Managing Celerra Data

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Configure the EMC Celerra File Server for Celerra Proxy Stub Subclient Support

Configure the IIS Server for Proxy Stub Subclient Support

Create/Modify a Celerra Instance

Configure a Celerra Proxy Stub Subclient

Configure File Server/Proxy Authentication Credentials

Configure Celerra Proxy Settings

Configure the EMC Celerra File Server for Celerra Proxy Stub Subclient Support

The following procedure describes the steps involved in configuring the EMC Celerra File Server for Celerra Proxy Stub Subclient support.

Before You Begin

  • Review Configuring File Archiver for Windows to Archive and Recover Celerra Data.
  • The user ID must have administrator-level privileges on the EMC Celerra File Server in order to perform these tasks.
  • Ensure that the Celerra file system is configured for CWORM=off, since dhsm cannot be enabled on a CWORM file system type.
  • Data is always archived on a CIFS share. For recalls from CIFS clients, the volume does not need to be a mixed mode type on the file server. For recalls from NFS clients, the volume must be a mixed mode type on the file server. Refer to vendor documentation for instructions on configuring mixed mode.
  • Note that examples provided in this procedure use DART 5.6 command syntax, with variables noted in <italics> that will be specific to your environment. For more information on EMC Celerra FileMover commands, refer to EMC Celerra documentation.

Configure the EMC Celerra File Server to Archive and Recover the UNIX Permission Mode

1. From the command prompt of the Celerra File Server, set the following option to archive and recover the UNIX permission mode:

server_param <server_name_where_share_resides> -f cifs -modify acl.extacl -value 28

server_param server_4 -f cifs -modify acl.extacl -value 28

Where "server_4" is the name of the server where the share resides (in this example).

[root@celerra_cs ~] $ su root
[root@celerra_cs nasadmin]# server_param server_4 -f cifs -modify acl.extac1 -value 28

server_4 : done

Enable EMC Celerra FileMover on the File System where the CIFS Share Resides

2. At the command prompt, enable EMC Celerra FileMover on the File System where the CIFS share resides:

fs_dhsm -modify <file_system_name_where_share_resides> -state enabled

fs_dhsm -modify FS3 -state enabled

Where "FS3" is the name of the File System where the share resides (in this example).

[rootcelerra_cs nasadmin]# fs_dhsm -modify FS3 -state enabled
state                = enabled
offline attr:        = on
popup timeout        = 0
backup:              = passthrough
read policy override = none
log file:            = on
max log size:        = 10MB


Add the Proxy Server to the Valid List of Target Hosts

3. At the command prompt, add the proxy server to the valid list of target hosts:

server_http <server_name_where_file_system_resides> -append dhsm -hosts <IP_address_of_proxy_server>

server_http server_4 -append dhsm -hosts

Where "server_4" is the name of the server where the file system resides, and where "" is the IP address of the proxy server (in this example).

[root@celerra_cs nasadmin]# server_http server_4 -append dhsm -hosts
server_4 : done

Define a Connection between the EMC Celerra Data Mover and the Proxy Host

4. At the command prompt, define a connection between the EMC Celerra Data Mover and the proxy host where the File Archiver for Windows Agent is installed. The EMC Celerra File Server will use this connection to recall files, and can be configured to use either CIFS or HTTP access. CIFS connection is highly recommended:

CIFS Syntax:
fs_dhsm -connection <file_system_name_where_share_resides> -create -type cifs -admin <domain\\administrator> -secondary '<\\\shared_dir_where_stubs_reside>' -local_server <fully_qualified_celerra_server_name> -password -read_policy_override full

CIFS Example:
fs_dhsm -connection FS3 -create -type cifs -admin galaxylab\\administrator -secondary '\\\pavo3_celerra' -local_server -password -read_policy_override full

Where "FS3" is the name of the file system where the share resides, and where "\\\pavo3_celerra" is the UNC path of the virtual directory on the proxy server (in this example).

CIFS Example for Virtual data Mover (VDM):

fs_dhsm -connection vdm_fs -create -type cifs -admin galaxylab\\administrator -secondary '\\\pavo3_celerra' -local_server -password -read_policy_override full
where "vdm_fs" is the name of the file system set up on the VDM, "\\\pavo3_celerra" is the UNC path of the proxy stub folder, and "" is the virtual data mover.

