Auxiliary Copy - How To

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Schedule an Auxiliary Copy

Start an Auxiliary Copy

Create Automatic Copy Schedule

Disable/Enable a Job From a Storage Policy Copy

Disable/Enable All Jobs Associated with a Media

Enable/Disable Stream Randomization

Tune Stream Randomization

Re-Copy Fully or Partially Copied Jobs

Re-Copy All Jobs Associated with a Media

Recover Your Data From Copies

Restore Data from a Secondary Copy using a Third-Party Command Line (Oracle, SAP for Oracle and SAP for MAXDB iDataAgents)

Select a Source MediaAgent for an Auxiliary Copy Operation

Export Media Using Vault Tracker

Set Job Priorities to Copy during Auxiliary Copy operation

Schedule an Auxiliary Copy

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To schedule an auxiliary copy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the storage policy for which you want to perform an auxiliary copy, click All Tasks, and then click Run Auxiliary Copy.
  2. From the Job Initiation tab on the Auxiliary Copy dialog box, select Schedule, and click OK.
  3. Click OK to save the schedule.

Start an Auxiliary Copy

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To start an auxiliary copy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the storage policy for which you want to perform an auxiliary copy, click All Tasks, and then click Run Auxiliary Copy.
  2. In the Auxiliary Copy dialog box, the Storage Policy field is already populated with the name of the Storage Policy you selected.
  3. If the source copy is configured with a shared library, select the Source MediaAgent for the auxiliary copy.
  4. Select All Copies to copy data from the source copy to all secondary copies defined, or select a copy from the Select a Copy list box.
  5. Select Start new media to copy the data to a different tape or optical media. On a  disk, this option, when selected, creates a new volume folder for the operation.
  6. Select the number of streams to copy in parallel from the Number of Streams to Copy in Parallel pane, or select Allow Maximum.
  7. Select Mark media full after successful operation to mark the media that is used for this operation full after the auxiliary copy operation has successfully completed.
  8. Select Select Most Recent Full Backup When Auxiliary Copy Starts to have the most recent successful full backup for each subclient copied when the Auxiliary Copy job is run.
  9. From the Job Initiation tab on the Auxiliary Copy dialog box, select the time for this job to run or choose to Run Immediately. You can also configure an alert for this job.
  10. Click Advanced to configure the Vault Tracker, Startup and Job Retry options.
  11. Click OK to start the auxiliary copy operation. A progress bar displays the progress of the operation.

Create Automatic Copy Schedule

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To create an automatic copy schedule:

  1. Right-click the storage policy associated with the secondary storage policy copy for which you wish to enable Auxiliary Copy operations, and then click Run Auxiliary Copy. To configure the copy options, refer to Start an Auxiliary Copy.
  2. From the Job Initiation tab of the Auxiliary Copy dialog box, select Automatic Copy, and if necessary, change the Interval time in which the copy should run; the default is set to every 30 minutes.

    You can set the time interval between 15 to 1440 minutes.

  3. Click OK to save your changes.

Disable/Enable a Job From a Storage Policy Copy

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To disable a job associated with a primary copy:

  1. From the right pane of the CommCell Browser, right-click the copy whose jobs you want to disable, click View and then click Jobs.
  2. Select the necessary filter options in the Job Filter for Storage Policy Copy dialog box.
  3. Click the Advanced button for additional filter options in the Jobs in Storage Policy Advanced Filter Options dialog box. Click OK.
  4. A list of jobs associated with a storage policy copy is displayed in the Jobs for Storage Policy Copy window.
  5. Right-click on a job, and click Prevent Copy (for primary copies) or Do Not Copy (for secondary copies).
  6. Select whether you want to prevent the associated incremental jobs in the Prevent Copy dialog box. 
  7. A list of all jobs that will be disabled in addition to the job you selected are displayed in the Prevent Copy dialog box.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click Yes on the Confirmation pop-up window.

To enable a job associated with a primary copy:

  1. From the right pane of the CommCell Browser, right-click the primary copy whose jobs you want to disable, click View and then click Jobs.
  2. Filter the necessary options in the Job Filter for Storage Policy Copy dialog box. Click OK.
  3. A list of jobs associated with a storage policy copy is displayed in the Jobs for Storage Policy Copy window.
  4. Right-click on a job, and click Allow Copy.
  5. Click Yes on the Confirmation pop-up window.

Disable/Enable All Jobs Associated with a Media

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To disable all jobs associated with a media:

  1. From the right pane of the CommCell Browser, right-click the copy containing the media to which you want to disable jobs, click View and then click Media.
  2. From the Media List dialog box, right-click on the media for which you wish to disable jobs and select Prevent Copy.
  3. Click Yes on the Confirmation pop-up window.

To enable all jobs associated with a media:

  1. From the right pane of the CommCell Browser, right-click the copy containing the media to which you want to enable jobs, click View and then click Media.
  2. From the Media List dialog box, right-click on the media for which you wish to enable jobs and select Allow Copy.
  3. Click Yes on the Confirmation pop-up window.

Enable/Disable Stream Randomization

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To enable stream randomization:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right click the storage policy for which you want to enable stream randomization, then click Properties.
  2. From the General tab of the Storage Policy Properties dialog box, mark the checkbox for Enable Stream Randomization. Note that this field is only enabled when the storage policy is configured to use more than one (1) data stream.
  3. Click OK.
To disable this feature, deselect the checkbox.

Tune Stream Randomization

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To tune the stream randomization feature:

  1. From the Control Panel, double-click Media Management.
  2. From the Resource Manager Configuration tab of the Media management Configuration dialog box, perform the following:
  3. Click OK to save the changes.

Re-Copy Fully or Partially Copied Jobs

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To recopy fully or partially copied jobs:

  1. From the right pane of the CommCell Browser, right-click the storage policy copy whose data protection operations you want to recopy, click View and then click Jobs.
  2. Select the necessary filter options in the Job Filter for Storage Policy Copy dialog box.
  3. Click the Advanced button for additional filter options in the Jobs in Storage Policy Advanced Filter Options dialog box.
  4. Click OK.
  5. A list of jobs associated with a storage policy copy is displayed in the Jobs for Storage Policy Copy window.
  6. Right click on a job to be recopied and select Re-Copy from the popup menu.


Re-Copy All Jobs Associated with a Media

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To re-copy all jobs associated with a media:

  1. From the right pane of the CommCell Browser, right-click the copy whose media you want to disable, click View and then click Media.
  2. From the Media List dialog box, right-click on the media for which you wish to recopy jobs and select Re-Copy.
  3. Click Yes on the Confirmation pop-up window.

Recover Your Data From Copies

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse/restore/recover data from a specific synchronous or selective copy:

  1. Identify the storage policy that will be accessed by the data recovery operation.
  2. Identify the copy precedence number for each copy type of your storage policy using the Copy Precedence tab of the Storage Policy Properties dialog box.
  3. From the Advanced Browse Options dialog box, select the Browse from copy precedence option and then type or specify the precedence number in Copy Precedence.
  4. Data will be restored/recovered from the storage policy copy that has the selected copy precedence.

Restore Data from a Secondary Copy using a Third-Party Command Line

Related Topics

Restore the Oracle Database and Control File from a Secondary Copy using the RMAN Command Line

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To restore the Oracle database and control file from a secondary copy using the RMAN command line:

  1. If applicable, restore the control file from autobackup using a secondary copy (otherwise skip to Step 2). To do this, run the script below from the RMAN command line:

    run {

    allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'

    PARMS="ENV=(CV_restCopyPrec=1)" TRACE 0;

    allocate channel ch2 type 'sbt_tape'

    PARMS="ENV=(CV_restCopyPrec=2)" TRACE 0;

    restore controlfile from autobackup ;


  2. Run the script below from the RMAN command line to restore the Oracle database from a secondary copy:

    run {

    allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'

    PARMS="ENV=(CV_restCopyPrec=1)" TRACE 0;

    allocate channel ch2 type 'sbt_tape'

    PARMS="ENV=(CV_restCopyPrec=2)" TRACE 0;

    restore database;


Restore the SAP Database from a Secondary Copy using the SAP Command Line

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To restore the SAP database from a secondary copy using the SAP command line:

  1. Edit the parameter file for the SAP for Oracle iDataAgent or SAP for MAXDB iDataAgent to include the following two parameter lines:



  2. After editing the parameter file as described in Step 1, execute a restore from the SAP command line, and the data will be restored from a secondary copy.

Select a Source MediaAgent for an Auxiliary Copy Operation

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

note.gif (292 bytes) Do not select a source MediaAgent for this operation unless the source copy is configured with a shared library. If an invalid MediaAgent is selected for the operation, it will fail.

To select a source MediaAgent for an auxiliary copy operation:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the storage policy for which you want to perform an auxiliary copy, click All Tasks, and then click Run Auxiliary Copy.
  2. Select the Source MediaAgent for the auxiliary copy.
  3. Continue configuring the auxiliary copy operation as outlined in Start an Auxiliary Copy.

Export Media Using Vault Tracker

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To export media using Vault Tracker:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the VaultTracker Policies icon under the Policies node, and then click New Tracking Policy.
  2. From the wizard, enter a name and description in the Policy Name and Description boxes. Click Next.
  3. Click Standard and then click Next.
  4. Select only the secondary copies whose tapes need to be taken offsite. Click Next.
  5. Select the library from which you want the media exported. Click Next.
  6. Select the media status to be managed by the policy. Click Next.
  7. Select an export location from the Export dropdown list. Click Next.
  8. Click Yes, and then click Next.
  9. Define the Vault Tracker policy schedule to occur either every day or every week depending upon how often you need to take the media offsite. Click Next.
  10. Select the time of day when you need the tapes to start appearing in the mail slot. Click Next.
  11. Select the start date, and end date and time. Click Next.
  12. Confirm your selections for the policy. Click Finish.
  13. Manually remove media from the mail slot. 

Set Job Priorities to Copy during Auxiliary Copy operation

  1. Logon to CommServe computer.
  2. Create a text file with the following name under <Software_Installation_Directory>\Base folder.


  3. In the text file specify JobID and CommCellID in the following format:


    JobID, CommCellID


    For example:

    If 8287, 8288, 8289, 8290 jobs are available on primary copy then specify the jobs in the following format:

    8288, 2
    8290, 2

  4. Perform the Auxiliary Copy operation on the Storage Policy that is specified in the text file name.
  5. Once the Auxiliary Copy operation is run, the jobs specified in the text file (e.g., 8288 and 8290) will be copied first and then the other jobs will be copied. Jobs may not necessarily be copied in the exact order as in the text file but will be copied before other jobs that are not listed in the text file.
      During this process, if Auxiliary Copy job goes into Waiting/Suspended/Pending state (e.g., if the job is interrupted by Job Manager or suspended by the user), then the priority of the jobs using text file will not be considered when the Auxiliary Copy job is resumed. It will copy all the jobs sequentially to secondary storage.

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