Frequently Asked Questions - 1-Touch Linux

Deployment Configuration Recovery Troubleshooting FAQs

Do I need to Setup 1-Touch Server to perform 1-Touch Recovery?

No. You don't need 1-Touch Server to perform the 1-Touch Recovery. You need to install File System iDataAgent on the client computer and then enable 1-Touch feature. For more information, refer to Enable 1-Touch.

You must perform atleast one full backup before performing the 1-Touch recovery of the client computer. It is recommended to perform the backup of default subclient periodically. This will capture any changes in the client configuration. For more information, refer to Perform A Backup.

Do I need a new bootcd for each client I plan to Recover?

No. Use the 1-Touch Linux Live CD provided as DVD4 or You can also download the 1-Touch ISO image with the latest updates and use it for each of your clients. For more information, see Prepare for Recovery.

Are any operating system utilities specifically required during 1-Touch recovery?

No. In general, all the below listed operating system utilities are distributed along with standard operating system distributions.

Operating System Utilities
arch e2image last mv swapon
awk echo ldd netstat sync
basename egrep ln openvt tail
bash eject locale passwd tar
cat env ls pidof tee
chgrp expr lsmod ping test
chmod false lspci ping6 time
chown fdisk lvcreate ps top
chroot fgrep lvdisplay pvcreate touch
chvt file lvm pvdisplay tr
cksum find lvmdiskscan pvs true
clear fsck lvscan pvscan tset
cp fsck.ext2 mkdir pvs tty
cpio fsck.ext3 mke2fs pvscan umount
cut fuser mkfifo pwd uname
date gawk mkfs reboot uptime
dd getopt mkfs.ext2 rm usleep
ddate grep mkfs.ext3 rmdir vgcfgbackup
depmod gunzip mkinitrd rmmod vgcfgrestore
df gzip mkswap route vgchange
diff head modinfo sdiff vgcreate
dir host modprobe sed vgdisplay
dirname hostname mknod sleep vi
dmesg ifconfig mktemp stty whereis
du insmod more su which
e2fsck kill mount swapoff zcat

How to setup a PXE server for network boot?

  1. Ensure that the machine where you are setting up Network boot or PXE boot is running nfs server, tftp server and dhcp server in the same subnet as the client. Preferably, use a Linux host to setup the pxe boot.
  2. Copy or mount the Linux 1-Touch Live CD ISO to the Linux host and set up nfs server to export this mount point.
  3. Copy the kernel and initrd to the host tftp server directory. The default location is /tftpboot.
  4. Configure dhcp server options such that the restoring client will obtain a dynamic IP address and the PXE boot configuration files will be passed to the client.

    For example: Create a dhcp configuration file(/etc/dhcpd.conf) as follows:


    ddns-update-style none;

    allow bootp;

    allow booting;

    subnet netmask


        option routers;

        option subnet-mask;

        option domain-name-servers;

        option domain-name-servers;

        option ip-forwarding off;

        default-lease-time 21600;

        max-lease-time 43200;

        host garuda5 {

            hardware ethernet 00:0c:29:c8:bf:11;



            filename "linux-install/pxelinux.0";



    The hostname of the client that needs to be assigned the IP address is garuda5

    MAC address of the client that needs to be assigned IP is 00:0c:29:c8:bf:11

    IP that will be assigned to the client being booted through dhcp is

    IP address of the tftp server is

    The location on the tftp server where pxelinux.0 boot loader is located: linux-install/pxelinux.0

    A prefix of /tftpboot will automatically be added to the filename provided in the /etc/dhcpd.conf file. So the actual location on the tftp server where pxelinux.0 is located is "/tftpboot/linux-install/pxelinux.0".

  5. Create a configuration file to setup a TFTP server at the following location: /tftpboot/linux-install/pxelinux.cfg.

    The file should have a name like 01-00-0c-29-c8-bf-11 (MAC address of the client that is being booted through TFTP) or AC1041A5 (IP address that is being assigned to client in the hex notation.) The configuration file contents can be as below:

    default onetouch

    label onetouch

    kernel onetouch/vmlinuz

    append initrd=onetouch/initrd.img crashkernel=32M@0 ramdisk_blocksize=1024 ramdisk_size=1024M root=/dev/ram rw method=nfs: ip=dhcp

    The kernel and initrd locations are relative to the location mentioned in dhcpd.conf file. For example: When you create the dhcpd.conf file as mentioned above, the kernel and initrd will be located /tftpboot/linux-install/onetouch.

  6. Edit the /etc/xinetd.d/tftp configuration file as follows to enable the tftp services.


  7. Restart the xinetd service. This can also be done by running chkconfig tftp on.

    The kernel and initrd will be extracted from the 1Touch boot cd. The network boot will access the contents of boot cd through NFS.

    For example: If you have created the above configuration file @ /tftpboot/linux-install/pxelinux.cfg/01-00-0c-29-c8-bf-11, the NFS location that will be used for network boot is

  8. Use the following commands for creating the network boot setup.

    Copy the bootcd.iso to the TFTP server.

    mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom

    mount -t iso9660 bootcd.iso /mnt/cdrom -o loop

    cp -f /mnt/cdrom/isolinux/initrd.img /tftpboot/linux-install/onetouch

    cp -f /mnt/cdrom/isolinux/vmlinuz- /tftpboot/linux-install/onetouch/vmlinuz

    The above commands will create the kernel and initrd required for Network boot.

  9. Create the NFS mount point from where the CD contents can be accessed.

    cp -rf /mnt/cdrom/* /mnt/netboot

    Here /mnt/netboot is a NFS mount point which can be accessed by the restored system through NFS.

