Getting Started Deployment On A Non-Microsoft Cluster - SQL Server iDataAgent

Skip this page if you are not installing this agent on a Non-Microsoft cluster.

Click to begin Configuration.


Before You Begin

  The software can be installed in one for the following Non-Microsoft Clustered environment:

Install SQL Server iDataAgent in Veritas Cluster Environment

Use this procedure to install the software from the installation package or a network drive on a VERITAS Cluster environment.

Install SQL Server iDataAgent in HP Scalable NAS/Polyserve Cluster Environment

Use this procedure to install the software from the installation package or a network drive on a NAS/Polyserve Clustered environment.

Download Software Packages

Download the latest software package to perform the install.

Verify System Requirements

Make sure that the computer in which you wish to install the software satisfies the System Requirements.

Install SQL Server iDataAgent in Veritas Cluster Environment

where to install

Install the software in a VERITAS Clustered Environment, by locating the active node that is hosting the cluster resources and perform the installation from this node to the virtual node.

Follow the steps given below to install the SQL File System iDataAgent in a VERITAS Clustered environment

1. Create bIgnoreClusterVMCheck registry key to detect that the agent is being installed on a virtual node in a non-Microsoft cluster. To create the registry key, see the following steps:
  1. Start the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe or Redegt32.exe)
  2. Locate the directory under which you want to create a key, e.g., HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\.
  3. Right click the SOFTWARE and click New -> Key.
  4. Name the key as GalaxyInstallerFlags.
  5. Right click the GalaxyInstallerFlags and select New -> DWORD value, name it as bIgnoreClusterVMCheck and by double clicking the bIgnoreClusterVMCheck key modify the Value data to 1.
2. Run Setup.exe from the Software Installation Package.  
3. Select the required language.

Click Next.

4. Select the option to install software on this computer.
  The options that appear on this screen depend on the computer in which the software is being installed.
5. Click Next.
6. Click OK.
7. Select I accept the terms in the license agreement.

Click Next.

8. Select Configure a Virtual Server.

Click Next.

  • In the disk groups box, specify the host name of the Virtual Host created for backup, e.g., VirtualVeritasServe.
  • In the Communication Interface Name box, specify the fully qualified domain name of the Virtual Host, e.g.,
  • Click Next.
10. Specify the hosts node in the Preferred Nodes and click Add to add in the Nodes on which Virtual Group is configured to run.

Specify the name of active node in Current Owner Node box.

Click Next.

11. Click Yes if it is the Active node.
12. Expand Client Modules | Backup & Recovery | Database and then click SQL Server iDataAgent box.

Click Next.

13. If this computer and the CommServe is separated by a firewall, select the Configure firewall services option and then click Next.

For firewall options and configuration instructions, see Firewall Configuration and continue with the installation.

If firewall configuration is not required, click Next.

14. Enter the fully qualified domain name of the CommServe Host Name.

Click Next.

  Do not use space and the following characters when specifying a new name for the CommServe Host Name:


15. Click Next.
16. Select Add programs to the Windows Firewall Exclusion List, to add CommCell programs and services to the Windows Firewall Exclusion List.

Click Next.

  This option enables CommCell operations across Windows firewall by adding CommCell programs and services to Windows firewall exclusion list.

It is recommended to select this option even if Windows firewall is disabled. This will allow the CommCell programs and services to function if the Windows firewall is enabled at a later time.

17. Verify the default location for software installation.

Click Browse to change the default location.

Click Next.
  • Do not install the software to a mapped network drive.
  • Do not use the following characters when specifying the destination path:

     / : * ? " < > | #

    It is recommended that you use alphanumeric characters only.

18. Specify the Job Results Path. Make sure that the Job Results folder you specify resides on a shared disk.

Click Browse to change the default location.

Click Next.

19. Select a Client Group from the list.

Click Next.
This screen will be displayed if Client Groups are configured in the CommCell Console.

20. Click Next.
21. Click Next.
22. Select a Storage Policy from the drop-down list.

Click Next.

23. Click Next.
  This process will not automatically discover the Virtual nodes. It is recommended to configure the Virtual node post installation from CommCell Console. For details, see Virtual Nodes Are Not Being Automatically Discovered in a Veritas Cluster Environment
24. Click Next.
25. Click OK and manually configure the cluster resources.
  See Configuring the VERITAS Cluster Resources for more information on configuring the cluster resources.
26. Click Next.
27. Click Finish.

Configuring VERITAS Cluster Resources

In case of VERITAS Cluster you must manually install the software on all the available Nodes. For installs on the VERITAS Cluster, complete the following procedures for the agent. These procedures can be completed using the VERITAS Cluster Administrator.

