Restore Destinations - How To

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Restore Out-of-Place, Cross-Platform or Cross-Application

Recover Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform

Restore to a Network Drive/NFS-Mounted File System

Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (DB2)

Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Application (Exchange iDataAgents)

Recover Out-of-Place or Cross-Application (Exchange Mailbox/Public Folder Archiver Agents)

Retrieve Out-of-Place or Cross-Application (Exchange Compliance Archiver Agent)

Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (Informix)

Restore and Recover a Database to a New Host with the Same Directory Structure (Oracle and Oracle RAC)

Restore and Recover a Database to a New Host with a Different Directory Structure (Oracle and Oracle RAC)

Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (SAP for Oracle)

Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (SAP for MAXDB)

Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (Sybase)

Restore a Volume Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (Image Level, Image Level ProxyHost)

Restore Out-of-Place, Cross-Platform or Cross-Application

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse and restore data:

  1. Begin any restore procedure. See Basic Restore or Browse and Restore for step-by-step instructions.
  2. From the agent's Restore Options dialog box, select the restore destination:
  3. After completing your selections, continue with the restore procedure.

Recover Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse and recover data:

  1. Begin a browse and recovery procedure from the CommCell Console. See Recover a File from the CommCell Console for step-by-step instructions.
  2. From the agent's Recover Options dialog box, select the recovery destination:
  3. After completing your selections, continue with the recovery procedure.

Restore to a Network Drive/NFS-Mounted File System

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse and restore data using wildcards:

  1. Begin any restore procedure. See Basic Restore or Browse and Restore for step-by-step instructions.
  2. From the Restore Options dialog box, ensure that the Destination Computer is the source computer from which the shared drive was backed up, not the computer that has the share. If the data did not originate from the shared drive, de-select Restore to Same Paths and then type the UNC path of the shared drive in the Destination Folder field (e.g., \\servername\sharename\directory).
  3. To restore to a Windows computer, click Advanced.

    If you do not have Change permissions for the share to which you intend to restore the data, then you must select Impersonate NT User in the Advanced Restore Options dialog box and provide the login and password of a Windows account that does have these permissions. (Otherwise, the data cannot be restored to the selected share. Ordinarily, if you can copy or create a file in the share, you should be able to restore data to that share without having to select this option.)

    If the user account is established as a domain user account, you must enter a fully qualified user name (e.g., <domain_name>\<user_name>) and password.
  4. Optionally select the additional restore options that you want to use from the Advanced Restore Options dialog box.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Optionally select the additional restore options that you want to use from the Restore Options dialog box.
  7. Click OK.
  8. After completing your selections, you can either start an immediate restore or schedule the restore.

    While the job is running, you can right-click the job in the Job Controller and select Detail to view information on the job.


Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (DB2)

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To restore out-of-place or cross-platform:

  1. Install the DB2 application software on the destination host.
  2. Install the DB2 iDataAgent on the destination host.
  3. Configure the instance on the destination host. You can use the same name as that for the instance on the source host, or you can assign a unique name.
  4. Go to the source machine and access the Source & Destination tab of the Restore Options dialog box.
  5. Select the name of the destination computer from the appropriate list.
  6. Select the name of the destination instance from the appropriate list.
  7. Either accept the name of the database in the Target Database Name field or replace this name with another appropriate database name. (You need not supply a target database path.)
  8. If desired, use the other tabs to select any other restore options.
  9. Click OK.

Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Application (Exchange iDataAgents)

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse and restore data:

  1. Begin any restore procedure. See Basic Restore or Browse and Restore for step-by-step instructions.
  2. From the agent's Restore Options (General) dialog box, select the restore destination:
  3. If applicable, choose one of the following:
  4. After completing your selections, continue with the restore procedure.

Recover Out-of-Place or Cross-Application (Exchange Mailbox/Public Folder Archiver Agents)

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse and recover archived data:

  1. Begin a browse and recovery procedure from the CommCell Console. See Recover a Message from the CommCell Console for step-by-step instructions.
  2. From the agent's Recovery Options (General) dialog box, select the recovery destination:
  3. If applicable, choose one of the following:
  4. After completing your selections, continue with the recovery procedure.

