Agents - Exchange Compliance Archiver - How To

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Configure the Agent for a Journal Mailbox Threshold Alert

Modify Exchange Server Name

Modify Mailbox Name (Exchange-based)

Modify Profile Name (Exchange-based)

Discover and Assign New Journal Mailboxes

Specify/Remove a Domain Name for an Exchange Server With Non-Resident Items

Discover and Select Target Mailboxes on the Exchange Server

Remove Target Mailboxes from the Exchange Server

Change Account for Restoring to Mapped/Shared Network Drives and Restricted Directories

Deconfigure a Client, MediaAgent, Agent, or Enabler

Delete the Agent

Enable CSVDE Filtering for Discovery Operations

View Software Version

Configure the Agent for a Journal Mailbox Threshold Alert

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To configure the agent for a Journal Mailbox threshold alert:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the Exchange Compliance Archiver Agent icon and then click Properties.
  2. From the General tab of the agent Properties dialog box, select the Enable Threshold checkbox then enter the number of messages in the Journal Mailbox at which an alert will be generated in the Threshold for number of messages in the Journal Mailbox field.
  3. Click OK.
  4. After configuring the agent for this alert, you will need to set up the actual alert. See Configure Alerts for more information.


Modify Exchange Server Name

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To modify the Exchange server name:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the icon for the appropriate agent and then click Properties.
  2. From the General tab of the agent Properties dialog box, type the desired name in the Exchange Server Name field.
  3. Click OK.

Modify Mailbox Name

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To modify the mailbox name:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the icon for the appropriate agent and then click Properties.
  2. From the General tab of the agent Properties dialog box, type the desired name in the Mailbox Name field.
  3. Click OK.

Modify Profile Name

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To modify the profile name:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the icon for the appropriate agent and then click Properties.
  2. From the General tab of the agent Properties dialog box, type the desired name in the Profile Name field.
  3. Click OK.

Discover and Assign New Journal Mailboxes

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To discover and assign new journal mailboxes:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the agent containing the subclients that you want to assign journal mailboxes, click All Tasks and then click Configure. Alternatively, you can use the Subclient Properties (Content) tab to access its Configure button.
  2. From the Add/Modify Journaling Mailboxes dialog box click the Discover button.
  3. The system displays a confirmation message, informing you that the discovery process can take an unspecified amount of time. Larger Exchange Servers may require several minutes for this operation to complete. Click No if you need to cancel the discovery process, or click Yes to continue. If you continue the discovery process, a progress bar shows the completion status of the operation.
  4. When the discovery process completes, the Add/Modify Journaling Mailboxes dialog box is redisplayed. The window displays the journal mailboxes that have already been assigned; plus any newly discovered journal mailboxes that have not been assigned. The unassigned journal mailboxes are those that have no entry in the Subclient column.
  5. To assign these journal mailboxes, click the Subclient field of each journal mailbox that you want to assign and select the desired subclient from the list.

    Regardless of the assignment method, your choices include:

    If you choose the Do Not Archive subclient, the journal mailbox will not be archived.

  6. To register your journal mailbox assignments with the system, click Apply.
  7. If you have no other journal mailboxes to assign, click OK.

Specify/Remove a Domain Name for an Exchange Server With Non-Resident Items

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To specify or remove the identified domain name:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the agent icon of the client computer and then click Properties.
  2. From the agent Property dialog box, click AD Server.
  3. To include a domain name, click Add, type the domain name in the AD Server field, and click OK. The domain name will appear in the AD Server List.
  4. Repeat the previous step for each domain name that you wish to include.
  5. To remove a domain name, click the name in the AD Server List and then click Delete.
  6. Repeat the previous step for each domain name that you wish to remove.
  7. Click OK.

Discover and Select Target Mailboxes on the Exchange Server

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To discover and select target mailboxes on the Exchange Server:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the icon for the appropriate agent and then click Properties.
  2. From the Target Mailboxes tab of the agent Properties dialog box, click Configure.
  3. From the Add/Modify Mailboxes dialog box, click Discover.
  4. From the Discover New Mailbox pop-up, click Yes.
  5. Click the desired mailboxes in the Select column and then click OK.
  6. From the Target Mailboxes tab, click OK.