[root@celerra_cs nasadmin]# fs_dhsm -connection FS3 -create -type cifs -admin galaxylab \\ administrator -secondary '\\\pavo3_celerra' -local_server -password -read_policy_override full
state                = enabled
offline attr:        = on
popup timeout        = 0
backup:              = passthrough
read policy override = none
log file:            = on
max log size:        = 10MB
 cid                 = 1
   type                 = CIFS
   secondary            = \\\ida35vm3_celerra\
   state                = enabled
   read policy override = full
   write policy         =        full
   user                 =
   options              = cgi=n


Configure the IIS Server for Proxy Stub Subclient Support

For details on configuring IIS Server for Proxy Stub Subclient Support see Configure the IIS Server for Celerra Proxy Stub Subclient Support

Create/Modify a Celerra Instance

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Required Actions

To create/modify a Celerra Instance:

  1. To create a Celerra instance, from the CommCell Browser, locate the correct client computer node, and right-click the File Archiver agent node for which you want the new instance created, click All Tasks, click Create Instance from the shortcut menu, and then click Celerra.

    To modify an existing instance, from the CommCell Browser, right-click the instance you want to modify, and then click Properties from the shortcut menu.

  2. From the General tab, enter the name (up to 32 characters) for the instance.

    When modifying an existing instance, you cannot change the name of the instance. However, you can change the file server name and credentials.
  3. Enter a name for the Celerra file server - see Add/Change file server Name.
  4. Enter the credentials for the proxy computer - see Configure file server/Proxy Authentication Credentials.
  5. Enter Celera Proxy settings if you wish to change the defaults - see Configure Celerra Proxy Settings.
  6. Click OK to save the instance.

After creating a File Archiver instance, a default Archive Set is created for the instance type.  You cannot create additional Archive Sets. Default subclients are not created for the default Archive Set. You must create a user-defined subclient for the default archive set. See Subclients - File Archiver for Windows for more information.

Configure a Celerra Proxy Stub Subclient

Before You Begin

This feature requires a Feature License to be available in the CommServe. Review general license requirements included in License Administration. For step-by-step instructions on how to view the license information, see View All Licenses.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To configure a Proxy Stub Subclient:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand the Client node containing the File Archiver for Windows Agent being used as the proxy computer, expand the Agent node and perform one of the following tasks:
  2. From the Subclient Properties (General) tab, specify the Subclient name (if applicable).
  3. Type in or Browse to the Proxy Stub Path. Note that this path must match exactly the Local Path that was entered during the IIS Server configuration task. Also when creating a proxy path , the Proxy Stub Path field should not be set to the root of a drive.
  4. Type in the HTTP/CIFS Address of the Virtual Directory that was configured on the IIS Server. For example:




  5. If a new subclient is being configured, then enter the required information as desired on the other tabs in the Subclient Properties dialog. Ensure that the Content is configured as a UNC Path which points to the CIFS share where the data to be archived resides, that the Archiving Rules have been enabled and configured, and that a Storage Policy association has been established.
  6. Click OK to save the changes.
  7. Follow the procedure to Configure Filer Authentication Credentials and Proxy File Settings.

Configure File Server/Proxy Authentication Credentials

Before You Begin

This feature requires a Feature License to be available in the CommServe. Review general license requirements included in License Administration. For step-by-step instructions on how to view the license information, see View All Licenses.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To configure filer/proxy authentication credentials:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the instance icon for the File Archiver Agent for Windows that you want to configure and then click Properties.
  2. Click Configure Password.
  3. Enter the User Name for the domain in which the network storage file server/proxy resides. Include the domain name with the user name. For example, domainA \administrator.
  4. Enter the Password for the User Name entered above.

After all configuration tasks have been completed, reboot the IIS Server and for Celerra instances, the proxy computer where the File Archiver for Windows Agent is installed. This will ensure that the recall service recognizes all the configuration changes necessary to recall archived data.

The user account must have read and write permissions on the CIFS share and exported to the network storage file server/proxy. The user account must also have admin access to filer and read/write access to the Windows registry on the proxy computer.

Configure Celerra Proxy Settings

Before You Begin

This feature requires a Feature License to be available in the CommServe. Review general license requirements included in License Administration. For step-by-step instructions on how to view the license information, see View All Licenses.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To configure proxy file settings:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the Celerra instance icon for the File Archiver Agent for Windows that you want to configure and then click Properties.
  2. Optionally, you can change the default settings for the Proxy File Expiration and Proxy Prune Interval by typing new values in the corresponding fields.
  3. Click OK.

After all configuration tasks have been completed, reboot the IIS Server and the proxy computer where the File Archiver for Windows Agent is installed. This will ensure that the recall service recognizes all the configuration changes necessary to recall archived data.

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