Retrieve Out-of-Place or Cross-Application (Exchange Compliance Archiver Agent)

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse and retrieve archived data:

  1. Begin a browse and retrieve procedure. See Retrieve Mail Messages for step-by-step instructions.
  2. From the agent's Retrieve Options (General) dialog box, select To Mailbox then select the retrieve destination:
  3. Choose one of the following:
  4. After completing your selections, continue with the retrieve procedure.

Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (Informix)

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To restore out-of-place or cross-platform:

  1. Install the application software on the destination host. 
  2. Create a simple instance on the destination host as discussed in Create an Instance. To get the appropriate parameters, go to the CommCell Console and access the property screen for the instance on the source host; if this is not possible, use a link. 
  3. On the destination host, start up the instance and then shut down the instance.
  4. Install the Base client software (CVGxBase), either the HP-UX File System or Solaris File System iDataAgent software (CVGxIDA), and the Informix iDataAgent software (CVGxIfIDA) on the destination host.
  5. Using the CommCell Console, create a new instance for the Informix iDataAgent on the destination host.
  6. Log in to the destination host and navigate to the $INFORMIXDIR/etc directory.  Then perform the following file copies (using cp):

          ixbar.$servernum  to  ixbar.$
          onconfig.$servername  to  onconfig.$
          oncfg_$servername.$servernum  to  oncfg_$servername.$servernum .org
  7. Use the appropriate directives in Basic Restore or Browse and Restore to cross-restore the ixbar, onconfig, and oncfg files on the CommCell Console from the source host's backups.
  8. Modify the onconfig.$ file to be identical to the onconfig.$servername file  (i.e., ensure that DBSERVERNAME, SERVERNUM, and ROOTPATH are the same). 
  9. Copy the onconfig.$ file to the onconfig.$servername file.
  10. Log in to the destination host and prepare dbspaces that refer to the oncfg files. All dbspaces physical paths have to be the same (e.g, prepare the cooked file space, cat /dev/null > $INFORMIXDIR/dbs/test1/data/testdbs1.c1,
    chmod 666 $INFORMIXDIR/dbs/test1/data/testdbs1.c1,
    chown -R informix:informix $INFORMIXDIR/dbs/test1/data/testdbs1.c1)
  11. Try to cross-restore the whole system by using the directives in Basic Restore or Browse and Restore. It is recommended that you avoid performing a salvage backup (e.g., zeroing out the root dbspace before restoring or performing a physical whole system restore plus a logical whole system restore).

Restore and Recover a Database to a New Host with the Same Directory Structure (Oracle and Oracle RAC)

The following procedure describes the steps involved in restoring and recovering a database (either in ARCHIVELOG or NOARCHIVELOG) mode to a new host, with the same directory structure.

When you are restoring data from a database in NOARCHIVELOG mode, you must always restore and recover the entire database.

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To restore and recover a database to a new host with the same directory structure:

  1. Verify that the destination machine's init <SID>.ora file is the same as the source machine's file.
  2. Configure the destination machine's $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora file to include the Recovery Catalog database's service entry. The easiest way to configure this file is to copy the Recovery Catalog database's service entry from the source machine's tnsnames.ora file and append it to the destination machine's tnsnames.ora file. The Recovery Catalog database's service entry should look similar to the following:
    <service_name> =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = <protocol>)(HOST = <host>) (PORT = <##>))
    (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = <Recovery Catalog database>)))
  3. Make sure that ORACLE_SID is set to the database that you are restoring and that ORACLE_HOME is set appropriately. Note the following example for Solaris:
    #export ORACLE_SID= <target database SID>
    #export ORACLE_HOME= <Oracle home directory>

    Note the following example for Windows 2000 machines:
    C:\set ORACLE_SID= <target database SID>
    C:\set ORACLE_HOME= <Oracle home directory>
  4. From Server Manager or SQL Plus on the source machine, create a new user account within the Recovery Catalog for the destination machine by executing the commands in the following display:
    SVRMGR>create user <username> identified by <password>
    2>temporary tablespace <temp_tablespace_name>
    3>default tablespace <default_tablespace_name>
    4>quota unlimited on <default_tablespace_name>;
    Statement processed.
    SVRMGR>grant connect, resource, recovery_catalog_owner to <username>;
    Statement processed.
    Make sure that the <username>you supply for the destination machine is different than the username for the source machine.

    When you are granting the user database permissions, make sure to include the recovery_catalog_owner option shown above.

