Migration Archiving - File Archiver for Windows Agent

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How to Setup and Run a Migration Archive Operation

Protecting Stubs in Backups

Migration Archiving Considerations

Registry Keys for Migration Archiving

Advanced Archive Options


Migration Archiving of data allows preservation, transparent retrieval, and discovery of information held within file system and Network Attached Storage (NAS) environments. Migration archiving reduces the size of data on the primary storage and decreases the duration of backup operations by the corresponding iDataAgent. Migrating data from file systems and NAS devices to secondary, tiered-storage maximizes storage utilization across the enterprise.

Migration archiving can optionally create stubs that contain information about the archived data to facilitate end-users with non-browse recovery operations from third-party applications. Migrated data can also be recovered from the CommCell Console using the browse recovery operation whether the stubbing feature is enabled or disabled. Additionally, migration archiving employs centralized, policy-based storage to reduce costs and simplify management.

Migration archiving operations use:

How to Set Up and Run a Migration Archive Operation

The following section provides the steps to set up and run a Migrate Archive Operation:

  1. Enable the Archiving Rules for the subclient that contains the content you wish to archive. See Enable (Disable) Archiving Rules for step-by-step instructions.
    By default, this option is selected and archiving rules are initially disabled. When selected, all archiving rules will be ignored except for Stub Rules.
  2. Configure the Archiving Rules for the subclient. In particular, decide if you want to create stubs in your environment. Even if the Archiving Rules are disabled, the Stub Rules will apply. See Configure Archiving Rules - File Archiver Agents for step-by-step instructions.
  3. Optionally, create an On Demand File List to archive data though the use of an external list of files on a given subclient. This file can be used with or without enabling the Archiving Rules.  See How to Set Up and Run an On Demand Archive Operation. 
  4. Run an archive operation. See Start a Migration Archiving Operation for step-by-step instructions.

Protecting Stubs in Backups

Stubs serve as placeholders for the data that is moved to secondary storage. Protecting stubs is useful to maintain the ability of non-browse recovery operations. For example, if there is a disk failure, the data can be restored along with the stubs. This reduces the size of the data in the volume as stubs consume less space.

Stubs can be protected by running a backup as follows:

File access times when both File Archiver and File System iDataAgents are installed

Archiving files based on file access times has special considerations. Ordinarily the action of backing up a file using the File System backup agent will cause the file access time to change to the time of the backup. This action may have an undesired effect on the archiver agent if you want to archive files based on access times.

To workaround this situation, you should either use Classic File Scan with the Preserve File Access Time option selected as the scan method OR a software snapshot (VSS or Qsnap) to accomplish the backup. If the software snapshot fails (i.e. VSS service unavailable or unable to quiesce the volume), you can use the Open Files Failure Actions dialog box to select the desired action to be performed.

Windows 2008 servers have access time update disabled by default. The user must enable access time update for migration rules to work properly. This attribute is configurable on Windows 2003 and is enabled by default.

Including Stubs in Incremental Backups

Stubs are not included by default in Incremental Backups when the Classic Scan method is used to scan files. This means that stubs created after the most recent full backup may be lost if the operating system or file structure where the stubs reside is destroyed or rendered unusable before the next full backup is run. However, the archived data is still recoverable through a browse recovery operation from the CommCell Console.

iDataAgents can be configured to include stubs in Incremental Backups (and in turn Synthetic Full Backups ) so that stubs are not lost. Stubs can be included in Incremental Backups as follows:

Migration Archiving Considerations

Before performing any migration archiving procedures, review the following information:

Data Classification





NAS Archiving

Stubs (Recovery, Icons, Recall Failures, Etc.)

Registry Keys for Migration Archiving

Use the following registry keys to modify the default behavior of the Migration Archiver Agent:

Topic Registry Key(s) Description


Migration archiving and stub recovery operations change the access and modified time on files. An enhancement that allows the recovery administrator to preserve the original file access time and modified time during migration archiving and stub recovery. See Registry Keys (GXHSMSERVICEKEEPTIMES and GXHSMSTUBKEEPTIMES) for more information on enabling this feature for all instance types except Celerra.


