Upgrade the CommServe and Database Engine on Separate Computers

The following sections describe the steps for upgrading the CommServe and the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine when installed on separate computers.


Verify and ensure that you have permanent license before upgrading the CommServe. You may encounter irrecoverable failure, if you upgrade using an evaluation license.


1. Perform a Disaster Recovery Backup on the CommServe and make sure that the associated disaster recovery folder (SET_XXX folder) is saved and available in a safe location. See Start a Disaster Recovery Backup for step-by-step instructions.
2. Stop all services on the CommServe computer. See Stop Services on Windows for step-by-step instructions.
3. Upgrade the CommServe Database Engine to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (Enterprise Edition) with the appropriate service pack. See System Requirements - CommServe for more information. Refer to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 documentation for information on how to upgrade the SQL Server.
4. Save the following folders in a safe location:
  • ER folder available in the location as configured during the CommServe installation. (See Install the CommServe for details.)
  • LibEmulator folder available at <software installation path>. (This folder will be available if virtual tape library is setup.)
5. Run the DBUpgrade utility on the CommServe Database Engine. Refer to the Readme file for more information on how to run the tool.
6. Uninstall the CommServe software from the computer that hosts the CommServe software. (If other components are installed on the computer make sure to to uninstall them.)  See Uninstalling Components for more information.
7. Install the CommServe software on the computer that hosts the CommServe. See Install the CommServe for step-by-step instructions.
8. Restore the CommServe database using the CommServe Disaster Recovery Tool. See Restore a Disaster Recovery Backup for step-by-step instructions.
9. Restore the the following folders (as saved in Step 4) to their corresponding locations:
  • ER folder in the location specified during the CommServe installation. (See Install the CommServe for details.)
  • LibEmulator folder to <software installation path>.

Post-Upgrade Considerations