  5. Transfer the Oracle password file "orapw<Oracle SID name>" from the source machine to the destination machine. Usually this file resides in ORACLE_HOME/dbs.
  6. From the source machine, use the Oracle exp command to export the Recovery Catalog data. You are exporting the data by user. For example, if the user ID for the Recovery Catalog owner is rman, you would export the database backup information for the user rman.
  7. From the source machine, use the Oracle imp command to import the contents of the file you created in the previous step into the new user account for the destination machine. Depending on the version of Oracle that you are running, you may receive the following error when you run the imp command:
    IMP-00044: unable to allocate enough memory for statement
  8. Perform these steps if you receive an error while running the imp command:
  9. Ensure that the database in NOMOUNT mode in the destination machine.
  10. If you want to perform the cross-machine restore from the CommCell Console then continue on with this procedure. Otherwise, if you want to perform the cross-machine restore from the RMAN command line using your own custom script, then exit this help and run the script now (refer to Oracle's Recovery Manager documentation for more information).
  11. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the instance that contains the database you want to restore and recover to a new host, click All Tasks and then click Restore.
  12. From the Oracle Restore Options (General) dialog box, select or enter the following:
  13. Click the Advanced button and verify the following options are selected in the identified tab for the Oracle Advanced Restore Options dialog box:
  14. Click OK in the Oracle Advanced Restore Options dialog box.
  15. When restoring encrypted data, refer to Data Encryption.
  16. Optionally for Oracle RAC, from the Oracle Restore Options (Stream) dialog box, set the instance restore order per stream allotment.
  17. Begin or schedule the restore.
    Before the restore job is run, the system will check whether the database is in the correct mode for this type of restore. If it is not, a message dialog will inform you of this and offer to automatically switch the database into the valid mode. When this happens, either click Yes on the message dialog to have the system automatically switch the database to the valid mode and continue the restore, or click No to manually switch the database to the valid mode before proceeding.
  18. View the progress of the restore in the Job Controller window. Perform the following steps if your database is in the NOARCHIVELOG mode.
  19. Manually recover and open the database using the following steps.
  20. From the Server Manager window, execute the command displayed in the following example:
    SVRMGR>recover database using backup control file until cancel;

    Server Manager displays several messages, including the following:
    Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
  21. Type cancel

    The following message is displayed:
    Media recovery cancelled.
  22. Execute the commands displayed in the following example:
    SVRMGR>alter database open resetlogs;
  23. Reset the Recovery Catalog by executing the commands displayed in the following example:
    #rman rcvcat <catalog connect string>
    Recovery Manager: Release - Production
    RMAN-06008: connected to recovery catalog database
    RMAN>connect target;
    RMAN-06005: connected to target database: <database_name> DBID=<##>)
    RMAN> reset database;
    RMAN-03022: compiling command: reset
    RMAN-03023: executing command: reset
    RMAN-08006: database registered in recovery catalog
    RMAN-03023: executing command: full resync
    RMAN-08002: starting full resync of recovery catalog
    RMAN-08004: full resync complete

    Resetting the Recovery Catalog creates a new incarnation of the database. Before you can restore and recover the database to the current time, you must perform another full backup and wait for it to complete successfully.
  24. Perform an immediate offline full backup.

Restore and Recover a Database to a New Host with a Different Directory Structure (Oracle and Oracle RAC)

The following procedure describes the steps involved in restoring and recovering a database (either in ARCHIVELOG or NOARCHIVELOG) mode to a new host, with a different directory structure.

When you are restoring data from a database in NOARCHIVELOG mode, you must always restore and recover the entire database.

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To restore and recover a database to a new host with a different directory structure:

  1. Copy the init<SID>.ora from the old host to the new host.
  2. Edit the init<SID>.ora file on the new host to reflect all the directory structure changes (i.e., change the path for control files, archivelog destination and *dump destinations).
  3. Create the directory structures as defined in init<SID>.ora file for all paths.
  4. Configure the destination machine's $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora file to include the Recovery Catalog database's service entry. The easiest way to configure this file is to copy the Recovery Catalog database's service entry from the source machine's tnsnames.ora file and append it to the destination machine's tnsnames.ora file. The Recovery Catalog database's service entry should look similar to the following:
    <service_name> =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = <protocol>)(HOST = <host>) (PORT = <##>))
    (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = <Recovery Catalog database>)))
  5. Make sure that ORACLE_SID is set to the database that you are restoring and that ORACLE_HOME is set appropriately. Note the following example for Solaris:
    #export ORACLE_SID= <target database SID>
    #export ORACLE_HOME= <Oracle home directory>