Create the Cluster Resources for Services

28. Once the physical nodes and the virtual machine are installed, services should be added as generic services.

Also, you may want to designate the services as "critical" if you want to cause the virtual machine to fail over if the associated service stops.

  • In Windows Services, locate the services for each installed cluster (e.g., Bull Calypso Cluster Plugin (penodevn1_netwo) (instance001)) right-click and select Properties, and locate the service name in the General tab (e.g., GxClusPlugin (penodevn1_netwo) (Instance001))
    The service name is case- and space-sensitive, so record it exactly as it appears.
  • In Cluster Administrator, navigate to the appropriate Cluster group. Create a generic service resource for the cluster plugin service.
  • If you want an automatic failover to occur, mark the resource as Critical and Enabled.
  • Repeat this procedure for each client installed on the cluster.
29. Create Service Dependencies
  • In Cluster Administrator, click Resources.
  • Click Link and make the Cluster plugin resource dependent upon the MountV resource and the Lanman service.
30. Associate Services with the Current Active Node
  • In Cluster Administrator, navigate to the appropriate GenericService group.
  • Right-click the cluster plugin resource.
  • From the short-cut menu, click Online and the name of the current active node.

Install SQL Server iDataAgent in HP Scalable NAS/Polyserve Cluster Environment

Where to Install

Install the software in HP Scalable NAS/Polyserve Cluster environment from the active host to virtual server.

The software must be installed on each passive node available to the virtual host. During install, you will be asked to provide the name of the active host for each passive host installation. See Manually Installing the Software on a Passive Node for step-by-step instructions.

Follow the steps given below to install the Windows File System iDataAgent in a HP Scalalable NAS/Polyserve Clustered environment:

1. Create bIgnoreClusterVMCheck registry key to detect that the agent is being installed on a virtual node in a non-Microsoft cluster. To create the registry key, see the following steps:
  1. Start the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe or Redegt32.exe)
  2. Locate the directory under which you want to create a key, e.g., HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\.
  3. Right click the SOFTWARE and click New -> Key.
  4. Name the key as GalaxyInstallerFlags.
  5. Right click the GalaxyInstallerFlags and select New -> DWORD value, name it as bIgnoreClusterVMCheck and by double clicking the bIgnoreClusterVMCheck key modify the Value data to 1.
  • In the PolyServe Matrix Server, create a virtual host resource name that has an assigned TCP/IP address in the network.
  • Provide a virtual host name (e.g., and an Application name (e.g., VirtualPolyServe).
  • Select all network Interfaces that will be available as hosts for the backup software services and click OK.
3. From the Virtual Hosts tab in the PolyServe Matrix Server dialog box, locate the primary node for the virtual server you are installing, and perform the installation from the active (primary) host to the virtual server.  
4. Run Setup.exe from the Software Installation Package.  
5. Select the required language.

Click Next.

6. Select the option to install software on this computer.
  The options that appear on this screen depend on the computer in which the software is being installed.
7. Click Next.
8. Click OK.
9. Select I accept the terms in the license agreement.

Click Next.

10. Select Configure a Virtual Server.

Click Next.

  • In the disk groups box, specify the host name of the Virtual Host created for backup, e.g., VirtualVeritasServe.
  • In the Communication Interface Name box, specify the fully qualified domain name of the Virtual Host, e.g.,
  • Click Next.
12. Specify the hosts node in the Preferred Nodes and click Add to add in the Nodes on which Virtual Group is configured to run.

Specify the name of active node in Current Owner Node box.

Click Next.

13. Click Yes if it is the Active node.
14. Expand Client Modules | Database and then click SQL Server iDataAgent box.

Click Next.

15. If this computer and the CommServe is separated by a firewall, select the Configure firewall services option and then click Next.

For firewall options and configuration instructions, see Firewall Configuration and continue with the installation.

If firewall configuration is not required, click Next.

16. Enter the fully qualified domain name of the CommServe Host Name.

Click Next.

  Do not use space and the following characters when specifying a new name for the CommServe Host Name:


17. Click Next.
  The client name should be equivalent to the vhost name and the interface name equals the vhosts fully qualified domain name.
18. Select Add programs to the Windows Firewall Exclusion List, to add CommCell programs and services to the Windows Firewall Exclusion List.

Click Next.

  This option enables CommCell operations across Windows firewall by adding CommCell programs and services to Windows firewall exclusion list.

It is recommended to select this option even if Windows firewall is disabled. This will allow the CommCell programs and services to function if the Windows firewall is enabled at a later time.

19. Verify the default location for software installation.

Click Browse to change the default location.