  10. After creating the above setup, reboot the client being restored and choose to boot through network in BIOS.

How to SEtup an ESX Server to boot a Virtual Machine?

  • Log on to ESX Server.
  • Download the ISO Image on ESX Server.
  • Start the ESX Server Client.
2. Click CD/DVD Drive 1 | Connect to ISO Image on Local Disk.
3. Click Edit virtual machine settings.
  • Click Options.
  • Click Boot Options.
  • Click The next time virtual machine boots, force entry into BIOS setup screen.
5. Power Off the virtual machine.

Power On the virtual machine.

Select CD-ROM Drive from the Boot menu.

1-Touch Linux DVD4 is unable to find/load a hardware driver?

During 1-Touch Recovery, a driver missing error shows up when the 1-Touch DVD4 cannot locate and load some specific hardware driver/s. In such cases,

  1. Determine the phase when driver load failed.

    1-Touch Recovery and VirtualizeME processes are carried out in two phases.

  2. Compile the driver for the specific kernel version.

    It is recommended to report any driver missing error messages via Technical Support. If it is critical to proceed without delay, the specific drivers may be compiled for the following kernel version:

    The kernel module is compiled for x86 (32-bit).

    Missing storage driver error messages during the first phase may be ignored as only the networking and keyboard/display drivers are required in this phase.

  3. Copy and load the drivers.

    Copy the required drivers to a USB removable disk, partitioned such that the first partition is a vfat/ext2/ext3 file system.

How can I restart the recovery YaST UI after loading custom drivers or if the recovery process falls back to a shell?

  1. For VirtualizeME, the UI should not be restarted manually. Kill the VirtualizeME job to make sure the VM is deleted and resubmit the job after making appropriate changes.
  2. For interactive 1-Touch recovery, if the UI fails to load due to some missing drivers or if it falls back to shell, report to the Technical Support with appropriate logs. If you are able to resolve the error manually by loading custom drivers or by making any necessary corrections, use the following steps to restart the YaST UI:

a System Mount point residing on a volume group is not recovered. What Do I Do?

  1. To avoid this problem, select the option to recover only the system mount points. For more information, see Interactive Restore.
  2. If you cannot fix the problem, create a new volume group using the ADM Interface.
  3. Add a physical volume to the volume group using the ADM Interface. See Add New Physical Volumes.
  4. Create logical volume on the volume group. See Add New Logic Volumes.
  5. Create the system mount point that you want to recover.

a System Mount point residing on a Mpath Device is not recovered. What Do I Do?

  1. To avoid this problem, select the option to recover only the system mount points. For more information, see Interactive Restore.
  2. After the client is recovered, a list of all the available external disk and devices is displayed.
  3. Create the the system mount point that you want to recover on the external drive.

    Otherwise, you can create the lost system mount point on a logical volume or a partition in the recovered disk.

Can I perform 1-touch recovery remotely?

Yes. . Follow the steps given below to perform the remore recovery:

  1. Connect the client using a serial cable..
  2. Open hyperterminal or putty in full screen mode.
  3. Set baud rate to 115200n8
  4. Select ‘serial’ at the boot prompt .
  5. Follow the steps for the Symmetric or Asymmetric Disk Restore. The entire recovery process can be performed over the serial console.

My recovery failed, what do I do?

Depending on the error message that was prompted, you may try to fix the problem as follows:

  1. Select ALT + F(n) to open another terminal if needed
  2. Run /init to restart the recovery process. It will restart from the point of failure
  3. If you cannot fix the problem, gather the following data and escalate.
  1. Configure NFS share or any other means to transfer the data.

I entered IP of the machine where I want to export the ADM gui, but it doesn’t work

  1. Check if you can ping to the machine using another terminal. Select ALT + F(n) to open another terminal if needed
  2. Check if the machine has an X server running with no authentication. For example: Xming
  3. IF this has not solved the problem, keep all the required data ready and escalate the issue.
  4. Configure NFS share or any other method to transfer the data.

My disks are partitioned and formatted - but now the recovery process has stopped with an error. What Do I Do?

  1. Check for any error such as bad disks, bad FC port, etc.
  2. If this does not solve the problem, keep all the required data ready and escalate the issue.
  3. Configure NFS share or any other method to transfer the data.
  4. Set up the same recovery over serial console and set up a webex.

My FS data has recovered – but now the recovery process has stopped with an error concerning the bootloader. What Do I Do?

  1. Check for errors in cvrestore.log and /tmp/grub.log
  2. If this does not solve the problem, keep all the required data ready and escalate the issue.
  1. Configure NFS share or any other method to transfer the data.
  2. Use the bootcd hidden menu option ‘rescue’ to boot up and tweak the bootloader if required.
  3. Set up the same recovery over serial console and set up a webex.

Can I change the Client name and Client Host Name during 1-Touch recovery?

You can change the client host name during the 1-Touch recovery. For more information, see Change the Client Configuration during Interactive Restore or Change the Client Configuration during Non-Interactive Restore.

You can not change the client name during the 1-Touch recovery.

Can I change the IP Address, Net Mask and Default gateway of the client during 1-Touch recovery?

Yes.  For more information, see Change the Client Configuration during Interactive Restore or Change the Client Configuration during Non-Interactive Restore.

Can I change the DNS Search Suffix and Name Server IP Address of the client during 1-Touch recovery?

Yes. For more information, see Change the Client Configuration during Interactive Restore or Change the Client Configuration during Non-Interactive Restore.

Does 1-Touch Support Machines Configured with Software RAID?

No. Software RAID is currently not supported.