    Note the following example for Windows 2000 machines:
    C:\set ORACLE_SID= <target database SID>
    C:\set ORACLE_HOME= <Oracle home directory>
  6. From Server Manager or SQL Plus on the source machine, create a new user account within the Recovery Catalog for the destination machine by executing the commands in the following display:
    SVRMGR>create user <username> identified by <password>
    2>temporary tablespace <temp_tablespace_name>
    3>default tablespace <default_tablespace_name>
    4>quota unlimited on <default_tablespace_name>;
    Statement processed.
    SVRMGR>grant connect, resource, recovery_catalog_owner to <username>;
    Statement processed.
    Make sure that the <username>you supply for the destination machine is different than the username for the source machine.

    When you are granting the user database permissions, make sure to include the recovery_catalog_owner option shown above.

  7. Transfer the Oracle password file "orapw<Oracle SID name>" from the source machine to the destination machine. Usually this file resides in ORACLE_HOME/dbs.
  8. From the source machine, use the Oracle exp command to export the Recovery Catalog data. You are exporting the data by user. For example, if the user ID for the Recovery Catalog owner is rman, you would export the database backup information for the user rman.
  9. From the source machine, use the Oracle imp command to import the contents of the file you created in the previous step into the new user account for the destination machine. Depending on the version of Oracle that you are running, you may receive the following error when you run the imp command:
    IMP-00044: unable to allocate enough memory for statement
  10. Perform these steps if you receive an error while running the imp command:
  11. Ensure that the database in NOMOUNT mode in the destination machine.
  12. If you want to perform the cross-machine restore from the CommCell Console then continue on with this procedure. Otherwise, if you want to perform the cross-machine restore from the RMAN command line using your own custom script, then exit this help and run the script now (refer to Oracle's Recovery Manager documentation for more information).

    When performing cross-machine restore, do the following:

  13. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the instance that contains the database you want to restore and recover to a new host, click All Tasks and then click Restore.
  14. From the Oracle Restore Options (General) dialog box, select or enter the following:
  15. Click the Advanced button and verify the following options are selected in the identified tab for the Oracle Advanced Restore Options dialog box:
  16. Click OK on the Oracle Advanced Restore Options dialog box.
  17. When restoring encrypted data, refer to Data Encryption.
  18. Optionally for Oracle RAC, from the Oracle Restore Options (Stream) dialog box, set the instance restore order per stream allotment.
  19. Begin or schedule the restore.
    Before the restore job is run, the system will check whether the database is in the correct mode for this type of restore. If it is not, a message dialog will inform you of this and offer to automatically switch the database into the valid mode. When this happens, either click Yes on the message dialog to have the system automatically switch the database to the valid mode and continue the restore, or click No to manually switch the database to the valid mode before proceeding.
  20. View the progress of the restore in the Job Controller window. Perform the following steps if your database is in the NOARCHIVELOG mode.
  21. Manually recover and open the database using the following steps.
  22. From the Server Manager window, execute the command displayed in the following example:
    SVRMGR>recover database using backup control file until cancel;

    Server Manager displays several messages, including the following:
    Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
  23. Type cancel

    The following message is displayed:
    Media recovery cancelled.
  24. Execute the commands displayed in the following example:
    SVRMGR>alter database open resetlogs;
  25. Reset the Recovery Catalog by executing the commands displayed in the following example:
    #rman rcvcat <catalog connect string>
    Recovery Manager: Release - Production
    RMAN-06008: connected to recovery catalog database
    RMAN>connect target;
    RMAN-06005: connected to target database: <database_name> DBID=<##>)
    RMAN> reset database;
    RMAN-03022: compiling command: reset
    RMAN-03023: executing command: reset
    RMAN-08006: database registered in recovery catalog
    RMAN-03023: executing command: full resync
    RMAN-08002: starting full resync of recovery catalog
    RMAN-08004: full resync complete

    Resetting the Recovery Catalog creates a new incarnation of the database. Before you can restore and recover the database to the current time, you must perform another full backup and wait for it to complete successfully.
  26. Perform an immediate offline full backup.

Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (SAP for Oracle)

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse and restore data:

  1. Install the SAP for Oracle iDataAgent on the source machine (e.g., Host A).
  2. Run several full, incremental, and log backups on the source machine.
  3. If the Oracle application is not already installed on the destination machine (e.g., Host B), install the application on this machine. Do not create an instance (database) on this machine.
  4. Set up Host B (destination machine) similar to how Host A (source machine) is set up. Specifically, do the following:
    1. Create the same directory structure that is set up in Host A (e.g., include init.ora, tnsnames.ora)
    2. Add the following lines to the init.utl file:


       <source client display name in CommCell Console>

    3. Copy the ORAPWD file from Host A to Host B
    4. Copy the sapbackup directory to Host B
    5. Copy saparch/archCER.log to Host B
  1. On Host B (destination computer), ensure that the name of the instance is the same as the name of the instance on Host A. Start the instance in the NOMOUNT state (startup nomount).
  2. Install the SAP for Oracle iDataAgent on Host B to the same CommServe as for Host A. Relink Oracle either during the install or by using the <software installation path>/iDataAgent/ script.
  3. From the CommCell Console, create on Host B (destination machine) an instance that has the same name as the instance on Host A (source machine).
  4. From Host B, restore the data backed from Host A as follows:
  5. Recover the database manually.

Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (SAP for MAXDB)

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse and restore data:

  1. Build a secondary (destination) client computer, and assign a different name to this computer. Both the source client computer and the destination client computer must have the same operating system.
  2. Install the SAP for MAXDB software on the destination client. On the destination client, create the database and volume that are identical to those on the source client. Ensure that the database is in ADMIN mode.
  3. Install the SAP for MAXDB iDataAgent on the destination client and configure the database instance on the CommServe.
  4. Define a backup medium on the destination computer using the medium_put command.
  5. In the parameter file, include the srccrossclient parameter followed by the name of the source client. For example:


  6. If the dbm.knl and dbm.ebf catalog files do not exist on the destination client and if the source client is still available, copy these files if they are available. Otherwise, restore these files manually by using the backint command. For example:
    1. Get the full set of backup job IDs. Specifically, create an input file called file1.txt. Ensure that the contents of the file is #NULL, and run an inquiry to get a list of backups. For example:

      backint -u -f inquire -t file -p param -l file1.txt

    2. Using the last job ID to get the catalog files, create an input file called file2.txt, and include the last job ID in the file (e.g., SAP_0_28). Then execute the following command:

      backint -u -f inquire -t file -p param -i file2.txt

    3. Restore the catalog files. Specifically, create an input file called file3.txt. Include contents similar to the following in the file:

      SAP_0_28 d:\maxdb\sdb\data\wrk\CLDB\dbm.ebf

      SAP_0_28 d:\maxdb\sdb\data\wrk\CLDB\dbm.knl

      Then execute the following command to restore the dbm.knl and dbm.ebf catalog files:

      backup backint -u -f restore -t file -p param -i inp3.txt

  7. Perform the required data and log restores to the destination client by using the following command:

    backup_ext_ids_get BACKData2


    Activate the database and recover the full backup. Use a comma to separate each ID specified.

    db_activate RECOVER BACKData2 DATA ExternalBackupID "… , …"

    Then restore from the incremental backups.

    recover_start BackPages2 PAGES ExternalBackupID "… , …"

    Then restore all the logs.

    recover_start BackLog LOG ExternalBackupID "…"

    recover_replace BackLog ExternalBackupID "…"

    recover_replace BackLog ExternalBackupID "…"



Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (Sybase)

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse and restore data:

  1. Begin any restore procedure. See Basic Restore or Browse and Restore for step-by-step instructions.
  2. From the agent's Restore Options dialog box, click the Destination Server.
  3. Continue with the restore procedure.  Refer to Restore Data - Sybase for more information.

Restore a Volume Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (Image Level, Image Level ProxyHost)

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse and restore data:

  1. Begin any restore procedure. See Basic Restore or Browse and Restore for step-by-step instructions.
  2. From the agent's Restore Options dialog box, select the restore destination:
  3. After completing your selections, continue with the restore procedure.