Click Next.
  • Do not install the software to a mapped network drive.
  • Do not use the following characters when specifying the destination path:

     / : * ? " < > | #

    It is recommended that you use alphanumeric characters only.

20. Specify the Job Results Path. Make sure that the Job Results folder you specify resides on a shared disk.

Click Browse to change the default location.

Click Next.

21. Select a Client Group from the list.

Click Next.
This screen will be displayed if Client Groups are configured in the CommCell Console.

22. Click Next.
23. Click Next.
24. Select a Storage Policy from the drop-down list.

Click Next.

25. Click Next.
  Auto Discover Instances are automatically discovered for every 24 hours.
26. Click Next.
27. Click OK and manually configure the cluster resources.
  See Configuring the HP Scalable NAS/Polyserve Cluster Resources for more information on configuring the cluster resources.
28. Click Next.
29. Click Finish.

Configuring HP Scalable NAS/PolyServe Cluster Resources

For installs on the HP Scalable NAS/PolyServe Cluster, complete the following procedures for the agent.

30. Create and Use Scripts to Administer Virtual Machine Services. You should create and use three scripts to administer virtual machine services:
  • Probe script is used to reveal the state of the specified services. This is done using the GxSCMCmd.exe utility.
  • Start script is used to start services.
  • Stop script is used to stop services.

Create a probe script to have the status of both the Bull Calypso Communications Service (GxCVD) and the Bull Calypso Event Manager Service (GxEvMgrC) checked.

In the probe script, include the GxSCMCmd.exe utility by name in the appropriate command. (This utility is available from the Resource Pack. See Tools and Utilities for more information.)

Create a folder (e.g., m:\GxSCMCmd) on a shared disk that the virtual host you created has access to.

Copy the GxSCMCmd.exe utility and the script files you created (probe.bat, start.bat, stop.bat) to this folder.

The utility will return the state of the specified services: '0' if the services are running or '1' if services are stopped. For an error condition, '-1' is returned.

Note that the service name includes the name of the client and the name of the instance. To avoid error in providing the vhost name and instance name in the path of scripts, copy the key name from here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\GXClusPlugIn (vhostname) (Instance00x)

These examples provide sample script names, locations and virtual host name as suggested names not requirements.

The command syntax is:

GxSCMCmd.exe -IsRunning <list of service name>

For example, your probe script (e.g., m:\GxSCMCmd\gxprobe.bat) may appear as follows:

@echo off


m:\GxSCMCmd\GxSCMCmd.exe -IsRunning "GxClusPlugIn (virtualpolyserve) (Instance001)"

if ERRORLEVEL 0 exit 0

exit 1

Be sure to copy the GxSCMCmd.exe utility to the shared disk resource. Also, be sure to include the probe script on the shared disk.

The stop and start scripts must also contain the registry entry for the virtual machine service names. Your start script (e.g., m:\GxSCMCmd\gxstart.bat) may appear as follows:

@echo off

C:\WINDOWS\system32\net.exe start "GxClusPlugIn (virtualpolyserve) (Instance001)"

exit 0

Your stop script (e.g., m:\GxSCMCmd\gxstart.bat) may appear as follows:

@echo off

C:\WINDOWS\system32\net.exe stop GxClusPlugIn (virtualpolyserve) (Instance001)

exit 0

31. Add the Customer Service Monitor

To add the custom service monitor to the virtual host configuration in the PolyServe Matrix Server console.

  1. Ensure that the virtual host name <virtualpolyserve> is online.
  2. From the Services MMC snap-in, verify or manually start the cluster plugin service, "Bull Calypso Cluster Plugin (virtualpolyserve) (Instance00x)", on the active primary node for the Vhost virtualpolyserve
  3. From the PolyServe Matrix Server, click the Virtual Hosts tab.
  4. Right click Virtual Host <virtualpolyserve> and then Add Service Monitor.
  5. For the Monitor Type field in the Add Service Monitor dialog box, click CUSTOM.
  6. Assign a name to the service monitor by typing the name in the Name field.
  7. In the User probe script field, type the path to the probe script that calls the GxSCMCmd.exe command (on the share disk)
  8. Click Advanced.
  9. From the Advanced Service Configuration dialog box, click the Scripts tab.
  10. In the Script pathname: Start field, type the path to the start script (shared disk). In the corresponding Timeout (seconds) field, type a timeout value greater than 60 seconds.
  11. In the Script pathname: Stop field, type the path to the stop script (shared disk). In the corresponding Timeout (seconds) field, type a timeout value greater than 60 seconds.
  12. Click OK once, then again.

The monitor should now start, and the primary node should now be active. Failover will occur if services are disabled on the primary node, and services in such a case will move to a secondary node.