Stub pruning looks at the modified time of the file to determine eligibility for pruning stubs. If you use the GXHSMSERVICEKEEPTIMES and GXHSMSTUBKEEPTIMES registry keys, the modified time will be preserved. This means that when you run a migration with these registry keys enabled, the preserved modified time will always be older than the time that the file was stubbed. As such, if you use the Prune stub only after n days option, you should ensure that the modified time is not being preserved. Therefore, be sure to disable the GXHSMSERVICEKEEPTIMES and GXHSMSTUBKEEPTIMES registry keys (which are enabled by default) when you use this option.


The access and modified times on files during migrations and recalls are preserved by default. You can stop preserving these times by using the GXHSM_PRESERVE_ACCESSTIME_ONMIGRTNS and GXHSM_PRESERVE_ACCESSTIME_ONRECALLS registry keys.
Access Control Lists (ACLs) GXHSMSERVICERESTOREACLS You can determine how to handle ACLs on a stub with regard to migration archiving. You can choose either to replace the original ACLs on the stub after migration archiving or to preserve the original ACLs on the stub. See GXHSMSERVICERESTOREACLS in Registry Keys for more information.


If you want to enable the scanning and archiving of hidden and system files, you can set the value of the GXHSMIFINDDISABLEHIDDEN registry key to N for this purpose. Although scanning and archiving of read-only files is supported without the use of a registry key, if you want to enable stubbing and recall capabilities for read-only files, then the value of the GXHSMSTUBPERSERVEREADONLY registry key must be set to Y.
Log Files GXHSMSTUBLOGFAILFILESTRUNCATE You can determine whether the existing log file associated with your job should be truncated or appended to. See GXHSMSTUBLOGFAILFILESTRUNCATE in Registry Keys for more information.
Re-Stubbing GXHSMMAINTAINSTUBCACHE In order to speed up migration archiving operations, the software will or can attempt to re-stub files under the following conditions:
  • The file must have been previously archived and then recalled by a non-browse recovery (i.e., stub recovery).
  • The stub for this file must exist in the "stub cache directory".
  • The Archive index must still exist in the system (i.e., was not removed by a data aging operation).
  • The file must not have been modified after it had been recalled.

In this case, during migration archiving, the system will simply swap the file for the stub in the stub cache, thereby speeding up the operation by not transferring or storing it again. This feature is enabled by default; however, it can be disabled by setting the GXHSMMAINTAINSTUBCACHE registry key value to N.

Stubs as Sparse Files GXHSMSTUBCREATESPARSE Stub files are created as sparse files by default so that the file system can utilize space more efficiently. However, if you would like to configure the system to create stub files that are not sparse files, then the value of the the GXHSMSTUBCREATESPARSE registry key must be set to N.
  GXHSMIGNORESPARSE You can determine how to handle file migration archiving with regard to the sparse attribute. You can choose either to ignore the sparse attribute when archiving files or to archive only files without the sparse attribute set. See GXHSMIGNORESPARSE in Registry Keys for more information.
However, if you have drives that are being monitored by VERITAS Storage Exec, ensure that GXHSMIGNORESPARSE is enabled to ensure that subsequent migration archiving jobs complete successfully and not just the initial migration archiving job.


You can override the stub file port number by using the EVMGRC_REMOTE_PORT_OVERRIDE registry key.  Use this key when the port number changes. Keep in mind that using this key defeats the benefit of being able to recall data using different port numbers for multiple Agents. When the key does not exist, the File Share Archiver client uses the stub content to determine port number. For 7.0 stubs, refer to the EVMGRC_REMOTE_PORT registry key.
Stub Pruning GXHSMSTUBKEEPTIMES Stub pruning is unaffected by the status of GXHSMSTUBKEEPTIMES as the system takes the modification time from the stub content.
Delayed Stubbing GXHSM_Delay_Stub_Enable Delayed stubbing is a process that can be enabled by creating GXHSM_Delay_Stub_Enable key on the computer where the agent is installed. It helps in optimizing the stubbing and the backup process, particularly resuming the backup phase.

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