Upgrade the NAS NDMP iDataAgents - Windows and Unix


Upgrade the NDMP Remote Server (NRS)

Upgrade the File System NDMP Restore Enabler


In some previous releases, there was a NAS NDMP iDataAgent software component, which was installed on a MediaAgent. In this release of the software, there is no separate NAS NDMP iDataAgent software component.

When the CommServe is upgraded to the current release, all of the NAS NDMP client information from the previous release (which is all stored in the CommServe database) is upgraded to the current release. When the CommServe upgrade is complete, all NAS NDMP clients in the CommCell should be seen as upgraded as well, whether or not the MediaAgent they were formerly associated with are upgraded or not. Then, during the upgrade of the MediaAgent that contained the NAS NDMP iDataAgent software component, this separate NAS NDMP iDataAgent software component is removed. All of the software required to run NAS jobs on the MediaAgent is included in the MediaAgent software component itself, without the need for a separate NAS NDMP iDataAgent software component.

For upgrade procedures for the CommServe and MediaAgent, see Upgrade.


Upgrade the NDMP Remote Server (NRS)

The NDMP Remote Server software is installed on a MediaAgent computer and hence automatically upgraded when a MediaAgent upgrade is performed. For MediaAgent upgrade procedures, see one of the following:


Upgrade the File System NDMP Restore Enabler

The File System NDMP Restore Enabler is installed on a computer with the File System iDataAgent and hence automatically upgraded when a File System iDataAgent upgrade is performed. For File System iDataAgent upgrade procedures, see one of the following: