Compliance and Migration Archiving - Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent

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How to Setup and Run a Migration Archive Operation

Migration Archiving

Compliance Archiving

Archiving Considerations

Advanced Archive Options


This section discusses archive information specific to the Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent. See Archiving Operations for a general overview.

During both migration and compliance archive operations, the Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent will archive subclient content (i.e., client or journaling mailbox messages) that meet the preset criteria specified in the Archiving Rules dialog box.

The following sections describe each of the archiving rules available for the Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent, as well as the criteria required for migration archiving and compliance archiving scenarios.

How to Set Up and Run a Migration Archive Operation

The following section provides the steps to set up and run a Migrate Archive Operation:

  1. Enable the Archiving Rules for the subclient that contains the content you wish to archive. See Enable (Disable) Archiving Rules for step-by-step instructions.
    By default, this option is disabled. When selected, all archiving rules will be enabled except for Stub Rules. 
  2. Configure the Archiving Rules for the subclient. In particular, decide if you want to create stubs in your environment. Even if the Archiving Rules are disabled, the Stub Rules will apply. See Configure Archiving Rules - Domino Mailbox Archiver for step-by-step instructions.
  3. Run an archive operation. See Start a Migration Archiving Operation for step-by-step instructions.

Migration Archiving

For migration archiving scenarios, it is strongly recommended that the Do Not Create Stub rule in the Archive Rules | Stub Rule tab remain deselected. This configuration ensures that users can recover any migrated messages by double-clicking the stub icon created during the archive process. If you choose not to create a stub for archive messages by selecting the Do Not Create Stub option, you must manually browse for any archived messages.

To ensure that only successfully archived messages will be changed into stubs, the archive operation is divided into two phases. The stubbing phase starts after the archive phase succeeds. However, stubs will only be created if the subclient properties were configured to create them during the archive operation. In the archive phase, the Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent will archive the messages/items meeting the pre-set archive criteria and, if applicable, put them into a list for the stubbing phase and prune expired stubs.

Compliance Archiving

Compliance Archiving operations for the Domino Server journaling mailbox follow the same process as migration archiving operations with the following special requirements and configurations:

From the Domino Server:

From the CommCell Console:

Use Operate in Backfill Mode option, if you have to archive and content index mail messages that existed before journaling was enabled.

For step-by-step instructions, see Operate in Backfill Mode.

Archiving Considerations

Before performing any migration procedures, review the following information:

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