Remove Target Mailboxes from the Exchange Server

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To remove target mailboxes from the Exchange Server:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the icon for the appropriate agent and then click Properties.
  2. From the Target Mailboxes tab of the agent Properties dialog box, click Configure.
  3. From the Add/Modify Mailboxes dialog box, deselect the checkboxes of the target mailbox(es) that you want to remove and click OK.
  4. From the Target Mailboxes tab, verify that the mailboxes no longer appear in the Target Mailbox list, and click OK to close the Agent properties and save your changes.

Change Account for Restoring to Mapped/Shared Network Drives and Restricted Directories

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To change a user account for restoring to mapped/shared network drives and restricted directories:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the tree to view the desired level icon for the affected agent. Then right-click the icon and click All Tasks from the short-cut menu.
  2. Click the appropriate Browse or Restore option. Then populate, select, and click as appropriate to access the Restore Options (for All Selected Items) dialog box.
  3. From the Restore Options (for All Selected Items) dialog box, click Advanced.
  4. From the Advanced Restore Options dialog box, select Impersonate (Windows, NetWare) User. Then type the appropriate user name and password.
  5. Click OK to save the settings.

Deconfigure a Client, MediaAgent, Agent, or Enabler

Required Capabilities: Capabilities and Permitted Actions

Administrative Management capability cannot be used to perform the deconfigure operation from the MediaAgent level.

Before you Begin:

To deconfigure a client, MediaAgent, agent, or enabler:

  1. In the CommCell Browser, right-click the name of the client, MediaAgent, agent, or enabler you want to deconfigure, click All Tasks (if displayed), and select Deconfigure.
  2. A popup warning message appears.

    Click OK to continue.

  3. Another popup message then appears.

    Click Yes to continue with the deconfiguration or No to abort.

  4. If the deconfigure is unsuccessful, a number of popup messages appears. In some cases, the message requests that you take some corrective action. For example, the message might advise you to ensure that there are no jobs running on the agent. In such a case, click OK and take the appropriate action. Then repeat the deconfigure process.

If the deconfigure is successful, the tree element is dimmed and available for deletion.

Delete the Agent

Before You Begin

You can perform agent operations as long as the agent is installed and appears enabled in the CommCell Browser. However, if you have no need to run jobs on the agent data of a client computer, you may want to delete the agent that resides on that computer. Once you have uninstalled or DeConfigured the agent, the corresponding icon in the CommCell Browser is grayed out. While this icon exists, you can recover data from the agent to another client. If you delete this icon, all of the agent's data is irretrievably lost.


Deleting the agent is a two-phase process.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To delete an agent:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the icon of the agent that you want to delete, and then click Delete. (The agent software must first have been uninstalled/DeConfigured or the delete option on the shortcut menu will not appear.)
  2. A warning message prompts you with the following: This operation will permanently delete the data backed up from this level and it cannot be restored. Click Ok to continue with the deletion operation. (Clicking No will abort the operation.)
  3. From the Confirmation Text dialog box, enter the confirmation text string, erase and reuse media. Click Ok. The agent icon and the data that corresponds to the selected agent will be deleted. Consequently, you will not be able to browse or recover this data.

Enable CSVDE Filtering for Discovery Operations

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To enable CSVDE filtering for discovery operations:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the icon for the appropriate agent and then click Properties.
  2. From the General tab of the agent Properties dialog box, select the Use CSVDE For Discovery option, then specify the desired CSVDE filter in the corresponding entry space.
  3. Click OK.

The next time a discovery operation is run for this agent the user-specified CSVDE filter will be used.

View the Software Version

To view the Software Version:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the CommServe, Client, Agent, MediaAgent, or Enabler for which you wish to view the version, and then click Properties.
  2. Click the Version tab.

    The component version and post release service pack, additional updates and missing updates are displayed.