Install the NDMP Remote Server (NRS) - Unix

If your Unix MediaAgent has a library attached and is used by the NAS NDMP iDataAgent to back up data, you must install the NRS software.

Click on a link below to go to a specific section of the software installation:

Install Requirements

  • The Unix MediaAgent must support NDMP Remote Server.
  • The CommServe must be running.
  • You must have an available license for the NDMP Remote Server. See License Administration for more information.
  • If your network does not have DNS lookup or some other name resolution facility, you may be asked to enter the IP address of the CommServe computer.
  • Perform the following if the CommServe, MediaAgent and/or Client are communicating across firewall(s):
    • Ensure that port 8400 and one additional port is open for connections through the firewall. Depending on the direction of the firewall, this additional port must be provided either on MediaAgent/CommServe using the Firewall Configuration utility or on the client during installation.
    • For NDMP Remote Server, you must specify port 10000.
    • In addition a range of ports must also be allowed connections through the firewall.

     For information on calculating the range of ports, see Firewall Requirements.

  • If you choose to install multiple components simultaneously, refer to Installation for procedures specific to each component.

Before You Begin

  • Log on to the MediaAgent as root.

Install Procedure

Getting Started

1. Place the software installation disc for the Unix platform into the disc drive.

You can also install the product using a disc drive mounted on another computer on the network.

  • On Solaris, double-click the cvpkgadd program from the File Manager window.
  • On other Unix platforms, open the Terminal window, navigate to the software installation disc and then enter cvpkgadd
2. The product banner and other information is displayed.

Press Enter to continue.

3. Read the license agreement. Type y and press Enter to continue.  
4. This prompt is displayed only when you are installing on AIX, HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris computers.

Press Enter to continue


  • When you install on non-clustered computer, you must select the number associated with the option Install on a physical machine.
Certain Calypso packages can be associated with a virtual IP, or in other words, installed on a "virtual machine" belonging to some cluster. At any given time the virtual machine's services and IP address are active on only one of the cluster's servers. The virtual machine can "fail-over" from one server to another, which includes stopping services and deactivating IP address on the first server and activating the IP address/services on the other server.

You now have a choice of performing a regular Calypso install on the physical host or installing Calypso on a virtual machine for operation within a cluster.

Most users should select "Install on a physical machine" here.

1) Install on a physical machine

2) Install on a virtual machine

3) Exit

Your choice: [1]

5. If you have only one network interface, press Enter to accept the default network interface name and continue.

If you have multiple network interfaces, enter the number corresponding to the network interface that you wish to use as default, and then press Enter to continue.


  • The interface name and IP addresses depend on the computer in which the software is installed and may be different from the example shown.
Network interface with the following IPs have been found available on your system. One of these interfaces should be associated with the physical machine being installed. It will also be used by the CommServe to initiate connections to the physical machine. Note that you will be able to additionally customize Datapipe Interface Pairs used for the backup data traffic later in the Calypso Java GUI.

Please select the correct network interface below.
1) client (
2) hk97::489:9glg:hk8d:9490
3) (hr90:8842:2:78:013:8ghh:hg8k:9x54)

Interface number: [1]

  Verify the default network interface name.

Press Enter to accept the default network interface name and continue, or
Type the default network interface name, and then press Enter to continue.


  • This prompt will be displayed only when you have multiple network interfaces for the computer.
Please verify the physical machine interface name below. Make it as complete (with fully qualified domain name) as possible:

Physical Machine Host Name: []

6. Specify the client name for the computer.

Press Enter to accept the default name and continue, or
Enter a new client name for the computer and then press Enter to continue.

Please specify the client name for this machine. It does not have to be the network host name: you can enter any word here without spaces. The only requirement is that it must be unique on the CommServe.

Client name: [angel]

Select Components for Installation

8. Enter the number corresponding to the CVGxNRS module.


  • Your screen may look different from the example shown.
  • Components that either have already been installed, or which cannot be installed, will not be shown.
  • In addition, the list of modules that appear depends on the specific Unix File System in which the package is installed. (e.g., CVGxWA will appear only when the installation package is run on a Solaris computer.)

Press Enter to continue.

Install Calypso on physical machine

Select the Calypso module that you would like to install

1) Media Agent             <= CVGxMA
2) FileSystem iDataAgent   <= CVGxIDA
3) Exit this menu

Module number: [1]

Setup Complete

9. Press Enter to continue. We are now ready to copy binaries.

Press ENTER to begin ...

10. Press Enter to continue.

Successfully installed CVGxNRS.

Press ENTER to continue ...

11. Enter the appropriate value to exit the install program. Install Calypso on physical machine

Select the Calypso module that you would like to install

1) Media Agent             <= CVGxMA
2) FileSystem iDataAgent   <= CVGxIDA
3) Exit this menu

Module number: [1]

Post-Install Considerations

  • If you have not already configured the library and drives attached to the MediaAgent, you must do so now. For more information, see Library and Drive Configuration.
  • Once the library and drives have been configured, if you have not already added the NAS NDMP client, you must do so now. For more information, see Adding Clients for NAS NDMP iDataAgents.

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