Office Communications Server - How To

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Configure OCS backup

Back up the Office Communications Server

Restore the Office Communications Server using Browse and Restore

Configure OCS backup

Enable OCS backup

To enable clients for OCS backup:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, select the client for which you wish to enable the OCS backup.
  2. Right-click the Windows File System iDataAgent for the client and select Properties.
  3. From the General tab, select the Enable Office Communication Server Backup option to enable OCS backup for the client.
  4. Click OK to save the configuration.
  • A license will be consumed when you enable a client for OCS backup- see License Requirements for more information.

Setup the OCS access information

To provide the user information for the Office Communications Server:

  1. In the CommCell browser, right-click the subclient which you wish to use for backing up the OCS data and select Properties.
  2. From the Content tab, select the Backup Office Communication Server option.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. In the Office Communication Server Credentials dialog box, enter the user access information in the Username and Password fields.
      The user account that you specify should have administrative rights to the Office Communications Server.
  5. Click OK to save the information.

Back Up the Office Communications Server

Before you Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To backup the OCS data and settings:

  1. In the CommCell browser, right-click the subclient that you wish to use for OCS backup and select Backup.
  2. Start or schedule a backup of the subclient. For step-by-step instructions on various types of Windows File Systems backups, see Backup - Windows File System - How To.

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To backup the OCS metadata:

  1. Use the SQL Server iDataAgent to backup OCS database that contains the OCS metadata. See SQL Server iDataAgent for more information.

Restore the Office Communications Server using Browse and Restore

Browse and Restore

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse and restore data:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the agent, instance, backup set, or Legal hold set (for Legal Hold data) that contains the data you want to restore, click All Tasks and then click the available Browse command (command names vary by agent).
  2. Run a browse operation. See Browse Data for a list of customized browse operations and their step-by-step instructions. If you accept all defaults, you will be browsing the latest backups for the selected data.
  3. From the Browse window, Select Objects From the Browse Window for Restore.
  4. From the agent's Restore Options and Advanced Restore Options dialog boxes, select the restore options that you want to use. For agents with multiple tabs, do not click OK until you have used all of the desired tabs. When you accept all the default settings, you will be restoring the selected data to its original location. See Restore Backup Data for access to complete information on the agent-specific Restore Destination options and procedures available.
  5. When restoring encrypted data, refer to Data Encryption for comprehensive feature information and procedures for using the Encryption tab of the Advanced Restore Options dialog box.
  6. After completing your selections, you can either start an immediate restore or schedule the restore.

    While the job is running, you can right-click the job in the Job Controller and select Detail to view information on the job. After the data has been restored, you will see a job completion message in the Job Controller and Event Viewer.


Following are some issues to consider when restoring OCS.

  • If you are performing an in-place restore, it is required to provide the user authentication information for the Office Communications Server. To do that,
    • From the General tab of the Advanced Restore Options dialog box, select the Impersonate NT user checkbox. Specify the user information in the Username and Password fields. The user account that you specify should have administrative rights to the Office Communications Server.

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To browse and restore the OCS metadata:

  1. Use the SQL Server iDataAgent to restore the OCS database that contains the OCS metadata. See SQL Server iDataAgent for more information.


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