. This window will appear again every time the SQL user name and password is changed.